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Media Psychos Lenticular Edition Award

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Welcome Media Psychos Members!


In the past we had many awards for different retailers one thing they all have in common is that they create beautiful packages for the movies we love. So we're happy to introduce to you our new award category: The Packaging Awards ☺️, and the first award will be the Lenticular Edition Collector Award.


Like the retailer awards this one will also have multiple stages. Each stage will be harder to get and we will introduce the other stages at a later point.


1st Stage: Lenticular Edition Collector (Members need 25 Editions to get this)

2nd Stage: Lenticular Edition Treasure Hunter (Members need 50 Editions to get this) (see the reveal here)

3rd Stage: Lenticular Edition .... (will only be introduced when Stage 1 has crossed 100 submissions and Stage 2 has reached 50 submissions)


To get the Lenticular Edition Collector and/or Treasure Hunter award and follow up awards or other packaging awards you are required to have a specific amount of releases with that packaging and you have to show us a nice picture of that, really simple. The picture has to include your Media Psychos member card or other Media Psychos stuff, it can be a simple piece of paper on which you write your member name @ mediapsychos.com (for example). It really doesn't take that much time to add something like that and makes the pictures even more exciting for the community.


Pictures for both the Lenticular Edition Collector & Treasure Hunter Award have to show us the Lenticulars! No Spine pictures are allowed!


For the Lenticular Edition Collector award, you need 25 individual Lenticular editions.

For the Lenticular Edition Treasure Hunter award, you need 50 individual Lenticular editions.


A Lenticular Edition is a release that features a Lenticular on the outside of the package, so a Lenticular on front or the back of the Slip or a Lenticular on a regular Steelbook. Releases that only have a Lenticular as an extra inside the release (like many Filmarena releases have), do NOT count for this award. We have to be able to see the Lenticular, so if you include a OC Set it will only count as 1 edition if it has a Lenticular on the Box, the editions inside do NOT count, only if we see them. This award is not limited to Premium releases, regular releases, or releases that don't have a Steelbook inside are also eligible. Not allowed are editions with custom lenticulars.


The award design is done by @ksosk ,the design for Stage two is done by @Cornbuster 👍




Special thanks go to @raylight for all the award gifs he made for this and other awards 🙏


A list of all awards can be found in our Award Central. It will continue to grow with many fun awards for you to get.


We hope many of you participate. And don't forget to show your appreciation for all the great pictures posted here and give them some likes 1f60a.png


If you would like your pictures featured on Media Psychos Social Media Presence, check out this post.

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Thanks for participating in the Lenticular Edition Collector Award and for sharing all these wonderfull editions with us.




Congratulations @extantsrevenge @DodgyDave @CAYENNE-FAHRER @Digitale_Kunst @Sephiroth @bilbon @icewire @thomue1987 @carphunter @rtphoenix @B-bone @RileyLad @BobaFett1974 @Wail @lingrass @Veum @ukade2327 @Ripper @Pbsw23 @Grendel @raylight @capricornio34232 @TheDavoser @deckard99 @Toapel @pygospa @musoeriuta @ethnosax @serg50 @Gubbel @RhodW @Daenerys @Limited Edition @Steelbook Indy @Cornbuster @FF-Freak @bond1976 @cypheria078 @Intentcoin @stephoo67 @zones1445 @Benoit46 @khivansan @claptraw @Magnifly @hal56 @GANTZ @guri008 @SilentasKnight @Havoc @swish @GuyIncognit0 @Tonic24k @pan @JiumJium @ajames212 @Chunkychimp @Catgirl @Blu Magic Ray @Trianna @empi77 @jrod @ShadowWarrior @bungral @atomicblonde @BlackWidow81 @Gladiator_MV @Casiusco @javi @pluto57 @Boilersteel @Freeformfreakout @notdan @kwyjibo7 @Reagh @Mrdugan @Scary Hair @Gary K @Cornrow @Mithrandir2320 @JojoFrance76 @Rambo @Mutantsmiley @InfiniteDoors @nexusjuan @upmaniac @Chief_lookout @bossjon @ncraft @Darkknight @bl4ck5t3r @Martyn you all have shown how passionate you're about Lenticulars and have received the Lenticular Edition Collector Award ☺️


Special congratulations to our Lentictuar Treasure Hunters @extantsrevenge @cypheria078 @CAYENNE-FAHRER @Sephiroth @Catgirl @hal56 @Cornbuster @raylight @Veum @TheDavoser @serg50 @GuyIncognit0 @DodgyDave @ukade2327 @BobaFett1974 @SilentasKnight @Toapel @Wail @swish @BlackWidow81 @RileyLad @javi @pluto57 @ethnosax @ShadowWarrior @Boilersteel @Mithrandir2320 @Gary K @JojoFrance76 @Reagh @nexusjuan @Rambo @upmaniac @Blu Magic Ray your continuing dedication and love for Lenticulars is simply awesome.




Don't forget to like the posts of the other award recipients 1f44d.png


If you would like your pictures featured on Media Psychos Social Media Presence, check out this post. 

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Here is my submission for the Lenticular Edition Collector Award 😍. I tried to include a wide range of retailers and editions, not all are Premium releases. I included some of my favorite Lenticular, like the Kimchidvd Memento, FAC Read Player One, Predator WeET, Drive Nova. I hope members will do the same, so that we can discover many different editions.


Take a look at this small Lenticular selection from my collection ☺️

Media Psychos Lenticular Award


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Congratulations @DodgyDave you have received the Lenti award.




@CAYENNE-FAHRER I can't give you the award yet, sorry. I only see 20 Lenticular and 3 OC, I know that the OC have Lenticular inside, but as long as we can't see they don't count. I was not clear on that in my OP, I have adjusted with this  "We have to be able to see the Lenticular, so if you include a OC Set it will only count as 1 edition if it has a Lenticular on the Box, the editions inside do NOT count, only if we see them."


Rüdiger, OC sind nicht erlaubt, wir müssen alle 25 Lenti sehen können, sorry. Ein OC, welches einen Lenti auf der Box hat, zählt als eine Edition. Ich bin mir aber sicher, dass du 5 andere Editions mit Lenti hast. Du brauchst nicht ein komplett neues Bild machen, poste einfach ein weitere Bild mit den 5 Lenti und du bekommst den Award 😁

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@Sephiroth nice Lenticulars, but where are your MP SWAG, or a piece of paper with your name @ Media Psychos? As it is your first time that you submit pictures for an award I will ignore it this one time 😅 (maybe when you have the time you can add something and send me new pictures via PM, I would replace the current ones.)


But next time



Anyway, congratulation to your first real AWARD :wow:

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@bilbon what a nice Set of Lenticular Editions, I knew we would get some beautiful pictures. Congratulations you also got the Award ☺️, thanks for participating and now go to French room and show off your new award




At the moment you're the only french member who got it 😀

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il y a 26 minutes, extantsrevenge a dit :



@bilbon what a nice Set of Lenticular Editions, I knew we would get some beautiful pictures. Congratulations you also got the Award ☺️, thanks for participating and now go to French room and show off your new award




At the moment you're the only french member who got it 😀


il y a 30 minutes, extantsrevenge a dit :



@bilbon what a nice Set of Lenticular Editions, I knew we would get some beautiful pictures. Congratulations you also got the Award ☺️, thanks for participating and now go to French room and show off your new award




At the moment you're the only french member who got it 😀


merci les amis ,je vais aller de ce pas présenter ce nouvel award cher les baguettes francaises


thank you friends, I will go not present this new award dear French baguettes 😄

brad pitt thank you GIF

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Awesome @icewire & @thomue1987 😍


You both got one





17 hours ago, carphunter said:

Hi Nils ,

my 25 Lenticular Editions for a Lenti Award.



Nice, but I don't see any MP SWAG or a piece of paper with your username @ Media Psychos 😭, you already got some awards so you know better 😥 and I was posting this above


On 7/2/2019 at 4:41 PM, extantsrevenge said:

But next time




so I can't go back on my word




Please adjust the picture, you can send with PM and I will replace, or make a new post. I'm sorry I have to do this, but we have to keep to the rules 😁

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