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  1. The physical format cannot die because we are human beings and we like to touch. And it will be back in fashion. It's just a matter of sitting back and waiting. In fact, it has even more potential than the return of vinyl. PS: And that's without a third world war, or an economic/sectorial collapse. If the streaming platforms go down, you will be the sole providers for your neighbors.
  2. I'm watching it, and I never played the game. I've already seen 4 episodes, and so far I'm liking it, it's entertaining, and it's well done. Interesting characters, a plot with many unknowns, and a world to be discovered that arouses curiosity. You can tell that this time Amazon has not only put a lot of money on the table, but has hired good storytellers. Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy are. In fact, there are nuances in which it reminds me of Westworld; the pace, the unknowns of a general plot in the face of a futuristic world; the variety of characters, a certain point of cruelty. That the appeal lies in the world they describe and not necessarily just a McGuffin. The quiet but interesting episode endings. I'm going to watch it to the end, I'm having fun. I like it. And I think they've made it with more seasons in mind, it looks like this is an introduction to a world yet to be developed.
  3. One week cold, another hot; one weekend in a coat, the next weekend lying on the beach or in the water. I don't think I've ever had a flu in spring in my life, the usual was autumn or winter. I was planning to plant tomatoes in a big pot, my daughter is looking forward to it. But... when is the right time to do it now? Winter is not quite over, summer starts early, sun, hail, you never know what may come. Anyway, instead of thinking about tomatoes I should be thinking about ordering my collection, after the move I was putting them as I could, but that is a challenge still pending. And I will have to take it easy. It won't be today, but I have to do it soon. There are people who think that you finish moving when everything is in place and you invite the one you love to have coffee, but no: they don't know that the important thing, even later, is the movies collection!!! Have a nice afternoon/evening!!!
  4. Believe it or not, working hard when you've eaten a lot and it's hot is cruel. The productivity lost working this way is immense. A senseless cultural inertia in Spain. But hey, if working like this we are not productive, and we keep working like this, what could go wrong? Happy afternoon!
  5. My daughter loved it. And yet, I found it too childish, and lacking the humor that was in the original two movies. From when Bill Murray could still make jokes being Bill Murray.
  6. Good morning/afternoon everyone. Bah, you are asking for beauty shots here... with all the beauties that are in the street in spring. If it's that... you get blind sighted and you can't see beyond that. Have a nice day! Especially Bayer Leverkusen fans. My God, what a hangover. My team has never won anything. If they win something one day, I won't be able to come back here for a long time. Be sure @extantsrevenge will have time to publish many beauty shots.
  7. Good morning/afternoon everyone. Finally, this weekend, I opened the beach season. It was very relaxing. I love to go there to rest, relax, read, drink something delicious while listening to the waves, swim, lie in the sun. One of those times when you feel like everything is right in the world. Even if it's not true. Have a nice day!
  8. No problem, if you have one... in my opinion... better that lenticular one. If one day there is 4K maybe a steelbook will be released.
  9. They seems great!! Congratulations! Just in case, though, I'll try not to go to a cave for a long time.
  10. Good morning/afternoon everyone! I hope you have a nice day, wherever you are. By the way, I'm thinking about the edition of "American Psycho" that Mantalab is launching, and I think it's a shame that it doesn't include a booklet with a small file on the most usual American Psychos on this community. It would be the normal and coherent thing to do. So, without that, it will never be complete. They can't claim it to be definitive!
  11. I hadn't seen it, and someone gave it to me as a present. Now it's all the rage in Spain because these days they are releasing a very neat edition, with good picture, good sound and good extras. And I found it a very entertaining film. In fact, the first two thirds of the film are really well made, more than expected given that the director didn't have so much importance afterwards. The last third is entertaining, but I think it focused too much on the beings and not on the angst, and I liked that way better. But it was certainly a good night. Great to watch alone at home very late and in the dark. The scenes of the descent and through the cave really make you feel the cramp even though you're on the couch.
  12. Good morning/afternoon everybody! For me, the best thing about Mantalab's release of "American Psycho" is that a proper flow of collector's editions of other types of films is maintained. I think this is a fundamental and somewhat neglected factor in keeping this business flowing. I want more! 🤘 Have a nice day, everyone!
  13. I'm not in this GB, but... it's amazing how exciting these images are, to see so many editions together. I think the level of excitement watching this is a good test to know if you're a real Psycho.
  14. Good morning/afternoon!! A moment ago I was thinking about the latest statements by the head of Filmarena, and the future of this business, and I thought that focusing most of the collector's editions on superhero films has been a mistake. I think. They have discouraged and lost a very necessary part of the market in the current horizon. Have a nice day everyone

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