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Media Psychos Psycho Challenge! NEW: CHALLENGE 38 IS NOW LIVE!


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Challenge #7


When it comes to Horror movies, It would be wrong to say that there was a first horror movie that really scared me and haunted my dreams - or that "freaked me out".


In fact, it's true when I say that I've developed a friendly relationship with ghost, vampire and similar stories since an early age - Bram Stoker's Dracula, for example, is the first novel I really devoured when I was 10 years old...


In general, I particularly appreciate creepy, spooky films that impress with their eerie atmosphere - while I find gore - or the majority of modern slasher productions mostly just disgusting.


That's why my contribution shows films that, while the snowstorm is howling around the house, wrapped in a warm blanket, let a pleasant shiver run down your spine.


Of course, to ensure maximum authenticity,

Ghost Hug GIF

this message has been posted after midnight, i.e. during the witching hour...








The first horror film that impressed me was (watched it as a child on TV secretly at night...) the terrific "Don't Look Now" (the German distribution title is no less appropriate: "When the gondolas carry grief"), the adaptation of a famous novel by Daphne Du Maurier directed by Nicolas Roeg and starring Donald Sutherland follows a restorer of ancient church art and his wife after the tragic death of their daughter into the mysterious and winding alleys of Venice, where a series of murders has terrified the lagoon city and where past, present and future seem to flow into one another.
The film is characterized by foreboding, the ghostly intrusion of the future into the present, and - besides a blind woman with visions of impending doom - also features a Halloween-esque killer, albeit a woman of short stature (wearing a raincoat the same bright red color as that worn by the restorer's daughter when she tragically drowned in a lake) and a terrific and a both creepy and eerie showdown...

To sum up - no cineast should miss this classic.










It is impossible for me NOT to include this cinematic Diamond of John Carpenter. 

For me this is the perfect ghost story and one of the most atmospheric horror movies ever made.

No more words are needed.










This film, in which the horror - apart from dark, surreal scenes - develops primarily in the mind of the viewer, surprised by intelligent, sexual-mystical aspects that expose the puritanical-Christian moral code as the true sin and finally destroys it.

Fascinatingly hyper-realistic as well as reserved and for that very reason uncanny as well as atmospheric picture and sound design, but not least the outstanding actors make this work by director Robert Eggers a special moment of glory in contemporary horror films.










Dark and atmospheric new implementation of the universal classic with a great cast: Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emely Blunt and Hugo Weaving.

Only the Director's Cut contains an additional entrance scene in which a mysterious stranger - played by Max von Sydow - presents the main protagonist (who after the mysterious death of his brother makes his way back to his childhood's manorial with estate) an extraordinary walking stick that can be seen several times later in the film.

This movie is characterized by morbide, spectacular pictures and technically perfect and comes with a perfectly matching soundtrack from Danny Elfman.

Clouds passing by the full moon, scary howling in the night, silver bullets and an old gypsy women - werewolf movie friends, what more could you ask for?

(And at least a Steel with Debossing...)









Artistic exciting exceptional horror film from South Korea - Players: Humans possessed by a zombie-like transformative disease, a ghost, and - the devil himself!

Besides this it is one of the few horror films for which there is a Premium Steelbook

(We DESPERATELY need much more premium Horror-Movie releases !!!)

- and by the way, my favorite edition as far as the matte finish is concerned, since I otherwise prefer full-gloss surfaces, but this is a classy one.



As always I hope that You and Your eyes

(of course this time widened with shock!)

enjoyed my pictures.


An now I wish my fellow Psychos spooky, scary and frightening nights, or in simple words:


Happy Halloween GIF by joeyahlbum

Edited by F.M.S
Incorrect numbering and wrong spelling had to be adjusted
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Here's my contribution to the seventh challange.


Two of the first horror movies that really "grabbed" me, were certainly Cujo and American Werewolf (both on the picture).


I think I'll present no real premiums for this time...

No, now you will see some of my little, but fine treasures - some Mediabooks and one new amaray edition (two witches, what a great horror movie!)...


Edited by Cornbuster
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Well horror is probably my favorite genre right along scifi, so this is right up my alley. Been on a nothing but horror binge this entire month (minus some Fixer Upper for a wholesome touch between).


A couple movies stand out for having creeped me out back in the day. Looking back I have no idea how I was such a wuss because who would even call those horror? First was the Mummy (Brendan Frasier one). These have since become some of my favorite movies, but back then I refused to watch them. Next is the trailer for the Lord of the Rings, not even the actual movie, just the trailer. God knows why that freaked me out. Luckily my parents got me a Legolas action figure which made me brave enough to go see the movie, and once again, now one of my favorite movies.


For more actual horror movies that freaked me out back in the day, Signs and Godsend. Rewatched both this year though and neither are even remotely scary to me. I guess I’ve majorly desensitized myself by gorging on the genre so greedily over the years.


So now onto my picks. Seems like there’s lots of debate on what is and isn’t horror, so I’m just throwing in an excessive amount so there’s no questioning whether I qualify or not!




1. Ghost Ship - Classic from my childhood. The beginning sequence with the wire slicing through hundreds of people will be forever seared into my brain. Top tier gore there.


2. Slither - James Gunn at his finest. Plus Nathan Fillion in the lead, and who doesn’t like that man?


3. Silent Hill - Never played the game so I can’t compare it to the movie, but I loved this as a kid. Fantastic atmosphere and some awesome creature designs.


4. Thirteen Ghosts - Just like Nathan Fillion, who doesn’t want more Matthew Lillard in their lives? Also some dope ghost designs.


5. The Orphanage - One of my first forays into foreign horror movies, and with Guillermo deal Toro’s stamp of approval to boot. Definitely check it out.


6. Tucker and Dale vs Evil - Who doesn’t love a good horror comedy? Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine make a great duo of clueless rednecks while kids are getting killed off around them. Freakin hilarious and gruesome.


7. Terrifier - Just like Ghost Ship this movie takes the cake for scenes seared into my memory. If you know you know, and if you don’t…well you probably don’t want to. All around kind of a meh movie, but the gore was in point. Excited to see the second whenever that ships out to me.


8. Evil Dead 2 - Top tier B movie goodness. One of my favorite movies of all time, horror or no. Bruce Campbell at his finest. The world needs more Ash.


9. Cabin in the Woods - Refreshing parody on the horror genre. The ending with all the monsters getting loose stands among the top of my movie moments. My only wish for this movie were to be that they chose one of the other monsters. Redneck zombies don’t quite do it for me.


Im starting to regret choosing so many movies…


10. Midsommar - Figure this one might be debatable. I feel as though it falls into the psychological horror category. There’s a major feeling of dread that builds and builds as the movie goes on, and Florence Pugh in the opening scene of the movie is the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen before. Also, this collectors edition from A24 is amazing and I’m super happy I bought it.


11. It Chapters 1 and 2 - Creepy Clown thing


12. Pans Labyrinth - Another skirting the line, but I’d call this fantasy horror. Guillermo del Toro is great at his world building, and this is no exception. The creature designs are amazing, and the atmosphere is really immersing.


13. A Quiet Place - Who knew Jim from the Office had it in him. This movie came out of nowhere to blow me away. Who knew that the tiniest of sounds could bring me as the viewer so much anxiety. And the whole climax, god I was stressed.


14. The Ring - 7 daysssssss. Classic from the middle school days that gave me a good chill.


Ok that’s it’s. Thanks for putting up with me excess.


Oh wait, here’s Alien, the EPITOME of horror! To not allow it in a horror competition is a damn shame because I can’t think of horror without thinking of Alien. 


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Challenge 7
The first horror I remember watching are actually two separate events:

1st - living in Montgomery, AL and was just under 8 years old… my parents and brothers were watching the premier of the TV movie IT - and it had me terrified. 
2nd - my brothers made me watch The Lady in White when I was about 6 or 7, just cause they were ducks and to this day I have nightmares of that damn plaid jacket. 

1st pic is for my Lenticular premium horrors: It 1&2, It Follows, Brightburn and The Mummy (Pan’s Labyrinth extra)


2nd pic is of my monomial horror collection, some vampires, some evil spirits, or Ww2 zombies, and my fav The Cell: Dusk til Dawn, Bone Tomahawk, Signs, From Hell, Sunshine, Annihilation, Let Me In, The Cell, From Hell, Evil Dead, Overlord, and 30 Days of Night.


3rd pic has one of my fav zombie flicks - WWZ, as well as another zombie freak out w 28 Days/Weeks Later, and lastly a somewhat zombie/cannibal perfect film of The Descent (Descent 2 is a bonus)

Way more than needed but I’ve rewatched so much horror this month I’m just banging out these gems. Wish I could’ve added the others I have but wanted to show I have some rarities




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More spooky points for the new submissions.


@GANTZ welcome to the Psycho Challenge Finnwolfard Stay Puff GIF by Ghostbusters


@guri008 pennywise it 2017 GIF


@Casiusco great submission Shocked Mia Farrow GIF


@bilbon now it works Scared Movie GIF


@Scary Hair tumblr_ov5f8yiJyK1rcrn00o4_500.gif


@F.M.S wow, another awesome submission 🙏 the-wailing-nah-hongjin.gif


@Cornbuster giphy.gif


@Ryan.miller.429 great read, thanks a lot. tumblr_ox9iagbypu1ut1d6co1_540.gif


@Neil21Harris Pgz8.gif


Remember the challenge continues until the end of Halloween October 31st. We will still have the next challenge launch tomorrow, after such a disturbing week we need some color brought back to our lives. Hopefully the first challenge from a female member will do the trick 😁. Get ready to dive into the mind of @Trianna 😃


My costume this year 🤣


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2 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:


Remember the challenge continues until the end of Halloween October 31st. We will still have the next challenge launch tomorrow, after such a disturbing week we need some color brought back to our lives. Hopefully the first challenge from a female member will do the trick 😁. Get ready to dive into the mind of @Trianna 😃




I wonder what the devious minx has in store for us


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Salut les Psychos. 



A ce que je vois, on élève sacrément la difficulté 😬
N’ayant vraiment aucun steelbook dans la catégorie horreur et voulant absolument participer à ce challenge, j’ai été dépoussiérer  ma vieille collection de DVD dans le grenier 😁

Pour répondre à la question, le film d’horreur qui m’a le plus marqué (j’étais jeune à l’époque 😔) c’est le film « The Ring », il m’avait vraiment marqué 😱

Bon week end à tous. 


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Week 7 Challenge


@Pbsw23 Thanks for suggesting this challenge - however this is indeed the most difficult challenge so far as I do not collect (or ever done so in the past) any horror films. Or even films linked to a Halloween theme. 😬 So had to apply some "artistic license" in hope of scraping a point for this challenge. Can only hope that our Friendly Neighbourhood Squirrel @extantsrevenge in a very lenient mood and might award a point for this week's submission or perhaps just for the audicity of submitting some of these films! 😉


Of course the addition of a "12" rating made this challenge even tougher as it ruled out both Coco (skeleton) and Oz (witches) in my collection. Also do not have any films in my collection which prominently feature vampires or ghosts. Sorry not huge fan of this genre!😅


Firstly - first film that "creeped" me out was Silence of the Lambs which I have submitted as Wikipedia classes this as a "psychological horror":




If it qualifies on Wikipedia then surely that is the ultimate source of truth ? Hopkins was terrifying and watching it in the early 90s there was no other film quite like it (that I knew of at the time) and the serial killer really did give me the "shivers" and disturbed dreams!


So rest of films submitted ...

Shaun of the Dead - zombies galore!


Scream (2021) - definitely qualifies as a horror!


Donnie Darko - perhaps not a traditional horror but I think the rabbit is frightening and adds a definite horror element to the film!


Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (part 1) - rated "12" and Lupin is a werewolf! OK I know this is definitely a long shot but Prisoner of Azkaban is rated PG lol


Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows (part 2) - also a 12 and features many witches / dark wizards so hopefully qualifies?


Red Lights -chosen as deals with ghosts and the paranormal



Edited by lunazero
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Challenge 7


Scared Horror GIF


Not a simple challenge, I feel like I say that every week 😂
My horror collection is not very big, but I still found something to take up the challenge 👻




A quiet place 

The wailing 

It Follows 




The movie that terrified me as a kid is Scream!

My older brother and I had the good idea to watch this movie when I was 7 or 8 years old and well I can tell you that the nights that followed were not all restful 😭


dead by daylight hello GIF

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37 minutes ago, Adrip said:

Challenge 7


Scared Horror GIF


Not a simple challenge, I feel like I say that every week 😂
My horror collection is not very big, but I still found something to take up the challenge 👻




A quiet place 

The wailing 

It Follows 




The movie that terrified me as a kid is Scream!

My older brother and I had the good idea to watch this movie when I was 7 or 8 years old and well I can tell you that the nights that followed were not all restful 😭


dead by daylight hello GIF

Interestingly, I just received in the mail yesterday that version of It Follows and that version of Brightburn! Love them both!

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43 minutes ago, Adrip said:

Challenge 7


Scared Horror GIF


Not a simple challenge, I feel like I say that every week 😂
My horror collection is not very big, but I still found something to take up the challenge 👻




A quiet place 

The wailing 

It Follows 




The movie that terrified me as a kid is Scream!

My older brother and I had the good idea to watch this movie when I was 7 or 8 years old and well I can tell you that the nights that followed were not all restful 😭


dead by daylight hello GIF

Solid choices.  Particularly love Us, The Wailing and It Follows.  

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On 10/23/2022 at 7:25 AM, extantsrevenge said:

Great new submissions 😊. Thanks @juveunu @bilbon @bungral @Trianna @Scary Hair @DParadigm @cypheria078 @ncraft @HeightOfFolly @Steelbook Indy


I think you for got your username origin @Martyn I will do that for you.... your parents named you Martyn so you went with that 😜, at least I assume it was like that 🙃.


@MoneySniper I gave you the point, but I do expect to get the picture submission when you returned 👌


@nerdist that gif was actually unintentionally 😲, I was seraching for something with Points in it and found this, I did not knew about the connection to your username. Very funny coincidence.


Wow @Cornbuster 😲

corn GIF




.... I will allow it 😉


Everyone else still has time to submit for CHallenge 6 until the end of sunday.


The next challenge will be posted later today from @Pbsw23 👍 it will be spooky 😃



Hi Nils,


I’m finally back home and as promised here’s the photo for week 6



As for week 7………


I have absolutely no horror/ halloween themed movies.

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I’m not really a horror fan but I have some titles in my collection 🙂


1 - IT

2 - A werewolf in London

3 - Friday The 13th

4 - Shining

5 - Pet Semetary



As far as I remember, the first movie that scared me was Critters 2, I was too young when I saw it the first time and it gave me some nightmares 😅


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I'm very late to this one. Thanks for the challenge @Pbsw23!


Horror isn't my thing but I have been trying to branch out a bit lately. Unfortunately I don't own many titles but I think I was able to scrounge up enough for a submission...




I honestly can't remember the first time I was creeped out by a film since I avoided the genre for so long. That being said, there were a few "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" tv episodes that creeped me out as a kid. The Tale of the 13th Floor stands out because I was creeped out by the people without faces. If that doesn't count then I'll try to think about something else...from when I was an adult...and a wimp.




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Il y a 18 heures, Chief_lookout a dit :

Interestingly, I just received in the mail yesterday that version of It Follows and that version of Brightburn! Love them both!


Not easy to find, nice reception! 👌


Il y a 18 heures, Gary K a dit :

Solid choices.  Particularly love Us, The Wailing and It Follows.  


Thanks, I received the Us OC a fortnight ago, perfect timing for the challenge 😌

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Challenge 8

Somewhere over the rainbow~


For this challenge I want to bring some colours in this thread and put the spotlight onto the spines at the same time. So to complete this challenge you have to build a rainbow out of your collection.


Rainbow Reaction GIF by Declan McKenna


Which means you have to put overall 7 editions showing just the spines in the following order

Red Orange Yellow Green PaleBlue DarkBlue/Purple and Pink


You can use all kinds of steelbooks and premiums just no Amarays. But please (if not visible from the spine) tell us which movies you used.


We also would like to know in what order you usually display your collection: Colour-coordinated? Genre-wise? Name of the retailer?


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I'll start:




Red - I'VE Entertainment Akira

Orange - WeET Captain Marvel

Yellow - UC Kung Fu Hustle

Green - WeET Thor Ragnarok

PaleBlue - Plain Archive I, Tonya

DarkBlue/Purple - WeET Avengers Infinity War

Pink - Burn Book Edition of Mean Girls


How do I order my collection? The Marvel movies are on a seperate shelf ordered in the order of release. The other premiums are ordered after retailer and the normal steelbooks after genre. I'm not good at organizing 😂

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25 minutes ago, Trianna said:

Challenge 8

Somewhere over the rainbow~


For this challenge I want to bring some colours in this thread and put the spotlight onto the spines at the same time. So to complete this challenge you have to build a rainbow out of your collection.


Rainbow Reaction GIF by Declan McKenna


Which means you have to put overall 7 editions showing just the spines in the following order

Red Orange Yellow Green PaleBlue DarkBlue/Purple and Pink


You can use all kinds of steelbooks and premiums just no Amarays. But please (if not visible from the spine) tell us which movies you used.


We also would like to know in what order you usually display your collection: Colour-coordinated? Genre-wise? Name of the retailer?





I don't have a manly pink edition. 😅

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Ahh yes, the ole Roy G Biv P


Red - Deadpool2

Orange - Halloween 2

Yellow - 300

Green - My Neighbor Totoro 

Blue - Godzilla King of the Monsters

Violet - Spider-Man 2

Pink - Your Name (it’s pink, I swear!)


My steelbooks I arrange by (mostly) movie title…except major franchises like Star Wars and MCU are arranged together in chronological order. I have a small section of directors where all of their movies are together and arranged in release order. I also have some distributors that I group together. …it’s complicated, but it makes sense to me! Kind of.0300150B-9202-4E62-A0EE-6E5DE6A85B47.thumb.jpeg.98cca5a571633579404da5ae4712c46d.jpeg

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27 minutes ago, javi said:

I like Horror Movie, because, if you're sick, there is nothing better to do than watch them.

If I see them, I think: "Look it could be worse!"

So I start feeling better instantly. 😇;)







I actually had just gone on Psychology Today and started reading about why people love to watch horror . . . your explanation is better!

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