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A place to discuss Nolan's films, upcoming projects, home-media releases, and premium releases! If you're a Nolan junkie, this is the place for you.
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  2. Absolutely this. Marvel and DC is just the same formula for every movie they've made. GOTG is the outlier because it just is. All of the other ones I can live without ever seeing again in my lifetime. They're all mostly forgettable, barring a few. And yeah, Oppenheimer was worth every minute of 3 hrs. From the moment it stsrted with the explosion until the end. Nothing is like it. Interstellar and Inception will ALWAYS be at the top no matter the genre. They wete game changers.
  3. Oppenheimer was a feat. There are few recent films that have held me in constant awe - it reminded me of how I felt watching First Man the first time in imax… (First Man one of my favs) but always and forever Interstellar is my number 1. Then Inception/Tenet/Prestige/Dunkirk, TDKT, and Insomnia/Memento last. Never saw following either…. Oppenheimer is why there is IMAX. Not MCU or DC…. It was a force
  4. 1. Saw Oppenheimer on opening night, then in Imax in Dallas at one of only 30 theaters to show it in it's true form, and my God it was magnificent, and was sold out again. Incredible cast, script, best visuals etc. Perfect film. 2. Inception - Just absolutely incredible to watch no matter how many times I see it. Amazing cast, script, visuals, etc. Perfect film. 3. Interstellar - Saw on opening night, and have seen it many times later and it still holds up as one of the most accurate portrayals of a Black hole ever (I think it's the only accurate portrayal, iirc). The film in general holds up extremely well, and it's every bit as entertaining no matter how many times you watch it. Again, amazing cast, script, 2nd best visuals, etc. Perfect film. 4. The Dark Knight - Saw on Opening Night and again, it holds up extremely well, and it's the best superhero film of all time, even though Bale is good, not great as Batman (Good Bruce Wayne). Hate his gravelly Batman voice; but Heath Ledger's Joker simply cannot he beat. Even though Joker movie was great, and they can't really be comparable, Ledger's Joker is and always will be the standard that no one will live up to for a long, long time, and maybe never. He's that great. 5. The Prestige - Amazing movie with perfect casting and great story. Still holds up. 6. Dunkirk - Epic war movie with great cast (even Harry Styles, who I think is mid at best). Incredible true story (with obvious liberties taken). 6. Tenet - Saw in theaters and it was great, but the dialogue was annoyingly incoherent when they wore the masks, but otherwise it's still a great movie. 7. Insomnia - Al Pacino is great in everything, and the story is intriguing. 8. Batman Begins - Worthy origin story. Bale was good, but not a great Batman (Good Bruce Wayne). His gravelly voice is kinda cringe, again. 9. Dark Knight Rises - Good movie, but again, Bane's incoherent voice is annoying without subtitles, but doesn't detract from the movie. Definite downgrade from TDK, but not so much that it's not a worthy sequel. Others: Memento - good, not great. For me, I only needed to see it twice. Once in it's original form, and the other time in sequential order. Following - I've never seen it, so I don't have any idea. From what I gather it's just an art film in B&W with little or no dialogue. Honestly, as much as I love Nolan, I don't care to see it.
  5. Hello. Inception is my all time number 1 film. The soundtrack alone was worth the admission fee. I really av lost count of the times I’ve watched this masterclass. Nolan needs to get back to this form.
  6. any movie that makes me think is automatically good lol. this movie hurt my brain so its amazing ! such inspiring filmaking. shout out dark knight too, everything about the joker is just so sick. the perfect standard for that character.
  7. This film left such a profound impact on me in ways that can be difficult to explain. It was an odd culmination of so many different factors that led to me falling in love with this film. Firstly, I was already a huge Batman fanatic since youth (toys, comics, television shows, movies). Secondly, I had already had a gravitation towards Nolan after having seen Insomnia at 14 years old. That film, for some odd reason, was something I watched repeatedly. Thirdly, it was my first experience in a legitimate IMAX cinema (15/70) on film. Finally, as I'm sure others experienced, Ledger's performance (along with everyone else's) just knocked it out of the park. All of this came together into this incredible experience that really left an impression on me. I went to see it about four times when it was out in cinemas. Twelve years later, I get a Bale/Ledger Batman/Joker tattoo to commemorate! It may not be Nolan's top film from a critical perspective, but I hold it to the highest esteem. Thank you Mr. Nolan!

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