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Media Psychos Psycho Challenge! NEW: CHALLENGE 38 IS NOW LIVE!


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In 1980 my cousin asked me if I liked Sci-Fi Movies ... i say, yes ... Now you can guess what it was 🤣 (SW: TESB)


... and since then Sci-Fi and Fantasy Movies is my number one!!


1. Sci-Fi & Fantasy (all Kinds: Action, Comedy, Drama, etc...)

2. Movies from the 90's

3. True Stories 

4. Animation Movies

5. ... and the Rest (Comedy, Drama, Action, bla bla bla... )


My Number One:



My Number two:



My Number three:




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4 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

Great to see that we still got some submissions for our Challenge 22. Thank you all for sharing.


Glad to see another challenge submission from you @Neil21Harris great selection.


You speak the forbidden language @javi don't let the other from German Room know 😂


Good to see you could keep your streak going @Gary K . I personally can't praise the Watchmen comic enough, this should be required reading for everyone 😊.


@Boilersteel awesome Bond Box 👍


Damn @InfiniteDoors your books show some wear 😲 and the Star Trek entry is also allowed, we said it would be okay both ways.


@Scary Hair works for me, your streak is also continuing 👌


Glad to to see you are catching up @Casiusco, normally I could not give the point for #21, as it is to late, but I will make an exception and mark it with *, this way we know it was submitted later. We will have a chance to submit old challenges anyway in the near future, so no issue with this. Also nice 22 entry.


Now let us see what challenge 23 brings.



I really like your choices @Fortis93, but 3 of your Action Movies are basically Sci-Fi, so in reality your favorite genre is Sci-Fi 😜. The Spy Who Love Me is my favorite Bond and I completely agree with you that it is among the greatest Action Movies ever made. To be honest I would say the Bond Series is the best Movie Action Series.


Good that you got your Vault Goodfellas now @R1s1ngs0n otherwise how would you have done the picture for this challenge 😅




perfect choices for Sci-Fi





@nerdist great selection, love the inclusion of Dexter.




another Team Sci-Fi 😍


@Casiusco Sci-Fi for the win 😁


@ncraft Sci-Fi and Fantasy count as two different Genres, since you showed more Sci-Fi will count you towards that group.


@InfiniteDoors good choices



The current favorite Genre Ranking is:

6 x Sci-Fi

1 x Action

1 x Gangster

1 x Thriller

1 x Western



Hope to see many more submissions for this great challenge.


 🥤🤠 🎬 Nils 🐿 I always enjoy being the “lone wolf” being the only one where Westerns are their fav genre❣️😘 🐎 


3 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:



@★Platinum Psycho 2023★ @★Gold Psycho 2023★ @★ Members ★


Since participation has been going down a little in our Weekly Media Psychos Psycho Challenge, I wanted to take the time encourage all of you to participate in this weeks challenge. It is a great one from @Fortis93, check it out here.


It is also a challenge each and everyone of you can complete, I mean we all have a favorite genre, right?


Come on give yourself a nudge and



I really enjoy our weekly challenge, it is a great way to make a little time and look at your collection each week, while you pick out the items you want to show. This way you can appreciate your stuff and also share with the community what you're passionate about. And you also get to see lots of awesome posts and pictures from the other members. Just browse through our previous 90+ pages, to see what I'm talking about. Don't forget to show some appreciation to the great posts you see with giving some likes.


Any member that is completing 10 challenges is receiving our awesome Psycho Challenge Award, but it gets even better. Can I get a drumroll please!



We are happy to announce our 2nd Psycho Challenge Award


Every member that is completing 25 challenges will get this great variant to out first award, also made by @Cornbuster.




So ask yourself


I hope the answer is yes and that we will see many returning and new participants.


 A new challenge is posted each week on sunday.

Members have time until the end of the following sunday to participate.


To celebrate the introduction of or 2nd Challenge Award, which the first members can reach with challenge 25 in 2 weeks, members can submit 5 old challenges, they have not yet participated in. A great way to fill the missing gaps or start collecting points towards your Challenge Award. This will be open until the first member is getting the 2nd Award. To see all the previous challenges check out the second post on page 1 here, scroll down to the "Reveal hidden contents" part to see all previous 22 challenges.




@extantsrevenge Nils, this got me thinking of an idea 💡 from this, why not create a thread and then an award for Genres… each week put in a Genre i.e. Sci-fi the 1st week, Crime Dramas the next week and so on and we put down our 3-5 favs of such genre!?? 🧐 


Season 9 Idea GIF by The Simpsons

Edited by Veum
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3 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

To celebrate the introduction of or 2nd Challenge Award, which the first members can reach with challenge 25 in 2 weeks, members can submit 5 old challenges, they have not yet participated in.


Hey Nils!  Well, I am not ignoring the challenges my friend.  I (and many others I believe) are away from home working or traveling.  I'm in @GuyIncognit0 land of central Florida shooting and will be gone almost a month.  I hope that I will be able to submit 5 old challenges when I get back in the middle of March!  I took advantage of your 3-fer in the winter, and def will submit 5 more once I return home, if it's still allowed!  I will catch up. :)



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4 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:



@★Platinum Psycho 2023★ @★Gold Psycho 2023★ @★ Members ★


Since participation has been going down a little in our Weekly Media Psychos Psycho Challenge, I wanted to take the time encourage all of you to participate in this weeks challenge. It is a great one from @Fortis93, check it out here.


It is also a challenge each and everyone of you can complete, I mean we all have a favorite genre, right?


Come on give yourself a nudge and



I really enjoy our weekly challenge, it is a great way to make a little time and look at your collection each week, while you pick out the items you want to show. This way you can appreciate your stuff and also share with the community what you're passionate about. And you also get to see lots of awesome posts and pictures from the other members. Just browse through our previous 90+ pages, to see what I'm talking about. Don't forget to show some appreciation to the great posts you see with giving some likes.


Any member that is completing 10 challenges is receiving our awesome Psycho Challenge Award, but it gets even better. Can I get a drumroll please!



We are happy to announce our 2nd Psycho Challenge Award


Every member that is completing 25 challenges will get this great variant to out first award, also made by @Cornbuster.




So ask yourself


I hope the answer is yes and that we will see many returning and new participants.


 A new challenge is posted each week on sunday.

Members have time until the end of the following sunday to participate.


To celebrate the introduction of or 2nd Challenge Award, which the first members can reach with challenge 25 in 2 weeks, members can submit 5 old challenges, they have not yet participated in. A great way to fill the missing gaps or start collecting points towards your Challenge Award. This will be open until the first member is getting the 2nd Award. To see all the previous challenges check out the second post on page 1 here, scroll down to the "Reveal hidden contents" part to see all previous 22 challenges.




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Thanks @Fortis93 ! My favorite genre is also Scifi, and many people have said that, so I tried to go a bit deeper and do movies dealing with time travel, which would be my favorite sub-genre!


No time travel in Interstellar you say? Remember the time dilation? Cooper is literally traveling forward in time relative to Earth! Well, if you don't agree, it's my submission; go submit your own! Thanks for looking


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4 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

To celebrate the introduction of or 2nd Challenge Award, which the first members can reach with challenge 25 in 2 weeks, members can submit 5 old challenges, they have not yet participated in. A great way to fill the missing gaps or start collecting points towards your Challenge Award. This will be open until the first member is getting the 2nd Award. To see all the previous challenges check out the second post on page 1 here, scroll down to the "Reveal hidden contents" part to see all previous 22 challenges.




Thanks, @extantsrevenge! I've been terribly lax about participating for quite some time now... Just pulled together a couple shots for some challenges and will see what else I can manage to try and catch-up a little bit. :) 

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On 2/26/2023 at 3:30 AM, Fortis93 said:






For this challenge, you are to pick your favourite genre of film.


Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Musical, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller, War, Western, etc.


You are then to choose your top 5 favourite films from that genre, or films you feel represent the best of what that genre has to offer.


Any editions (Fullslips, Lenticulars, Steelbooks etc.) across any formats (DVD, Blu-ray, 4K, etc.) are welcome.


And finally, name the film that made you fall in love with that genre.


Great challenge, @Fortis93! This is kind of a toughie for me, actually. I love action, horror, sci-fi, thriller, but gosh...which one do I love more?! After some deep and personal self-reflection, I think sci-fi takes the lead. I was going to say sci-fi horror, but after previous controversies surrounding The Thing and ALIEN I thought it best to avoid that landmine. 🤣 Here's five favorites that I think are pretty clearly sci-fi!




The film that made me fall in love with this genre isn't pictured, but obviously it was Star Wars: A New Hope. I was utterly obsessed with the original trilogy as a boy and wore out the VHS tapes. Thank goodness for DVD! And then Blu-ray. And now 4K. LOL I remember watching these flicks on TV as part of ABC Sunday Night At The Movies broadcasts, and Saturday matinees, along with the Godzilla flicks and edited for TV horror flicks, and eventually all the Star Trek stuff starting with TNG. Lots of good childhood memories with my mom and the TV! Really makes me wonder which ended up being more influential in my life... 🤣🤣🤣 

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Big fan of Action, Western, Cop & Robbers, Thrillers, Superhero.


I will probably have to lean to Sci-Fi as my favorite.  So many to choose from.  Loved Alien/Aliens, 2001/2010, The Martian, Dredd, Star Trek films, Matrix.  


Here are some of all time favorites, no particular order.


1)  Blade Runner/2049




2.  Dune(s)




3.  Tenet




4 and 5.  Back to the Future Series and Interstellar.




For me it all started out with Star Wars and Empire. Always watching when i was young. Must have drove my Dad crazy.



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Week 22 Challenge from @Reagh



For this challenge we would like to know what some of your favorite adaptations are. You will need to show  Movies or Television Series and the source material. Have fun with it, if the movie came before the book or comic it would still count since it’s still a adaptation. All mediums are allowed, books, mangas, comics, graphic novels etc. The only rule is…. series only count as one. Example Harry Potter 1-7 only counts as 1. 

I can’t wait to see everyone’s submissions! 

Bonus : please tell everyone what your favorite adaptation is & why.


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this challenge, @Reagh! I'm a booksaholic and am constantly reading, so this one is right up my alley! Unfortunately... most of my library is all boxed up in the basement until we can afford some remodeling. I miss seeing all my books... Of course, this means the wealth of adapted source material is hard for me to get to without making an even bigger mess than it already is, so no James Ellroy, Lee Child, Tom Clancy, Michael Connelly, DC and Marvel Comics, et al from me sadly. Thankfully, I made sure my Stephen King library was accessible, so I present to you, the Stephen King Edition of Adaptations.








And my favorite...




Stephen King's IT is an all-timer for me. Hands-down one of my favorite books ever. I'm so grateful they pulled off such a successful adaptation of at least half of this epic tome with the first IT film. I first read this book when I was 14 and identified with the Losers Club so damn much. I was one of them, and for the few days (yes, really! A thousand pager in only a handful of days. I ate, lived, breathed this book with every waking moment from start to finish. Could not put it down) it took me to tear through this book, they were my best friends. I freaking lived in Derry, Maine, or at least felt like I did. This book is what made me a reader for life despite my school curriculum doing everything it could to make me detest books. 


The first IT movie became an instant favorite. I love that movie! Maybe not as much as the book, but it's up there. As far as IT: Chapter Two goes...well, the less said about that one, the better. 🤢

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Interestingly, my wife dislikes scifi! I can only get her to watch if it's more about the story or characters, and the scifi stuff is just there. She likes Back to the Future, for instance, but I can't get her to watch Star Trek (even though, arguably, it has very good story and characters, the scifi is too much in the foreground!) She saw the first Star Wars prequel, and has never seen the others, and win't watch them based on that experience ( kinda hard to blame her, honestly, lol) I'm working on it, though!

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Media Psychos Weekly Challenge #23 - Best of the Best

Thanks to  @Fortis93   for this week’s challenge…My fave movie Genre is definitely Sci -Fi .. always been excited by this genre since growing up with tv shows like 

Dr Who , Star Trek , lost in Space, UFO , Space 1999 … its hard not to enjoy …

I guess there’s going to be a lot of very similar posts with regard to this challenge as theres only a handful of movies that set the standard…the big hitters are .. 

  1. Blade Runner
  2. The Thing
  3. Star Wars
  4. Terminator 
  5. Alien
  6. Bonus … Predator560563CD-7F16-4569-BEBA-4610CF85A5A8.thumb.jpeg.c6f8ed38ddf702b6c0354139cc905ada.jpeg

These movies reside well inside people’s hearts for good reason….

and are a testament to the directors who made them .. and are still to be bettered…. There are more that belong in this list but this is my top five choice… 




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Challenge #23

thank you for this new challenge @Fortis93

 here is my contribution, I chose the theme of Heroic Fantasy, I have always liked this kind of story, I immediately immerse myself in the film and there is so much fantastic history so here  some that are close to my heart and without too much surprise

The Lord Of The Rings 

The Hobbit 

The Neverending Story 


The maleficent 

John Carter


one of my favorite movies in this genre is Willow, one of the first movies and story that I watched and loved right away, and it made me want to watch  more stories like this




Edited by bilbon
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4 hours ago, Chief_lookout said:

Interestingly, my wife dislikes scifi! I can only get her to watch if it's more about the story or characters, and the scifi stuff is just there. She likes Back to the Future, for instance, but I can't get her to watch Star Trek (even though, arguably, it has very good story and characters, the scifi is too much in the foreground!) She saw the first Star Wars prequel, and has never seen the others, and win't watch them based on that experience ( kinda hard to blame her, honestly, lol) I'm working on it, though!

NEVER introduce somebody to Star Wars for the first time with the prequels! Always begin with 4,5,6 lol. Although I don't blame her for her reactions, she's sorely missing out.

This Is Why You Fail Star Wars GIF


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56 minutes ago, TechSpec924 said:

NEVER introduce somebody to Star Wars for the first time with the prequels! Always begin with 4,5,6 lol. Although I don't blame her for her reactions, she's sorely missing out.

This Is Why You Fail Star Wars GIF



I think we are getting to a point that a case can be made that you should introduce people, under a certain age, to the Star Wars universe through Andor or Rogue One (with a little explaining).



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Thank you to @Fortis93 for the challenge. This is my first time doing one of these challenges so if I make a mistake, please don’t hesitate for anyone to correct me. My favorite genre is action movies although I love all kinds. 


In no specific order.


1. The Equalizer 1

2. The Equalizer 2

3. Face/Off

4. Collateral

5. Heat



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  • ★ Administrators ★



Some more points for Sci-Fi 😊 @CAYENNE-FAHRER, @Blu Magic Ray (nice post with 3 pictures 👍), @Chief_lookout (I also love the time travel sub-genre, I already had several weekly movie watching concepts dedicated to that), @MikeH5856 glad to have you back and thank you for that terrific challenge 22 entry 🙏, @bossjon, @ukade2327


@gmthome thanks for participating, another point to Sci-Fi and Media Psychos domination. If you like you can submit 5 of the old challenges in the next two weeks, to increase your point amount.


Nice to see some love for Fantasy, it would have been my clear 2nd choice. @Cornrow but Dune is pure Sci-Fi 😅, also your beloved Musicals will curse you now 🤣


Nice to see you join us @Siran, you can also submit up to 5 old challenges in the next 2 weeks.



Great to see Perfect Blue here @Trianna such a terrific film, I highlighted Satoshi Kon in the Director Challenge. Besides all the movies choosen are 👍, I recently revisited Oldboy in 4K and damn was that a wild and awesome trip. Every movie I saw in the days after that just felt so inferior 😅





All correct @Peter Manoukian glad to have you participate. If you like you can submit up to 5 of the old challenges in the next two weeks.


@Fortis93 yeah I think we're starting to get a clearer picture here 🤣. But the week is not over yet, lets see if @R1s1ngs0n can still build a coalition against Sci-Fi 😜


The current favorite Genre Ranking is:

13 x Sci-Fi

2 x Action

2 x Fantasy

2 x Thriller

1 x Animated

1 x Gangster

1 x Western



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Thanks for the warm welcome @extantsrevenge - Challenge #22 by @Reagh is also pretty awesome, so here are my entries for adaptation: 


1. To Kill a Mockingbird. My favorite book, pretty obvious judging by the looks of it:



2. Battle Angel Alita



3. The Expanse



4. The Tripods (this series traumatized me as a child when I watched it on German TV). Since the show was never finished, I had to read the books. I thought I also had the second season on DVD, but couldn't find it)



5. The Hunger Games






Babylon 5:



Mass Effect Trilogy (I hope they finally get around to making that TV series):




For challenge 23 I forgot to mention the movie that made me a fan of said genre, I guess that says it all (it's also somewhat fitting for challenge 22 since it was adapted as a Broadway show, book, video game, you name it):






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And while we're at it 


CHALLENGE #20 ‐ Still Missing! Forgotten Treasures!


I'm only counting DVDs because the jump in quality to 1080p is just so big.


1. Babylon 5 (at least there are new 1080p versions of the 4:3 masters on iTunes, Amazon etc. but I'd like to have a physical edition)

2. Deep Space Nine (judging by the immense work needed for reworking all the SFX rather unlikely I'm afraid)

3. Titan A.E. (come one, this one is a must, at least we got Iron Giant after many years otherwise this one would have been here as well)

4. Party of Five (it was touch and go to even get DVDs of every season)

5. Three to Tango (my favorite Neve Campbell film, there's a 1080p VoD version out there, so it should be possible to release a Blu-Ray)

6. Forces of Nature (just looked and there's no Blu-Ray out there apparently)






Edited by Siran
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