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Media Psychos: Stan Lee Marvel Cinematic Universe Award (Rules Update 15.10.21)

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Welcome Media Psychos Members!


We're happy to introduce to you our new STAN LEE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE AWARD!


As this is currently the hottest thing going and as many of our members seem to be especially excited about collecting anything related to the MCU, we thought it would be nice to dedicate an award completely to the MCU. Marvel is of course much bigger than only the MCU, but since it is celebrating 10 years and has already 20 movies and countless editions for these an own award is only appropriate.


To receive Stage 1 the Marvel Cinematic Universe Award and become a Marvel Universe Psycho you have to fullfill the following conditions.


You have to make and show us pictures of your MCU collection and the pictures have to include:


1: At least 1 Edition of 20 different MCU movies that are already out! At the moment that would be 32 movies (Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, Avengers, Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, GotG, Avengers 2, Ant-Man, Captain America 3, Doctor Strange, GotG Vol.2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor 3, Black Panther, Avengers 3, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Captain Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Spider-Man: Far From Home, Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Eternals, Sipder-Man: No Way Home, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Thor: Love and Thunder, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 ).


Previous conditions until 15.10.21


1: At least 1 Edition of all released MCU movies that are already out! At the moment that would be 20 movies (Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, Avengers, Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, GotG, Avengers 2, Ant-Man, Captain America 3, Doctor Strange, GotG Vol.2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Thor 3, Black Panther, Avengers 3 and Ant-Man and the Wasp).


2: Include at least a total of 40 different MCU editions in your pictures (that includes the 20 from point 1, so at least 20 more, but the sky is the limit, show as much as you like).


The pictures have to include your Media Psychos member card or other Media Psychos stuff, it can be a simple piece of paper on which you write your member name @ mediapsychos.com (for example). It really doesn't take that much time to add something like that and makes the pictures even more exciting for the community.


Also the 40 editions do not have to be Steelbooks only, you can include any kind of releases (Digipacks, Premium Editions, Limited Editions, Boxsets).


Rule Update: 

I said that no Amaray would be allowed as I thought the amount of editions required for this award would be easy to get with other packaging formats. Anyway some of you might have started collecting later or are not that fond of specific movies in the MCU and have not bought higher priced editions for them.

Because of that we will now allow 25% (of the required editions, so 10 of the 40) to be regular releases as well (preferably Amaray with Slips or 3D Versions, since these look a little more fancy). You can use these 10 to fill the gabs of missing movies or reach the required amount of 40.


A little note: the big US Marvel Phase Collections (the one with the briefcase and the one with the orb), count as 6 Editions each towards this award as they are such huge collectibles. Marvel Studios: The Infinity Saga counts for 10 editions. Premium 1-Clicks count for as many individual Editions as they include.


The award design is done by @ksosk 🙏





Stage 2: Marvel Cinematic Universe True Believer (read the reveal here).


For the Marvel Universe True Believer award, you need to have Stage 1 (Marvel Universe Psycho) and then show us 80 Marvel Cinematic Universe editions. For Stage 2 the 80 editions do not have to be Steelbooks only, you can include any kind of releases (Digipacks, Premium Editions, Limited Editions, Boxsets) as long as they are Movies from the MCU Universe. No other Marvel Movies or TV Shows are allowed. Regular Mass Market Sets that include more movies will count for more editions (every 5 movies count for 1 edition, so if a Set has 10 movies it is 2 editions towards the total). US Marvel Phase Collections counts for 6 editions, Marvel Studios: The Infinity Saga counts for 10 editions.


Stage 2 does not require to include all the MCU Movies, you just have to reach 80 editions.


Liek always please remember the picture/s have to include your Media Psychos member card or other Media Psychos stuff, it can be a simple piece of paper on which you write your member name @ mediapsychos.com (for example).


 The award design is also done by @ksosk 🙏



Important! Both Awards are for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and only the movies in the MCU count toward this award, no other Marvel stuff!


Also it would be awesome if your pictures show the items from the front (as that would be really cool for other members to see, than only a couple of spines), but it is not a condition to get the Award, but would be nice.


Special thanks go to @raylight for doing the fantastic award gifs you will see in this and other topics.


Here you will find a list for all our SPECIAL COLLECTION AWARDS that members can collect. More Awards to come in the future!


We hope many of you participate. And don't forget to show your appreciation for all the great pictures posted here and give them some likes 👍


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Thank you so much for taking part in the Media Psychos MCU award and for sharing your awesome collections with us. It is so nice to see how passionate you all are about all things Marvel.




Let's assemble the troops. You all @extantsrevenge @Guitou36 @RhodW @ukade2327 @CaliFTW83 @musoeriuta @thomue1987 @DParadigm @Pbsw23 @Ltd.Steel.Junky74 @Benoit46 @Toapel @TheDavoser @AnnStellCol @icewire @CAYENNE-FAHRER @Circushooker @Rockntoni87 @raylight @Wail @capricornio34232 @bilbon @cypheria078 @stephoo67 @Gorfang @Steelbook Indy @Daenerys @FF-Freak @Alexbman13 @serg50 @JiumJium @Catgirl @RAK @Intentcoin @zones1445 @ajdornier @Grendel @lingrass @DodgyDave @khivansan @Robert Martin Friel @Damiend @Limited Edition @mjk @hal56 @silphalion @Angelfire011 @Veum @SilentasKnight @Cornbuster @MrYohan @swish @Boilersteel @AndroiDad75 @BlackWidow81 @javi @antiapathetic @bossjon @Blu Magic Ray @Mithrandir2320 @Gary K @InfiniteDoors @Lwaz @GuyIncognit0 @JojoFrance76 @Gentleman @sobmaster @upmaniac @ncraft @Chief_lookout @daetilus @Mrdugan @MikeH5856 @bl4ck5t3r @awwgawhdammit have received the award and are now MARVEL UNIVERSE PSYCHOS, congratulations.




Special conratulations to the most MCU fanatics amoung us. @extantsrevenge @Toapel @Cornbuster @cypheria078 @raylight @ukade2327 @capricornio34232 @thomue1987 @hal56 @TheDavoser @Rockntoni87 @Pbsw23 @CAYENNE-FAHRER @Tonic24k @Wail @Boilersteel@BlackWidow81 @javi @JiumJium @sobmaster @JojoFrance76 @Gary K @bossjon @swish @bl4ck5t3r you can only be described as TRUE BELIEVERS!



Don't forget to like the posts of the other award recipients otherwise Thanos will use the Infinity Stones on you




If you would like your pictures featured on Media Psychos Social Media Presence, check out this post. 

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Here is an example on how to get the MCU award and become a Marvel Universe Psycho. I include 1 of each MCU movie in the first picture and a selection of very cool editions is the next. I was a little shocked when I prepared my pictures and found out that I already have more than 100 different Editions for the MCU movies 😃


How you present your editions/picture is up to you, but please read the rules from the OP before you make the pictures and don't forget your pictures have to include your Media Psychos member card or other Media Psychos stuff, it can be a simple piece of paper on which you write your member name @ mediapsychos.com (for example).


The award will be given to you when I or another team member checked your picture, you can tag me if you like.


But enough with the words , enjoy the pictures.




@Benoit46 if you would be so kind.


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@Tandy ? wow this award is harder than I thought, because you have to check if all movies are included and I see you have the Phase 1 and 2 Box which takes care of that. But I did say 40 Editions and if we count the Boxsets as 6 you would have 40 total but for me they are more like 1 big Edition, because you can't display the movies individually ?. Let me think about this and I will get back to you (and everyone else on this). Still amazing collections, love it ?


@RhodW nice collection, but no MP no award if @ksosk does his magic I'm fine with it.


@Guitou36 awesome, I have the feeling my pictures inspired you, that is very orderly ?

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On 11/7/2018 at 3:59 PM, RhodW said:

One big shot! And with a comic book filter for fun



20 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

@Tandy 1f602.png wow this award is harder than I thought, because you have to check if all movies are included and I see you have the Phase 1 and 2 Box which takes care of that. But I did say 40 Editions and if we count the Boxsets as 6 you would have 40 total but for me they are more like 1 big Edition, because you can't display the movies individually 1f628.png. Let me think about this and I will get back to you (and everyone else on this). Still amazing collections, love it 1f44d.png


@RhodW nice collection, but no MP no award if @ksosk does his magic I'm fine with it.


@Guitou36 awesome, I have the feeling my pictures inspired you, that is very orderly 1f60a.png


Cant lay them out again but here they are on the shelves with the MP ID ?





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@TheDavoser I really like your collection and woulde love to give you the award, butI can't give you the award at the moment. All 19 required MCU Movies, check , 40 different MCU editions .... I count 33 (or did I miss something?) of the MCU movies. The other Marvel movies sadly do not count towards this award. Do you have any other editions of the 19 movies mentioned in the OP?

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