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Posts posted by Basil

  1. well good morning everyone, had a text from big boss at work last night saying to stay home after what boris said, and he'll phone me today with an update of whats going on. so 11.30am here and still no call xD either goona be hes busy atm home with his work or there planning how to make us redundant.

    lets just hope they want to keep me and if im really lucky they top up the 80% to 100%. but we shall see, if it involves money are company are usually tighter than a ducks @rse unless it involves the office then they can have what they like regardless.


    anyway its official now part of the great unwashed atm xD 



    joke is my wife is still having to goto work shes not impressed either. and her boss owns the company and hes a right shylock all money money money with him.


    basil :D

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  2. @Hollywood E Rock / @RAK / @Benoit46 / @raylight / @BobaFett1974 / @icewire / @R1s1ngs0n / @Scary Hair / @Grendel

    @bearlol / @CAYENNE-FAHRER / @Basil / @thomue1987 / @Masterblaster / @extantsrevenge / @RileyLad / @Count Dantes

    @capricornio34232 / @Casiusco / @lingrass / @airwins / @GANTZ / @bilbon / @Catgirl / @bluraycollection / @Ripper / @JiumJium

    @Gubbel  / @Robertm89 / @Cornbuster / @hummels23 / @cypheria078 / @StrikerEureka79 / @Peterrr / @ukade2327 / @Danny / @mwatkins02 / @Trianna / @claptraw / @ksosk / @romeroland / @romain / @deckard99



    right one for you all need you to really think about this and honest answer please.

    best film you have seen in the last year????? (thats last 12 months from now and not necessarily at the cinema either)

    and why?



    basil 👍

    • Like 5
  3. well good evening folks, here we are again just waiting on boris to shut the country down. but went round six supermarket to get the last few bits to fill the last bit of cupboards and freezer and i mean just a few bits not the whole shop but by 4.30pm most of the shops have been raped to death with no alot left of what i was after.

    anyway if i'm right expecting that call from the md later tonight telling me not to go in.

    and if doesn't happen tonight think be next few days.

    if only people could work out to simply stay in its not rocket science!

     but no they all goto go to country parks in there hundreds and fill up car parks this has been brought on everyone by there own stupidity!


    then watch the supermarkets really be getting the run on because people will be in even more panic.

    lucky for me this morning 1 supermarket open at 6 am and i only got a whole 2 loafs of bread 1 to use and 1 for the freezer, aren't i greedy xD


    Freak Out Panic GIFGIF by memecandy

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  4. Good morning people I envy the ones off at the moment cos currently I want to pan my manageress head in. Shes ex navy and a pain in the @rse at the moment, I wont go into it but she is a pleb with her me me me attitude. And then getting in the way of me doing my job. She wants redundancy and think is what she is angling for.


    Anyway people at home stay safe and be grateful you dont have idiot managers to deal with 😄


    All the best

    Basil 👍👍👍

    • Sad 4
  5. 7 minutes ago, RileyLad said:


    Everyone I know who’s seen it says it’s brilliant. I was supposed to going to the cinema to watch it with some mates but they let me down 👎 (no fun growing old and having responsibilities)


    I think I’ll buy this for a open and watch copy, then double dip with filmarena 


    i just cant help myself 🙈🤣



    ben stiller GIF

    • Haha 3
  6. 18 minutes ago, RileyLad said:


    I don’t think I like it as much blank 🙁


    No 66 on the back either




    Don’t have a preference myself, but wish they’d have gone with one of them 🤣



    no easy pass for me this one, i have best buy one which i got sent to me from america. super film thought if anyone in any doubt of the film don't be imho


    basil 👍

    • Like 3
  7. right here's one for you all xD

    @extantsrevenge @deckard99 @Hollywood E Rock @Veum @R1s1ngs0n @Scary Hair @Pbsw23 @Trianna @RileyLad @Robertm89 @Limited Edition @icewire

    @RAK @thomue1987 @Digitale_Kunst @mwatkins02 @Benoit46 @ksosk @DodgyDave @raylight @Intentcoin 


    rich beyond wildest dreams but unhappily married or partnered





    reasonably muddling along but happily married or partnered 



    oh an @Hollywood E Rock best ever arnie film you didn't put up was T2 👍


    basil B|

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  8. well tonight watched ford vs ferrari best buy release, really good film done really well. sort reminds me when rush came out and no one thought would be any good or do well. but films based on true stories usually are the best ones.

    this is one of those films and think christian bale's accent of ken miles was good, considering he's american pulled it off nicely.

    i would high recommend personally.


    @Scary Hair definitely worth a watch you'll like this i'm sure but its 2hr 32mins so make sure you set a bit a time for this one.




    basil 👍

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  9. good morning everyone well sun is shining here, had to goto shops the morning get a bag of cookies refunded they charged me £22.50 for, should have been £1.50 xD

    but they refund me money, free £2 voucher, free bag of cookies.

    whilst there picked up a paper.


    but asda countrywide has now reduced there hours 8am to 8pm in order to fill shelves, caused more panic if you ask me.

    worse car park has been filled up by 8am and people all looking with that panic in their eyes bombing in their cars and queues of people around the building.

    you would think they would set there hours and leave them set, instead keep cutting them down all the time. there making worse themselves by doing this constant reduction of hours causing everyone's anxiety levels to keep being pushed up.

    any gain they where getting there now destroying peoples confidence in themselves with this.


    anyway i hope everyone is still feeling well and passing the boredom ok. today i will be staying in and catching up on some battlestar galactica and some telly.

    not visiting the mothers and mother in laws for mothers day.  we have had our orders from both of them so cards sent earlier in week.

    not that doesnt make me and the wife feel guilty about it all.


    Image result for stay safe GIF

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