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Posts posted by Basil

  1. Lol @Trianna and @extantsrevenge toilet paper that's nothing lol


    It was on news here this morning Germany has run out of petrol and people crossing border aren't being let in unless they have enough to get around.

    Truth above.

    But I wonder in my head if this is a good thing for other countries uber drivers as they could ferry in toilet paper and other stuff at inflated prices 😄

    No all joking aside I hope everyone is well and has enough of what they need.

    And keeps safe 👍


    All the best 

    Basil 👍

    • Like 6
  2. well good morning everyone hope everyone is having a peaceful day today and not having to go do shopping, my wife this morning tells me we low on bread and milk and need some washing up liquid as well.

    bearing in mind was shopping yesterday and she provides me with a list and forgot to put on xD

    anyway in there at 8am before all starts kicking off but was alot busier than usual.


    anyway have a good day :D

    happy feel good GIF

    and for @Scary Hair

    happy peace and love GIF by Jess Smart Smiley


    all the best

    basil 👍

    • Like 5
  3. @pygospa thats normally my approach with these things, telly i have now is ok atm tbh. and i got beat up over buying that when i did (long story)

    also with all tvs in oled the manufacturers im lead to believe is made by 2 world suppliers of the panels the rest is HOW that is controlled by panny or lg or who ever. selling there telly.

    so currently i  thinking there be another breakthru at some point. im wondering if someone will end up doing a 4k and 3d tv without glasses i have heard is in works in R&D. that i think would possibly bring that market back abit but with cinemas waning on 3d in the uk at least i wonder if that research is still going?

    8k is really pointless atm as you need live tv feed supporting that or at least films with discs so as you say its a dead duck for next 5 or so years imho.

    so theres no point for the minute, dont have the money so will have to wait and just carry on tormenting myself as i always havexD

  4. 2 minutes ago, Veum said:


    If that's the case get the HULK in there to move your chimney breast!👽


    incredible hulk helicopter GIF


    no that cant be done either i have to chimney breasts that come up and pair up in the loft in an arch and support the whole wall.

    if only was that simple plus i have a wife to deal with, who would not allow that level of building work for a tv

    • Haha 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Veum said:


    Go 55" bro... measure area, doh!😁😷


    fight penguin GIF  ryan reynolds ugh GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

    thats not good enough according to the graph above at 2.4m it has to be around 62 or 63 just to be in so i would say 65 minimum.

    now im goona have to pick up that tape measure again you just my ocd itch, i have to solve this in my head or the engineer in me wont let this go.

    even i dont need telly right at this momentxD



    basil :D

    • Like 1
  6. sorry to slightly side track this thread as is very interesting reading.

    @pygospa my next telly want 4k , i am exactly 2.4m from eye line to base of existing 50 inch 1080. after reading your chart they could be an issue, as my telly is taking up all the available room atm between the window and the chimney breast.

    basically i know i need a 65" but do not have physical room to fit that in existing hole and can't come forward either.

    so whats you thoughts on this and the chimney breast cant come down neither. problems of english 1890s house.



    basil 👍

    • Like 2
  7. 14 minutes ago, Robertm89 said:

    I feel for me two lol, I wanna stay at home and watch films lol. Work in the Bookies mate, been Cheltenham this week so been busy. Do you like a bet or not a betting man ??


    years and years ago used to do the ponies with a friend was a special type of bet cant remember what its called now though lol.

    but these days no not really. more money for steels. at least we know where all your funds come for yours now xD


    basil 👍

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Count Dantes said:




    Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?


    not really, wife is getting her hair done that take her 4hrs, then she said she was going for a mooch up our local town around the shops so that be another 2 hrs odd.

    so be a peaceful day for me at home. so maybe be bit of a film day i think.

    done all the shopping today it was mad everyone is ripping stuff of the shelves stocking up because of the coronavirus and its toilet roll, hand cleaners, baby stuff and frozen is getting stripped bare.

    they cant get that stuff in shops fast enough. but i was able to pick up what i needed but ended up going to 6 supermarkets just to get bare essentials.

    boris did everyone a favour yesterday with we all going to die speech on telly sent everyone into a bit of a spin really at the shops

    be glad when this is all done and we can all get back to normal really.


    anyway best bit i havent got to deal with any of the shop panic anymore well not for a bit :D



    basil xD

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 19 minutes ago, mwatkins02 said:

    GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING PSYCHO'S in psycho land. Today is throw back Thursday. Let's hear some oldies but goodies.  I will start. Here is one : Journey's song '"Mother ,Father.). I don't think this song received a lot of air time. At least I didn't I hear  this song growing up. This  song showcases Perry"s vocal range.     

    @R1s1ngs0n answer please rofl

    • Like 2
  10. 1 minute ago, Count Dantes said:

    Good Morning/Afternoon everyone!


    Hope you all are enjoying some decent weather where you are. Woke up to an absolute blizzard at 6AM getting ready to head into the office. 


    Its supposed to get to -25 or -30 on Saturday 🤢



    nice here sunny afternoon in south uk about 12-13C there abouts,

    well brody yours sounds bit

    jurassic park deal with it GIF

    and a bloody good coat in order. 

    hope your travel in is in a nice warm car and not to far from the building either.


    basil 👍

    • Like 2

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