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Posts posted by Basil

  1. 14 hours ago, Scary Hair said:



    That is A wide feild as I trust a fair few people around here to do this so most likely I would end up like toddlers colouring book that made NO sense to anyone not on MP .


    @ukade2327 @Basil @DodgyDave @Trianna @deckard99 @thomue1987 and the Mad skills of @ksosk to pull it all together into one kick ass custom piece .


    NOW my question to the people up WHAT iconic piece of cinema would YOU pick to turn into a Tattoo ??




    hmmm ann personally i dont have any tattoo's nor would i have friends that have and see that for them is good and i can appreciate the artistic side as well.


    if i where to choose a tattoo for you ann, it would be one of two and i will let you have the final choice ann xD👍


    now what you think of my ideas is another matter but i think both of these would be cool.

    1. a full size chewie on the back of you covering backs arms bum and legs, turning you literary into scary hair, but would be a front facing chewie.

    2. a millennium falcon on your back that cover much of the back as possible.


    the reason for being on your back would be art you want to see when looking in the mirror, so cleverly hidden away as well.


    so what you think?


    basil :D

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  2. Heres a silly but interesting question let's see who can answer it 🤣


    You can only collect from 1 shop the sells steels be that from normal retailers or the premium houses any one retailer you like but ONLY ONE, who would you choose.


    Be interesting to see who can answer this as they need balls xD


    Basil 👍

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  3. tell you what this being at home lark is no good had my crumpets earlier very nice indeed and now getting the munchies and theres some sausages in the fridge that need using up and im thinking some sausage sarnies could be on the cards think ill be having lunch early here, well it be rude not too xD


    and i hope im making you all hungry xD




    just to make sure xD 



    basil :D

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