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Last night cracked open the new 88 Films special edition of Romper Stomper.


After enjoying Russel Crow so much in Thor I felt like going back to where he started.  This is a gritty, violent drama about a skinhead group in Melbourne lead by Crow that gets into it with the local vietnamese kids.  


It's easy to see why Crow became an instant star after this one.  He is utterly magnetic and charismatic as Hando. The rest of the cast is authentic and effective.  The film itself is a pretty straight forward story, but is really well filmed with a terrific score.

The disc features some legacy interviews with Crow, other cast members and the director so that was cool too.





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🥤📺🎬💽 :) Watched…


Fury (Blu-ray)

Spencer Tracy stars in this provocative drama by director Fritz Lang about an innocent man who barely escapes a violent lynch mob. Believed dead, he secretly returns to seek revenge. 



UPDATE: 1st time watch from this oldie but goodie, telling us how bad it can be to have a lynch mob with gossip over an innocent person. 4/5

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10 hours ago, Gary K said:

Last night cracked open the new 88 Films special edition of Romper Stomper.


After enjoying Russel Crow so much in Thor I felt like going back to where he started.  This is a gritty, violent drama about a skinhead group in Melbourne lead by Crow that gets into it with the local vietnamese kids.  


It's easy to see why Crow became an instant star after this one.  He is utterly magnetic and charismatic as Hando. The rest of the cast is authentic and effective.  The film itself is a pretty straight forward story, but is really well filmed with a terrific score.

The disc features some legacy interviews with Crow, other cast members and the director so that was cool too.






Was this film based on @Fortis93 🤣


Schitts Creek Reaction GIF by CBC


Basil 🤣

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While I'm bummed I missed this in the theater, the new 4K disc (with Dolby Atmos) gave my home theater a real workout and is certainly reference quality in many ways.

As for the film - HOLY stop using inappropriate language.  This is certainly one of the very best of the year (so far).  A fairly standard revenge tale set in viking times is elevated by the most gorgeous cinematography, production design, sound design and acting that this genre has any right to expect.  Insane, no cut action sequences and hyper violence expertly delivered by Eggars and his crew are so bonkers that I can't wait to watch this again.


Skaarsgard is perfectly cast in the lead role and brings a necessary animalistic energy to the violent action scenes and a somewhat unexpected vulnerability to the thematic elements.   The rest of the cast (particularly Kidman) are uniformly excellent as well.


But really I can't get over how amazing the movie LOOKS.  There are dozens of frames I'd hang on the wall.   


Too bad the movie was a box office disappointment and we won't soon see Eggars with this big a budget again.  Not that I'd mind another Witch or Lighthouse of course.





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🥤📺🎬💽 :) watched…





The Devil-Doll After seventeen years in prison, the former respected Parisian banker Paul Lavond flees with his friend, the scientist Marcel that is researching with his wife Malita the miniaturization of animals and human beings to improve the resources of mankind. Paul was framed for robbery by his scoundrel associates Emil Coulvet, Charles Matin and Victor Radin that had stolen his business while his family was doomed to shame, poverty and tragedy. After the death of Marcel, Paul Lavond sees the chance to use the miniaturization process as instrument of vengeance and he travels to Paris with the insane Malita disguised of Madame Mandilip, a nice old lady and owner of a dolls store. Paul Lavond, using the identity of Madame Mandilip, befriends his resented and estranged daughter Lorraine Lavond and plots a scheme to revenge and vindicate his family name...



UPDATE: An older but very good film as Lionel Atwill puts in an excellent performance as a man wrongly accussed & sent to prison but escapes and is bent on revenge to those he holds responsible… excellent special-effects for such an older film! 5/5



Mark of the Vampire After Sir Karell Borotin is found dead in his study, drained of his blood, the local doctor determines that he was killed by a vampire. The coroner and police Inspector Neumann dismiss the suggestion but a year later, Sir Karell's daughter is attacked and bite marks are found on her throat. Neumann calls in the eminent Professor Zelin who thinks the story of vampires is true. The locals are convinced that Count Mora and his daughter Luna are the perpetrators of the crime, creatures of the night that can turn themselves into bats. There may be another solution however and the Professor sets a trap...



UPDATE: Great atmosphere & sets with some terrific actors Bela Lugosi, Lionel Barrymore & Lionel Atwill… wish it was the real 🦇 though 5/5

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I treated myself to a double feature at the theater and was finally able to see Love and Thunder. I think the adjusted expectations helped because I enjoyed it. 


I also decided to check out Marcel the Shell with Shoes On. It's an incredibly sweet, poignant, story about a shell trying to find his family and how he lives his daily life now that he is separated from them. Highly recommend if it is playing in your area.



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was concerned that having seen the trailers that too much of Jorden Peele’s latest had been spoiled for me.  I needn’t have been worried, as our new master of genre filmmaking is way too savvy for that and the wondrous Nope had many surprises left to unfurl.  

Peele is an astonishing filmmaker, here fusing elements from Spielberg, Hitchcock, Shyamalan and others in a film language that he’s rapidly establishing as his own.  His years working in comedy clearly taught him never to skimp on robust characterizations and he’s given us two terrific leads - played to perfection by Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer.  As siblings with contrasting personalities, they really sell the sometimes shaky dynamics between love and real irritation that underscores so many siblings.   The supporting cast is terrific as well, but Michael Wincott steals the show.  

The visual effects are extraordinary and there are sequences in the final act that left me slack jawed with cinematic wonder.   It’s really ironic that a film so interested in the perils of spectacle is itself impossible to turn away from.  

My only minor gripe was the Gordy subplot and that while it bore some introductory thematic weight, it ultimately seemed pointless.  

That said, this was an outstanding achievement, another likely hit for Peele and one that really ought be seen in theaters.  

I’m really grateful Peele has so unapologetically embraced genre filmmaking and I really hope he continues that way for the duration of his career.  


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12 hours ago, Gary K said:


was concerned that having seen the trailers that too much of Jorden Peele’s latest had been spoiled for me.  I needn’t have been worried, as our new master of genre filmmaking is way too savvy for that and the wondrous Nope had many surprises left to unfurl.  

Peele is an astonishing filmmaker, here fusing elements from Spielberg, Hitchcock, Shyamalan and others in a film language that he’s rapidly establishing as his own.  His years working in comedy clearly taught him never to skimp on robust characterizations and he’s given us two terrific leads - played to perfection by Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer.  As siblings with contrasting personalities, they really sell the sometimes shaky dynamics between love and real irritation that underscores so many siblings.   The supporting cast is terrific as well, but Michael Wincott steals the show.  

The visual effects are extraordinary and there are sequences in the final act that left me slack jawed with cinematic wonder.   It’s really ironic that a film so interested in the perils of spectacle is itself impossible to turn away from.  

My only minor gripe was the Gordy subplot and that while it bore some introductory thematic weight, it ultimately seemed pointless.  

That said, this was an outstanding achievement, another likely hit for Peele and one that really ought be seen in theaters.  

I’m really grateful Peele has so unapologetically embraced genre filmmaking and I really hope he continues that way for the duration of his career.  


I had heard that it was the worst by far of the three movies (Get Out, Us and Nope)

I'm glad to see contrary opinions, it may end up encouraging me to go see it at the movies.



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The Russo brothers doing their best Michael Bay drone action extravaganza impersonation here and for the most part it’s jaw dropping dumb fun.  

No fewer than nine or ten bonkers set pieces strung together with the flimsiest of “plots” but, wow what action set pieces they are!   The mid air smoke piece, the tram chase, the Prague bench shootout.   Ooof.  I have a headache just thinking about it.  

Gosling and Evans are terrific movie stars as the leads with gosling deploying stoic, yet quippy charm and believable physicality and Evans enjoying every moment of his mustache twirling sociopath turn.    

That said, I really wonder the thinking of casting the stunningly gorgeous Ana de Armas and not utilizing her beauty in any way.   Even No Time To Die had her in a sexy little black dress while she showed off her impressive action chops and where is the chemistry she had with Gosling in Blade Rubber?  Similarly, why have Henwick and not at least give her a fight or two?  She’s an impressive physical performer and here is limited to yelling a lot and looking pissed off. 

By the end I realized that this was an obvious attempt at kicking off a franchise with several plot threads unresolved and characters left in play that in another film would have reached a different conclusion.   Even though I didn’t “love” this I’d be down for a sequel.



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🥤📺🎬💽 :) watching…





Susan Winter organizes an expedition deep into the wilds of Mexico hoping to find her aviator fiance after a plane crash. Instead they find bugs, giant lizards, mountains glowing with uranium, and a 25-foot-tall human beast with a single eye.


UPDATE: A fanciful syfy tale that included giant reptiles and a cyclops that use to be normal… enjoyed the outdoor scenery! 4/5



Hy-Veedeals.com 250 from Iowa Speedway in Newton, Iowa 



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Watched this tonight! Very interesting view of the industry, and a very good watch overall. I'm sad this never made it to theaters locally like I hoped it would so I could've watched it earlier this year, but I'm glad I at least got to watch it now. Sofia Kappel is captivating and I'm really just drawn in by this movie. Crazy to think A24 had it and then NEON took it over when A24 tried to neuter it. Wish we got a better blu release with a digital code and a nice slipcover though...

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7 minutes ago, Gary K said:

Great choice!  What did you all think?  Curious if the kids liked jt. 


My youngest, who is 16. really liked it.  Better than The Black Phone.  I did not see that one, not really my type of movie. It was good, outside what I usually watch.  A slow burn, .  One of the theaters around here has a discount on Tuesdays.  So grabbed the good theater for $7 each.  

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