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Media Psychos Psycho Challenge! NEW: CHALLENGE 38 IS NOW LIVE!


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Challenge 16: Favorite Movies


I love this one, thanks @Chief_lookout ! So tough to narrow down. I think this is my list in order:

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Apollo 13
  • Alien
  • Jaws
  • Interstellar
  • The Shining
  • The Abyss (Special Edition)
  • The Martian
  • First Man
  • Goodfellas

I was torn about Star Trek and Star Wars. I love both of those so much that they almost exist on another plane, so I didn't include them in the top ten list. 




(thanks again @deckard99 for this awesome ToC 2001 edition!)


...and it now becomes painfully apparent how paltry my editions are, as I lack premiums for most of my favorite films. We'll add that to the list of New Year's resolutions this year! Really excited for that upcoming Apollo 13 release, the cover art on the standard 4K amaray is a true monstrosity, behold:







My most wanted steelbook is easily The Abyss (Special Edition). I basically tell that to anyone with ears, my dog is especially tired of hearing about how much I want The Abyss. It could be such a beautiful steelbook with an incredible 4K transfer... standard release steel could be a white slipcover with The Abyss logo transparent, slide it off and there's nice underwater art on the steel proper... come on, universe, we need this!


I guess I have a thing for Manta Lab so I'd most like to see them tackle an Abyss premium. But now that it's in Disney's vault I'm sure it'd be a tough deal. 


Edited by hansreinhardt
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challenge 1:

Most favorite Lenticular edition:


1. Captain America - KimchiDVD


It´s one of my most favorite Marvel movie (next to Iron Man and The incredible Hulk).

I love the details on that particular Lenti. :)



The second and third ones are:


2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier  - Novamedia

3. Aquaman - HDZeta

I love these lentis with the depth, because you get the feeling diving into an other world. :)




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Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-08 um 20.20.45.png


Edited by javi
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Great challenge, I just started pulling movies so here are my top 10. 

Top 5 (in no order)

Star Wars - if I had to choose just one, I guess I would go with A New Hope

Lord of the Rings - again, if I had to choose, I’ll go with Fellowship



The Thing





They Live

Kung Fu Hustle



If I could get any movie in steelbook/premium it would be the unaltered version of A New Hope from UHD Club but I would settle for any official release of the original versions of the OT instead of the insufferable b.s. altered versions that are available.





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challenge 2:

Five favorite Premium edtions:


1. Schindler´s List - Everything Blu

- one of the best performances of Liam Neeson.
This Slip of Evrything Blu is just amazing, with small details and the prefect artwork!

Love these colors


2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens  - Novamedia

- revives a complete Franchise!
Love the Millennium Falcon artwork - because it´s the ship of the coolest character in this universe. ;)


3. The Monster Squad - Cine Museum

- that is just cult.

Underestimated retailer for very good mediabooks and a special taste of movies.


4. Ready Player One - Manta Lab

- crazy amazing movie. Never getting tiered, watching it over and over again.

One of Manta Labs best lentis.


5. Final Destination Collection - Nameless Media
- very smart and surprising story (first part!).

Funny and scary at the same time.

Even if the following parts are not as good as the first part - they´re still fun to watch.
Biggest Mediabook (very nice idea to make them that big!) with a very cool artwork and a great booklet inside.


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2 hours ago, ethnosax said:

3. True Grit. The rare instance where I love the original novel and both film adaptations. If I had to choose just one, though, I'd pick the most recent film as my favorite version. This is one I'd put into an "American Films" time capsule. It says so much about the character of the country. If you love the film and haven't experienced the novel, I highly recommend the audiobook read by Donna Tartt. It will make you wish your daily commute was longer. :)


I've been neglecting this even though everyone speaks highly of it, just out of some vague loyalty for the original.   I'm a big fan of the Coen Bros, so your little review is the push I need to bring it up to the top of the watch list.  


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Just now, BreakBeatDJ said:


I've been neglecting this even though everyone speaks highly of it, just out of some vague loyalty for the original.   I'm a big fan of the Coen Bros, so your little review is the push I need to bring it up to the top of the watch list.  



Oh, I think it's exactly your kind of movie! Give it a chance, and let me know what you think. :)

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9 minutes ago, BreakBeatDJ said:

As @Veum said above, this could be the hardest challenge so far.  I have a top 100, maybe get it down to 50.  This list will have to be a random 10 of a larger list.


Sassy GIF by reactionseditor



Yeah, the first 6-7 are pretty constant for me (not any particular order though). The rest sheesh….could be any of two three dozen movies on a given day.


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challenge 3:

 Top three extras:


1. Shark tooth - Jaws - Cine Museum

- I simply loooooove this movie. Great and well aged!

Cine Museum understood, what collectors expect from a PREMIUM EDITION!


2. T-Shirt - Terminator 2 - Filmarena

- one of the best movies with Arnie. Effects and action overkill.

James Cameron par excellence!
Filmarena is (or was maybe ;) !) great in creating editions with nice add on items and how to present them.


3. Calendar - Marvel´s The Avengers - Yesasia Taiwan Steelbook

- It´s not the biggest edition, but I really like the idea of the calendar from this entertaining movie!

Still hoping for more small editions with nice add ons. ;)




Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-08 um 21.07.55.png






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Just now, Gary K said:



Yeah, the first 6-7 are pretty constant for me (not any particular order though). The rest sheesh….could be any of two three dozen movies on a given day.



You know, you're actually right, when I think about it there are maybe a top 5 for sure, after that there is a second tier of 50-70.  My prob is that I love so many different genres and eras.  There is no apples to apples comparison to rank them.  They all go in a giant flavacol covered popcorn bucket of goodness.  I'm gunna take some time before I submit.

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Here is my top ten list, without specific order, excluding sagas because it would be impossible to select among Star Wars, The Hobbit, Lord of the rings, Back to the future or Indiana Jones 😬


#1 : Gladiator

#2 : Shawshank Redemption

#3 : Schindler’s List

#4 : Heat

#5 : The Green Mile

#6 : The Great Escape

#7 : Saving Private Ryan

#8 : Braveheart

#9 : The Revenant

#10 : 300



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Challenge #14 The Animals




1. Jaws UHD Club 4k: Great White Shark

2. Batman Begins 4k one click: Bats

3. The Lion King 4k Steelbook: Lion

4. Jumanji: The Next Level 4k Steelbook: Mandrill

5. The Beast Master 4k: Eagle 


My favorite animals are dogs, in particular Huskies. I've owned two huskies over the years, and their personalities are so awesome. My first one had so many different woo tones she could make, it was crazy. She could communicate better than some humans!





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Challenge #15: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow



1. A Christmas Story 4k 

2. The Grinch 4k 

3. Home Alone 4k 

4. Everest 4k 

5. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation 

I watched National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, and Home Alone over the holidays. My favorite Christmas movie is Christmas Vacation. I can empathize with Clark Griswold on so many levels, especially when I worked for my former employer. 

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@cypheria078 You have me bewildered Bro.

How does anyone initially call out their love for Star Wars, Back to the Future & Indiana Jones, and then come out with a list of such epic depressing storylines for their top 10?! 😂


Im not saying Schindlers List isn’t a great movie, but a movie about the holocaust in your Top 10 favourite films… Dude…




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1 hour ago, Pbsw23 said:

Im not saying Schindlers List isn’t a great movie, but a movie about the holocaust in your Top 10 favourite films… Dude…

The sagas I mentioned are definitely in my top 10, but as a whole, each episode having its qualities and its defects.

I have a particular affection for this part of History since I was young, and the heroic acts that took place during this period facing horror and madness.

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Challenge #16: It's so Hard to Choose! 

I would like to see a premium Steelbook/one click of Pulp Fiction made by WeET. I feel like the WWA steel and the set by Nova Media were just meh. 


My top 10 favorite Movies:


10. Kill Bill Vol. 1

9. Goodfellas

8. Aliens

7. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 

6. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King extended edition

5. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring extended edition. Beats out ROTK by a hair for me



4. Terminator 2: Judgement Day. In my opinion the greatest sci-fi movie of all time. It has everything..... except a decent 4k transfer! Sorry, I couldn't help it! 



3. The Godfather Part II. The greatest sequel of them all. Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro are fantastic in this. When I watch this movie, I still get emotional about it, despite having seen it a couple of dozen times. 



2. Pulp Fiction. A perfect movie, in my opinion. Tarantino's crown jewel, and the best movie of the last 30 years. It was only beat on my list by another perfect movie... 



1.The Godfather. My favorite movie, and what I consider to be the greatest movie of all times. As great as Marlon Brando was in this, I feel as though Al Pacino should have won Best Actor. Just a wonderful piece of art. 






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1.  Challenge #16. Top 10.


Here is a list of my top ten, not in any particular order.  Many were released long ago and newer films have trouble breaking into the 10 top, did really enjoy Tenet bak in 2020.


1.  The Sting

2.  The Godfather 

3.  Jaws

4.  Casino Royale

5.  Tenet

6.  Clash of the Titans

7.  LA Confidential 

8.  Manhunter

9.  Fantastic Mr Fox.

10.  Interstellar 

11.  Once upon a time in the West.  (Not Pictured.)






Honorable Mention-  Not the best films. But if I come across them. I'm stopping and watching. 

1.  Margin Call

2   SWAT

3.  Dogma

4.  Captain Marvel 

5.  The Martian.




Most wanted steelbook.   Probably a 4k of Once upon a time in the West.  Would settle for just s 4k release. I'm not picky. 

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16 hours ago, Chief_lookout said:

Media Psychos Challenge #16: It's so hard to choose!


Happy New Year, Psychos! I am honored to present to you the first new challenge of the new year, challenge 16! After many discussions with my best friend about our favorite movies, I decided to keep a list of my favorite movies on my phone, because, inevitably, I left some out!

Which got me thinking, what are everybody's favorite movies? 

For this challenge, I'd like to know what everyone's top ten favorite movies are! You will list your favorite movies, and show five of them! Any format is fine! Remember, it's top 10 favorite movies, not favorite steelbook art!

In addition, I'd like to know which one of your favorites you'd most like to see a steelbook release for, and which company you'd like to produce it! I hope this is a fun challenge to kick off the new year for everyone!


Since it's my challenge, I'll start us off:

1: Krull (1983)-This might not be in anybody's top ten, but it is the first movie I have a clear memory going to see in the theater with my dad...and the glaive fascinated me! Along with an awesome score by James Horner! I used to rent this movie every weekend as a kid! I have easily seen it over 500 times! I can quote the dialog based on the song playing from the soundtrack! I absolutely love it! I had a custom steel made for it, as you will see.

2. Requiem for a Dream (2000)- The best movie I might never watch again

3. The Great Escape (1963)- Love a good jailbreak movie!

4. The Rainmaker (1997)- Matt Damon is my favorite actor, and this is a fantastic example of why! Great story from John Grisham!

5. True Romance (1993)- Star studded cast in an awesome movie written by Quentin Tarantino!

6. Tombstone (1993)- My wife's favorite movie and my favorite Western! We quote it all the time!

7. Nobody (2021)- The newest movie on my list and some awesome fight scenes!

8. Ready Player One (2018)- A great treasure hunt movie! I love all the references, and when We're Not Gonna Take It starts playing...goosebumps every time!

9. Interstellar (2014)- Christopher Nolan is my favorite director, and I love this film! The space vistas are absolutely gorgeous!

10. Avatar (2009)- I saw this in the theater in 3D three times...just beautiful visuals! And when Eywa helps them at the end...another goosebumps moment!




I would very much like to see Krull get a steelbook release, and in my head it's a Lion's Gate release with the glaive on the slipcover so it flies away from Colwyn's hand and comes back!

I hope you all have lots of fun with this challenge! Thanks for reading!

Top 10 favorite movies!

Apollo 13


The Dark Knight

The Incredibles

Saving Private Ryan

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Star Trek Beyond

The Thing




I'd love another steelbook set for all the Star Trek movies! But without some obnoxious border this time, and some art for the Kelvin movies that match the first ten!

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Challenge 1:


My favorite lenticular edition is the Blufans SL Ragnarok.  I believe it is the only lenti I have that has 4 different characters on it.  Depending on the angle you see Thor, Hela, Loki, or Hulk.  Absolutely love it! 


My favorite lentis definitely are the ones where the image changes depending on the angle.  


Also included in pic is the Weet Spiderman 3 where the suit changes from black to red and the Weet Antman and the Wasp where it changes from having helmets to not having them.





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Challenge 12:


My 3 favorite directors are Quentin Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, and George Lucas (biased because of Star Wars).


Favorite movie from Quentin Tarantino is Pulp Fiction.  Favorite from George Lucas is Star Wars A New Hope (as if there was any doubt).  Favorite from Christopher Nolan is The Dark Knight.  


From George Lucas episodes 1-2 have too many cringe moments, but he redeemed it with Revenge of the Sith.





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Challenge #15: Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow


These are just some of the movie we like to watch every year...


1 - The Grinch (2018)

2 - Christmas Vacation

3 - A Christmas Story

4 - Home Alone

5 - It's a Wonderful Life





It's a Wonderful Life has been a Christmas Eve tradition for many years now so of course we watched it again this year. Christmas Vacation is another one and I look forward to my parents' hysterical laughing during the squirrel scene. Miracle on 34th St and White Christmas are two other that we watch every year. 


All were planned and all were watched 😉


I'll try to get to challenge #16 later in the week 👍

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