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For challenge 15, I forgot to share what movies I watch with the family on Christmas. Pretty much starting the day after Thanksgiving, any of the Home Alone movies (1,2,3,4, or 5) are always on constant playback. And my personal favorite Christmas franchise has always been The Santa Clause, so if we don't watch as a family, I always watch on my own.

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On 11/27/2022 at 10:26 AM, Reagh said:

My favorite Director is Mr. David Lynch. The Greatest American Filmmaker of all time. He captures the happiness in the sadness , the beauty in the nightmare, the humor in the horror and paints that beautiful art all over the film medium.

My favorite film of all time is easily Mulholland DR. It’s a masterful mystery that few have truly solved. Even though most critics openly admit that they don’t understand what they watched or how the pieces fit together, the experience is something they will never forget.




My second favorite Director is Mr. Stanley Kubrick. Another example of art being painted on film. A filmmaker that constantly pushed the boundaries. His films cover all categories War, Romance, Mystery, Horror, Drama, Thrillers, Comedy, Action, and the greatest Science Fiction film ever made 2001 A Space Odyssey.




Next up is Mr. Paul Thomas Anderson. He is one of the few Directors that can capture chaos and present it as calm and controlled. In fact I believe he is probably the best WORKING Director we have. His films are never alike and always character driven. It’s also completely evident that he is a student of Kubrick and his films showcase that. The two that come to mind are the Master and the Phantom Thread. I believe you could place Stanley’s name on those 2 films and it wouldn’t surprise anyone. There will be blood is masterful and deserves a mention but I believe The Master to be his greatest achievement. 







I forgot one 



and this is a perfect time for @Gary K to right a wrong and react to this 



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Fun Love GIF by Sawyer

some nice new submissions, before we get to Challenge 16 👍


Thanks @nathan_s82 @Cornrow 🙏


@lunazero you also completed all 15 challenges now 😲


@HeightOfFolly you did it with Challenge 1 and got the Award

Happy Ice Hockey GIF by NHL


Oh My God Wow GIF by LAIKA Studios

a total of 55 members have already received the 10 challenges Award. That is amazing.


Special mention of the following

Happy Birthday Winner GIF by The3FlamingosArt 3D GIF by Pi-Slices

members that solved all 15 challenges so far 😀

@bossjon @Casiusco @Catgirl @cypheria078 @ethnosax @extantsrevenge @Gary K @Gentleman @hal56 @InfiniteDoors @lunazero @Mrdugan @Pbsw23 @Reagh @Scary Hair @ukade2327 @Veum




we will continue wih challenge 16 from @Chief_lookout.


I hope many will be back and continue playing. This will be a very nice and interesting challenge for sure.

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Media Psychos Challenge #16: It's so hard to choose!


Happy New Year, Psychos! I am honored to present to you the first new challenge of the new year, challenge 16! After many discussions with my best friend about our favorite movies, I decided to keep a list of my favorite movies on my phone, because, inevitably, I left some out!

Which got me thinking, what are everybody's favorite movies? 

For this challenge, I'd like to know what everyone's top ten favorite movies are! You will list your favorite movies, and show five of them! Any format is fine! Remember, it's top 10 favorite movies, not favorite steelbook art!

In addition, I'd like to know which one of your favorites you'd most like to see a steelbook release for, and which company you'd like to produce it! I hope this is a fun challenge to kick off the new year for everyone!


Since it's my challenge, I'll start us off:

1: Krull (1983)-This might not be in anybody's top ten, but it is the first movie I have a clear memory going to see in the theater with my dad...and the glaive fascinated me! Along with an awesome score by James Horner! I used to rent this movie every weekend as a kid! I have easily seen it over 500 times! I can quote the dialog based on the song playing from the soundtrack! I absolutely love it! I had a custom steel made for it, as you will see.

2. Requiem for a Dream (2000)- The best movie I might never watch again

3. The Great Escape (1963)- Love a good jailbreak movie!

4. The Rainmaker (1997)- Matt Damon is my favorite actor, and this is a fantastic example of why! Great story from John Grisham!

5. True Romance (1993)- Star studded cast in an awesome movie written by Quentin Tarantino!

6. Tombstone (1993)- My wife's favorite movie and my favorite Western! We quote it all the time!

7. Nobody (2021)- The newest movie on my list and some awesome fight scenes!

8. Ready Player One (2018)- A great treasure hunt movie! I love all the references, and when We're Not Gonna Take It starts playing...goosebumps every time!

9. Interstellar (2014)- Christopher Nolan is my favorite director, and I love this film! The space vistas are absolutely gorgeous!

10. Avatar (2009)- I saw this in the theater in 3D three times...just beautiful visuals! And when Eywa helps them at the end...another goosebumps moment!




I would very much like to see Krull get a steelbook release, and in my head it's a Lion's Gate release with the glaive on the slipcover so it flies away from Colwyn's hand and comes back!

I hope you all have lots of fun with this challenge! Thanks for reading!

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@Chief_lookout thanks for the challenge.

Here are my top 10 favourite movies in chronological order:

City Lights


Once Upon A Time In The West

Dirty Harry

A Clockwork Orange

Life Of Brian

The Princess Bride


Batman Returns

Jackie Brown 



Goodfellas has yet to a receive a proper steelbook (anyone who dares mention the ToC release will be shot on the spot) but Film Vault’s beautiful set will do nicely in the meantime. Would have loved that great art by Matt Ferguson to be used for a steel, though.

And Dirty Harry, of course (Nova or EverythingBlu would be great choices to do this classic justice) but since that is unlikely to happen, I’m perfectly happy with my custom steel.

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Thanks for Challenge 16 @Chief_lookout.


Here are my Top 10 😃


1: Star Wars: A New Hope

2: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

3: Braveheart

4: Aliens

5: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

6: Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

7: The Matrix

8: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

9: Terminator 2: Judgement Day

10: Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel




I guess my top 10 show what a huge Star Wars Fan I have been since I saw it for the first time, sadly each time I look at my top 10 I get angry about that horrible bad follow up trilogy Disney made. Basically everything from Episode VII-IX is wrong and bad. But that will not diminish my love for the original 6 movies and my admiration for George Lucas for creating Star Wars.


I would really like to have a Steelbook release for "Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel" and since no premium company would ever do it, I'm hoping for a German Steelbook release someday, as I want it with German titel and sound anyway. Most likely the only movie I would ever want in German and not the original language.


Besides we still need Premium releases with WEA for the original 6 Star Wars, Braveheart & Aliens. Sadly all these are owned by Disney now, so I don't have high hopes 😭.

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Thanks for the new challenge @Chief_lookout

Here are my top 10 favorite movies


1. Interstellar
2. Inception
3. Moulin rouge
4. The greatest showman
5. The phantom of the opera
6. Alita
7. Amadeus
8. Her
9. Predestination
10. Se7en

I know it won't possibly happen, but I really want to have the phantom of the opera steelbook version. There was a steelcase release from japan but it became super rare now, and i want WEA release with different artworks😢


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Thanks to @Chief_lookout for this new challenge.


I've been trying to come up with a Top 10 list for a while now, but don't think I've quite nailed it down yet.


For the sake of this challenge, I'll list what I currently have that best represents not only some of my favourite movies of all time, but the kinds of movies that speak to me.


1. Rocky (1976)


2. It's A Wonderful Life (1946)


3. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)


4. For A Few Dollars More (1965)


5. The Exorcist (1973)


6. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962)


7. The Dark Knight (2008)


8. Wild Strawberries (1957)


9. Predator (1987)


10. Die Hard (1988) 




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Challenge 16: It's so hard to choose!


@Chief_lookoutThanks for this challenge!



10 movies is not enought imho but here are 10 movies in no particular order:



The Dark Knight Trilogy

Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

Man Of Steel

Tron: Legacy

Last Samurai


I Am Legend

The Shawshank Redemption


Matrix belongs in the list, but I don't have a suitable premium edition for this yet. I'm a little disappointed with MantaLab's beauty shots.

I hope that the finished edition looks better than the beauty shots suggest.




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Hay all 🙃

I finally found some time to submit missed challenges. 

First is #6 alphebatize:


So, how I came up for my nick name. While I'm searching for my PlayStation account name, my kids where playing with matchbox cars and make a sound that sounds like Jium Jium. So I typed it up and since then that's my nick. To hear this, makes the story more funny. But that's all 😉

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Thanks for the new challenge, @Chief_lookout

Its impossible to choose a final list of my Top 10 movies. There are too many masterpieces out there.

So, for this list I chose those amongst these I revisited the most in the last years and they are listed alphabetically


Blade Runner

Blow out

Blue Velvet

The Exorcist

Good Fellas

In the mood for love




The Thing







It would be great to have premiums for Blow out, Blue Velvet and Network, preferrably done by UHD Club, CM or WCL.

If a WEA would be on the table, then Plain Archive would be my first choice. Sure, Blufans or WeET would be amazing but given their movie selection it seems highly unlikely.




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🧋🤠 🎬 Thank you @Chief_lookout for this almost impossible challenge because this is definitely not my definitive list of the top love of my movies, cause I enjoy more then a top ten list … ❣️:)🍿🥠


Media Psychos Challenge #16: It's so hard to choose!


My ten in no particular order of course:

- The Outlaw Josey Wales

- The Godfather trilogy

- Wind River

- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

- The Exorcist

- The Wizard of Oz

- Terminator 2 Judgement Day

- Tombstone

- Hang’Em High

- Psycho


I would LOVE to see a definitive Premium OC WEA boxset lenti/steels 4K of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, also Tombstone, The Outlaw Josey Wales & Hang’Em High to strat❣️I’d like either HDZeta or Manta Lab to do these  Premiums!! 👍 🙏 👨‍🏫




Edited by Veum
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Thank you for the 16th Challenge @Chief_lookout! 🙏 I have to admit, it's actually the hardest challenge for me so far, because I just can't settle on 10 movies.  🤔 I easily come up with 20-30 movies that would be worthy of being in my top 10 in my eyes.


I gave a special place to Notting Hill. For me, an absolute highlight from the era of romantic comedies in the 90s. I also have a lot of personal associations with the film. Among other things, the film includes "our song" (I think every couple has one). I would also like to see a premium edition or just a steelbook of this film. Gladly from Novamedia or Kimchi, it would fit well.


I have now decided for these films in my top 10:


0. Notting Hill
1. Blade Runner
2. The Godfather
3. Taxi Driver
4. Shining
5. Dune (2022)
6. Titanic (Photo of course with the awesome gift of my Secret Santa Nils 😃 @extantsrevenge!) 
7. Pirates of the Carribean - Curse of the Black Pearl (as the first part of a great series)
8. Aliens
9. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring (actually the whole trilogy)
10. Pulp fiction













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Great challenge @Chief_lookout


Here are my top ten in order


1. Mulholland Drive 




2. 2001 A Space Odyssey 




3. Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me 




4. Blue Velvet 




5. The Master 




6. The Shining 




7. Wonder Boys 




8. Interstellar 




9. L.A. Confidential 




10. Volver



Im working on having a custom done for Wonder Boys & Volver right now. 

If I had to choose one of those to get a premium release it would probably be Wonder Boys. It’s my go to movie any time I’m depressed or just having a bad day. That being said, I love Volver and a premium release for both of these would be a dream. As far as which retailer I would prefer for these two I would hope for Plain Archive or WCL. 

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vor einer Stunde schrieb JiumJium:

Hay all 🙃

I finally found some time to submit missed challenges. 

First is #6 alphebatize:


So, how I came up for my nick name. While I'm searching for my PlayStation account name, my kids where playing with matchbox cars and make a sound that sounds like Jium Jium. So I typed it up and since then that's my nick. To hear this, makes the story more funny. But that's all 😉


I like the story of your nick name! I will now have to think of Matchbox cars every time I read a post from you. 🤣


Hot Wheels Cars GIF by Guava Juice

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9 minutes ago, Gentleman said:

0. Notting Hill
1. Blade Runner
2. The Godfather
3. Taxi Driver
4. Shining
5. Dune (2022)
6. Titanic (Photo of course with the awesome gift of my Secret Santa Nils 😃 @extantsrevenge!) 
7. Pirates of the Carribean - Curse of the Black Pearl (as the first part of a great series)
8. Aliens
9. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring (actually the whole trilogy)
10. Pulp fiction



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10 minutes ago, Reagh said:

Great challenge @Chief_lookout


Here are my top ten in order


1. Mulholland Drive 




2. 2001 A Space Odyssey 




3. Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me 




4. Blue Velvet 




5. The Master 




6. The Shining 




7. Wonder Boys 




8. Interstellar 




9. L.A. Confidential 




10. Volver



Im working on having a custom done for Wonder Boys & Volver right now. 

If I had to choose one of those to get a premium release it would probably be Wonder Boys. It’s my go to movie any time I’m depressed or just having a bad day. That being said, I love Volver and a premium release for both of these would be a dream. As far as which retailer I would prefer for these two I would hope for Plain Archive or WCL. 


You still haven't convinced me you're a David Lynch fan. 😁

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24 minutes ago, Gentleman said:

Thank you for the 16th Challenge @Chief_lookout! 🙏 I have to admit, it's actually the hardest challenge for me so far, because I just can't settle on 10 movies.  🤔 I easily come up with 20-30 movies that would be worthy of being in my top 10 in my eyes.


I gave a special place to Notting Hill. For me, an absolute highlight from the era of romantic comedies in the 90s. I also have a lot of personal associations with the film. Among other things, the film includes "our song" (I think every couple has one). I would also like to see a premium edition or just a steelbook of this film. Gladly from Novamedia or Kimchi, it would fit well.


I have now decided for these films in my top 10:


0. Notting Hill
1. Blade Runner
2. The Godfather
3. Taxi Driver
4. Shining
5. Dune (2022)
6. Titanic (Photo of course with the awesome gift of my Secret Santa Nils 😃 @extantsrevenge!) 
7. Pirates of the Carribean - Curse of the Black Pearl (as the first part of a great series)
8. Aliens
9. Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring (actually the whole trilogy)
10. Pulp fiction














Yeah @Gentleman we have one for ourselves❣️ 🧑‍🦳👩‍🦳 🥰



Edited by Veum
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Thanks for the new challenge, @Chief_lookout! Top tens are impossible for me, but here are ten beloved films from my shelves. Think of it not as "my ten all-time favorite movies," but more as "ten movies I am always in the mood to watch, any time of day." I'm starting to feel like I keep showing the same movies over and over in these challenges, so for this one I'll try to select movies I haven't used before (or at least haven't used very often).




1. A Monster Calls. Love the book, love the movie. I once watched it with a friend whose dad had just passed away, and it was one of those moments where as soon as the movie started, I thought, "Wow, could I have made a dumber choice??" But it turned out to be very therapeutic and beautiful.


2. Wings of Desire. I may have mentioned this one before, but its lyricism and everyday beauty, all leading to a classic existential "leap of faith," are just perfect.


3. True Grit. The rare instance where I love the original novel and both film adaptations. If I had to choose just one, though, I'd pick the most recent film as my favorite version. This is one I'd put into an "American Films" time capsule. It says so much about the character of the country. If you love the film and haven't experienced the novel, I highly recommend the audiobook read by Donna Tartt. It will make you wish your daily commute was longer. :)


4. Vertigo. I have to admit, I was disappointed to see Vertigo lose its top spot on the 100 Greatest Films list this year—and to a film I haven't even heard of! For me, Vertigo is like The Great Gatsby of film. Like that book, and like True Grit, it is incredibly perceptive about American culture. (And it has one of the greatest film scores ever.)


5. Paterson. Pure comfort food for me. I use this film in class to talk about the poetry of everyday life, and the pleasures of a quiet life well-lived.


6. Gladiator. When this was new, and super-popular, I resisted it, as I often do with movies that are super-popular. But when I finally got around to it, I had to admit that it is the perfect heroic epic.


7. Spirited Away. This so skillfully brings together elements from all fantasy and fairy tales, but also with unexpected surprises, that it instantly felt like a story that's existed forever. For me, it's right up there with Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and the other classic stories it references.


8. Singin' in the Rain. Perhaps the happiest movie ever made. We watched it again this year on New Year's Eve, and it was the best way to bring in the new year.


9. Safety Last! I've mentioned Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin here before, but Harold Lloyd is also amazing. Safety Last! is a comedy, but it's also the most tense, stressful movie I've ever seen, once he starts the climb up the building. Absolutely hilarious all the way through.


10. Charade. Runner-up for "happiest movie ever made." Grant and Hepburn are a total delight in every minute of this lite tribute to the spy genre. For any of you who aren't married yet, I recommend watching this with anyone you date, and you'll be able to tell if this is the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. ;)


Movie I'd most like in steelbook: Titan A.E.

What is wrong with this world, that this movie has not become a cult classic? It's never even had a blu-ray release, let alone 4K! It has great voice work, beautiful imagery, and a rockin' soundtrack. Here are some other things that make me very fond of Titan A.E.:

  • It represents that brief era when hand-drawn and CG animation were very awkwardly integrated. I find this really charming, and to me, the awkwardness is evidence of the creative energy and craftsmanship that went into every aspect of the filmmaking.
  • It exists side-by-side with Treasure Planet—two versions of basically the same story, with one being the Disney version and the other being the anti-Disney version. Titan A.E. is full of attitude that wasn't at all Disney-ish. I love both movies, but Titan A.E.'s grunge aesthetic makes me love it just a little bit more.
  • The DVD cover had a critic quote that said, "This is the movie Star Wars fans have been waiting for"—implying that The Phantom Menace was not the move SW fans had been waiting for (which I agree with).

I could go on and on. :) But I think the vibrant, rock aesthetic of the film would lend itself well to an over-the-top premium steelbook release. I don't know which retailer would do best with it, but I do like what Manta has been doing in the past couple years, so I'd vote for either them or HDZeta. Here's a steelbook concept I put together some years ago, using the rather limited poster art that's available. I hope an official release would look much cooler.



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