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28 minutes ago, deckard99 said:

I watched Inglorious Basterds last night. I have mixed feelings about this. Parts of it I enjoyed a lot, but overall I was disappointed. All the actors were good, but I really cringed at some of the plot devices and didn’t like the ending at all. Too many things just conveniently happen a certain way to move the story along. It’s a one watch for me.

Interesting take on the plot devices and how things just happened conveniently. I never thought about it before. I love the film, but I guess for me it was just because the characters were so absorbing. Especially Waltz. And the dialogue was just so good. It was definitely hard to turn away. But from just a plot perspective, you make a point. Still love the film to death though. 

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38 minutes ago, damships said:

Interesting take on the plot devices and how things just happened conveniently. I never thought about it before. I love the film, but I guess for me it was just because the characters were so absorbing. Especially Waltz. And the dialogue was just so good. It was definitely hard to turn away. But from just a plot perspective, you make a point. Still love the film to death though. 

Waltz was great and so was Brad Pitt. It’s probably just me, but I found the basement scene really stupid.



The meeting spot just happens to be a basement which just happens to have an unplanned nazi party and just happens to have an officer alone on a side room who just happens to get suspicious and everyone dies except the only person we need to live, but just happens to leave evidence around that proves she was there (doesn’t bother to remove it). Just one example.

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2 hours ago, Veum said:

🥤:)📺🎬 SONYHD Watching…


The Shadow Riders TV (1982)

Two brothers who battled on opposing sides of the Civil War return home at the end of the war to discover that their family has been kidnapped by Confederate forces.







 🥤:)📺🎬 SONYHD Watching…


The Shepherd (2008)


A border-patrol agent must stop renegade Special Forces from smuggling heroin into the United States.





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1 hour ago, Veum said:


 🥤:)📺🎬 SONYHD Watching…


The Shepherd (2008)


A border-patrol agent must stop renegade Special Forces from smuggling heroin into the United States.






 🥤:)📺🎬 SONYHD Watching…


10th and Wolf (2006)


An ex-Marine faces a dilemma after he returns to South Philadelphia and discovers his brother and cousin are entangled in the mob.





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Really just a repost from the "Movies in Cinema" section, but figured it fits here too:


Finally got see The Batman yesterday. Overall, I think it is a great take on Batman and a fun movie overall. I am only echoing things others have said but will put my thoughts down:



Robert Pattinson is a great Batman! I know some don't like his Bruce Wayne but I don't think he is playing Bruce Wayne (I dont think Bruce Wayne even exists yet in this movie). This is a story of a very young Batman - they mention in the movie that the Waynes were killed 20 years ago and Bruce was 10 or so when they died so he is only around 30 and has only been Batman for 2 years. He says he is "Vengeance", not he is Batman. Batman is all trauma and violence at this age, he has no need for "Bruce Wayne". I think his Bruce Wayne (which is a character that Batman plays) will come in time as Pattinson's Batman grows and changes.


Finally good Batman combat! I will always love Nolan and the DK trilogy but the hand-to-hand stuff in those is hard to watch.


Reeves knows how to make a cinematic shot like very few directors today! The intro of the Batmobile - the roar, the engine beginning to glow in the dark, exhaust flames shoot in all directions - it was like a monster coming to life. It was gorgeous.


That car chase!


We finally get to see Batman be a detective!



3 hours was pompous and unnecessary. I was exhausted coming out of this. Should have been 2-2.5.


The shriek that the Riddler lets out when he attacks his first victim.


Paul Dano - I was very excited for him to be the Riddler but his take was all over the place. He went from terrifying in the mask, to hokey talking to Batman in chains, to a trite characture while singing or dancing in his cell. Just didn't do it for me and I think that Paul Dano is a great actor.


Batman's brainstorming session that ruined the floor instead of doing it in the Batcave (the Wayne Corp accountants are going to find that wierd the next time the come over to discuss company finances).


I will need to let this soak in a while longer but right now it comes in second behind TDK for me. A solid 7.5-8/10. Excited to see the next one!


With Gotham flooded I wonder if they are going to reference the Snyder Year Zero storyline in coming sequels...I would like to see that.

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🥤:)📺🎬 SONYHD Watching…

Flight of Fury (2007)


A United States Air Force special ops agent betrayed by his own agency is forced back into active duty when a top secret stealth bomber is hijacked by a dangerous terrorist group in this action-packed tale of international intrigue starring Steven Seagal.






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2 hours ago, Veum said:


🥤:)📺🎬 SONYHD Watching…

Flight of Fury (2007)


A United States Air Force special ops agent betrayed by his own agency is forced back into active duty when a top secret stealth bomber is hijacked by a dangerous terrorist group in this action-packed tale of international intrigue starring Steven Seagal.







 🥤:)📺🎬 SONYHD Watching…


State of Grace (1990)

Terry Noonan returns home to New York's Hells Kitchen after a ten year absence. He soon hooks up with childhood pal Jackie who is involved in the Irish mob run by his brother Frankie. Terry also rekindles an old flame with Jackie's sister Kathleen. Soon, however, Terry is torn between his loyalty to his friends and his loyalties to others.




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4 hours ago, Veum said:

🥤:)📺🎬 HBOHD Watching…


🤠 Cry Macho
A one-time rodeo star and washed up horse breeder takes a job to bring a man's young son home and away from his alcoholic mom. On their journey, the horseman finds redemption through teaching the boy what it means to be a good man.







Sony Movies - Seraphim Falls (2006) bullwhip.gif

In 1868 a determined hunter and four hired gunmen relentlessly pursue an injured man across Nevada.




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🥤:)📺🎬 SONY Movies Watching…


Revolver (2005)


Jason Statham ('The Transporter' and 'Transporter 2') is Jake 
Green, a grifter who vows revenge against Macha (Ray Liotta, 'Goodfellas'), the ferocious 
crime boss who sent him to prison. After taking Macha down in a game of chance, Macha puts 
out a hit on Jake. Now, caught between a gun and a hard place, Jake finds himself protected 
by two vicious loan sharks (Vincent Pastore and Andre Benjamin) who make him an offer he 
can't refuse.





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1 hour ago, Veum said:

🥤:)📺🎬 SONY Movies Watching…


Revolver (2005)


Jason Statham ('The Transporter' and 'Transporter 2') is Jake 
Green, a grifter who vows revenge against Macha (Ray Liotta, 'Goodfellas'), the ferocious 
crime boss who sent him to prison. After taking Macha down in a game of chance, Macha puts 
out a hit on Jake. Now, caught between a gun and a hard place, Jake finds himself protected 
by two vicious loan sharks (Vincent Pastore and Andre Benjamin) who make him an offer he 
can't refuse.








Mercenary (1997)


Jonas Ambler is a rich businessman who's wife is killed by kidnappers. So he decides to get even. He hires a mercenary to find and kill the kidnappers. There's only one catch, he wants to go with them


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🥤:)📺🎬 Attack Force (2006) SONYHD Watching…

When MARSHALL LAWSON (Steven Seagal) loses his strike-team in a cold-blooded and seemingly random attack, he takes it upon himself to investigate the suspicious circumstances of the brutal killings. Soon he uncovers CTX Majestic, a covert military operation so secret, that now the military wants Marshall eliminated. Resolute in his pursuit, Marshall engages in a merciless battle with a drug dealer operation that appears to be secretly funded by a rogue arm of the military.




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