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5 minutes ago, RAK said:

Im holding out hope they do a big WEA box like they do for the other 2 Spider-Man Series.

That would be absolutely incredible!  They knocked it out of the park with Amazing Spiderman 1 and 2 and Spiderman 1,2,3 box sets.  Since all the MCU Spiderman movies have been WWA it seems unlikely, but market definitely exists for it and they would sell out fast as usual.

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Sitting here watching the replay of the Love and Thunder premiere from last night.

Cautiously optimistic about this. 

I loved Ragnarok but they just re-showed the trailer for L&T and some of the jokes land with a real thud. Hoping they are just missing context. 

I did notice this time around that they show Gorr receiving a sword and walking through a black abyss with what looks like symbiotes swirling around. 
What are the chances they introduce All Black, the Necrosword? And will that lead to Knull one day?! How will it all work with Venom being butchered over at Sony?!!



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On 6/24/2022 at 10:38 PM, notdan said:

I did notice this time around that they show Gorr receiving a sword and walking through a black abyss with what looks like symbiotes swirling around. 
What are the chances they introduce All Black, the Necrosword? And will that lead to Knull one day?! How will it all work with Venom being butchered over at Sony?!!




I know the MCU doesn't perfectly follow the comics but, in them, Gorr doesn't really have powers. It's All-Black that makes him so dangerous. I'd say, based on the trailers so far, that sword will be doing the same here. I think, ultimately, it's going to be some version of All-Black, but it wouldn't surprise me if the sword's origins are kept somewhat vague. 

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11 hours ago, Pbsw23 said:

I tend to agree with @CryoSteel in that it will be kept vague. I can’t see them touching on Knull, or if they do it will likely be in a one liner. But I do believe it will be the Necrosword. 🤞🏼




Probably amounts to Gorr sees sword get used, takes sword, goes on a killing spree. The movie makes it more exciting, of course, but comic readers know it's All-Black. 

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33 minutes ago, CryoSteel said:


Probably amounts to Gorr sees sword get used, takes sword, goes on a killing spree. The movie makes it more exciting, of course, but comic readers know it's All-Black. 

You are most likely right. It is a bummer though. I love the God Bomb arc. 

Would have been very cool to see All-Black and it’s origins realized more. 

Also would have loved to see Chris Hemsworth play Thor the God, Thor the Avenger, and Thor the King. The end of that story with Thor in the center of the bomb with two Mjolnir’s and every god in the universe praying to him is epic. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really enjoyed love and thunder as well. Sure, it has flaws and jokes are bit much but it's fun, action comedy with rom com in there. 7.5/10, ragnarok is the still the superior film then love and thunder and then thor 2011 & thor the dark world.



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Anymore views on Multiverse of Madness in here people? I’ve purposely held back my views on this one to see what others thought first. Went in excited, came out less than impressed. ☹️ 

Another entirely disappointing movie in the realms of Black Widow. Basically just a nod (and Disney cashing in on) to the animated What If series, but mostly to merely introduce another new character. And don’t even get me started on the cheesy one liners. Real Shame. Could have been so much more. I really fear for Love and Thunder now reading reviews of those who have seen it.

All of that horror and death, only to come to the epiphany that was levied right from the start of it. 🙄 Yawn. Some of the sets were also appalling, as were some other costume/make up shots. Guess they blew the budget on the CGI moments. 🤷🏼‍♂️

This honestly felt like a backwards step to me. Apart from impressive CGI in places, it literally felt on a par with Raimi’s 2002 Spider-Man. In fact, Spider-Man looked better than this in a lot of places, especially for it’s time. Seems like Raimi hasn’t advanced in 20yrs tbh. It also felt a lot longer than 2hrs to me. Disappointed.

Edited by Pbsw23
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3 hours ago, Pbsw23 said:

Anymore views on Multiverse of Madness in here people? I’ve purposely held back my views on this one to see what others thought first. Went in excited, came out less than impressed. ☹️ 

Another entirely disappointing movie in the realms of Black Widow. Basically just a nod (and Disney cashing in on) to the animated What If series, but mostly to merely introduce another new character. And don’t even get me started on the cheesy one liners. Real Shame. Could have been so much more. I really fear for Love and Thunder now reading reviews of those who have seen it.

All of that horror and death, only to come to the epiphany that was levied right from the start of it. 🙄 Yawn. Some of the sets were also appalling, as were some other costume/make up shots. Guess they blew the budget on the CGI moments. 🤷🏼‍♂️

This honestly felt like a backwards step to me. Apart from impressive CGI in places, it literally felt on a par with Raimi’s 2002 Spider-Man. In fact, Spider-Man looked better than this in a lot of places, especially for it’s time. Seems like Raimi hasn’t advanced in 20yrs tbh. It also felt a lot longer than 2hrs to me. Disappointed.

I agree that I expected much more from this movie.  Basically expected more madness as in more multiverses than just a teasing short walk through scene.  Not sure when it is safe to give details away, so will type rest as spoiler.


It started to tease that multiple different universes of the multiverse would play a role, but then nearly all of the story happened in the universe with Captain Carter, Dr. Xavier, and the rest.  Once the first Avenger was killed off it was predictable what was going to happen, and it felt like Disney was mocking the fans.  I did like Raimi's touch of making it feel like Evil Dead, but it became a little too extreme.  Wanda is one of my favorite characters and just didn't like how all of a sudden she became good again and then died.  Dying in the MCU used to mean something, but now it doesn't matter whether you survive the movie or not, there is a really good chance you will still be in the next movie.  Definitely miss the Infinity saga and all the storyline that occurred before you can go back in time and then rewrite history.  Don't get me wrong I am still an MCU fanatic and am very excited to see all the Disney plus series and new movies, but the magic is waning. I did, however, really enjoy Love and Thunder.  It was upbeat, reintroduced so many characters that we have enjoyed from previous MCU movies, and the music was great.  So far the best MCU movie in this phase has definitely been NWH.  I really can't say anything bad about that.  It was just amazing!  Looking forward to future MCU movies, but going in with lowered expectations.


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5 hours ago, Pbsw23 said:

Anymore views on Multiverse of Madness in here people? I’ve purposely held back my views on this one to see what others thought first. Went in excited, came out less than impressed. ☹️ 

Another entirely disappointing movie in the realms of Black Widow. Basically just a nod (and Disney cashing in on) to the animated What If series, but mostly to merely introduce another new character. And don’t even get me started on the cheesy one liners. Real Shame. Could have been so much more. I really fear for Love and Thunder now reading reviews of those who have seen it.

All of that horror and death, only to come to the epiphany that was levied right from the start of it. 🙄 Yawn. Some of the sets were also appalling, as were some other costume/make up shots. Guess they blew the budget on the CGI moments. 🤷🏼‍♂️

This honestly felt like a backwards step to me. Apart from impressive CGI in places, it literally felt on a par with Raimi’s 2002 Spider-Man. In fact, Spider-Man looked better than this in a lot of places, especially for it’s time. Seems like Raimi hasn’t advanced in 20yrs tbh. It also felt a lot longer than 2hrs to me. Disappointed.

I saw this about a month ago now and I think the most telling thing is that I cannot remember much about it (the story at least). 

I remember cringing at a lot of the dialogue (never Raimi’s strong suit IMO) and the initial fight with the star monster (the CGI was terrible from what I remember). I also remember thinking that America Chavez was shoved into the story and wasn’t required other than to be Strange’s sidekick. I totally understand that the MCU is trying to give younger viewers a character they can relate to/see themselves in but for me I would have rather seen Strange and Wong running around the multiverse together. Also, the love story didn’t work for me; just not enough time with those characters to build something believable. 

What I remember liking:

-The deaths. Marvel let Raimi have more leeway with some really unique and graphic deaths. I was pleasantly surprised by this. 
-Music fight. What a cool, original idea for a fight. You could pick up most MCU characters and put them in any MCU fight and it would make sense. This only makes sense for Dr Strange and is a benefit to bringing in someone with unique ideas. Same can be said for the reflection fight. 
-Raimi signatures (i.e. the living camera, quick zooms, horror to comedy transitions like the shadow on the wall, practical effects/makeup). 
-Final Dr Strange form. The demon wings on a corpse was pretty great. He gives a motivational speech with half his jaw missing. 

I also didn’t mind the reference back to dreamwalking at the end. Our heroes, those of Earth 616 will always be different, better. So seeing Strange take the Darkhold and the forbidden technique and use it in only a way he can was cool. 

I agree all in all it was fine. I’ve never been a huge Raimi fan so my hopes were tempered. Arguably, Olsen and Cumberbatch are two of the best actors in the MCU so the fact that the couldn’t make something great with the two of them together says something. 

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It’s crazy to think phase 4 is pretty much half way done. Even though it feels like there have been some good films and shows that I really couldn’t tell you where they are headed.


I think a lot of this is because of how unique everything has been. They used to get constant complaints about every movie looking and feeling the same but they were so focused on created a 22 film arc that they took the hit. Well, that 22 film arc succeeded and is probably going to be one of the greatest cinematic achievements in history for a while. But now that a new era is beginning I think they are taking those old complaints to heart. Almost every movie or show in P4 has had a unique director/creators behind it and a very distinct feel, but they are sacrificing cohesiveness for this. 

Im not saying this is good or bad; just observing and reflecting. 

I also think changes to the schedule and filming due to COVID caused issues. 

It all just leaves me wondering where they are going. Who is helping tie it all together? Up to the OG Avengers it was Whedon. Then the Russo Bros stepped in to lead through the infinity saga. Who is there now?


They are obviously looking to work in the multiverse but Kang was introduced back in the Loki show and hasn’t even been mentioned since! They are introducing young characters for younger viewers - is the big plan to go Young Avengers? Who will the next team-up be now that Avengers are gone? Just doesn’t seem clear; hope someone at Marvel knows. 

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2 hours ago, Boilersteel said:

I agree that I expected much more from this movie.  Basically expected more madness as in more multiverses than just a teasing short walk through scene.  Not sure when it is safe to give details away, so will type rest as spoiler.

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It started to tease that multiple different universes of the multiverse would play a role, but then nearly all of the story happened in the universe with Captain Carter, Dr. Xavier, and the rest.  Once the first Avenger was killed off it was predictable what was going to happen, and it felt like Disney was mocking the fans.  I did like Raimi's touch of making it feel like Evil Dead, but it became a little too extreme.  Wanda is one of my favorite characters and just didn't like how all of a sudden she became good again and then died.  Dying in the MCU used to mean something, but now it doesn't matter whether you survive the movie or not, there is a really good chance you will still be in the next movie.  Definitely miss the Infinity saga and all the storyline that occurred before you can go back in time and then rewrite history.  Don't get me wrong I am still an MCU fanatic and am very excited to see all the Disney plus series and new movies, but the magic is waning. I did, however, really enjoy Love and Thunder.  It was upbeat, reintroduced so many characters that we have enjoyed from previous MCU movies, and the music was great.  So far the best MCU movie in this phase has definitely been NWH.  I really can't say anything bad about that.  It was just amazing!  Looking forward to future MCU movies, but going in with lowered expectations.


Just wanted to throw out that I saw Thor L&T yesterday and agree with @Boilersteel. Really enjoyed it. I went in with low expectations because of bad marketing and mixed reviews but came out very pleased. Not sure why some don’t like it. 

Give it a shot and hope you enjoy!

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Just finished watching Love & Thunder. Thought it was okay. I think its biggest flaws are 1) that it fails to blend its many elements (including the humor and more serious moments) nearly as cohesively as Ragnarok and 2) it doesn't allow its scenes to properly breath. In terms of my overall rankings, at best, it's probably going to be middle-of-the-road. IMO, for Phase 4, Shang-Chi is still the movie to beat.


Some general thoughts and a couple more specific items (all under spoiler tags just to be on the safe side):



Loved the opening with Gorr. Sets up the character perfectly. But woefully underutilized. Bale, unsurprisingly, acted the hell out of the role (110% creepy). And at least he didn't get Taskmastered (can we make this a verb?) to the point where the character was unrecognizable.


Wanted to see a killing spree… only got a distress signal…


The Warriors Three have been reduced to just a punchline. Couldn't we have at least seen them with Heimdall in Valhalla?


I know we saw it in the trailers, but Jane using the shards of Mjolnir as an attack is an absolute highlight.


Russell Crowe as Zeus was another fantastic casting choice. That prance down the steps alone was funnier than it had any right to be.


Those damn goats were worth it… just for the AAAAH after crashing into the moon. I died laughing.


The Shadow Realm! That could have been 20-25 minutes longer and it wouldn't have been enough.


The kids all getting the power of Thor made me roll my eyes.


Valkyrie ended up being underutilized. Enjoyed Jane as Mighty Thor.


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