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Posts posted by Basil

  1. 6 minutes ago, Veum said:

    What is something you don’t own but you can give it to anyone you meet? You only have one, but you can give it away as many times as you want without losing it. What is it?


    i know i'm going to a get a no on this one but ill say it anyway


    your virginity


     Despicable Me Lol GIF

    • Haha 5
  2. 5 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:


    A hint maybe?

     only hint i think is a film quote but that may give it away, so thats all you get but it has improved since that film was made, so that quote may now not apply.

    but you will have to think on this one :D


    edit the orginal film concerned part of the quote was made in 1978 thats you lot 👍


    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, RileyLad said:




    My wife is a dental nurse and paid by the NHS (a rubbish wage). They’ve actually said that to get there 80% off the government that she may have to go and work as carers for the Corona victims at the Manchester arena. She’d be taking care of the infected patients and turning them on their beds. That we are not happy about this because at the end of the day dental nurses don’t get treated very well especially financially. There’s also a big shortage of them in the industry. Some of the young nurses are being forced to go work there but we’ve made a conscious decision that if that was to happen Laura she may have to hand her notice in. Might sound incredibly selfish compared to the mighty brave NHS workers who are risking their lives every day but from our point of view she is not a medically trained nurse, she won’t have the proper training or equipment and we’ve got two young kids that need a mother here. She’s also been told that she’d have to write to Will before carrying out this duty which of course we have to pay for. 


    People at the bottom of the payroll are not treated very nicely and it said there as I say not as I do kind of attitude.


    know precisely what your saying and agree, shes not trained for that and they cant legally ask her to do that, complete bullying and probably illegal as well.

    my question would be how is she trained to turn people and if she threw her back would they pay her then?

    you are either furloughed or not. and as she is not a trained medical professional other than dental nurse. and that is well beyond her remit and especially with two children they would be putting ALL of you at risk. 

    so if she had to jack i would get free legal advice from citizen advice before she does armed with correct info may make them stop asking, once she stands up if required


    i know in past they helped me over phone and sent info in post.

    they cant force her to do anything period!


    and im ashamed her managers are behaving like this.

    one thing i would ask her to do

    is ask for what there asking exactly in writing in detail to confirm to it for legal reasons and her personnel reference all on headed note paper and signed by managers concerned.

    then watch them back down and shut up and change there tune be my bet.


    all the best

    basil 👍


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  4. @RileyLad nice to hear you have it all mapped out weekend and work wise you know and that you and all family at home 👍

    personally im stuck at home just open ended stay at home till we phone you, that was 2-3 weeks ago.

    unfortunately wife builds computers and its gone mad where she works, some computers are for nhs but they have been on the system anyway, rest is high end gaming machines as people now stuck at home they seem to be getting that machine they really wanted and most paying for speedy builds. she was telling me they have about 3-4 weeks work on system, with not much slow down either. which is a real pain as i want her at home not in a massive factory even though they are all 2 meters apart, big tin warehouse just going to circle the germs you ask me.

    while the owner just sits at home working safely for him, he a money grabbing so and so, it gets my goat.

    the only time im getting out is to take her to and from work in my car as not having her on bus. so out at 6 am then come home about 7am, then back out about 3.30pm back home about 4.30pm. so worried about her being in there just feel its not safe.

    just wish he furlough her but till there workload runs out none of that will happen.

    the cheeky sod has even given them letters saying it is ESSENTIAL as they cannot work from home implying they are 'essential workers' in the letter the way its worded when they are not. not at all. its criminal those letters.

    they have done just about everything they can to make sure they are there no matter what. the only thing they have done is shut down the shop at front of building.

    to be legal. but thats about it.


    all the best

    basil 👍


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  5. @acillatem

    welcome jeff well you have come to the right place for all of those, personally been collecting nearly 15 years.

    blufans was always the top of my tree last 5 years or so, hdzetas has been more like last 2-3 years for me, mantas more highly selective with me first one was constantine and thats was a superb release (showing my age now xD)


    the gbs here are very well run and usually can get most supplied without an issue. mp has close partnerships with all of the above and others as well.

    this site runs very differently to how other gbs are run may i suggest you have a good nose in the tutorials section with many guides to make you life easier this is where most members fall flat on there face by not checking that out first and then get into hassle by not knowing the system.


    regards tiered membership is done annually now with john 'masterblaster' saying will be august from now on.

    this is to make easier to administer which is fair enough.


    one free piece of advice if on the gbs check in once a day worse case once a week or you can miss out on update phases and this where can cause you issues.


    if you want something to start with click under my sig take you to first gb guide


    anyway welcome to the asylum 


    basil 👍

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