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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Posts posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. 5 minutes ago, Gary K said:

    ridiculous.   While they may have legally stated a cognizable claim (which is all they need be done for the case to move forward) they will have a very difficult time establishing damages if any real kind.  

    It’s also common for movies to go through reshoots and editing from the time an initial teaser is shown.   It’s VERY common for scenes and such in an initial trailer to never make it to the finished project.  So, I think trailers should always be taken with a grain of salt.  

    You’re a lawyer, I am not.  But the issue is how big of a grain of salt.  When I deal with regulatory legal on set, that is always the question.

    I’m not sure what damages they are asking for, it would be hilarious if they went through all of this and got their movie rental costs only rewarded.  jk 


    You def have more knowledge in to this than I do. Thanks for the insight. 

    • Like 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, GuyIncognit0 said:

    Ah, yes. The eternal struggle of deciding to order from Best Buy or Zavvi in the search for the steel with the better finish continues.


    It was Best Buy for Lightyear, will Zavvi fight back this time? Stay tuned.


    Agreed.  I wish they would take real photos of these steels and not just use renderings so often.  I know it isn't going to happen, but it would be helpful to actually see the physical item and at least get an idea of the finish with some appropriate lighting. 

    • Like 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, Sidewinder said:

    Edge of Tomorrow arrived! I've been really looking forward to receiving this one and it doesn't disappoint! Very chunky and study slip, and loving the magnetic catch on the MP case 😍

    Also my first premium edition with a numbered card which is very nice 😊


    Thanks to @blu.steel33 for the safe packing and HUB shipping, as well as to the whole MP staff team for their hard work on creating such a solid and quality product! I really enjoyed the regular previews of the production process from @ksosk.




    That's the SL, correct?  I haven't seen anyone post yet that those were shipping.   Congrats, looks great.  Looking forward to seeing some DLs in hand in the new year. 

    • Like 5
  4. 1 hour ago, extantsrevenge said:


    to everyone who participated in the last 15 weeks in our fun Psycho Challenge.

    We had terrific challenges so far and a huge amount of great participation posts.


    Anyway the lights are on


    the decoration is up


    and you realize today is



    Since most members are busy during this time and since I also want to spend time with my family we will not have a new challenge in the next 2 weeks.


    But fear not





    Every member that has missed any of the 15 challenges or any member that has not yet participated but would like to do so can submit for up to 


    of the previous challenges in the next 2 weeks.



    Check out this post and see which challenges you're missing. And then choose the 3 challenges you want to do. Please only post 1 challenge per post.


    Here is the list of our amazing Challenges 1-15.

      Reveal hidden contents

    Challenge 1 from @extantsrevenge:


    Show us your favorite Lenticular Edition (that you own) and tell us why it is your favorite.

    In addition let us know which type of lenticular you prefer? The one with depth only or the one with changing/transition images, include another 2 of your favorites of that type in your picture.


    You are not allowed to use a previous award picture for the challenge! If you have not taken part in our Lenticular Award, now would be a good time to do so ☺️


    Challenge 2 from @R1s1ngs0n:


    Show us your 5 favorite Premium editions under the following stipulations:

    - One edition only per retailer of your choice.

    - The editions have to include at least one Asian release and one European release.

    - The editions have to include at least one steelbook and one non-steelbook release.


    A short summary explaining what makes each of these editions so special would be greatly appreciated, 


    Please no pictures that show other editions than the once you selected.


    Challenge 3 from @GuyIncognit0:


    Show us the Top 3 "Extras" in your collection:

    • extras must have been included in the slip, mailed with the release, or an MP exclusive product
    • you must only pick one of each type of "extra"
    • extras must be pictured with the release they're associated with

    As always, a brief explanation as to why these are your favorite is encouraged.


    What qualifies as an "extra"? Here are some examples:

    • lenticular magnets/cards
    • posters, keychains, coins, etc
    • MP's TARS, Blade Runner Badge, release-specific magnets, etc
    • Pre-order bonuses

    If it came with the release or from MP, then it counts!


    Sealed collectors need not worry. There should be enough options outside of the shrink wrap to allow everyone to qualify. Show us what you can without piercing that precious plastic force field 😉 .


    Challenge 4 from @raylight:




    Make sure to watch the video for the detailed info.



    Show us 5 different Movies with 5 different transport vehicles on the front.

    - Every type of packaging is allowed.

    - Every type of transport vehicle is allowed.

    - Make sure you include 5 different types of vehicles.

    - Also for example don't show Fast & the Furious 1-5 and say they have different "fast cars" on it.

    - But you can show 5 vehicles that come from the same vehicle family! For example a regular Car, a Police Car, a Taxi, a Truck and an Emergency Transport. That would be okay to use.


    And now search your collection for valid titles and present them here for the next challenge point !



    Challenge 5 from @Gary K

    There’s A First Time For Everything

    a/k/a We Were All Newbies Once


    For week 5, members need to dig back deep to when they first started collecting premiums.


    To satisfy the week, you must post 5 different premiums from at least 3 different retailers that represent the first (or close to the first) you ever owned.

    In addition, this week is all about our origin stories so for each release, please let us know why/how you found and acquired that particular edition and what about it motivated you to continue collecting that retailer or premiums in general.


    Finally, one of the editions should be the one that you first bought when you joined MP, or the title that led you to MP.


    Let’s see how we all got started!!


    Challenge #6 from @InfiniteDoors
    ABCDLMNOP: Alphabetize and Summarize!


    For this week's challenge, we're going to be spelling our usernames with the first letter of a movie's title! (Un)fortunately, how hard this will be is entirely based on your name. We will also be sharing the origin of our names. Here's the rules!


    • Only the first letter of the title can be used. If it starts with "The", use the word after it. If It starts with a number, use the first letter of said number. Numbers in your usename can also be covered with the the first letter of that number (for example 1 = One). Any editions will do!
    • Only one movie per letter. For those who think they can spam X-Men Origins: Wolverine, I've got some bad news for you. You can only use that movie once. But the other X-Men movies are fair game!
    • Tell us a little about yourself. How did you come up with your username?
    • Cheese It! Maybe you're short a letter or two. Well, you can always get creative! For example, let's look at my submissions here:


    Challenge #7 from @Pbsw23

    Creepin’ it Reel’

    Here comes Halloween People!


    This week we would like you to show us 5 different movies that are either Horror or Halloween themed. All Horror titles are of course allowed, but only 2 titles from one franchise. 

    If you do not have any Horror titles and because it is Halloween this week, don’t panic because we are also allowing titles that prominently include the following:

    • Witches
    • Ghosts
    • Vampires
    • Skeletons
    • Zombies
    • Werewolves

    Please note that ALL other Monsters/Aliens/Creatures will NOT be considered for this Challenge.


    All movie formats are inclusive (BluRay, DVD, VHS etc.)


    And Finally, all Movie titles Must be of an age rating of 12 or above. No Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Casper the Friendly Ghost please and thank you. 👍🏼


    We would like you to accompany your submission with an answer to the following question - What was the First Movie that you recall that Creeped you out?


    Thank you and Let’s Go! 🎃👻💀🧟‍♂️


    Challenge #8 from @Trianna

    Somewhere over the rainbow~


    For this challenge I want to bring some colours in this thread and put the spotlight onto the spines at the same time. So to complete this challenge you have to build a rainbow out of your collection.


    Rainbow Reaction GIF by Declan McKenna


    Which means you have to put overall 7 editions showing just the spines in the following order

    Red Orange Yellow Green PaleBlue DarkBlue/Purple and Pink


    You can use all kinds of steelbooks and premiums just no Amarays. But please (if not visible from the spine) tell us which movies you used.


    We also would like to know in what order you usually display your collection: Colour-coordinated? Genre-wise? Name of the retailer?


    Challenge #9 from @Gentleman

    "Don't stop the music". 🎹 🎶


    In the Challenges so far, we've mainly focused on all kinds of editions for movies. This time we want to highlight an important aspect that can make a movie so much more memorable - the Soundtrack. Music is an integral part of any Movie experience and many of them have amazing soundtracks/scores. Sometimes the soundtrack has become even more famous or successful than the movie itself. Therefore, the upcoming challenge will also be about the music that is closely related to the movies we love.


    We would like to know your 5 favorite soundtracks. Take one or more photos of 5 movies and the corresponding soundtrack. Both must be in physical format. Which format doesn't matter (Premium Edition, Steelbook, Amaray etc. for movies / CD, Vinyl etc. for soundtracks).


    We would also like to know what the first soundtrack was that you bought. Please tell us something about how you came to buy this soundtrack.


    We are really excited and look forward to the challenge and your posts. Have fun and let the music play! 😉


    Challenge 10 from @extantsrevenge: "Choose your Weapon"



    Please show us 5 different movies from your collection that feature 5 different handheld weapons on the front or back of the edition.


    Please also tell us what your favorite weapon for a hero and a villain in all of cinema history is (so 2 weapons 😉).


    - Every type of packaging is allowed.

    - Make sure that you only choose weapons that a person could hold in their hand.

    - If a package shows more weapons, only 1 weapon is counting from that movie.


    Challenge 11 from @ethnosax IT IS HAPPENING AGAIN

    season 2 GIF by Twin Peaks on Showtime


    A recent study from MediaPsy Co. projects that by 2025, 98.4% of all new film releases will be sequels to existing films. In anticipation of that coming reality, I present this week's challenge. This week, we are asking you to share five (5) movies in your collection that are sequels. Further clarifications:

    1. Each film must represent a different franchise/series.
    2. Any film that was released after an existing movie counts as a sequel (i.e., prequels are allowed).
    3. No reboots or remakes. Only sequels.
    4. If a film you present does not have a numeral in its title, or if you endeavor to be especially clever or devious in your selection, be prepared to justify its status as a sequel, if questioned.

    We also request the following additional information:

    1. For each film you present, point out something about it that is superior to the earlier film(s) in the series. (Note: This doesn't mean you have to believe the sequel is better than an earlier film; we just want to know something you really like about the sequel.)
    2. Also answer this question: What is a forgotten, neglected, or underappreciated film that you love and believe deserves a sequel? (For full credit, you need only name the original film. However, we also welcome more robust pitches for plot development, characters, and so forth, should your creativity enable such elaboration.)


    Our next challenge is:

    Challenge 12 from @bossjon:  The Directors.


    This week we would like you to show 3 different movies from your 3 Favorite directors.  Keep it fun and mix it up.

    george lucas dream GIF by South Park


    All formats are welcome. Beta anyone. 


    In addition, Please indicate your favorite movie from said director, film does not need to be included in the pictures.


    Also, if the director has released something that you just despise, spill the beans.  (Not mandatory)


    Our next challenge is:

    Challenge 13 from @Catgirl: What's good on TV?


    Since we focused on the movies a lot already, this week the medium that has grown the most in recent years will become our focus. TV SERIES.


    Show us 5 of your favorite TV Series. It is enough to show a season per Series but you can also show the complete series. Add a short comment what you like about the Series you picked.


    This Challenge is about live action Series, so Anime and Cartoon have to stay out this time.


    Since most of the Series are now on different Streaming platforms, we also would like to know the 3 Series that you want most as a physical release.


    Enjoy the show.



    CHALLENGE 14 from @coupelle: THE ANIMALS


    Dance Dancing GIF by AFV Pets


    For this weeks challenge we would like you to show us 5 different animals on 5 different editions.


    Every type of animal is allowed. Whether they are domestic, wild, aquatic, imaginary or legendary, everything counts.

    In the tradition of challenge 4 & 10 the challenge seems quite simple to achieve, so we are going to limit the allowed editions to Steelbook, Premium, Mediabook & Digipack releases. No simple Amarays or DVDs will be accepted.


    Please also share with us what your favorite animal is and tell us why.


    Hope you enjoy the new challenge.


    Our next challenge is:

    CHALLENGE 15 from @R1s1ngs0nXmas Special Challenge - "Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow"

    As Christmas is just around the corner, we thought it would be the perfect occasion for our members to share 5 editions of their favorite Xmas or snow themed movies.

    Every format is accepted: dvd, amaray, mediabook.... even custom steels 😁 

    Movies that feature a single scene that occurs during Xmas or only one scene with snow in it, will NOT count towards the challenge.

    Also, only one type of snow is accepted, so don't try to be smart and post something like this:


    And lastly, pls share the movie or movies you plan on watching next weekend with your family/friends.



    And don't forget we have a huge selection of other awards you can get.

    This time of the year is perfect to appreciate our collections and make some pictures for our awards. See the full list here .


    And with that I wish you @★ Platinum Psycho ★ @★ GOLD Psycho ★ @★ Members ★ a







    @extantsrevenge you def deserve a break to celebrate.  Thanks so much for creating/ managing these challenges.  It seems it has become a weekly routine for all of us to come together and share in these challenges and enjoy each other’s collections.  Every Sunday I look forward to the new challenge drop.  What a fantastic way to build community with people all over the world who share the same hobby.  You did that my man, you are greatly appreciated.   

    Thanks Thank You GIF by Sound FX

    • Like 18
    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, GuyIncognit0 said:


    Yes. A couple of years ago.


    The Nova Age of Ultron OC. He had the Cap slip listed (only 1) and I grabbed that for a good price. I actually beat a few members to it. But then one of those members noticed John hid the entire OC further down the list under "T" instead of "A" and he grabbed it. I think it was @RAK

    I love the details in the story, it still hurts, don't it?  You even name a villain.  The Plateau has it's first intrigue.


    Jimmy Fallon Omg GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Gary K said:

    That is accurate, but if you had an ever increasing inventory and a fixed amount of space you’d probably do a periodic sale to move some of that inventory, so my bet is that John will do another sale at some point.   


    The answer I was hoping for.  Makes sense.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 minute ago, Reagh said:

    I don’t think so bud. We had the end of the year sale then the 4th of July sale. I don’t remember any talk of it being the last one. 


    I asked about it a while ago and the only comment I've seen was one of the mods said there was no guaranteed sale and it was up to John.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 minute ago, Reagh said:

    1917 OC. He had a few at a very reasonable price. I just didn’t request it because I had already spent a ton and wanted to make sure I could easily pay for the editions I requested in our Group Buys


    Yeah, I saw that on the Novamm site, sold out of course, looks great.  The individual editions, if available, I'd be interested in.



    • Like 2
  9. 1 minute ago, Reagh said:

    He had HDZeta Lord of the rings and hobbit OC’s with matching numbers I regret not requesting and The Batman Anthony from HDZeta. 


    That silver LoTR and Hobbit would be nice.  What Nova are you looking for this year?

    • Like 2
  10. 4 minutes ago, Reagh said:

    a lot. Definitely after a few HDZeta, Manta, WCL, UHD CLUB and Nova set’s 


    I'd be in for the BR and BR2049 UHD at any thing close to a reasonable price.  And the HDZ Dark Knight trilogy as well.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Reagh said:



    Its easy to make requests. He will post a itemized list of what’s available with the quantity he has and the price. My advice is if you want something, request it as fast as you can. I have several regrets from the last one. Also, last year he offered a payment plan option for members in good standing. I don’t remember the exact cost of the payment plan but it’s more than fair. 


    Oh wow.  Sounds like a vinyl drop.  I'm very skilled at refresh refresh refresh and ordering quickly.


    Did you not get your request in on time, or did you simply not order the edition you later wanted?

    • Like 2
  12. 2 minutes ago, Reagh said:

    Anyone else have a list going for editions you plan on requesting during John’s big sale when it opens? 


    Dude, you saw the size of my NovaMedia sale purchase.  You're killing me . . .


    okay okay . . . when is it and how do we request and how do we know what is available and what is the percentage off?


    help me new girl quotes GIF

    • Haha 4
  13. 53 minutes ago, Gary K said:

    Btw I am wrong there is a corresponding JW blu ray steel edition to go with the one you have - NE4 and NE25.  Both real one clicks and very nice editions.  You can probably find what your looking for on fleabay.


    Thanks Gary.  Because they were only sold as OC, there are no clear entries anywhere for the individual editions themselves as standalone.  That's why they are harder to track down.  As you point out.  Yeah, not sure how I'll proceed then.  Thanks again.



    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Gary K said:


    The ones I have are Nova 26, 27 and 28 the steelbook 4K editions.  Each pair is a lenti and a FS.  Nova 13 is not 4K and there isn’t a corresponding set for JW 1 and 3 to go with that set.  The plain series that are currently available are not the steelbooks and are like the “regular” edition as the steels were limited.


    Make sense?




    Exactly what I needed to know.  I went online and looked and yes, it is apparent to me now.  They chose the exact same art for the 1k and the 4k JW2 so that was the confusion.


    Thanks!  I will quit searching the internet high and low for 1k John Wick 2 & 3 to go with my one off NE-13.  It will probably be leaving my shelves and I'll hunt for the versions you have.

    • Like 2
  15. 2 minutes ago, Gary K said:

    @extantsrevenge I’m ready for my Novamedia Treasure Hunter.  I’ve attached my collector photo and the new additions.





    Hey buddy, this looks amazing.  Congrats on a well earned award!  


    Let me ask you about the John Wick editions.  I have John Wick 2, it's the one in between John Wick 2 and John Wick 3 in your first photo.  It's NE 13, I believe.  I can't find it listed anywhere, and don't know if there is a John Wick and John Wick 3 to go with it.  What is the dif between those two John Wick 2 editions?  They currently have all 3 of those movies in the Plain series on sale, but again, I can't figure out what goes with what.  It's almost as if they did 3 series of these movies.  What am I missing?

    • Like 2
  16. Just now, hansreinhardt said:

    @BreakBeatDJ when I saw you stocking up on the Novamedia winter sale I realized I should probably follow suit—so I grabbed a few myself, thanks for the inspiration!

    Anna Kendrick GIF by HBO Max
    No Money Bangladeshi GIF by GifGari
    🤣 Will be excited to see what you went for. My cart had ten things and I whittled it down to three


    You have a discipline I aspire to!  Yeah, look forward to seeing your haul too.

    • Like 5

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