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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Posts posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. 9 minutes ago, GuyIncognit0 said:

    Disney is surely a question mark. I’m not expecting much of a change there considering Disney+ was Iger’s big project. Manta teased some kind of agreement with Disney earlier last year but then deleted it so who knows…


    Speaking of Manta, they announced an agreement with Gaumont last year so we may see something like Leon the Professional, The Fifth Element, etc. Manta has their hands full though so we’ll see. Hopefully they’ll get to the Tarantino films this year.


    Blufans and HDZeta are dealing with government issues and lockdowns on top of licensing issues so I really don’t know what we’ll get from them. Probably more DC/WB blockbuster films. I hope HDZ avoids another rerelease of a film they’ve already done.


    WeET looks to be focusing on Sony right now. Probably the Holland spideys and then Spiderverse. 

    KimchiDVD is barely alive. Filmarena will promise the world and deliver very little.


    I think Plain Archive and Nova are really the only retailers with a high(er) chance of providing something new and unexpected. 


    Of course there is always Broad Nation, UHDC, and MAG as well. 


    Fantastic summary.   Very helpful for understanding the state of the premiums industry.   Taken as a whole, it feels very limited. 

    • Like 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, Gary K said:

    I dig this idea.  I think some of these would actually sell well.  


    Coming from vinyl it is allllllllll about series, and a lot of them.  Some of the series I collect have been going on for years, they pick a genre or label, and just go.  It's great.  The barrier to entry, as you know well @Gary K, is much lower with music than for movies, I understand that, but still.  


    I think that's why I'm drawn to Film Vault so much: sorta falls between inconsistent multi-retailer UCEs, and higher quality premiums.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Reagh said:

    Hopefully 2023 will be a great year for all of us. Does anyone have a realistic hope for a certain film to receive a premium treatment? Mine would be Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange (preferred choice would be HDZeta but Manta would be nice as well) Next would be Pulp Fiction and last but certainly not least a whole bloody affair 4K Kill Bill Edition. 


    I'm not experienced enough with premiums to know what's possible, so I'll expand @Reagh params a bit, here are my dreams:


    • All of the above + @R1s1ngs0n list are instant buys


    • Continue with the Film Vault series.  Give me 8-12 more of these a year.  I know I'm in the minority, but I like the larger size.  Titles?  Canonic titles but no super heroes or heritage series.


    • UHDC, MAG, or MLIFE - Amadeus, Merchant & Ivory titles, American Beauty, Contact, Master & Commander, Nomadland, Manchester by the Sea, The King's Speech, Revolutionary Road


    • No more super heroes that already have premiums


    • An indy boutique premium series in the style of Manta (maybe NovaM Excl more realistic) - Sex Lies & Video Tapes, Magnolia, Pi, Swingers, Ghost Dog, Virgin Suicides, Go, My Own Private Idaho, Election, Boondocks Saints, etc. etc. (better than criterion, more design-y with goodies and great transfers)


    I know that removing the "possible" param would change all your lists, and expand them for sure.




    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  4. 6 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    Surprise, surprise!



    It's amazing how a portion of a frame can feel nothing like the overall visual sense you get from a movie.  Without your hints, I wouldn't have gone with that late of a film.

    • Like 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    Give it another shot, you practically have the answer.

    Ha!  No pressure, aye Eli?  My last guess, if the science center is in the mountains I'd have to go Spectre.  But, something about the blinds don't look that new.  That was a pretty swanky place.  That's the only other one that comes to mind.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    You're getting too greedy. Snowy mountains should be plenty enough 😁


    Season 7 Oops GIF by Workaholics


    Sorry, I was just wanting to make sure I wasn't confusing my movies.  I have this vision of a lab on top of a snowy mountain in the alps in OHMSS, not sure if that was actually the movie I was remembering.  I'll let others guess next.

  7. 11 minutes ago, RAK said:

    Not sure, I don’t really care for the Ang Lee Hulk movie. I love the Edward Norton Incredible Hulk. But I hate the artwork of the cartoonish broken glass, and Hulk. I get that it’s supposed to resemble a comic book cover, but it looks like a 3rd grader drew it right after the learned to stay in the lines.


    Thanks for the thoughts bud.  I like the Ed Norton BB, as a whole, I agree, Incredible Hulk is simply a superior movie.  Although there is something about the Avengers Hulk that makes me laugh, in a good way.


    I wouldn't go quite as far as you, but I def agree, I wish the art was better here.  As I said above, I don't like the back at all.  Hopefully this isn't final, but it sorta feels like it is based on available art for this film.


    I tend to be a brand loyalist, so . . . UHD Club, yeah, gunna get it.  


    Happy New Year @RAK

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, RAK said:

    This movie takes place after 1930, so he’s probably not interested. But he’ll probably ask you if the movie is any good first. 


    No, I think he is a Hulk guy, right?   I like the Ruffalo Hulk, but not necessarily Ruffalo as Bruce Banner.  I never buy the Bruce Banner / Natasha chemistry.


    @RAK are you in on these?  If so, which ones?  I'm afraid the lentis are gunna end up being awesome and I'll wish I got them.

    • Like 2
  9. 17 minutes ago, vinny91 said:


    sorry my mistake, it was not indicate a couple days ago, now I can see which one will be fullslip or lenticular edition ... I thought those visuals was for box.

    thank you for your help ;) 

    i went with both FS.  What did you grab @vinny91?


    I’ve been assuming these are the regular smaller size since there is no hardbox, but there is FS.   Can anyone confirm?


    Curious where @Veum the Hulk guy ends up on these.  

    Nice to wake up to a GB here on New Years Day.  @deckard99 always working.  Thanks.    

    • Like 2
  10. 33 minutes ago, Gary K said:

    Last receipts of the year - and what a year it’s been.  

    2012 (MAG)





    Battle Angel Alita (Black Barons OC)



    The Master (Plain Archive QS and FS)

    Sicario (Plain Archive FS)

    Only Lovers Left Alive (Plain Archive FS)



    1917, Blade Runner and Scarface (Film Vault)



    Titane and Everything Everywhere All At Once (Steelbooks)



    Terrifier 2 (steelbook)

    Christmas Bloody Christmas (4K UHD Mediabook)


    Some nice pickups as usual.  

    I love three sided lentis.  Looks great.  

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Gary K said:

    It’s the same price as the fire walk with me Steel.  That one is called “limited edition” this one “collectors edition” but I’m not sure what the difference is.  


    Okay thanks.  Didn't think to check that.  As you know, sometimes it's just a folded poster or a couple of cards that make a "collectors" edition.  I was hoping for a UCE, but still, glad it's coming and hope it looks awesome.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 hour ago, deckard99 said:


    Yes, I received Blade Runner but still debating on whether to open or not 😅. The box is large and very nice though.


    All good.  I'm a team open guy, but I get it for those who don't open.  No judgements here.  I have one edition, known in the lore of our house only as "38 OF 45" that may never be opened.  We will see.

    • Like 5
  13. 28 minutes ago, vinny91 said:

    Last one to close 2022 :

    The Vault Edition for Scarface, one of my favorite movie ... this edition is really big and love it 😍


    20221231_131552.thumb.jpg.a8b4c48ab225d3fb93e2b71530f60666.jpg  20221231_131617.thumb.jpg.311ea6ddb075bcba0769738d6cc0dfc9.jpg


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    Thanks for these great pics.  Mine supposedly are on their way from Zavvi after Amazon UK couldn't fulfill my preorder.


    Those headshot style character cards are interesting.  Sorta mugshot-y.   It looks like a big set, but not with too much "wasted" space like the RaroFilms recent offerings, which feel to me like they're big for no particular reason.  I like what I see so far, in general.  


    I understand the concept of the bullet-holed door as the cover of the digipak, but it feels like that could have been a bit less clever, and a bit better looking.


    Anyway, thanks @vinny91  another member of @Reagh team open!


    @deckard99 have you gotten Blade Runner yet?  If so, thoughts?  Sorry if you already commented and I missed it.


    • Like 5

    Thanks to the amazing @R1s1ngs0n for organizing this whole process.  I hope it's apparent to you that you are facilitating relationships around the world with this project you so effortlessly seem to manage, and I am truly grateful.


    (If you don't read this entire post, please at least read the first section if you have time.)


    My Secret Santa is a longtime and much valued member here, @Grendel.  Jeff and I had a brief exchange several months ago discussing lobby card collecting.  Other than that, I believe we were both casual readers of each other's posts. So, it was with absolute amazement that he entrusted me . . . yes, that's right, entrusted me . .  with the below gift.


    The movie Allied tells the story of a Royal Canadian Air Force pilot played by Brad Pitt.  Jeff and his father were both members of this branch of the Canadian military.  In the note that accompanied my Secret Santa gifts, Jeff explained how Allied was a much loved movie for him.  When this Filmarena version came out, he bought two copies; one for himself and one for his father.  Unfortunately, his father passed before he could give it to him.


    Needless to say, I was deeply humbled and moved that he would give this copy intended for his dad to me.  There really are no words.  I was absolutely stunned.   I told Jeff I would laminate his letter in a way it could be folded neatly and put inside this box set.  It will never leave my collection in my lifetime.  But when it eventually does, Jeff's note and the story of its true value will go with it.


    Had he simply given me this wonderful OC from FAC without the accompanying note, it would have been an amazingly generous gift from a wonderful person.  But with the story that goes with it, it becomes something else, and the details of the edition itself seem less important than the meaning it holds.


    I'm truly honored by this gift from a dear friend.  It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you, Jeff, through our many emails during this process.  And please know that this incredibly beautiful FAC One-Click of Allied will always have a place of respect in my collection.




    When Jeff and I were initially discussing this process, I requested something from him:  What would you like me to have that is part of your joy of collecting?  I explained that I buy gifts for myself, from my own mind, regularly.  What I really wanted from him was a gift from the mind of @Grendel.


    He did not disappoint.


    Jeff has an encyclopedic knowledge of dragons.  His collection is extensive.  That's why I am so thrilled and thankful to have this amazing figure purchased for me by such an advanced and generous collector.  It is an area of collecting unknown to me, and I am thrilled to add this to my very small collection of figures.


    The below is the Ice Dragon, one of the Dragon Clans, from the Fall of the Dragon Kingdom.  The detail is absolutely amazing.  I've already decided to replace my 1/24 scale 1970 Datsun 240z that sits on my desk at my coloring suite, with this fearsome, beautiful, wonderfully thoughtful gift.  It will hopefully intimidate and frighten my clients so that they aren't such a pain in my ass!  




    As if the above wasn't enough, there was yet more generosity from this wonderful gentleman.


    • GREEK SEASONINGS - Between my homemade Souvlaki, Tzatziki sauce, and Gyros, this will get used.  I was thrilled to receive a new culinary ingredient to explore

    • SOUR CHERRY JAM - I believe this tasty jam will sit perfectly on my Ezekiel toast

    • THE ART OF WAR - What an amazing edition of this timeless classic, It will go well with my Folio Society edition.

    • KARLOFF AT COLUMBIA BLURAY - Early 40s Karloff Mad Doctor cycle (and others), WITH a new commentary?  Yes, please and thank you.

    • REGIONAL TREATS AND SNACKS - There are no pics of the candies and the Hickory Sticks Jeff sent, because they did not make it long after opening




    My first secret Santa on MP was an amazing one.  @Grendel there are no words to express my deep gratitude for your generosity.  You are a prince, my friend.  This experience has far exceeded my expectations.  I hope you had a very merry Christmas and you have a happy, peaceful, healthy, and prosperous new year.


    Mark @BreakBeatDJ

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