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goose_3387 Signatures/Banners

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@goose_3387 Andrew,


I wish you all the best and hope there will be a fast recovery for you.

Thank you for you incredible work for all the MP user and your support. It is hard to imagine that you could no longer be here, after so long time of your activities for us.



Regards, Wolfgang

Keep all my fingers crossed for you. ♥️

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Andrew , brother I NEVER SAW THIS COMING as I'm sure you nor your family didn't. 


Im searching my heart to say the right words but I know no matter what I say it will not change the facts.


Know this, we MP stand with you spiritually and will give you all the moral support you need when you want it.  


I am sure alot of members will miss your presence here, I KNOW I will !


Spend the time with your loved ones, they too will need support to help you deal with this tragedy. 


My love goes out to you and your family, BROTHER !! Will be keeping you in my prayers.




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My heart breaks with this, I have no words except to reiterate all the support and affection for you from everyone here at MP.


We are very grateful for everything he has given to make others happy and always selflessly, it is something worthy of admiration.


Here we are to give you all the support you need, all the best for you and your loved ones.


A big hug from MP @goose_3387

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16 hours ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

@Masterblaster John, if I may voice my opinion… please let all members keep their sigs, regardless of their membership tier.

As you said, it would be a shame for all the work that went into creating them be wasted but it’s not just that.
I don’t think it would be very fair to loyal members who supported MP for many years to not be able to use their sigs because they can no longer afford to pay for a membership or any other reason.

Limiting the number or reactions a regular member can give per day is one thing, but these signatures are a bit like our calling cards.

Personally I hesitated a long while before deciding to renew as I was in between jobs and had to be more careful with my spending.

Luckily, I landed a new job recently so I’m happy to support MP for another year, but I know I would have been upset if my sigs were to become useless, had my circumstances been different.


For your consideration 🙏

Hi sir Bond,


I know just letting that statement out without any explanation was maybe not very wise of me.


When I said tiered I was not talking or thinking about the Gold or Platinum but rather establishing 1 or 2 other tier groups with lower entry level pricing.


As you know over the many many years we have had MP ,  I have fought against having any type of Ads being pushed on our members.  Tbh alot of potential revenue has been left on the table due to this fact that could have helped us out.  We need to be able to stay operational, the staff who commit alot of free time deserve something, also alot of other stuff like projects and such needs support.  


Unfourtantly everything we do on the internet costs someone money, data, pics, videos, and etc.  We are no different , server and space is our 2 most consuming enemies.  


I am also thinking of a "grandfather" clause .  Although I hope those members would be able to support monetary our efforts with one of the lower tiers , if not they would have a way In to be able to utilize the same benefits/functions they have come to enjoy over the many years.


These are just still "thoughts" that I need to decide on soon.


Thanks for your support and understanding.


@★ Administrators ★ fyi

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Just wanted to respond to the latest messages. Whilst I would love to respond to each individually, it's just too overwhelming at the moment.


I will reply to PMs too (just need some time).


I appreciate each and every single message you awesome people are sending me. ❤️


This isn't goodbye just yet. Just thought it would be best to let you all know incase I'm not around.


Thanks for giving me the opportunity. My legacy will live on. 🦆

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4 hours ago, goose_3387 said:

Just wanted to respond to the latest messages. Whilst I would love to respond to each individually, it's just too overwhelming at the moment.


I will reply to PMs too (just need some time).


I appreciate each and every single message you awesome people are sending me. ❤️


This isn't goodbye just yet. Just thought it would be best to let you all know incase I'm not around.


Thanks for giving me the opportunity. My legacy will live on. 🦆









You have a lot to take in and digest,  you will take it in and digest it for a great outcome for YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.


When you are around WE WILL ALL BE HERE FOR YOU .


I Love You GIF by Taylor Swift



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@goose_3387 Andrew, I'm so sorry to hear this news ☹️. I am wishing you all the best. I hope you are able to have a speedy and full recovery. Your contributions on MP are widespread and much beloved. You are an extremely talented individual with such a kind heart to help out your fellow Psychos with their requests . Praying for you. 🙏 Take the time you need to rest and heal. 



@Scary Hair and @CAYENNE-FAHRER  - thank you both for being brave and sharing your stories as well. It's not easy to talk about personal health, especially online, but you are both inspirations. Hoping you are both doing well in your respective recoveries.



@R1s1ngs0n thank you Eli for your post and thoughts about retaining sigs for existing members. Like you, I was in between jobs last year and it was really taking a toll on me both in my mental health and physical health. Thankfully I've landed something to start 2024 so I can pay my membership dues and fees and indulge again in extending my collection. However that experience did teach me a lesson in being more pragmatic about my purchasing habits!


All in all, I'm sorry I was not very active here in 2023 but that was just due to my own depression and trying to fight my own demons. The truth is this community is one of the best I've been a part of. Not just because everyone is nice, friendly and funny, has similar hobbies, etc.. but most folks here are just good humans at the end of the day (as we can see from the outpouring of love and support for Goose). 


Y'all are awesome and no matter how your year started, I hope your 2024 gets better and better as it progresses. Between layoffs, health problems, relationship strifes, etc., we don't really know what each other is going through so in the words of Waymond Wang: ~Be Kind~


Kung Fu Wtf GIF by A24


Wish you all good health and financial success/stability this year and beyond 


Toy Story To Infinity And Beyond GIF

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Just wanted to say again how grateful I am for all the kind messages over the past few days.


Whilst I have only been here for 6 years, it feels like I've been part of your community for much longer.


At the peak of this threads activity, it was a fantastic hive of creativity - your ideas and my execution. I've had such a great time!


Much love and hugs from myself to you all.🥰

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@goose_3387 Came by to ask about dropping the gold part of my sig, then caught up on everything (as I usually do since I love to see your other work from the last time I visited the thread) and I am so unbelievably sorry to read the news you shared. I am truly lost for words and I'm devastated for you, and I truly hope you can fight this as best as you can. You have become a staple of MP, and I always looked forward to every beautiful signature creation you have made for me over the years! I treasure them still and keep them saved because they're all a magnificent work of art. You are so insanely talented and you have such a good heart and soul to offer such a kindness to people when you don't even have to. You take care of yourself first and foremost, forget about us and our silly signatures. You're more important right now, and I'm going to keep you in my thoughts and hope that things can go up from here! I know it may be naive, but I try to see whatever possible bright spot I can... and I truly, truly wish only the best for you and for you to be okay. Can't lie, this made me pretty emotional as you start to realize people you look forward to interacting with are going through such harsh realities. I will never understand why good people get dealt the worst hand.


I am sending so much love your way and the biggest, warmest, big squeeze hug possible that I can send over the Internet. Thank you for making my time here at MP so much brighter Goose, I'm not sure if I've said it enough, but even during the start/height of the pandemic (which was very low and honestly depressing) your work and kindness always would make me smile. I'm not sure how to end this or if I even said the right words, but just know I care about you and I hope you beat any odds stacked against you. ❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you for the kind words @atomicblonde❤️


I finally went live on social media regarding my diagnosis. Now I've had time to process it all, I believe this sums up my feelings best so I will post it here.


From my Facebook:


I haven't posted on social media in a while, but here we go... 

I was naive to think that I would never have to write a post like this - yet here we are. After a month of tests and appointments (continued bad news after bad news), I was finally diagnosed with incurable stage 4 bowel cancer two weeks ago. Devastated doesn't even come close to describing how I feel - and everyone else affected by my diagnosis. 

The aim of this post isn't for anyone to feel pity towards me, but to raise awareness about this awful disease. Trust your gut feeling, listen to your body and don't let a health care professional tell you that it won't be cancer because of your age. Cancer doesn't care who you are, your age, your hopes, dreams, plans for the future or the people in your life - it can and will affect everyone at some point in their life. Unfortunately, life is unfair and can be so cruel - even if you think you're winning at life, you never know what it's going to throw at you.

To end on a positive note, I couldn't have done the last few weeks without my amazing family, friends and my incredible wife. Francesca is my rock and I couldn't have got this far without her (and many others).🥰

Whilst my life journey wont be as long as we all believe ours will be, I will continue to fight and surround myself with loved ones. All I can do is fight and live each day as it comes. One step on the ladder at a time, however high that ladder allows me to climb.

If you got this far, thank you for reading.🤗


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21 minutes ago, goose_3387 said:

Thank you for the kind words @atomicblonde❤️


I finally went live on social media regarding my diagnosis. Now I've had time to process it all, I believe this sums up my feelings best so I will post it here.


From my Facebook:


I haven't posted on social media in a while, but here we go... 

I was naive to think that I would never have to write a post like this - yet here we are. After a month of tests and appointments (continued bad news after bad news), I was finally diagnosed with incurable stage 4 bowel cancer two weeks ago. Devastated doesn't even come close to describing how I feel - and everyone else affected by my diagnosis. 

The aim of this post isn't for anyone to feel pity towards me, but to raise awareness about this awful disease. Trust your gut feeling, listen to your body and don't let a health care professional tell you that it won't be cancer because of your age. Cancer doesn't care who you are, your age, your hopes, dreams, plans for the future or the people in your life - it can and will affect everyone at some point in their life. Unfortunately, life is unfair and can be so cruel - even if you think you're winning at life, you never know what it's going to throw at you.

To end on a positive note, I couldn't have done the last few weeks without my amazing family, friends and my incredible wife. Francesca is my rock and I couldn't have got this far without her (and many others).🥰

Whilst my life journey wont be as long as we all believe ours will be, I will continue to fight and surround myself with loved ones. All I can do is fight and live each day as it comes. One step on the ladder at a time, however high that ladder allows me to climb.

If you got this far, thank you for reading.🤗



Oh Goose all I can do and feel at the moment for you. 😭 💕 


Sad Doctor Who GIF


Andrew let me know if you are going to try my wife’s/Amish cancer recipe my good friend❣️🙏 ✝️ :) 🦆 

Edited by Veum
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29 minutes ago, Veum said:


Oh Goose all I can do and feel at the moment for you. 😭 💕 


Sad Doctor Who GIF


Andrew let me know if you are going to try my wife’s/Amish cancer recipe my good friend❣️🙏 ✝️ :) 🦆 


Planning to look at diet and recipes next week. Given what I've been through the past month, just eating anything is a win at the moment. I do appreciate everyone's help and suggestions.🤗

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One thing to look at is adding milk powder to milk this doubles the calories in the milk .


Also  milk the Jersey milk and protein milkshakes the calories in those is INSANE. Could be a way to keep your

Strength  and energy .


The added power milk makes cup a soups yummy if you don't like sweet stuff.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

Hi all.


A very tough 6 months - emotionally and physically.


On cycle 10 of chemo now - 2 cycles left before my next scan in July. The scan after cycle 6 showed that the chemo had shrunk some of the tumours. Hoping for some stability or more positive results on my next scan. Fingers crossed - can't stop the fight!

Edited by goose_3387
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15 minutes ago, goose_3387 said:

Hi all.


A very tough 6 months - emotionally and physically.


On cycle 10 of chemo now - 2 cycles left before my next scan in July. The scan after cycle 6 showed that the chemo had shrunk some of the tumours. Hoping for some stability or more positive results on my next scan. Fingers crossed - can't stop the fight!

Food Love GIF by The Seed of Life Foundation

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