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Posts posted by Soundwave

  1. Been a while but new arrivals for me today in the form of WEET Spiderman into the Spiderverse & Avengers Assemble


    Both look frankly amazing & the Lenticular effect on Spiderverse is awesome




    Chuffed with them in the collection now


    Another great round of group buys & always top class, thanks to everyone involved



    • Like 34
    • Thanks 1
  2. 4 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:


    Now this is one I missed

    On it at lunch time...just need to make sure I have enough movies that I can compete...I have a few that have 3 copies but not sure I have 5 different ones that I can use.

    I'll see what I can muster up


    The Best Reaction GIF



    • Like 4
  3. Time to enter the fray with my Week 11 challenge choices & I've done my best to pick films I both love & might be a bit out of the ordinary from many of the impending selections (not a Star Wars, Batman or Alien movie in sight ;) lol) single


    So without further Ado here are my picks - 


    1) The Devils Rejects (Sequel to House of 1000 Corpses)


    So this is the Continuing saga of the Firefly Family who we meet originally in House of 1000 Corpses & in this film the tables are turned from them just being a murderous family to a murderous family on the run from the law

    After being found out & seiged at their home the 3 remaining Firefly family members go on a murderous rampage while trying to evade capture.

    Things don't to plan & are captured by the Law at which point the movie changes tone & you actually begin to feel empathy for them while in lockdown

    The whole film is a thrill ride for me & takes what made House great & ups the ante & bloodshed.

    It also gave me one of my favourite endings to any film ever & the use of music is fantastic throughout

    This is firmly routed as one of my favourite films of all time & probably my favourite horror period


    2) Day of the Dead (Sequel to Dawn of the Dead)


    Now While Dawn of the Dead gets the majority of the love it's Day of the Dead that just pips it as greatest Zombie movie ever
    Dawn gave us great set pieces & a sprawling narative on consumerism & great characters

    Day takes all that & gives us something even more special...claustrophobic & tense with probably the finest ending & gore set piece that I can remember as the Zombies make their way down inside the complex

    Just another fantastic sequel & one I can watch over & over


    3) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (Sequel to Michael Bay's Turtle movie)


    I've been a massive Turtle fan since the 80's but was really concerned when Michael Bay was helming the new movies after his Transformers mess but was more than pleasantly surprised by the first movie & eagerly awaited this sequel

    What it does is takes the formula of the original & ups the fun by 10

    Cast is great the set pieces are even more ludicrous & fantastic than the first & the arrival of Rock Steady & Be-bop are great

    It just works & improves on the original in so many ways


    4) Godzilla Vs Kong (Sequel to Godzilla: King of Monsters & Kong: Skull Island)


    Set after the events of Godzilla: King of the Monsters this takes 2 of the most well known monsters in movie history & pits them against each other in the ultimate brawl

    Takes elements of all the movies that came before & ups the destruction to near biblical levels lol

    The creatures look fantastic & even the human element works really well to flesh out the story.

    The final fight set piece is on a different level to everything that went before & just makes this the one to see out of the whole Monsterverse


    5) Cannonball Run 2


    What can honestly be said about this movie...so much fun & hi-jinks

    Takes all the fun of the first & ups the ante, funnier than the first & just the best high speed chase movie IMO


    So that's my 5 favourite sequels, hope they pass muster ;)


    Now onto the Question & the one film I'd love to see get a sequel is the recent Power Rangers movie



    Unloved, Underappreciated & thoroughly neglected

    I was never really a big Power Rangers fan when I was younger so this is perhaps why I thoroughly enjoyed this.

    It's great fun from start to finish with amazing set pieces & an ending that even managed to choke me up & it desperately deserved a sequel...the reason for not getting one is also the most pathetic excuse ever - Toy sales were too low & subsequently the studio & Hasbro decided not to press ahead with a 2nd movie...SUCKS!!!


    Anyway that's my selections


    Hope they are all ok




    • Like 21
  4. Sorry I'm so lax but this is my first entry into the challenge & my submission for 5 weapons I present to you...




    Rob Zombie's 31 representing - Chainsaw, Bat, knives


    Three from Hell with - guns & Shotgun


    Hunger games: Mocking Jay Pt 1 - Bow and Arrow


    Versus - sword


    Justice League: Doom - Batarang 


    For the final steps favourite weapons -


    Hero - Optimus Prime Ion Blaster


    Villains - Megatron Fusion Cannon


    Think I've done this right 




    • Like 26
  5. Oooh this is super interesting & a fun one to think of


    Personally I'd love to see something for the original 1986 Transformers the movie as it's my absolute favourite movie of all time, it also has a pretty nice WWA 4K release




    Aside from that maybe the Fantastic Beasts series or Fast and Furious



    • Like 6
  6. 6 minutes ago, Gentleman said:


    Maybe you can order it through the Mini Group buy that is supposed to launch here soon....





    Thanks for that, I will definitely be into joining that


    The package looks way to good to miss out on & the movie is such a Van Damme classic that I need to have in the collection :)


    Thanks again



    • Like 8
  7. Had my Lenti copies of Age of Ultron arrive at the weekend & I'm so chuffed with them

    The pair look fantastic together & really chuffed I took the plunge on them both as I'd seriously be kicking myself now if I'd only gone for one of them & the cost to try & pick them up on the secondary market now is crazy lol


    Anyway here they is...










    • Like 32
  8. 2 hours ago, Veum said:


    @Soundwave I went the same route and I’m content with these and satisfied, I do not need to buy beyond my means to enjoy these! :)


    Yeah as much as I love collecting these there is no way I can justify any of the One Clicks (unless someone ever does one for the 1986 Transformers: The Movie that is...then I'd sell a damn kidney for it ;)) they are just too expensive for me so this was definitely the next best option & they both look fantastic


    Can't wait to see them in hand when they arrive



    • Like 9
  9. 6 hours ago, RockinRaccoon said:

    I can’t wait to watch Heat again! I haven’t seen it since I was a teenager. Great heist movie and great cast. Looking forward to see how the transfer is.



    Love that Heat Steel

    I was super excited about the 4K release but reading the review on AV Forums I'm not as hyped anymore, they seem to say that it is overly dark now & at points almost impossible to pick out details

    It's such a shame as I love the movie



    • Like 2
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  10. 14 hours ago, Gary K said:

    Tracked down an affordable Black Panther One Click from WeET 



    Pulp Fiction Lenti from Novamedia

    Deadlool 2 and Inglorious Basterds Lenti  from Manta; and

    Captain America: Civil War Lenti from WeET



    Eternal Sunshine (4K) and Night Gallery Vol. 2 from Kino; Beatles Get Back collectors; Desperate Hours and Miami Blues from MVD; Frisco Kid; Devil In A Blue Dress (4K); Northman and Doctor Strange Steelbooks 



    Awesome additions

    I really need to get myself a copy of WEET Cap Civil War as it;s one I'm still annoyed at missing out on :(


    10 hours ago, ajames212 said:

    It's been awhile since I have posted pics of newest arrival,  so I have a few. Thank you @Masterblaster for the 4th of july sale items.  Beatifull Job with Bumblebee @ksosk.  And everyone who helps put together this wonderful place for us to share. Thanks for your time.


    Tenebrea.      Arrow. 20220727_181250.thumb.jpg.0de15878029ad8a7d8c13ef9ee4589d4.jpg


    Demonia.      Arrow20220727_182452.thumb.jpg.e1667d1df1447130c32b86498b7ad374.jpg


    The Warriors.     Imprint. 20220727_181415.thumb.jpg.a49f3367276a8a9ba1e92b3b2bf6046f.jpg


    Demons 4k  1-2.  Synapse films. (first order from them)20220727_181448.thumb.jpg.577c4e8aa54a76c250ba342e3fa1edee.jpg


    Tombs of the blind dead. Synapse films. 20220727_181625.thumb.jpg.e3b90769c3186acd7b40dcac787c564a.jpg



    Death wish 2.    Vinegar syndrome 20220727_181556.thumb.jpg.29f400beb2a68d9e6a9c2834edbf2702.jpg


    Six string samurai.  VSU20220727_181321.thumb.jpg.84b01dff3975d12664bc5d31cc949e01.jpg



    TC-2000.      VSA20220727_181523.thumb.jpg.4b8301f9fb4abf98ea1807e0af39a31f.jpg


    The Matrix Revolutions.  Uhdclub... 4th of July sale. 20220727_181810.thumb.jpg.f5b2685d55f487b31917351ec78bd92a.jpg


    The Matrix Reloaded. Uhdclub.. 4th of July sale. 20220727_181750.thumb.jpg.c3b0d4525274b014854f86938a59f46d.jpg


    The Swordsman in double flag town. WCL. 4th of July sale.20220727_181836.thumb.jpg.72d74877b162a8a248ff29cc631f78c3.jpg 

    District 9.           Mag.  MP.. GB. 20220727_181136.thumb.jpg.33d57590721baa1c1ff13926cf6fc32a.jpg





    Bumblebee.      Uhdclub.  MP.. GB. 20220727_181907.thumb.jpg.763527eed5f8b1f065dd3c1f9847a80a.jpg


    The Dark knight Blufans.  MP. GB20220727_182143.thumb.jpg.a0fa43dfba84aff8d96a0dfec1b5ec75.jpg





    Amazing haul buddy
    Do love that Tombs of the Blind Dead
    Also Six String Samurai looks right up my alley & I'll have to hunt a copy down :)


    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  11. 18 minutes ago, Rambo said:



    They have so many cool releases, I am looking at some of the Vinegar Syndrome Archive titles now. 


    I had missed out on the Thriller box edition, but I feel just as happy with the Slip edition. Very nice. 






    You're welcome :)


    Yeah I missed the Boxset as well :(

    The slip still looks really good & hopefully will be a significant  improvement over my DVD release from years ago lol


    They really do make some great editions & are up there with Arrow, Second Sight & 88 Films for me :)



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