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Posts posted by Soundwave

  1. 12 hours ago, deckard99 said:



    I don't think there will be any updates in the near future. Completion of EoT and A.I. will be the priorities for the foreseeable future. But like you, I'd very much like to see this!



    It's ok I'm used to waiting for releases in this collecting game (looking at you Cinemusuem Lost Boys ;) 😂) but I fully expect this will be well worth the wait



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  2. 14 minutes ago, deckard99 said:



    Yes, it's still going ahead. As far as having an extra hub for an additional disc, I'll defer to @ksosk


    YAY, glad I didn't miss out, this is honestly one of my absolute favourite animated movies & fine special edition like this is something I've been looking for forever.


    Would be cool if there was space to house the 3D disc but honestly not an issue if not.


    Looking forward to future updates now :)


    Thanks for the assistance @deckard99 :)



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  3. Gah been away from these for a while as I've struggled with the last few challenges but getting in on Week 34 now which took a bit of effort as I wanted to be out of the ordinary with my selections so went for these




    First up Riki-Oh

    Set in 2001 but released in 1991




    Then we go to Iron Sky

    Set in 2018 but released in 2012




    Finally the finest cartoon ever made

    Transformers the Movie

    Set in 2005 but released in 1986




    So there we are, it's nice to be involved again :)



    • Like 17
  4. 57 minutes ago, TechSpec924 said:

    Despite @Gary K delicate sensibilities (lol), a film that won an Oscar in ANY category will count. Many of us were just trying to keep it to the Big Four.


    I'm not a fan of the Oscars either. I had to Google a list of award-winners. You might be surprised to find a few films in your collection that won awards for stuff like Sound Editing lol.


    Ha ha I'll have a look at the list of winners later & see what I have, as you say if they are any category I might have something :)





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  5. Sorry I've been missing in action for the last few of these awards but as I'm generally not as big a collector as many on here I find many of the challenges beyond me & my collections so Sadly I'll have ti just pick & choose where I can get involved...sorry all :(


    Anyway this weeks challenge - 23 is one I can do...YAY go me :)


    So my favourite genre will probably have to be Animation/Anime as it just covers so many bases & encompasses all varieties from action to Comedy to Horror everything & no medium can touch it for what can be achieved when making them.




    So my Top 5 choices are - 


    1) Transformers: The Movie

    Probably my favourite film of all time & one that I will never tire of watching, Still remember seeing in the cinema in 1986 & every time I watch it I am transported back to being 9 years old again & it never fails to make me smile...well all except that one part anyway ;)


    2) Akira

    Has to be in here, no animated movie has ever confused me as much as this one or been as influential to practically everything that has gone since

    Remember the first time I saw it & I was not expecting the spectacle that I was presented with...I had no idea what I was getting into when I saw the VHS in my local comic shop...I only actually bought it at the time because I had never seen a "15" rated cartoon before & my curiosity got the better of me...so glad it did, what an amazing ride & spectacle it was.

    Got me fully hooked on the Anime genre from then on & that love still continues & grows every day


    3) Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
    The finest animated Superhero movie period, the art style, the story all top notch & even better is seeing it in 3D...such depth to the proceedings & some fantastic effects, simply breath taking to watch & just so much fun


    4) Vampire Hunter D
    After Akira I got into picking up practically everything that the MANGA label put out in the UK in the mid 90's & from everything I had Vampire Hunter D still stands as one of my all time favourites, great story, beautiful animation & brilliant characters
    Many people prefer the sequel: Bloodlust but for me I never got the same feeling from that as I did this movie & it's why it will be my favourite


    5) Fox & the Hound
    Wouldn't be a list of Animated movies without a Disney in there somewhere & Fox & the Hound is by far & away my favourite Disney movie of all time

    Loved it since the moment I first saw it, the animation is beautiful, love the story & no matter how many times I see it I will NEVER not get upset when the widow goes to give up Todd :( lol

    There was absolutely no way I couldn't include it in my list :)


    So that's my top 5 :)


    Now if we are asking what started it all?

    Well I guess that it would have to be Transformers, now I know I saw other animated movies before this but nothing hit me like TF: The Movie did, from the opening arrival of Unicron to the Decepticon attack the art was just beautiful, the story engaging & characters that I've known almost all my life brought to life (& death) in ways I never expected, from getting home after the cinema I truely understood what animated movies could achieve & how amazing they could be


    So there we have it that's my Week 23 challenge complete :)


    Thanks for reading :)



    • Like 20
  6. Hopefully I'm not too late for the Week 18 challenge but it all took a bit longer than I thought to sort stuff out as I wanted to showcase a few different collections while I was at it lol


    So anyway here are my submissions for the Week 18 collection challenge


    First up Avengers Infinity War WEET Single Lenticular joined by my Avengers Hot Toys collection of Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Star Lord & Captain Marvel




    Next up my Batman Titans of Cult & Hot Toys Jack Nicholson Joker (I do have Keaton Batman too but I'm waiting on a new Cape for him as I never liked the Hot Toys one that came with it)




    Then we have the Aroow Robocop LE & another Hot Toys addition in RoboCop figure



    Now to finally break away from Hot Toys dominance in my collection & on to some Anime with My Hero Academia movie Two Heroes & this is joined by my Revoltech Amazing Yamaguchi figures of All might, Deku, Bakugo & Todoroki




    Now on to my final addition & this is from my biggest collection full stop & it's the most recent release of the 1986 Transformers Animated Movie in the form of the 4K Steelbook & while I took some effort to decide on who to use I thought it was really only right to use 2 of the more iconic additions to the movie Galvatron & Ultra Magnus




    So there you go 5 movies & 5 collectables to go with them, I could have included so many more but thought I'd go with these 


    Hope that's all ok & you enjoy looking at them all



    • Like 25
  7. Not posted in here for a while but picked up 2 new titles today that I've been after for a while but had never gotten around to getting


    Lone Wolf and Cub Criterion collection & Threads




    also a couple of additions that I got for Christmas & 2 absolute classics that I've always loved


    Session 9 & Dog Soldiers




    and lastly one from the recent Cyborg Group buy my LE set






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  8. 2 hours ago, Gentleman said:

    Here's my contribution to challenge 18...


    Doctor Strange - Eye Of Agamotto



    Black Panther - Kimoyo Beads and Tchalla Necklace



    Game Of Thrones - House Sigil Rings



    Dune - The Art And Soul Of Dune



    Disney Classics Film Collection - Cinderella Castle



    Pirates Of The Carribean / Dead Men Tell No Tales - Silent Mary



    Holy crap @Gentleman love all of those, but hot damn that Lego Castle is immense.

    Oh My God Wow GIF


    Hopefully I'll be able to live up to these, just waiting for the weekend so I can get good light to take the pictures & not make everything look too dark...fingers crossed I won't be too late to enter by then



    • Like 5
  9. So after failing yesterday I went back today & took pictures again but this time with some Media Psychos promo :)


    My submission for Three of a Kind are...


    Sin City 2: A Dame To Kill for (UK Steelbook / US Steelbook / Lenticular Slip Amray)



    Star Wars: Force Awakens (Darkslide Slipcase Amray / UK 3D Special Edition / Novamedia Full Slip)



    Captain America: Winter Soldier (Zavvi Lenticular Steelbook / Best Buy USA Steelbook...Helmet / Zavvi UK Steelbook...No Helmet)



    Avengers: Age of Ultron (Best Buy Steelbook / WEET Lenticular B1 / WEET Lenticular B2)



    Avengers: Infinity War (Zavvi Steelbook / WEET Lenticualr / Blu Fans Lenticular)


    And that's the lot :)


    Hopefully we don't go to 4 times as I only have maybe one title that I've got 4 copies of (two in this list also have 4 copies but I've used them already lol) so I might not be able to get involved but had fun doing this one at least :)


    Hope they all pass the test :)



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