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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. 26 minutes ago, swish said:

    may it should be tier membership open for everyone who like to join and help financially so MP get more support and when comes to gb first come first serve 🤷‍♂️

    This year i will try to get Platinum or at least gold. hope there will be enough membership for regular to join tier membership

    Gb first come , first serve are sometimes done but very unlikely as i dont like that method.  I believe that supporting us should get some rewards sometimes , so that is why we have tiered only GBs sometimes.  


    1 hour ago, Basil said:

    @Masterblaster john genuine question here now for example platinums are at 140 members is that going to stay static this year or will there be more increases to the numbers is just if they carry on getting increased you will be taking away from gold and silver and i think you will now find on the important gbs.

    i don't think silver get much if any of a look in as it stands and if platinums did increase i wonder how effective gold would become?

    thinking about the overall balance, i get is your decision just wondering your thoughts?



    basil 👍

    so in short what you are saying is that people wont join a tier unless THEY benefit from it more then MP does ?  Membership cycles are one of those times when MP gets alot of support money wise .  This helps to balance the books throughout the year.  Im have not made yet a decision on what or how many Platinum there will be , not every platinum member joins every from every Retailer.  

    So i think it has proven to balance itsself out in the past.


    Take care



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  2. 7 minutes ago, hal56 said:

    Just tried again after emptying cache. Still the same message on cell and computer.

    What works though is entering over unread content, so basically its not so bad and maybe

    it solves itself as sudden as it has appeared.

    ok ill check on this to see if it is a situation on our side.


    Sorry for the inconvience.


    Take care



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  3. 2 hours ago, muchasgracias1971 said:

    🤔 komisch, gestern hat es den ganzen tag bei mir nicht funktioniert....

    heute geht es.......... schon seltsam....

    wir benutzen ein sehr aggressive software jetzt, das ist warhscheinlich der Gund.  Im moment kann ich dir nur bitten das wenn diesen fehler passiert das du ein anderen IP nutzt.  Ich nehme an das diese situation passiert ofteres beim Handy als beim PC. 


    Take care 




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  4. 43 minutes ago, hal56 said:

    Wenn ich über Forumsübersicht/International Chat Area/ Deutschen Bereich anklicke folgt "HTTP Error 500, Media Psychos.com kann diese Anfrage momentan nicht bearbeiten" sowohl am Handy als auch über PC.

    hast du dein Cache geleert und nochmals probiert ?



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  5. 7 hours ago, Vanguard1138 said:

    Hey all, 

    Long time steelbook collector (or sufferer depending on whether you're my wallet or not) checking in, recently became aware of MP through the LOTR group buy which sadly I didn't get on this round, but fortunately there's a WEET Gold in the works 😉 

    Thinking back, I think my first steelbook was either Scott Pilgrim vs The World or the Metal Gear Solid HD collection on PS3. Both take me right back to those early days! 

    I now have a bookcase full, so I've clearly spent too much on the hobby but every time I think I've got everything I need, retailers have a way of releasing something I didn't even know I wanted! I'm sure you're all familiar with the feeling... 

    MP is my introduction to the real _premium_ side of this hobby, my main retailers so far have been Zavvi or HMV - take that as you will. 

    Steelbook wish list: 
    - Anything Star Trek that doesn't already have a steelbook (I don't count the standard movie poster releases for I - X and want proper steelbooks for HD TNG)  
    - Spider-man 1-3 (got on the group buy for Weet 😉 super excited for it)! 
    - Galaxy Quest (I know the US has one but it's far from inspired)! 

    The favourite steelbooks I own: 
    - GOTG (Original tape design - US Import) 
    - Avengers 4 movie set (US Import) 
    - Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse (4K - HMV) 

    Happy to be here and looking forward to getting to know you fellow minded folk a little more as I get stuck further into this crazy collectors world! See you around! 

    TBH SOMETIMES Zavvi has some nice stuff .


    Take care



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  6. On 3/25/2021 at 10:47 PM, Grendel said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong @deckard99 my buddy but I was of the understanding that whatever a person's membership was, the day they signed up for the GB is what membership will determine their positioning.

    So for example, if Gold when signed up, and then becomes Platinum later, they retain the Gold positioning.  🙂


    Oh, and Memberships do not "expire" as such.

    At whatever time renewal happens, either a person retains their current one (for dues paid), or they can request the higher tier or even elect not to renew.

    Hi Jeff ,


    you are somewhat "wrong" .  Actually i had just thought about this over the weekend when we were doing the lists for the LotR GB. 


    As you see from other posts we had done it in a manner that tries to be fair to all.


    If you join today a GB and it closes on Wed , and your membership ran out on Monday (no renewal on your side) , we closed the GB on that Thursday then you would be "shit" out of luck.  In order to continue having the benefits of a particular tier you would have to be that tier when the GB closed.  So if it was like above , your tier ran out on Monday, you renewed on that Monday to your Platinum then you would not lose out on your benefit if the GB closed on Thursday.  


    That was one of my main concerns why the Platinum have first chance when going into the new cycles to continue to be Platinum.  I could see in the future that the GB system will be about 80% tiered and 20% regular members... That is actually what i would like to see, NOT because i dont want regular members to join or be able to join our ranks but because i get better pleasure out of knowing MP is helping those who help MP the most.  Lets face it , today with everything the way it is , we need all the financial support we can get and that is tthrough our Membership Tiered Program.


    Take care





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  7. 1 minute ago, mgurau said:

    Interesting. Both the US and UK have text at the bottom of the back. Which I hate. Same crap that is on the J-card. It ruins beautiful art.

    Makes me want to get this version for that reason, with hopes the pics are accurate. 

    This is an IN HAND item so why would the pictures not be accurate ? 🙄

    I too am the same opinon as you are with any text being on the steel .. the jcard dont matter to me too much if i open it ..


    Take care



    thanks @popohd for again the nice picutres.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, Dr. Demonic said:

    It seems that I hit quite a nerve with my post about the delay. John @Masterblaster sent me a PM and I just answered it.


    I explained to him, that better communication between staff and members would be nice and needed.

    In this case, if everybody gets some information from time to time, that would help tremendously. Something like this:


    'We can understand that some of you are wondering why some members got it in early January, while the rest of the world is still waiting for it. That is very unfortunate, but beyond our control. We are, as you can imagine, working very hard to get it and send it to you. So please be still patient and don't envy the others, you will get it eventually.'


    Something like this, and a lot of wondering could be avoided. Like I said, communication is the key.

    Some will agree, some disagree.


    I disagree.  I think if members want to know the exact situation on a GB they can ask , which some have .


    Granted the information we give sometime is not sufficient for some but for the most it is . 


    Even if i was to write what you suggested , which in my mind is totally "ueberfluessig" because all it is stating is the same thing we have been saying just in different words and it was obivously not enough for others.  


    Your suggestion to me in the PM about the GB Masters like @blu.steel33 @Benoit46 @thomue1987 (in particular Thomas because you are in Germany so you are referring to him ) that they would be "holding back" these HUGE items is totally insane (matches your Avatar).  What are they suppose to be doing with these things then ?  Stacking them up and using them as a Matress or a retaining wall ?  Come on , really ?  


    Its not that i dont understand yours as well as everyone elses concern or frustration as im in the same boat but to even "think" we would hold back things or even "think" you are dumb is just "stupid". 


    I believe this discussion is at end now and since we have more then enough times explained the situation with this and other releases i dont see any need to continue on it , it just eats up more free time of our Staff , which is not called for. 


    If you or anyone else wants to respond you can gladly send a PM to one of the Admins or Super Mods who will be more then happy to answer within a reasonalbe timeframe.  


    Thanks alot 



    Take care



    @R1s1ngs0n do please monitor this thread to insure it stays clean and back on track to the actual Subject 


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  9. well as if not enough stress ... getting more bad weather this evening / tomorrow , said even Tornados ... man i wish i was still on the sandy sunny beaches of Germany ... LOL


    Take care



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  10. On 3/15/2021 at 2:26 PM, Konan said:


    I ordered dozen of items from all parts of the world during the last 6 months.  None of them took more than 3 weeks to reach me (2 or 3 three took 6 weeks cause they have been hold at customs) . I understand the frustration of @Dr. Demonic if these simply have not been shipped for one or another reason, i can deal with that but covid delays can't be the reason for the parcel  to take 3 months to arrive. I have the  same problem with "das boot" also on german hub. I think we deserve a  bit more transparency.

    @KonanYeah i bet they shipped big big packages to you , right ?  Logistics are totally different with bigger boxes then with small ones that can fit in the planes corner space.  CHINA has massive problems .


    Every package that goes from China is inspected by customs (china side) then they are sent to the airport to await transport (when a plane is availalbe).  Then they are in route and land somewhere at a port , customs takes it and puts it with ALL the other stuff to be done and evtl. they get around to it and then its shipped to the nearest central post station and then again sent to the delivery postal station ... so with all of that said there is alot of room for error / waiting times as is WITHOUT the pandemic which shut down things completely then also not to forget the Chinese Holidays where nothing moved ... So what more transparency do you think we can give ?  I cant tell you which plane it will get on, I cant tell you when customs will work through it , I cant do anything else except to assure you that things are finally rolling again. UK was shut down and many other problems has occured along the way.  


    Its not just you or EU but rather it is EVERYONE is being affected or has been affected by these world events .  Did you get the Matrix Triology boxset already ? I dont know if you ordered it but im sure the members outside the USA have recieved them , what MONTHS ago ?  Well i can assure you that some USA members JUST got theirs .  They were able to follow the status as it happend .  It took over 4 months (or right at) to get from CHINA to USA, so YES it is frustrating at the least but it has nothing to do with you personally or the HUB Master for that matter ... im sure @Mdk14092 @Wheels @Jigsaw @Diamond just to name a few can vouch for what im saying in case some dont believe it.


    This PANDEMIC has caused ripples you could not even start to imagine ... so yes more patience is requested.


    @Dr. Demonic it has nothing to do WHEN you paid , be it in November or in March , that has no influence on the waiting period .  You paid then because we had to pay then.  It is what it is .


    Look im just as much stressed out about these things as everyone else is .. cause unlike yourself i have to deal with EVERYTHING and then also in the end have to request that the HUB MASTERS spend their valuable time to clean up this mess that the Pandemic has created. 


    Im glad the majority of the members have been in this game a while to understand just because XXX got his package from an order 1 week ago , does not mean diddle ... these things take time , its the way it has become for now. 


    Take care




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  11. 11 hours ago, Luiis said:

    Hey John @Masterblaster how are you? 
    I paid my invoice for “Dunkirk DP series UHD without discs” last year on November 13th and still waiting for tracking number. Is there any problems? just let me know please. 


    Sorry about that !  As you might know we have had some serious wait times on editions due to the Pandemic last year.  We are slowlly starting to get all the stuff in and yes Dunkirk is one of those that came in just recently .  Have not had the time to go through it , but the Mountain is getting smaller and i can see light at the end of the tunnel.  Should not be too much longer now.


    Take care



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  12. 9 hours ago, Le Ananas said:

    Hi everyone, thank you for the warm welcome. I found this forum through reddit and I'm looking for the Mario kart 8 deluxe and monster hunter rise steelbooks for Nintendo switch. Is there a place where can request or buy these?


    Thank you.

    Hi ,


    if you can supply @deckard99 links so we can see exactly what you want / need that would be great , im sure we can help , if not we sure will try our best.


    Take care



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  13. On 2/18/2021 at 6:11 AM, Siran said:

    Hallo ich bin Siran, der Neue hier :)


    Bin durch einen aufmerksamen Reddit-User auf das mir bis dato völlig unbekannte Media Psychos aufmerksam geworden, da ich als großer Lion King Fan auf die echt klasse MP Diamond Edition scharf bin:


    Was gibt's noch zu sagen, 43 Jahre aus der Nähe von Frankfurt und habe noch die Hoffnung nicht zuviel Geld hier zu lassen

    Frankfurt am Main ?


    Wo genau ?


    LG John

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  14. Hi @TAC,


    these have come in already since the beginning of the week , BUT guess what else came in on my side of the US ?😉


    Its just very hard to do anything without the everyday essentials that we sometimes take for granted , like Electricity and Water.  


    We are hoping to be back up soon (hopefully by Monday) and then ill have to go through ALL the stuff we got over the last few days ... 


    I will make a mental note to get those Obilivion out as first as they did come in first. 


    As @LeGonze says , by joining our GB you are supporting our effort in being able to bring this and other titles to many many members. 


    @WKRP yes you can order directly but try to be a team player and motivate your fellow Psychos to support us . 


    Take care




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