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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. On 11/20/2020 at 10:12 AM, bearlol said:

    Here are the friends as agreed a Bonus with Filmarena and thanks again to all the Team for its exceptional work that fills us with joy at each reception 🥰🥰🥰



    well i was just looking through some pictures and see something wrong with this picture.... 


    you should feel ashamed of yourself and give yourself 10 licks with the paddle because you are using non MP protective covers ... You gotta be careful that those items dont start to 

    determinate due to this fact ! 😁


    Take care


    • Haha 3
  2. 6 hours ago, Veum said:



    Slow down will ya, nothing more depressing then to get somewhere like 5+ invoices  🧾 in one month 😠 


    retailers are sure fast to take our 💴 but take months to get our Premiums, sheesh 🙄 

    Hi Veum


    i think , the best thing if members dont want invoices is to stop buying so much 😎 .  Its not really fair for the member to think that it can wait and put the burden on MP.  


    In more then 96% of the cases with the GBs,  we have to pay the Retailer just as you would if you ordered online , that means RIGHT QUICK.  Holding back the members invoices for weeks like we have been doing the past years is starting to become impossible due to the shear amount .  So in order for us to minimize our loss of cash flow we should send out invoices even quicker then what they are going out now. 😉


    The member is the best person who knows what their finances look like , if you cant afford it when you join it , then why would you join it ?  I mean speculating on when the invoice will pop is not really good practice.  It cant be that i am starting to feel guilty because i am sending out the invoices.  


    Dont get me wrong , we are very happy that you want to support MP in this manner , and the more you join the better it is for MP BUT in the end it does not bring alot if you are unhappy .  






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  3. Let me just say this to you @King Collector or @Luxury Bluray you have no future on this forum , just go home where ever that might be and 

    scam your own people in your village.  


    Your days of scamming us are over !


    And dont try to pull that bullshit about you not understanding anything or trying to deny who you are.  Our system is advanced enough to be able to spot you 

    no matter what you try . 


    John sends his regards and hopes you burn in hell for what you have done to this Community and its good members and to him personally as well.  What a waste of life that was put into you .



    MP Support

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  4. So i have removed the extra information on the right side for Mobile.  Im still trying to decide if we should leave it for the PC and Tablets.  


    EDIT : ok i have decided to shut it down for now with the PC and Tablets as well.

    • Like 1
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  5. 5 hours ago, Catgirl said:

    Ist doch mein Reden seit heute vormittag 🤣👍

    Sweety i dont know what else to say, i just tried it on my 10 and 7 inch and it seems everything is ok , even my phone looks ok.  Its not the best yet but its ok for now , we will be fine tuning as we can ..


    Maybe @extantsrevenge can put all the "glitches" in the Thread "glitches" so that they can be worked through in a somewhat systematisch way. 


    @extantsrevenge you are going to kill me now because due to the update we lost all Awards , they can be redone but its work ... Im so sorry , i forgot to take precautions for that before the update was run... 🤔

    • Like 1
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  6. 5 hours ago, Cornbuster said:

    Ich sehe gerade nur noch das:


    yeah you caught me working on the Theme just in that time you must have tried to visit a page .. sorry but i do not want to pull the site offline to do these changes so thats why you might see some errors like this , should not stay though more then a few minutes , if it does please let me know.



  7. 3 minutes ago, raylight said:

    Ich verstehe nicht, wieso Webseiten immer mehr an die Mobilteile "angepasst" werden.

    Schade, seltsame Entwicklung. Wenn ich schon bei Amazon diese erbärmliche Blu-ray Anzeige sehe von wegen 12 Produkte untereinander und dann darf ich auf "next page" klicken, kriege ich schon Pickel am Ar***.  😄




    I think it is because everyone uses Social Media and that is mostly then through the Mobile communications.  I agree with you that is not good for those who want to visit sites on PCs. 


    @Cornbuster yes the BBCode function was taken out (not supported anymore) so i will see if that can be fixed very soon .

    • Thanks 3
  8. 7 hours ago, CAYENNE-FAHRER said:

    moin,in die Runde

    die Seite gefällt mir überhaupt nicht,

    alles viel kleiner geworden,man bekommt Augenkrebs

    was noch schlimmer ist die Leiste mit den Benachrichtigung & Nachricht ist zu dunkel



    Things will be done as we go along ... the points you pointed out should be better to see now , just not sure about the colors.

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  9. 13 hours ago, Intentcoin said:

    I dont know if MP has the ability to make these or have then made but if possible, I think it would be a good idea and probably a lot  cheaper 


    A fellow psycho recently introduced me to using standard bluray sleeves for steelbooks and I love it. They are the perfect size, so snug that they almost look factory sealed. Since them I use them in every steelbook as soon as I open it before even putting it back in the fullslip. 


    Here are some pictures of the dunkirk steelbook. The first one is just the bare steelbook and the second one has a sleeve. You can barely see it but if you look at the corners you can see the corner of the sleeve 

    I used to use those on my steelbooks way back when i first started but i quickly changed to the thicker ones , because in my opinon it does not really give you any protection , except against dust.  Shelf wear will still be a problem and taking in and out of the shelf your rubbing them against the next one in front and in back of it.  Maybe if you keep them distanced some it might help .  I always had the tendency to want to get more space out of my shelf then was actually available so i had some crammed in ... 


    Take care



    • Like 3
  10. 2 hours ago, Basil said:

    cheers @Masterblaster john will leave you in peace for a bit ill pm you in couple of weeks give you chance to get yourself sorted out, did not realise was coming out of your ears, like that.

    hopefully it all come out in the wash 👍

    it was edition A i was after

    one below



    all the best

    basil 👍

    ok that is the one i DO NOT have so i guess unless you want to take the B or C ??


    @Veum you need to send me a message about what you are talking about please.


    Take care



    • Like 1
  11. 17 hours ago, Intentcoin said:

    While were here, I've been asking for a while and haven't gotten an answer yet, does MP have protectors or plan on making protectors for these hardboxes? I know they may not be the exact same size but they are close enough and I believe there are enough hardbox editions to be worth it. We've got four so far with a lot more on the way. I would also love protectors for the wooden boxes (wonder woman, 2049, and soon, hopefully, bladerunner and bumblebee) 

    The main problem is that there is no standard norm size of these editions and unfourtantly  our supplier requires us to take such large amounts that it is just not viable for these editions until they are normed .. The protective slip they deserve would have to meet OUR STANDARD (as all our MPCs do ) so of course its the cost factor as well.   


    We are constantly looking into new sizes to bring to our Product line but it is harder then one would think. 


    @Casiusco as you know im open to any suggestions along this "search" and "request" you have , so please do not hesitate to send me a message with your ideas of sizes and so forth.  Looking forward to your thoughts as well @Intentcoin .  Please do not be shy LOL.


    Take care




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