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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. 52 minutes ago, Basil said:

    @Masterblaster john any chance of getting these wooden boxes sorted out on the gb please?

    seems they have just seem to have been ignored so far????


    basil 👍

    Hi Paul ,


    yes we have ALL been very very busy trying to get alot of things done and organized again before another situation is upon us.  This year has been a trying one for sure , at least for me but im sure for alot others as well.


    I can sell you a wooden box but tbh i only have one of the three editions left over .  I can then also sell you an empty dunkirk if that is your wish. 


    Best to contact me though through PM (yes even if i have a million other things to do and my box is over fulled) so that i may talk to you about everything in due time ... 


    I hope this can give you some insurance that you will receive a copy.


    Take care



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  2. 4 hours ago, Steelbook Indy said:

    No - it was in February.  I paid him for the Indy box set in January. 

    I understand your decision regarding refunds.  But have you thought about offer those impacted a 1 year  extension of membership to the site for no charge? If I’m looking at my PayPal history, I’m out $150 (product plus shipping).  Just a thought.


    Another thought might be to run a raffle for a highly sought after, rare Premium Steelbook (an OOP FAC e.g. Maniacs Box or As Above So Below or Wolf of Wall Street) - of course open to all - but offering complementary entries to impacted members.

    As I said, just spitballing.

    We are of course taking suggestions as to how we can best do some sort of compensation .  Your suggestions have been noted and are really good . 


    Im just not sure yet on how we will manage this .  As soon as we have came to a decision we will of course inform those affected by this situation.


    Take care



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  3. 4 hours ago, Basil said:


    exactly the same position as your self tied into bank account i even contacted paypal back in september they just automatically said case closed passed the 180 window, we just automatically wash there hands of it after that.

    criminal really and they told me that on the phone.


    but i would like to suggest to @Masterblaster i understand not his fault with this, but suggest in future any NEW person doing this again moneys are held by MP instead and that if can not be delivered within 180 days from payments that money will not be handed over giving everyone chance for claiming back from paypal within reasonable time frame. this should stop people from being scammed again


    my two payments where in jan and feb using two different payment accounts for luxury bluray , which i didn't notice till later much later on.

    that should have set alarm bells ringing imho looking back.

    2 addresses below

    sulmohmu@gmail.com $47.50 (shipping) 2nd feb

    nbmkhalid@gmail.com $73.00 (goods) 7th jan


    so paypal for me would have been march and april to make a claim within the 180 days, hence why i say all money should go thru MP on all NEW ventures.

    that way people are NEVER out of pocket ever again.


    just glad his other group buys where stopped when they where imagine how much more people would have been out of pocket had we not jumped up and down abit when the first ones had not been delivered, just shows my radar was RIGHT on the money 👿👿👿


    do these sound like reasonable things to be done in future john so this can't happen again?


    all the best

    basil 👍

    well those are actually some good idea you have there but in this case it would not have helped anyway.  He claimed he needed the money to build the merchandise , since this is not something that has never been practiced by other retailers (mostly from the Asia continent) in the past, i felt it was a legit argument and being it the time of the Covid i felt even more justifeid by his claims.  Getting the money from you or anyone else in the beginning would not have helped as he stated he needed it to produce.  


    Anyway yes this kind of situation will be handled differently going forward. How i do not know yet , it will depend on certain factors .  


    As @deckard99 stated its really not anything other then a Retailer going belly up after requesting the money for the release.  FAC practices this method quit alot , paid for weeks ahead of the actual release , which also leads me to think that they are using the funds to finance the release or other releases/projects.  We can just be sure that they have proven themselves to be a good company in the matter that they deliver the product to the customer.  Theoretically though they or any other Company that practices this could go belly up and you would not see any money even within the 180 timeframe .


    We do actually take precautions where we can , like for the new company MAG.  We have not yet asked (up to this point) any member to fork out any money for these editions. We have already paid the Retailer for you so if something did go bad it would not be you but us that loses .  We all of course dont want that to happen , i was just showing an instance (and its not the only one) where we do take precautions to protect the members here at MP.   Now shipping is suppose to be soon for the first MAG product so we will be asking for funds soon 😉


    Evidentually this person had the intent from the get go to be as he is ....


    Take care




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  4. On 11/11/2020 at 8:58 PM, Steelbook Indy said:

    I would hope that he has the money to ship.  He sent me a request to pay shipping, and it was quite high.

    When was this request sent to you ?  Just recently ? If so then please make a claim to paypal at least to save you the lost of that money @Steelbook Indy


    Take care



    • Like 1
  5. So guys i know its not something you really want to hear but after having the last weeks no contact whatsoever with him i do now have to actively declare him as a scammer as that is what he seems to be and has given us no other evidence to keep us from thinking this.


    After weeks / months of being sucked in with the then obvious problems that were caused by the Covid pandemic we are left today with the bare truth of his intentions all along. 


    This is definitely a sad sad time for us all especially here on MP as it shows once again that you cannot trust anyone (especially a new company/person) and this hurts not only his integrity but also those who might actually have good intentions.


    As for refunds ... i did say i would refund but that statement i have to walk back as i did not think it would be so much and so many as i was still thinking he was doing all he could do in his power to set this straight.  I believe i have refunded a few but now i cannot do this for anyone else.  Im very sorry how this has gone. Believe me if i could i would change it for sure.  


    As it has already been stated for those who purchased using a Credit Card there is still a chance to get something back mabye from the Bank institute which is where you can make a claim and try to recover these expenses. 


    MP will of course help you in any manner that is possible if you need the help from us.


    The member has now been banned and stamped for what he is , we do hope that other Communities like the FB group will also be flooding his page with negative comments .  This is not just one person but from what i have gathered from other sources as well , well over 50 people outside of MP.


    As a small compensation we will think of something that we can offer you guys , but i have no ideas or thoughts about this as of yet. 


    Sorry ! I am angry at myself for having trusted him so much as i did .  I too lost money about $500 that i sent him where i have also no chance of seeing again .  


    I am going to lock this thread sometime the next few days , it will be left open for those who want to vent within the next few days but i believe after that it is best to lock and move on. 


    My dear members i am really very sorry and do hope that your trust in us (the whole MP team) has not been influenced from this incident with this person.


    Take care





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  6. Also just a heads up , in order to try and keep the channel of communication open , we have not yet banned him from the site as doing so would only furher harm the situation at this timeframe. 


    Thats info just in case some of you might be wondering if and if not and even why not about the ban. 


    Take care



    • Thanks 6
  7. guys and gals ,


    the last few contacts with him were as follows...


    24. Oct :  "Hi, I will make the first post in the next few days to be sure.  After that , I send the rest of packages quickly every week until the orders are finished."


    My response was "Sounds good , Thank you and please send me and the members tracking asap"


    His reponse "OK"


    Novemeber 4th , i contacted him and said "Anything?"

    No response from him 


    Novemeber 5th his response "Hello, I will definitely do it , do not worry.  Because most cities in Iran are Quarantined, it is difficult , but i will do it soon."


    That was it folks nothing else .  


    Take care



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  8. 6 hours ago, LeGonze said:

    Bad experience... Horrible customer service... Basically the worst Online buy I have ever done with any retailer in general... -_-

    Have you tried our GB yet ?


    You are right though in general Zavvi is terrible with Customer Service .


    @Parzival Zavvi has always been a money milking machine , they have to be its there line of work , no use having a company if you have no products to sell (exclusive) .  I bet we are LONG from seeing any end to these types of runs in the future ...  Write the Corporate office and tell them your tired of giving them your money LOL...


    Take care



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  9. So i have gotten the information that @Luxury Bluray will start sending out packages next week sometime .  Due to restictions he cants send them all out at once but will send out on a weekly basis until the orders are fullfilled.  (so his statement) 


    Im hoping that this will bring a closure to this matter in a timely manner.


    Since shipping has been confirmed from him to start next week , refunds from me will be halted until further notice .  


    Thanks alot for your time and patience with @Luxury Bluray


    Take care



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  10. Thanks @Diamond for the pictures and update.  So what i would suggest is yes if they still have some , you should take them.  I agree , they are not too bad off but some imperfections are an eyesore escpecially with this release. 


    I will send them an Email and see what the response is.  If you got this direct then im hoping they will also send the replacements (if still avaialble) as well direct with your next purchase.


    Sorry that you had to open them to find these imperfections though ... 🤔


    Take care




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  11. 6 hours ago, Toapel said:

    @thomue1987 Thomas, wenn die alten Bilder reichen, dann geht es gleich. Ansonsten muss ich dich vertrösten.






    Lieben Gruß, Wolfgang

    hmm... this Edition does look VERY familiar  .... it was one of my best works yet as Fan Edition... 


    If i ever get really some time i might do something similar for friends of mine , a WW one .... we shall see....




    • Like 8
  12. On 10/18/2020 at 2:10 PM, Toapel said:

    In Vorfreude, was bei HDzeta dann hoffentlich für ein "Kracher" noch kommt, anbei die Bilder der Varianten, die kürzlich in die Sammlung gewandert sind.


    Mantalab Exclusive #29 Joker





    U'Mania Selective #6 Joker



    Lieben Gruß,



    oh how i love that Logo in the bottom left corner LOL ! @Toapel

    • Like 3
  13. 6 hours ago, Hardcore said:

    With a waiting period of all time record in my collector carrier of +1 year from payment the current state of mind is not worrying about it, but 


    Lmao Lol GIF by reactionseditor

    World Record Thumbs Up GIF by Walkers Crisps




    Thx anyway

    you must have bought direct because we have not collected payment for this or any release that long ahead, actually we are actually really far behind on billing most of the time. 


    Just wanted to set that straight.


    Take care



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  14. 1 hour ago, Jaksu said:

    Any news  for EU members? If they have arrived, to USA hub then I'm guessing these are in EU hubs too. @deckard99 @Masterblaster

    no yours is safe with me .  Just aint gotten around to all the packing and shipping that is required of me right now LOL ...


    Take care



    ps. and you can never assume that these are somewhere else cause they turn up at one place ... escpecially in times like this (Covid19) i have seen very very strange things ....😃

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  15. Guys and Gals just a reminder for those who still do not know or understand .....


    The MP Membership cards that have went out the previous weeks are those from the LAST cycle NOT the NEW cycle. 


    So it will reflect your membership Tier from that cycle NOT from the new cycle which started 1st Sept.


    Due to the Pandemic the cards were distributed alot later then normal and that might be what is causing the misunderstanding. 


    Thanks for your support as always and please let other members know who might ask but not read this message ....


    Take care 


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