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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. Guys and Gals just a reminder for those who still do not know or understand .....


    The MP Membership cards that have went out the previous weeks are those from the LAST cycle NOT the NEW cycle. 


    So it will reflect your membership Tier from that cycle NOT from the new cycle which started 1st Sept.


    Due to the Pandemic the cards were distributed alot later then normal and that might be what is causing the misunderstanding. 


    Thanks for your support as always and please let other members know who might ask but not read this message ....


    Take care 


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  2. Guys and Gals just a reminder for those who still do not know or understand .....


    The MP Membership cards that have went out the previous weeks are those from the LAST cycle NOT the NEW cycle. 


    So it will reflect your membership Tier from that cycle NOT from the new cycle which started 1st Sept.


    Due to the Pandemic the cards were distributed alot later then normal and that might be what is causing the misunderstanding. 


    Thanks for your support as always and please let other members know who might ask but not read this message ....


    Take care 


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  3. Guys and Gals just a reminder for those who still do not know or understand .....


    The MP Membership cards that have went out the previous weeks are those from the LAST cycle NOT the NEW cycle. 


    So it will reflect your membership Tier from that cycle NOT from the new cycle which started 1st Sept.


    Due to the Pandemic the cards were distributed alot later then normal and that might be what is causing the misunderstanding. 


    Thanks for your support as always and please let other members know who might ask but not read this message ....


    Take care 



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  4. 44 minutes ago, Diamond said:


    I hope things work out for you! I got my OC out of the box, yet it is still sealed. I guess I should check out my steelbooks within the next week, but life has been so busy and now covid cases are rising all over again 😞


    @deckard99 If my steelbooks end up being scratched once I check them out, can I still ask for replacements or is it too late?

    @Diamond to be honest i would ask you not to wait and open it now .  Now is the best time as Covid keeps most people home more now .. I really cant say one way or another is replacements will be avaialbe at a later date.. I mean they only have a certain amount to start with and so once they are gone they are gone. 


    PLEASE try to do it asap !





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  5. 5 hours ago, Resident Bill said:

    No mate, my Shawshank is lost. Thank god i didn’t order Inception as well... 

    That was explained what happened .  It was not "lost" it was confiscated , which could have happened anywhere.  I offered everyone that was affected a solution .  If you do not want to take it then that is of course nice and shows solidarity but you cant put the blame of not recieving the offer on us.  


    FIRST NO ONE SAID ANYTHING about you losing money here !!  Did i write anything like that here or anywhere else about people that joined these GBs would "LOSE" money ?!? For those who know me well (which you should) there is always something to be done , although again i would like to take this opportunity to point out our GB Rules and the statements made there .  We are not to be held responsible for any loss (for whatever reason) in transit.  We work very closely with the Retailers to insure we get a solution but beyond that its totally at our discretion.  You as well as all other gb members acknowledge EACH and EVERY time you join a GB that you have accepted and read our GB rules.  


    Secondly this ordeal and that of the Shawshank/Inception are 2 different situations and for both i am willing or was willing to find a suitable solution .   


    After reading all the comments here i contacted Luxury by telephone and his response is and was a pausible one ,  STILL i requested him to come to the Forum and make a Formal statement as to what is or was going on and how it will look like moving forward.   


    Yes the lack of communication on his part towards the forum is needing some work , but due to the immediate circumstances i can understand.


    To be honest if he was a scammer i would see no point of him continuing to give updates when asked when a scammer would more then likely just keep still and quiet and "vanish"  .  What would he have now to still gain from doing that ? NOTHING actually in my eyes.  


    I know some have conspiracy theories and they wont change no matter what is said and done .  


    So to sum this whole thing up . ANYONE who did join the GB and wants out , come to me for your refund , do not go through Paypal as they wont be able to help you anyway.   This is a sincere offer and it is of my own free will that i am offering this.   


    @Resident Bill you can contact me as always on my personal phone which you have the number to if you want to discuss anything further on this or other subjects. 


    Take care





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  6. 3 hours ago, Cornbuster said:



    Great, so I would like to discuss with the team behind MAG regarding the BOND-MOVIES!!

    herman cain smile GIF


    Ich würde mich sehr über 25  42cm-Boxen freuen!!

    Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF

    To be honest me too , but im not sure something like that would sell good in China LOL...

    • Haha 6
  7. 3 hours ago, ChrisUl said:

    Danke für eure herzliche Aufnahme.😊 Ich sammle schon einige Jahre Steelbooks und möchte gerne meine Sammlung erweitern.

    Gerade mit internationalen Editionen.


    Ich freue mich auf schönen Austausch🙂

    so we have here another member trying to be slick by having a total of 3 accounts !!


    Dude we banned you for a reason from our Groupbuys 


    @Culater86 was banned back then for not paying 

    @ChrisU was demoted to Jr. Member for not paying 

    and now you join again this Community and try to act as if you are "new" here.


    Please do not waste our precious time and I hope you get the hint as to what we are trying to say with the bans and demotions ...


    STAY AWAY ! 


    Take care


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  8. 14 minutes ago, Neil21Harris said:

    Don’t have many Blufans....hell, don’t have any.  But this was one of my original Premiums I wanted.  Finally got it. 



    Everything looks nice ... now if you would get it a Premium Protector like the ones we have your purchase would be totally complete 😎

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  9. 20 hours ago, Collector85 said:

    Sorry about that. I’m new here. Thanks for the heads up. 

    @Collector85 your not new  here , maybe with this account but not as person.  


    oh btw this account will be bumped down as well to Jr. Member 


    I dont want you joining anymore GBs that you do not pay for .  Please go somewhere else and have your fun .


    Please dont try to say your not who i know you are as it is useless.


    @deckard99 @ksosk @R1s1ngs0n fyi its dmgoss21

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  10. @Cornbuster i have to share something with you ...


    When i look at your Avatar the first thing i "see" in my mind is boobs.  Not eyes but boobs....


    Its so funny cause i catch myself always thinking first i saw boobs then after taking a second look i see Eyes LOL ...


    Just think its funny and wanted to share LOL


    Take care



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  11. 1 hour ago, deckard99 said:



    I prefer to look at the positive side (which nobody has mentioned yet). More MP members & more growth means we can fight for higher allocations, and maybe retailers considering bigger print runs (since we can give them confidence that they will sell enough copies). 


    Im sorry but i have to strongly disagree with you on the point of bigger print runs...Ive always been against it .  If you make a print run 5000+ it makes it less interesting for me as a collectors standpoint .  

    This is of course my own personal opinion not necessarily that of MP 


    Take care 


    • Thanks 2

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