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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. 32 minutes ago, Veum said:

    Sorry to hear this happened to you all @Wheels @capricornio34232 & bumping this olde post.


    Were you all able to get your monies back? 🧐 🙏


    Your thread struck a nerve w/me b/c I’m in the same situation w/my Blufans Spider Man Homecoming that is stuck in Chicago customs (going on a month and a half now 😔)


    There is all kind of excuses being thrown out about mine, i.e. virus, weather... I’m just frustrated with it since it is the 1st time I’ve had to deal with this long of a delay (any of my other packages that went through customs here in the 🇺🇸 went through within 2 wks., that is why I do not get why they have not released it by now 😠).


    image.gif.3b67b8087d27136c44d9b708c807182e.gif OVER!

    @Veum You have alot to learn about importing and while you are on that Journey ALOT of many many different things will happen , many are just not explainable and dont have any real "reason".  It is what it is and if you dont or cant wrap your head around that then collecting internationally is not for you !


    I get offended when you say "excuses" being thrown out about yours .  I am one of those who have relayed these "excuses" to you and if you think they are "excuses" again you are in the wrong place.  You need to stick with National releases where things are more managable.   It does not matter how long one package or other packages have taken to go through the process of our customs, it is always different timeframes and situations that come about which influence it.   Now i cant guarantee that you will get it but i can guarantee that the problems you are experiencing here at home are the SAME EXACT problems ALOT of others (me included) are experiencing.  Heck the international community has to go through this sort of thing ALMOST EVERY time they receive something .


    As i said also in my message to you , continue to collect internationally and this will NOT remain your 1st experience.  


    Go take a breather and calm down some , patience is the virtue here ... IF for some reason it is "lost"  you are in good hands and being that the Retailer is Blufans i doubt you will have any serious monetary loss .  Nothing to do BUT wait.  


    Take care



    ps.  and if you are still wondering , we have no electricity or water still ..... so responses from me are limited and wide apart !

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  2. 7 hours ago, forenhase said:

    Was hier los ist! Ich verstehe beide Seiten!


    Member: Auch ich finde die WEET Sachen ziemlich teuer. Aber das weiß ich seit Black Panther! Dennoch habe ich Infinity War, Spidy 1 und 2 und Endgame bestellt. Diese Editionen sind mir den erwarteten Preis wert. Klar kann ich sparen wollen und mich woanders umschauen...das steht ja jeden frei. Ich habe es nicht getan was meine Entscheidung war. Aber zu ordern...mit dem wissen was mich erwartet......und sich dann beschweren ist scheiße. Sorry! Eine Frage wie eine Gebühr Zustande kommt ist zwar logisch...kann aber oft nicht gut erläutert werden. Und das hat nix mit Betrug oder Geldgier zu tun.


    MP: Ich selbst mach SBs. ABER...nur aus einem einzigen Shop...aus der EU, ohne Zoll. Meine Kosten sind daher recht einfach zu kalkulieren. Dennoch komme ich manchmal an Grenzen....wo ich Dinge mit Verlust verkaufe weil Leute nicht zahlen. MP hat viel mehr Schwierigkeiten Preise zu kalkulieren. Versandkosten aus nicht EU, Rückläufer zum Shop und erneute Versandkosten, Zollgebühren, oder Verlustware welche von vielen Labels nicht ersetzt wird. Unter dem Strich muss das auf alle Editionen welche man verkauft irgendwie umgelegt werden. Zumindest würde ich das so machen. Und die Erfahrung zeigt dann ob man damit im Schnitt gut fährt. Keine Ahnung ob dies der Grund der Gebühren ist, zumindest denke ich mir das so. Und dort macht man dann eben auch mal an einer Edition mehr Geld Gewinn als ein einer anderen. Dies gleicht halt dann aus für Dinge welche MP Geld gekostet haben. Und wenn das so kalkuliert ist.....wie soll man dann euch die Wahl der beanschlagten Gebühren Haarklein erklären? Ich hätte dazu keine Lust. Hatte früher einen der wollte auf Cent genau meine Kalkulation! Hey, da bestelle ich lieber nix mehr für den. Wer glaubt woanders billiger zu sein kann es doch dort bestellen. 


    Und wegen Preise. Überlegt mal welche Preise ich euch für FAC langsam abverlangen muss. Klar es gibt "billiges" wie jetzt Civil und Strange. Aber ich musste euch auch schon 75-80€ abverlangen. Und da kommt der Rotz aus CZ....ohne Zoll....ohne 2mal VK um in das Land hier zu gelangen. Und hier muss es ja noch mal versendet werden zu euch. 


    Aber gut, war nur mein Gedanke. Ich weiß halt was für Arbeit bei mir dahinter steckt und kann mir die Arbeit von MP nicht mal Ansatzweise vorstellen! Dort liegt auch beim Einkauf ein ordentliches Risiko vor....nicht bezahlte Ware usw. Das darf man auch nicht ganz vergessen. 




    ..... so sieht es aus.......


    ich koennte es nicht besser gesagt haben.







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  3. 4 hours ago, Basil said:


    so ksosk tell me why it is weet have such production problems again and again and again 3 releases all steelbook quality issues, WHY have they not changed supplier if they can't get it right first time?

    once ok it happens, twice hmm whats going on here, third time well is this damn incompetence????

    and now a printing error yet again quality issues.

    putting it right is one thing making sure it doesn't happen again is where they are going completely wrong and doesn't seem they are bothered other than getting problem part remade with huge delays and for me thats what gets my goat.

    i get they dont announce what they are doing till they have had all the approvals but the back end of manufacture (quality) is piss poor and that needs look at or you telling me we need to give them tea and sympathy?

    if there not prepared to look at their manufacturing issues, i for one will have too look can i be bothered with them, FAC all over again 9_9


    is that positive enough for you or you going to past the feedback to them rather than licking there bottom every time we get a delay, i except the odd delay like anyone else it happens but this is happening almost most releases now and it should be openly spoken about if im honest and looked to improve or do you disagree with that?


    its just i dont see the improvement here blufans always listened and improved why can't weet?


    all the best

    basil 👍


    for clairty for everyone read below


    Update On The Delay



    How are you It's a whit collection.

    Here is a guide to the print error of magnet lenticular envelope.
    During the ′′ Marvel Studios ′′ Logo, it has been confirmed that the marvel text of the marvel text has not reflected properly.
    More than anything, I will give you an apology that I have not been able to confirm before the release.

    We are currently going to re-production of 2 types of envelope, and the purchase that you purchased as soon as the production is completed
    We will deliver the remind of all the trading lines so that it can be shipment right away.

    Once again, I will give you an apology for the point that I have been able to take care of.

    Thank you.
    Whit Collection Dream


    Dear International Customers,

    We found that there was a printing error on the envelopes of photo card and magnet lenticular for <Avengers: Endgame> steelbook today.
    We are planning to reprint and supply revised envelopes.
    The detailed plan will be announced as soon as the schedule is confirmed.

    Thank you very much for your understanding.
    Best regards.

    Your account is restricted and to be honest I'm debating if more action is needed, your disrespect to one of the Admins sure as heck warrants it.


    No matter how you feel about a subject , in open forum there is no room for this type of disrespect ! 


    You disrespect 1 you disrespect us all.  Stay positive and providing constructive criticism is fine, crossing that line is NOT.  


    Calling people "ass kissers" or other disgraceful names will not get you any further in life but I can guarantee it will get you off the site.


    I expect more from a Gaurdian .  You are suppose to set an example.  Your wish to leave the Group is being now honored.  I had such high expectations ....


    Take care


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  4. On 1/20/2021 at 10:48 AM, Jaksu said:

    @Veum I didn't get a tracking number.

    Hi,  I dont at the moment have access to the information needed to give you an exact answer.


    What I can say though is if it was shipped it is ALWAYS with a tracking number. 


    I dont know right now if you paid a shipping invoices but if you did the package should have been sent and your tracking from pp.


    I will check on Monday and let you know for sure.


    Take care


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  5. 6 minutes ago, LeGonze said:

    Hey Boss @Masterblaster!! Did you had any chance to look on this?? Please let us know what you think!! 😃😉😉

    to say it simple NO .  I dont want to elaborate as there are alot of reasons.  


    I admire your enthusiasm though and the willingness but you dont want to do something like this without going through the proper channels .  


    What you though in the end do is up to you of course , im only giving you my take on it.  


    Holding something like that on MP is not possible.


    Really sorry to bust your bubble. 


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  6. @ksosk what if they ask very nicely for their copy , would that keep them in good faith ? Maybe you can do your mojo on Tony ?


    I hate to say it but rules are rules , i would just hate to bump those Platinum members down as you said a no update is just like a drop out. 


    Looking at that list 2 of those are already a JrMember so a Ban is definitley for them.  @jm1982 this is very characteristic of him , ive had already a few times convo with him.


    I mean we can only do so much and we all have things going on .  


    Take care





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  7. On 1/14/2021 at 10:29 AM, Bodhisattva said:

    Original invoice was paid on Dec 4th, (additional shipping invoice has been paid as well) can we PLEASE get an update?

    Thank you.

    sure , but looking at the tracking the update is useless .. we just sometimes get so set to send that we (ME) dont do updates on a regular base.  IF i did i would not get around to doing the hub duty.


    Take care



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  8. So guys , there is no way of talking about price at the moment .  Quality will have its price as we all know .


    36 minutes ago, FlanInTheFace said:

    $80 would be ideal! I’m still deciding too🙃

    That wont happen ... im sure of it ! 


    Sorry , thats IMO.


    Take care



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  9. 1 hour ago, FlanInTheFace said:

    🤦‍♂️ I probably should learn to read lol

    @raylight as your fellow member has admitted LOL.


    4 hours ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    One-click including 2 slips.
    Fullslip includes the scanavo case + ticket.
    Lenti slip includes a space for steelbook + glass eyes.
    Only available to order as one-click.



    @raylight why would you want only 1x slip ?  IF it was to be slpitted , it would be unfair , because someone will only get ONE EYEBALL 😁


    Take care



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  10. Im feeling pretty good today so i wanna just give everyone interested , something to think about for those DIY Detectives and Conspiracy hackers....


    Wonder why this is called MPM ??   Think hard and long and you MIGHT just get the idea 😁 .....


    Nothing further to say 🤐🤐


    Take care



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