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Posts posted by Masterblaster

  1. 22 minutes ago, Masterblaster said:

    We have been getting reports that the mobile store might not be avaialble to click on so you might have to grab a pc or something ...


    Take care



    This has been resolved . So should not be an issue going forward ... just have to work on the menu structure some WHENEVER ... LOL


    Take care 



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  2. So in a  few minutes our renewal for the Platinum Tiered Membership phase 2021/1 will begin.  You will see for the next few hours the Advertisement (its the Platinum Badge) at the top of the Forum AND showing up in different places of the Forum as well.  All you have to do is click on it and it will take you to the correct place (or should) to make your purchase.  You can of course also use our Store (link found in the top menu) to make the purchase.


    Please note that this cycle will be an EIGHT MONTH cycle .  Price has been adjusted to reflect this.


    I sincerely hope that you will find the value of what we do to be more then acceptable .  The site and extra little things that we offer here at MP are only 

    partial in part to our Tiered Membership Program !


    We want to take the time to thank you all for showing your support !!


    Take care



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  3. So guys , it is PLANNED to have this available sometime tonight for the Platinum Members.. since we have already tested the waters with them we wont need long , then it will move to Gold , so sometime between tonight and tomorrow midday (USA time, my time) i expect the Gold to be quit quickly also so we can then open to the new members .


    PLEASE do consider your situation and keep in mind that all Tiered GBs (like WW84 Blufans , HDZETA LOTR / THE HOBBIT just to name some of the more popular ones) will only go to those TIERED after the 1st May .  This is how the system works and for those who are now Platinum , Gold and Silver have no reason NOT to be able to jump on the bandwagon to keep your Tier.  There will be no room for error or excuses, if you are not here , you are there , being there means you will lose , and like they say , you snooze you looooooze.


    Take care



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  4. 6 hours ago, Morten Paulsen said:


    When will this be released and shipped?


    Best regards


    Hi Morten,


    hoping to combine with something else to keep the costs down as good as possible for you.


    You can contact me if you want or need further info .


    Take care



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  5. 38 minutes ago, jcb12 said:

    Is there a way to see all the currently open group buys, besides going in to each sub forum to check?

    nope thats the intention though .. we would prefer the member to take a walk through the forum tree rather then just make it too easy for him/her . 


    I think that way you can see all that we have offered and have to offer.


    Are you here JUST for the GBs ?


    Take care



  6. 7 hours ago, stanleydobson said:

    Who decides to put a doube side clue tape on this super sensible edition to clue the limited edition card on it?

    This box is super high sensible for finger prints and dust, and someone puts clue on it???? 
    How i get this down without damage to the box or the print?

    Sorry this really sucks




    yeah i do feel your pain !


    Im guessing this feedback about the card was passed on because i dont think all of the BR2049 are with the card on the back like some , fixed with what ever it was .


    Real sorry about your disappointment.


    Take care



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  7. On 4/23/2021 at 12:47 AM, Horrorman1 said:

    I am afraid already to ask because I have very trouble from this title and so the rest is a silence.

    Im sorry and believe me when i say this , im not trying to be a smart butt here .


    Could you PLEASE connect the dots for me on this statement ?  I have NO clue at all as to what you mean or what you intended to mean.


    Take care



  8. 2 minutes ago, WesternBronco said:

    They haven't haven't announced it. The memberships don't expire until end of April and they are still surveying the Platinum members to see how many openings could be open. Then, I suspect we have to put our money where our mouths are and pay for then. Lol. Once the Platinum members are resolved then Gold will open and the cycle repeats.


    Of course, I could be wrong...

    absolutely correct !  Platinum will have first grabs and then it tickels down the line..


    1 minute ago, Masterblaster said:


    Info is soon to follow...




    we are talking about my  soon  LOL so not today or tomorrow or even before this weekend...


    Take care



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  9. 12 minutes ago, Mac Hadfield said:

    What date can we try sign up for a membership and does anyone know when the prices will be revealed? Also how do you get one? 😂

    This should be in a week or so , so i would just suggest if your interested in getting a Tier that you keep looking.  Im planning on announcing it before hand but that largely depends on my time schedule early next week.


    As far as prices goes , since we have decided to do 3x 8 month terms due to the covid situation , we have done already 1 , the price will be adjusted to the 8 month cycle.  


    Info is soon to follow...


    Take care



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  10. Hi members,


    just want to advise you to please take extra precaution when dealing with this member . 


    He or She has been banned from our Community due to the seriousness of certain things done. 


    We appreciate all the support we have received from our French Community in this situation.


    Take care






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  11. 6 minutes ago, MadMatt86 said:

    Here’s a nice lil spread from the last week or so of arrivals 😁

    My Knives Out from the group buy showed up today with a pair of Media Psychos gloves  🥰

    A big delivery from 88 Films with some kick ass stuff and I scored the Turbine 4K AWIL from DiabolikDVD 


    Cheers fellow Psychos 🍻








    You just got to LOVE those awesome Gloves !! Black and Red !!


    Take care



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  12. 15 hours ago, CryoSteel said:

    @Masterblaster and @ksosk. Not sure if I should be concerned. I received a shipping notification for my FS on March 31st and, when I input the tracking number, it still shows that USPS is awaiting the item. Is there just a backlog to be sent out? Just want to reassure my overactive imagination, since every other package has gone out within a day or two of getting that initial PayPal email. 

    So @CryoSteel @Intentcoin and others that are affected (about 12 members) with this issue (receiving tracking but not in system yet)....


    Its a shortage on my part of packing materials.  First it was Bubblewrap and now its Boxes.  The bublewrap came in quickly but due to some reason (not yet revieled from the seller company) the boxes have not made its way to me yet.  Accordingly i have contacted the support on Saturday and they have assured me it should be today sometime.  So if i get them in early today i will get these 12 or so members items off to the post. 


    Sorry , this really dont happen that i run out of supplies but i have had so much on my mind i just forgot to order on time and with the sellers not being quick the problem compounded into a big mess it is now. 


    Take care



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  13. 20 minutes ago, CryoSteel said:

    @Masterblaster and @ksosk. Not sure if I should be concerned. I received a shipping notification for my FS on March 31st and, when I input the tracking number, it still shows that USPS is awaiting the item. Is there just a backlog to be sent out? Just want to reassure my overactive imagination, since every other package has gone out within a day or two of getting that initial PayPal email. 

    @CryoSteel yeah that is somewhat abnormial.  Send me the tracking number per PM just to compare to what it is suppose to be.


    I will assist you then further . 


    1-2 days after getting the actual tracking it should be on its way.  


    Take care



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  14. 5 minutes ago, j harman said:

    @R1s1ngs0n@ksoskhello I just ordered a second copy, also I don’t need premium service would it be possible to remove?

    @j harman you are aware without it the RISK is fully yours ?  Im guessing you do as i have had no issue from you in the past. 


    I just feel that with something like this and then 2x that it might be better to have ?


    Take care



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