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@Grendel After looking through all the posts it seems you have quite the collection! It’s really amazing, goals for my wife and myself haha. We’ve stayed away from high end figures but may bite the bullet for MHA. We’ve been trying to collect a majority of the figure merch for it and a lot of the statues are amazing, there’s a Ochaco one we currently have our eye on! Baprestos Grandista line is extremely affordable and the figures look pretty great. 


Do you collect acrylic stands as well? We just got into those lol. 


@extantsrevenge Thank you! :D 

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Hi @extantsrevenge, @DarthEd, @KingRagnar, @Terje Iversen and my many other Anime loving Friends!


So, as I mentioned in my "Grendel's Deeper Dungeon" thread, I've elected to send my Daughter and Grand-daughter a number of anime shows (again!), including my duplicates of Ghibli films.

I just thought I'd show a quick pic of what I'm sending this round...🤗



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Hi All my Anime Loving Friends!


Just a quick pic of some recent arrivals.

- Mononoke (dvd is all available)

- Harlock: Arcadia (long overdue), and

- Hellsing (original, again only available on dvd)

I also have the Manga (UK) edition of Hellsing coming (the dvd), as I was not able to determine if the extras on each are similar).

I've had the Blus of "Hellsing Ultimate" for a while now and recently ordered the complete 'set' for my Daughter. Should be out soon.




Cheers! 🙂

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Hi there @extantsrevenge, @DarthEd, @KingRagnar, @Terje Iversen and all the Anime loving friends I'm forgetting! heh;


Just a few new additions and some news.

News (that interests ME, heh):


MVM (U.K.) will be releasing (Sep 2019) a Collector's Edition of the complete set of films for "Garden Of Sinners". Current price = 84 quid.

Since the next best price shudder, is the Aniplex set that normally goes for $320usd (on sale, $250 usd at RS) I think this will be worth keeping an eye on.




New Additions:

First; A bit of an ordering mix-up but it will all work out.
So, in my continuing venture to track down worthwhile anime vampire shows that don't lean too far into camp, I finally ordered "Seraph Of The End".
Unfortunately, I did not order what I thought I had ordered.
I ordered the LE (not the grand CE) of what I thought was all of S-1.
Despite nowhere in the advert it mentioning it was just S-1 Part-1, it was.
Only saving grace was, I got it on sale (by Canadian standards, a sale, heh) about $22 cheaper than today's asking price.
Ah well, nice box at least.
Just put in an order for S-1 Pt-2, on sale, but of course it's backlogged 1-3 weeks. Whatever....
(I also ordered Hammer's "Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires" finally)
Oh, also got a nice price on the SAVE ed of Black Blood Brothers.


Second; Another order arrived, about an hour later.

Jin-Roh is just the dvd but at least it's 'Discoteks' dvd. I have yet to see this show and I don't really know when they plan to release the new scheduled Blu-ray, though I think I heard it will be this year?
The existing Blu is going for stupid money everywhere right now.

I've been meaning to pick up "Devil May Cry" for a LONG time now. Finally remembered to do so.








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Nice @Grendel. I can't recommend Jin-Roh enough, it is simply amazing. Really terrific and powerful anime with awesome animations. I just recently saw it again and I liked it even more. In Germany we still have two very cheap BD available but they are not english friendly as they only have Japanese and German + German subtitles.

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Good evening @KingRagnar and my other "chinese cartoon" loving fans! 😉


First, thanks very much for your kind words. Sometimes I am rather intimidated when I decend into my 'home theatre' and see the shelves of incredible treasures I've managed to acquire. It can be both humbling and worrisome. Indeed, my home insurance premium is not cheap, as betwixt the films and my hardcover books, I don't think I'd get a wink of sleep thinking about the possibility of a fire! 😟


I am VERY much looking forward to seeing "The Promised Neverland"!

The entire story-line creeps me out (I HATE seeing young children in jeopardy) but I'm confident I will thoroughly enjoy it.

I do not have cable or any other external media service, so I am indeed looking very much forward to a wonderful Blu-ray set when it becomes available.


The Isekai genre is starting to wane with me ( I have only a few, i.e. No Game No Life) so "Rising of the Shield Hero" I may pick up (when available) on the cheap, we'll see. So very happy to hear you and your loving partner are enjoying it though!

As perhaps evidenced in some of my displayed purchases, I frequently lean toward the dark fantasy and sci-fi genres. Fortunately, there is no shortage!

All the best my friend! 🙂

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Well, Good Evening once more my friends!

I'm sincerely hoping that at this point, you are checking this thread on occasion and I no longer need to tag folks?

That would be quite nice (and helpful!) 😉


So, as far as news is concerned. I'm hoping most of you have heard that Zavvi is continuing to expand their anime Steelbook line.

Two new recent offers;

We might have the Miyazaki collection in Steel by Christmas at this rate! heh


 I received a few nice ones today from two sources;
- Baccano!: AtA edition, via Zavvi
- Paprika: UK Manga edition, via Zavvi (nice slip!)
- Snow White wt Red Hair: AtA spec ed. via a friend in England



SnWht Bacc 80.JPG

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NIce new stuff @Grendel especially Paprika. Satoshi Kon was a true master, sadly he passed away so early, would have loved more stuff from him. His other works Perfect Blue, Millennium Actress, Tokyo Godfathers and Paranoia Agent are all highly recommendable and worth adding to anyone collection.

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Good Evening my Friends;

A few new additions and a question.

First off; I was curious if anyone checked out "Devil's Line" on streaming or other reception?

The Blu is up for pre-order and since it's vampire themed I have some interest.

I lean more on the edgier side of vampire anime, i.e. Hellsing or the Blood series but I'm sometimes easy to please, heh.


So here's a few new additions;

- Seraph Of The End (LE) Pt-1 and Pt-2 (Pt 1 cover glows in the dark! hee hee)

- Berserk manga, HC by Dark Horse, Vol - 1 (of 14!!!).

About 3 mangas per volume. and These are LARGE books, absolutely gorgeous artwork.

Thankfully they are spreading the releases out a bit, as Vol 2 is due in July and Vol 3 in November.

I do hope they crank them out a bit faster next year, or I'll be too old and blind to read the last ones! heh.






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Good Afternoon @extantsrevenge, @DarthEd, @Hatori, @KingRagnar, @Terje Iversen and all my other Anime loving friends;


I received a couple of nice items today I thought I'd share with you.

I mentioned I have an affinity for Hellsing.
Well, two nice purchases arrived today I'm quite happy with;

(WeET continues to just overwhelm the senses with incredible treasures).

- Hellsing Original (Manga, dvd), and
- Hellsing Ultimate (WeET Lmtd. Boxed Ed. Blu)
(the piece with reflection is the PET slip for the two Box Sets, still in Poly Bag)



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Wow, the Hellsing Set looks great @Grendel you did not exaggerate when you told me about it.


As for the Berserk HC, I have it for a few month already and sadly (as I anticipated) only the Covers to the previous collections in the back are in color 😥, the real color pages are Black & White. Anyway shortly after I noticed that Germany was also getting an Ultimate Edeition (with 2 Mangas in each) and the listing said with color, so of course I bought that as well. As it turned out the German Edition also had not color pages 😡, in fact it is an absolute terrible eition, as they even zoomed some pages and you have parts of the art missing that was included in both previous edition. German Ultimate is really cheep looking and I'm not oing to buy further editions of it.


I currently have the original German release all 40 volumes. The 19 German Max collections which includes 2 Volumes each and is a nice reading copy. And now the US Hardcover Edition.


I compared all editions and I'm happy to say that despite the missing color pages (which as it looks are only included in the japanese edition), the US HC is fantastic. The biggest presentation of the gorgeous Kentaro Miura Art in all it's glory with the most art included, as you see slightly more on many pages on the sides. Only on very few pages I notice that the German original and Max feature a little more art. I really don't know why they all have these small differences, it's strange. Also when comparing the text I noticed that the english version seems to be more accurate. A few speech bubbles make more sense for what is happening on the pictures. I also love that the original Japanese sound effects are included, they are not in the German edition. Some speech bubble have different placement, so sometimes art is hidden that is seen in the German version or the other way around.


Anyway I will continue to get the HC as they are such a luxurious edition, but I really wish we would have gotten the color pages, then it would have been perfect.


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Hi there @extantsrevengeand all my Anime loving friends;

Thanks much for the very informative write-up wrt the different Berserk editions good buddy.

I'm indeed happy with the quality of the Dark Horse releases. They've been making comics for a VERY long time so I expected them to get it right.

AS for the Japanese being the only colour releases;

- it's possible Japan would not allow colourized versions released outside Japan as they are paranoid regarding imports, and

- I actually don't mind, as the B&W art seems to give it a grittier look imho.


I do hope they step up the release schedule next year. I can afford one a month but perhaps not all can, so at least one every two months I hope. 🙂



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@Grendel it would have only been a few pages (you can identify them easily) and they are getting less in future volumes. Adding color pages adds to the production costs, so that could have also be an issue. I can't imagine the japanese having fear of imports of an international Manga release, as most Japanese don't speak english well. But it might be an contractual thing, who knows. But as I said before an overall great edition for this epic Manga.

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