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4 hours ago, Basil said:


put some comments there john meant genuinely and nicely and helpful too 


basil 👍

I also think what makes it hard to put aside is that some of these pre orders were from over a year ago or many months ago etc and the price has dramatically changed from what it used to be to collect so they prob took into account what prices used to be but we know prices have raised now dramatically. Would some of these people on the lists of put there name down if they had known about huge price hikes in shipping costs etc especially now with the cost of living going through the roof. I can see alot of people having to be forced to stop collecting.

The idea of vet's in the future maybe on releases sounds like a plan.

Also I think some companies with there delays like blufans recently should be held accountable and compensation added to future releases like credit or something along them lines.




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55 minutes ago, Conjuring88 said:

I also think what makes it hard to put aside is that some of these pre orders were from over a year ago or many months ago etc and the price has dramatically changed from what it used to be to collect so they prob took into account what prices used to be but we know prices have raised now dramatically. Would some of these people on the lists of put there name down if they had known about huge price hikes in shipping costs etc especially now with the cost of living going through the roof. I can see alot of people having to be forced to stop collecting.

The idea of vet's in the future maybe on releases sounds like a plan.

Also I think some companies with there delays like blufans recently should be held accountable and compensation added to future releases like credit or something along them lines.




The trouble is Blufans aren’t responsible for peoples budgets that’s up to them … and their workload / output is their concern,   probably best to stop joining GBs if there’s going to be problems paying … shipping prices have been increasing for a while now so it’s not really an excuse anymore.. my opinion … others may think differently .. 

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26 minutes ago, ukade2327 said:

The trouble is Blufans aren’t responsible for peoples budgets that’s up to them … and their workload / output is their concern,   probably best to stop joining GBs if there’s going to be problems paying … shipping prices have been increasing for a while now so it’s not really an excuse anymore.. my opinion … others may think differently .. 

No but there responsible for there quality control and communication plans (which has been shocking) and getting there product out in a reasonable time frame which hasn't happend so they should be held accountable in some shape of form.

The shipping prices still can be a reason for some people. I mentioned some of these group buys people put there name down before the huge price hikes in the shipping sector. I get now they can't use it for group buys now as everyone knows the rough cost of shipping.

Also with the upcoming hdzeta lotr I assume alot of people did save for that but it was then announced it was to be not happening. I guess some people would of then spent them savings on the assumption they had thought it was a nogoer but then magically reinstated by hdzeta.

I stand by that I can see this site losing numbers with the current prices of steelbooks and what the cost of living is due to go to in the coming months. So yes as you say people will have to stop joining gbs as heating there homes and feeding there children will be much more of concern than a premium boxset.



Edited by Conjuring88
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21 minutes ago, ukade2327 said:

The trouble is Blufans aren’t responsible for peoples budgets that’s up to them … and their workload / output is their concern,   probably best to stop joining GBs if there’s going to be problems paying … shipping prices have been increasing for a while now so it’s not really an excuse anymore.. my opinion … others may think differently .. 

Why has my reply been hidden upon approval are we not now aloud a opinion ? 

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14 hours ago, Masterblaster said:

Maybe an idea to help , would be to have the members pay a huge chunk when they join , to prevent the stress down the road... if you order anywhere else you also have to pay when you order it (or when it becomes availalbe

I like this idea, I also like what @Basil suggested with the different amounts for different packaging types. My thoughts would be 30$ non refundable VET for single slips, 70$ non refundable VET for OC with 2 slips & special editions like UHD CLUB & 100$ non refundable VET for OC with 3 slips. I believe this would drastically cut the number of people who pull disappearing acts. Also I’m not sure if it would be possible or just too much work, but I would like to float the idea that tiered members that have completed one full cycle with no delinquency’s be excluded from the VET. 

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55 minutes ago, damships said:

None actually 😂 I hopped on right when they announced it would be online. I just got extremely lucky. 🍀 


Suurreee you didn’t…

Uh Huh Yes GIF


Seriously though, I’m glad that were able to snag one! It also looks like you were one of the lucky ones to have it arrive in good condition. 



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20 minutes ago, Reagh said:

I like this idea, I also like what @Basil suggested with the different amounts for different packaging types. My thoughts would be 30$ non refundable VET for single slips, 70$ non refundable VET for OC with 2 slips & special editions like UHD CLUB & 100$ non refundable VET for OC with 3 slips. I believe this would drastically cut the number of people who pull disappearing acts. Also I’m not sure if it would be possible or just too much work, but I would like to float the idea that tiered members that have completed one full cycle with no delinquency’s be excluded from the VET. 

Well thought-out and clearly presented. 

I can get behind this idea.

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3 hours ago, Conjuring88 said:

I also think what makes it hard to put aside is that some of these pre orders were from over a year ago or many months ago etc and the price has dramatically changed from what it used to be to collect so they prob took into account what prices used to be but we know prices have raised now dramatically. Would some of these people on the lists of put there name down if they had known about huge price hikes in shipping costs etc especially now with the cost of living going through the roof. I can see alot of people having to be forced to stop collecting.

The idea of vet's in the future maybe on releases sounds like a plan.

Also I think some companies with there delays like blufans recently should be held accountable and compensation added to future releases like credit or something along them lines.




I really appreciate your thoughts on this matter.  STILL i cannot understand.   The way you make it sound (and im hoping it is not intended as such) is that everyone and everything else is to blame for these people not paying ... OK lets go with that thought for a little bit.


1. Even if it was months ago , if you (im saying "you" but not meaning actually "YOU" directly) , would have put something aside at that point and every paycheck up to the time it was requested , it would not matter how long ago the GB was , correct ?  You would still have that money put aside .


2. You say high price dramatically changing , yes i agree that could and proberbly is a BIG factor  , BUT again , if that IS the case then just knowing from everyday living costs going up that the costs for my hoppy proberbly went up as well .  Lets just take Fuel prices for instance.  If gas for your car is more expensive , dont you know gas for your furnace at home will be more expensive ?  So if you then had to use that money that was maybe stashed away for your hobby (here on MP) would you still not be responsible at least to let us know you cant pay it ?  Waiting until you get the invoice to say you cant pay it because you used that money up months ago is not actually nice . 


3.  If im living on a day by day budget (which is perfectly fine) why join at all then ?  In the hopes you will be able to afford it when the invoice comes ?  If not you just disappear for weeks/months / ever ??  I think it is YOUR responsiblity to be fair to yourself as well as to us .... dont purchase an OC , purchase a single edition if costs are going to be a factor .  


4.  You talk about compensation .... this i dont get at all.  Why should you be compensated for something you never purchased before it was in production or ready to ship.  Take BB Blufans for instance , on what ground do you base your "right" to get compensated ?  What about us being compensated then for the money we fork out way in advance sometimes (take FAC for example) due to YOUR request.  We dont purchase for us , we purchase for you , if you join , agree to the Terms , dont pay then why should we not be the ones compensated?  We lost money , what did you lose to want compensation ? 


Just my thoughts , not being offensive or aggressive although it might read that way depending on who / where you are ... looking for some serious feedback.


Take care



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2 hours ago, Conjuring88 said:

Also with the upcoming hdzeta lotr I assume alot of people did save for that but it was then announced it was to be not happening. 


I can almost guarantee you that that is/was not the case .  Sure i dont know 100% but having alot of experience i would base my comment on that experience.


2 hours ago, Conjuring88 said:

Why has my reply been hidden upon approval are we not now aloud a opinion ? 

Of course you are as is anyone else allowed an opinion .  Yours was constructive so no issue at all.  Sometimes when you use certain words , phrases , it gets automatically flagged for review .. so we then have to manually scan over it to ensure no inappropriate language or wording was used .  Sorry for this but it is mandatory nowadays with so much things going on online. 



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On 9/3/2022 at 7:17 AM, Conjuring88 said:

Yeah I knew it was a blufans issue. I haven't blamed this site that was my argument how they have now cracked on with the other 2. I just think instead of cracking on with the other 2 and using resources they should have rectified the issue with the dark knight one click whatever the issue was and got that done and dusted.

There is now also questions as to are they going to ship these one clicks all together if they have basically gone ahead with the other 2 already or there is more risk of lost packages sending 3 out all close together or even more risk custom charges.

Defo blufans could have handled it much better.

Sometimes you cant stop a Train.  Once things are in motion , if you stop them it is worser then just letting them go.


To stop the BB production because of a printing mistake on another edition would have made no sense.  I too would have pushed for the others to be released.  


Take care



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If we’re giving out compensation I believe I should get some too. No reason whatsoever, other than I have a new puppy and I regret it (having a 6 month old baby too)

edit: puppy is gorgeous and awesome. But wtf did we get a puppy after having a baby….I amaze myself w my naïveté sometimes 


Edited by Neil21Harris
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7 minutes ago, Masterblaster said:

I really appreciate your thoughts on this matter.  STILL i cannot understand.   The way you make it sound (and im hoping it is not intended as such) is that everyone and everything else is to blame for these people not paying ... OK lets go with that thought for a little bit.


1. Even if it was months ago , if you (im saying "you" but not meaning actually "YOU" directly) , would have put something aside at that point and every paycheck up to the time it was requested , it would not matter how long ago the GB was , correct ?  You would still have that money put aside .


2. You say high price dramatically changing , yes i agree that could and proberbly is a BIG factor  , BUT again , if that IS the case then just knowing from everyday living costs going up that the costs for my hoppy proberbly went up as well .  Lets just take Fuel prices for instance.  If gas for your car is more expensive , dont you know gas for your furnace at home will be more expensive ?  So if you then had to use that money that was maybe stashed away for your hobby (here on MP) would you still not be responsible at least to let us know you cant pay it ?  Waiting until you get the invoice to say you cant pay it because you used that money up months ago is not actually nice . 


3.  If im living on a day by day budget (which is perfectly fine) why join at all then ?  In the hopes you will be able to afford it when the invoice comes ?  If not you just disappear for weeks/months / ever ??  I think it is YOUR responsiblity to be fair to yourself as well as to us .... dont purchase an OC , purchase a single edition if costs are going to be a factor .  


4.  You talk about compensation .... this i dont get at all.  Why should you be compensated for something you never purchased before it was in production or ready to ship.  Take BB Blufans for instance , on what ground do you base your "right" to get compensated ?  What about us being compensated then for the money we fork out way in advance sometimes (take FAC for example) due to YOUR request.  We dont purchase for us , we purchase for you , if you join , agree to the Terms , dont pay then why should we not be the ones compensated?  We lost money , what did you lose to want compensation ? 


Just my thoughts , not being offensive or aggressive although it might read that way depending on who / where you are ... looking for some serious feedback.


Take care



Thanks for the reply. Just like yourself I don't take it as offensive at all I like to here reasoning on these matters and it's good to hear once in a while.

I also understand that you get non payers for the pure fact of just being here for causing problems and trouble. My post was speaking up for the genuine people who do sometimes have the struggle of 3 4 invoices at once with the price rises from when they did put there name down in this current climate and that's why I raised my points.

Regarding the compensation. I was speaking as a whole so if and when you do pay in full in advance I do belive you should be compensated when a company then doesent deliver on there time frame and it constantly gets pushed back especially when sites like this keep them in business. As it then holds up all the members who have rightly paid there hundreds etc months in advance also so that was constructive.

I like the vet idea you have brought in also though and can be implemented into future releases as basil mentioned to soften future blows a set amount for one clicks and singles.


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I will chime in and say it would kinda suck if everyone got "punished" per se (I say this because I do enjoy just paying up when the time comes versus upfront, especially considering how many of these titles end up delayed or taking forever) because a handful complain about financials every time an invoice is coming. I don't disagree that some invoices can be a lot, but there's a level you gotta step back and just not join something until you have the money set aside or what have you. When TDK HDZ trilogy was announced, I personally knew I could not spring for the three boxes at that time and chose only to sign up and pay for TDK OC (my financials have changed since then but still). I knew LOTR was gonna be more than the usual and it's not one of my favorites, so I chose to pass so I don't have to "worry" about a decently large invoice when the time comes. It is a hobby after all and we have the choice to not join things -- there are also things to help ease the burden if it's a little too late (i.e. Affirm, Klarna, PayPal pay in 4, etc) and then you can spread it out and possibly pay some interest if you need a long while to pay.


While part of me hopes it does not change the process as I'm a longtimer and I've preferred it and it's something that attracted me to MP in the first place (then again I'm ready to pay once an invoice drops without issue), I do hope that if it does that what someone mentioned about maybe if we're premium membership and we have a long period of no lateness/delinquency then we'd be exempt from it.

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43 minutes ago, Reagh said:

I like this idea, I also like what @Basil suggested with the different amounts for different packaging types. My thoughts would be 30$ non refundable VET for single slips, 70$ non refundable VET for OC with 2 slips & special editions like UHD CLUB & 100$ non refundable VET for OC with 3 slips. I believe this would drastically cut the number of people who pull disappearing acts. Also I’m not sure if it would be possible or just too much work, but I would like to float the idea that tiered members that have completed one full cycle with no delinquency’s be excluded from the VET. 


Nicely put—I like that. Honestly the US$50 for the LotR VET really surprised me with how low the price was; I honestly expected at least five times that price!


Methinks such a proposed system would really slash non-payers, and the higher/more drastic that entrance price the more effective it'd potentially be. a), because of course there's lots more at stake if they do do a runner, and b), because if they've already paid a decent proportion of the cost there'd surely be a nicely reduced probability of them lacking the funds as that invoice would be quite a bit smaller. Or, mind, it could have no effect at all... people and their decisions with their money are famously a piece of cake to predict 😁

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22 minutes ago, Masterblaster said:

I really appreciate your thoughts on this matter.  STILL i cannot understand.   The way you make it sound (and im hoping it is not intended as such) is that everyone and everything else is to blame for these people not paying ... OK lets go with that thought for a little bit.


1. Even if it was months ago , if you (im saying "you" but not meaning actually "YOU" directly) , would have put something aside at that point and every paycheck up to the time it was requested , it would not matter how long ago the GB was , correct ?  You would still have that money put aside .


2. You say high price dramatically changing , yes i agree that could and proberbly is a BIG factor  , BUT again , if that IS the case then just knowing from everyday living costs going up that the costs for my hoppy proberbly went up as well .  Lets just take Fuel prices for instance.  If gas for your car is more expensive , dont you know gas for your furnace at home will be more expensive ?  So if you then had to use that money that was maybe stashed away for your hobby (here on MP) would you still not be responsible at least to let us know you cant pay it ?  Waiting until you get the invoice to say you cant pay it because you used that money up months ago is not actually nice . 


3.  If im living on a day by day budget (which is perfectly fine) why join at all then ?  In the hopes you will be able to afford it when the invoice comes ?  If not you just disappear for weeks/months / ever ??  I think it is YOUR responsiblity to be fair to yourself as well as to us .... dont purchase an OC , purchase a single edition if costs are going to be a factor .  


4.  You talk about compensation .... this i dont get at all.  Why should you be compensated for something you never purchased before it was in production or ready to ship.  Take BB Blufans for instance , on what ground do you base your "right" to get compensated ?  What about us being compensated then for the money we fork out way in advance sometimes (take FAC for example) due to YOUR request.  We dont purchase for us , we purchase for you , if you join , agree to the Terms , dont pay then why should we not be the ones compensated?  We lost money , what did you lose to want compensation ? 


Just my thoughts , not being offensive or aggressive although it might read that way depending on who / where you are ... looking for some serious feedback.


Take care



These are all valid points.  Individuals participating in group buys are essentially asking you/the site to advance them the money to purchase the items, and it IS the individual’s responsibility to budget properly and live up to the commitment.  The risk of delays and intermediate price increases should fairly be borne by the participant especially when the site isn’t taking a markup or making a profit.   As you said, at the very least timely communication of an anticipated inability or difficulty paying should be the LEAST to expect.  


That said, as it has become clear that no matter what admonishing you give some participants will ghost and end up not paying I agree that a VET or deposit due upon signing up for the group but should be required and would, hopefully, decrease the number of people who disappear.  

agaib, to me the most significant point is that John and the site are NOT making a profit for organizing the group buys AND advancing the funds to purchase, so the risks of intervening delays and price increases should NOT be theirs.  It’s just not fair or cool.  

my $.02




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7 minutes ago, atomicblonde said:

I will chime in and say it would kinda suck if everyone got "punished" per se (I say this because I do enjoy just paying up when the time comes versus upfront, especially considering how many of these titles end up delayed or taking forever) because a handful complain about financials every time an invoice is coming. I don't disagree that some invoices can be a lot, but there's a level you gotta step back and just not join something until you have the money set aside or what have you. When TDK HDZ trilogy was announced, I personally knew I could not spring for the three boxes at that time and chose only to sign up and pay for TDK OC (my financials have changed since then but still). I knew LOTR was gonna be more than the usual and it's not one of my favorites, so I chose to pass so I don't have to "worry" about a decently large invoice when the time comes. It is a hobby after all and we have the choice to not join things -- there are also things to help ease the burden if it's a little too late (i.e. Affirm, Klarna, PayPal pay in 4, etc) and then you can spread it out and possibly pay some interest if you need a long while to pay.


While part of me hopes it does not change the process as I'm a longtimer and I've preferred it and it's something that attracted me to MP in the first place (then again I'm ready to pay once an invoice drops without issue), I do hope that if it does that what someone mentioned about maybe if we're premium membership and we have a long period of no lateness/delinquency then we'd be exempt from it.

I agree with you and should have added to my comments that in a perfect world there would  be a system to exempt tiered members with a perfect track record of payment and communication from the deposit requirements.

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Considering tomorrow is Labor Day, let's take the time to be thankful for the hardworking people around the world and even to the staff organizing these GBs. To start it off I present a fat juicy steak and some thicc thighs..




Licking Jackie Chan GIF


Salute to all you hardworking people!  Oh and to those ghosters when it comes to paying up, 


( insert expletives here )

Edited by Squeegie McGee
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