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15 minutes ago, Robertm89 said:

Does anybody have a particular actor/actress they can't believe still get lead roles/ big roles in movies when there not very good. Most movies are poor. 


For me it's GERARD BUTLER.  Don't rate him or most of the movies he's in. Always the same crap. 


Great topic @Robertm89 👍


In Gerard Butler’s defence I enjoyed him in rock n rolla and thought Law Abiding Citizen was a great film. But I hear you, he’s getting stuck with the same type of role in a repeat of low quality/budget action films.


The actor who I dislike is Shia LaBeouf!!!!! He was in some big budget films in the mid naughtiest (2005) onwards and I just couldn’t take to him. Didn’t like him in Transformers and absolutely hated him in Indiana Jones! Disturbia was pants too. He was ok in Fury - I could just about hide the fact it was him behind that daft moustache! Eagle eye was his best film that I’ve seen him in and I still need to get round to seeing Man Down - I thought the trailer looked good but I have heard bad things.


Overall I don’t know how he made it big time and had such a good run for a while!


I have added a picture of him looking like a absolute whopper in Indiana Jones in case anybody wants to print it out to attach to a dart board


But that’s just my opinion of coarse- rant over....and breathe 😁


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@Robertm89 😂😂😂😂 Love this! Ironically, only last week I discussing how I cannot recall ever seeing a single Gerard Butler movie!! He clearly takes roles in stuff that holds no interest for me. BUT, having just read @RileyLad post,  I know that I have seen Rock n Rolla. Can’t recall him though 😂


Ok... so my cringe fest is none other than Liam Neeson. Cannot stand watching him playing hard man roles. I do not find him believable AT ALL. he pops up in every damn thing, and yet his most convincing role is Love Actually!! 

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10 minutes ago, Pbsw23 said:

  I know that I have seen Rock n Rolla. Can’t recall him though 😂



Does this jog your memory @Pbsw23 ??? 


He takes Handsome Bob out for a dance before he goes to prison- or something like that 😂😂😂







Also I highly recommend Law Abiding Citizen! It’s a great film with a good twist at the end - trust

me 👍






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13 minutes ago, Pbsw23 said:

@Robertm89 😂😂😂😂 Love this! Ironically, only last week I discussing how I cannot recall ever seeing a single Gerard Butler movie!! He clearly takes roles in stuff that holds no interest for me. BUT, having just read @RileyLad post,  I know that I have seen Rock n Rolla. Can’t recall him though 😂


Ok... so my cringe fest is none other than Liam Neeson. Cannot stand watching him playing hard man roles. I do not find him believable AT ALL. he pops up in every damn thing, and yet his most convincing role is Love Actually!! 


 @Pbsw23, I cringe.gif very much w/him (below), he's in everything sick.gif... he is too smug/arrogant for me! ;) Although I did like him in Pulp Fiction and a very few others! shh.gif


I can believe that! thumbsdown.gif



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I’m probably in the minority here but I find it hard to watch any movie with Tom Cruise in it. Some of his early films I can still stomach, and Live Die Repeat was ok, but I just think he’s so smug and annoying it really bothers me. Anything with him in it is an instant -1 in my book.

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8 minutes ago, deckard99 said:

I’m probably in the minority here but I find it hard to watch any movie with Tom Cruise in it. Some of his early films I can still stomach, and Live Die Repeat was ok, but I just think he’s so smug and annoying it really bothers me. Anything with him in it is an instant -1 in my book.


I kind of agree, but love him in Tropic Thunder! 😆


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1 hour ago, deckard99 said:

I’m probably in the minority here but I find it hard to watch any movie with Tom Cruise in it. Some of his early films I can still stomach, and Live Die Repeat was ok, but I just think he’s so smug and annoying it really bothers me. Anything with him in it is an instant -1 in my book.

Believe me, you’re not alone. All the things you said plus this




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2 hours ago, Veum said:

 I enjoy Tom Cruise in the Mission: Impossible series... that's what's great, to each his/her own! icon_biggrin.gif



I only saw the last one and it was ok, but it's really hard for me to believe this 5 ft skinny guy can kick so much ass and take on bigger guys than him. That's really a stretch!

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I agree with @R1s1ngs0n about Ryan Gosling.

From his "James Dean" in Drive, through every other film I've seen him in, he's only got one character and he plays him every time. 

Not the most expressive actor out there. 


I don't mind the likes of Neeson and Butler doing "Hard Man" roles. Perhaps Butlers accents could do with some work. They are no different to Statham, in what roles they get/pick, and I always watch his movies.


It is a bit weird when you see "old Short arse" running around beating people up , but he does make a good film. The Mi series are all great action movies.



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12 hours ago, Basil said:

@extantsrevenge well done hdzeta did not now, now i do xD


one thing you do need be aware of the gb page is showing some words up all in white on a white screen for me.

it needs changing to black


basil :)

Thanks for the info, we're aware of that small problem. Is was an error when creating to form. Will fix it later ☺️


@Robertm89 some Actors I don't care that much for, especially this guy


his performance as Lex Luthor must have been one of the worst in history 😂.


I also have to support @RileyLad choice, Shia LaBeouf went from okay to 🤢, I try to stay away from any new stuff he makes.


Anyway, good morning fine people of english room ☺️

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@RileyLad @deckard99 @DodgyDave @Pbsw23 @Basil @extantsrevenge @Veum @R1s1ngs0n 


Some interesting answers and everyone mostly in agreement lol. Only one I disagreed with is veum not liking Samuel L he's cool man lol. Although has been in a few stinkers like snakes on a plane haha. Rocknrolla was mentioned which was interesting because that was my next question. Amy directors people don't really like but continue to get big budget jobs. Guy Ritchie was gonna be my answer. His early work lock stock and snatch was cool. But he's had a lot of bad since then. I personally didn't enjoy rocknrolla or revolver, and who can forget swept away with his then wife Madonna 😂😂😂 then he's had big budgets for king Arthur which didn't do well and the new aladdin is by guy Ritchie and it looks super bad haha. Sherlock was alright I suppose. What do you guys think ??? 

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I don’t mind Guy Richie. I enjoyed King Arthur. Also he brought us Man from Uncle, which was a good film in my opinion. Everyone has their Turkeys. Even the great Nolan made what in my opinion is a turkey. Dunkirk. 

Then there are directors that are loved by the critics, but their films are pretentious rubbish. 

Which highlights my personal “Hate”....

Film Critics. 

They dine out on their opinions. We are all entitled to our opinion, but us mere mortals can not besmirch an actors, or directors, work. These so called professional “critics” talk through their backsides and get paid for it !!

I never pay any attention to what these critics say. Because most of the time it’s bollocks. 

There. That’s that off my chest. Back to doing some work. :D

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2 minutes ago, DodgyDave said:

I don’t mind Guy Richie. I enjoyed King Arthur. Also he brought us Man from Uncle, which was a good film in my opinion. Everyone has their Turkeys. Even the great Nolan made what in my opinion is a turkey. Dunkirk. 

Then there are directors that are loved by the critics, but their films are pretentious rubbish. 

Which highlights my personal “Hate”....

Film Critics. 

They dine out on their opinions. We are all entitled to our opinion, but us mere mortals can not besmirch an actors, or directors, work. These so called professional “critics” talk through their backsides and get paid for it !!

I never pay any attention to what these critics say. Because most of the time it’s bollocks. 

There. That’s that off my chest. Back to doing some work. :D

I think he tried to make king Arthur cool and it didn't really work. All about opinions though as I totally agree on dunkirk. Really enjoyed that and I'm a big Nolan fan. If we all thought exactly the same it would be terribly boring 😁👍

Sentiments on critics agreed. Never listen either. Watch anything once to form my own opinion. 

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coffee.gif Good day my fine fellow psychos,


Well we here in the mid-west USA we survived some very "wicked" storms! bitenails.gif  Thankfully where I reside it was just some tremendous lightning, thunder, heavy rain, dark skies. worried.gif relief.gif




I was looking fwd to King Arthur (really wished they would have made more Sons of Anarchy, I do like Charlie Hunnam) being the "knights of the round table" type of movie, however I still enjoyed it as well as Man from Uncle! :D




Sorry you all can have SLJ, I can do without! 




It looks like it is going to be a glorious day here, I hope all of yours is the same!! ;) 




Veum bullwhip.gif



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14 minutes ago, Pbsw23 said:

I saw a sketch on The Big Narstie Show where they used the infamous Taken phone call scene, and I was in tears at what the did with it, 🤣 but I couldn’t find in online to post here. 🙃


Not seen that one @Pbsw23 but you just reminded me of this! It’s funny how some jokes just stick in your head! Anyway I’v found a link for it and hope you enjoy! Cracks me up every time 😆😂😆






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Happy Sunday people 😁😁 


Any plans for this fine Sunday? Weather is nice today. 


Movie update... I watched glass last night and although I enjoyed it. It was as good as unbreakable/split. Not a bad little trilogy split over nearly 20 years from start to end. Anybody else see it ?? 


Kudos to James McAvoy who is excellent in split and glass and I've always rated as an actor. 


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Earlier on this morning I watched a really really poor horror called slender man. Love the old school horror but why is it horror for over 10 years now is always the same supernatural crap and is never any good. 


Anyone recommend any decent horror movies ?? I may have already seen the best ones but be nice to get a few suggested that I haven't .... 


New Halloween and hereditary are the newest release I've watched. Didn't think much of either. 


Really enjoyed a quiet place a lot but wouldn't of said it was a horror as such.


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