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vor 1 Stunde schrieb raylight:
  • Over The Hedge (Ab durch die Hecke) >> first time I got in contact with @extantsrevenge Nils using his codename "Hammy". ๐Ÿ˜„ I loved this movie with the thinking about "whats behind this big wall?" ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž Also deserves a nice Steelbook.

I didn't even know they finally released "Over the Hedge / Ab durch die Hecke" on Blu-Ray. Just ordered it on Amazon.de (6,99 โ‚ฌ - quite a nice price). Thanks! A really great animated movie that's a bit underrated imho and one I was always hoping would be released on Blu-Ray but never really had on the radar in the last few years.

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"And The OSCAR Goes To...."


Academy Awards Oscar GIF




To celebrate the 95th annual Academy Awards, it seemed only fitting that this weekโ€™s challenge ask participants to select their five (5) favorite academy award winning films from over the years.


Winning in any category will count, though I think it would be more fun to keep it to the major categories (picture, directing, acting and cinematography).ย ย Being nominated doesnโ€™t count since no one likes a loser, lol.


In addition to the five (5) winners, you must also present your favorite film that you think SHOULD have won best picture.ย ย This film doesnโ€™t need to have been nominated (but may have been) and is limited to best picture.


Submissions can be in any format (premiums, steelbooks, amarays).


Letโ€™s see what you loved!

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Nice one @Gary K


Here are 5 worthy Best Picture winners

In The Heat Of The Night (1967)

The Sting (1973)

The Godfather Part II (1974)

Amadeus (1984)

Parasite (2019)


Raging Bull (1980) - should have won every Oscar it was nominated for and then some. That it โ€˜onlyโ€™ won two (De Niro for Best Actor and Schoonmaker for Best Editing) of the eight it was competing for, is one of Oscar historyโ€™s biggest shams.

With all due respect to Redfordโ€™s Ordinary People (Best Director and Best Film) both his film and his directing were indeed quite ordinary when compared to Scorseseโ€™s tour-de-force.


Edited by R1s1ngs0n
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7 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

Nice one @Gary K


Here are 5 worthy Best Picture winners

In The Heat Of The Night (1967)

The Sting (1973)

The Godfather Part II (1974)

Amadeus (1984)

Parasite (2019)


Raging Bull (1980) - should have won every Oscar it was nominated for and then some. That it โ€˜onlyโ€™ won two (De Niro for Best Actor and Schoonmaker for Best Editing) of the eight it was competing for, is one of Oscar historyโ€™s biggest shams.

With all due respect to Redfordโ€™s Ordinary People (Best Director and Best Film) both his film and his directing were indeed quite ordinary when compared to Scorseseโ€™s tour-de-force.

Of course you selected 3 of mine ;)ย  ย Perhaps I will go outside best pic for my winners.ย 

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Thank you @Gary K for our great Oscars Challenge 24.


Years ago I was really excited about the Oscars and I always played a prediction game with my brother, but I stopped years ago. Lets be honest sadly the Oscars have really become almost pointless. I mean it is hard to even remember the movies that get Best Picture these days, sure some are indeed really good, but Best Picture.


Anyway here are my favorite Best Picture winners. I started with the newest and went back until I had 8 to show.


- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King it deserved every single Award it got, that was a great Oscars show 20 years ago.

- Gladiator, the same year Crouching Tiger got best Foreign Movie, really the good times for the Oscars.

- American Beauty another awesome winner.

- Braveheart I was so happy when this won and that Mel Gibson also got the Best Director.

- Schindler's List

- Dances with Wolves, I love the movie, I still can't understand that it is not among the Top rated movies on IMDb. Absolute Masterpiece.

- The Deer Hunter an absolute Classic

- Rocky, really cool that Rocky won against such strong competion with Taxi Driver and Network, but for me the correct movie won.




The most unforgivible Best Picture decision was clearly the 1978 Oscars for the Best Movie of 1977, Star Wars should have won and it is a joke that Annie Hall did. Just think about what Star Wars accomplished, what its place in History is compared to that Woody Allen Movie.


Also included Avatar, because giving the Best Picture to The Hurt Locker was a joke and clearly motivated out of jealousy against Camerons success.


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1 minute ago, Gary K said:

Of course you selected 3 of mine ;)ย  ย Perhaps I will go outside best pic for my winners.ย 

The only other Best Picture winner in my collection is the first Godfather but as I already included it in last weekโ€™s challenge, I wanted to honor the only sequel that has ever won (and probably ever will win) Cinemaโ€™s most prestigious award.

A few other winners I would like to add to my collection at some point are The French Connection, One Flew Over The Cuckooโ€™s Nest and The Deer Hunter (another proof that the 70s are without equal in terms of quality output).

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10 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

The only other Best Picture winner in my collection is the first Godfather but as I already included it in last weekโ€™s challenge, I wanted to honor the only sequel that has ever won (and probably ever will win) Cinemaโ€™s most prestigious award.

A few other winners I would like to add to my collection at some point are The French Connection, One Flew Over The Cuckooโ€™s Nest and The Deer Hunter (another proof that the 70s are without equal in terms of quality output).

Return of the king is technically a sequel too ;)ย 

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โ˜•ย ๐Ÿค ย ๐ŸŽฌย Thank you @Gary Kย for this interesting challenge!๐Ÿ†ย 




"And The OSCAR Goes To...."


Academy Awards Oscar GIF


- Ben-Hur (1959) magnificent film!ย ๐ŸŽฌ

- One Flew Over the Cuckooโ€™s Nest (1975) mesmerized me!ย โœŠ

- Schindlerโ€™s List (1993) a emotional classic! ๐Ÿ™ย 

- Braveheart (1995) FREEDOM!!ย ๐Ÿ’ช

- Spotlight (2015)a very interesting story!ย ๐Ÿ‘

*Wind River (2017) A beautiful film that I wish would have wonโฃ๏ธ






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Great challenge, @Gary K


5 worthy Best Picture Winners:


All About Eve (1950):




One Flew over the Cuckooยดs Nest (1975):




Unforgiven (1992):




Schindlerยดs List (1993):




Parasite (2019):




There were many overlooked movies regarding Best Picture (Jaws, Fargo, Raiders, There will be blood,...) but these

three were especially criminal:




Edited by hal56
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Here's my contribution to @Gary K's excellentย Oscars Challenge #24.ย 




In my humble opinion, To Kill a Mockingbird should have won Best Picture, but Lawrence of Arabia was too tough a competition in '63 and at least it got Gregory Peck a well deserved Oscar for playing Atticus Finch.


Edited by Siran
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The Oscars hold almost no interest for me whatsoever. I'm not sure what the Academy thinks the standards are, but for me, it seems that there is no clear guideline other than popularity amongst the Academy voters. This isn't a recent thingโ€”just consider for a moment the fact that films such as Around the World in 80 Days and Gigi have won Best Picture.


Anyway, here are five Best Picture winners that have stood the test of time perhaps better than Gigi:




1. Rebecca (1940). Great novel, maybe even better film.


2. Casablanca (1943). A movie in which nearly every single line of dialogue became a Famous Movie Line.


3. On the Waterfront (1954). Pure Brando. Anyone who's only seen him in The Godfather and Apocalypse Now should watch this, as soon as possible.


4. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). An early cynical-about-war masterpiece that anticipates so many later cynical-about-war films.


5. The Sound of Music (1965). Not my favorite musical, but it influenced pop culture so deeply.


There have been so many times, especially in recent years, that the Best Picture winner was so obviously in no way the best of even the films that were nominated. Here are five nominated films that I believe should have won in their year:




1. Apocalypse Now (1979; instead of Kramer vs. Kramer). Apocalypse Now didn't win Best Picture. I mean, let that sink in.


2. The Elephant Man (1980; instead of Ordinary People). (This one is just for @Reagh) ;)


3. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003; instead of The Return of the King). I know no one here will agree with me, but really: Return of the King is fine as a genre film, but it's not even the best film of that trilogy. And Master and Commander...it's just an amazing film in every way, and as much a technical achievement as ROTK.


4. True Grit (2010; instead of The King's Speech)


5. The Tree of Life (2011; instead of The Artist). I love silent filmsโ€”but The Artist was kind of a joke even before it stole the music from Vertigo. Several nominees in 2011 should have won instead of that one.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Siran:

I didn't even know they finally released "Over the Hedge / Ab durch die Hecke" on Blu-Ray. Just ordered it on Amazon.de (6,99 โ‚ฌ - quite a nice price). Thanks! A really great animated movie that's a bit underrated imho and one I was always hoping would be released on Blu-Ray but never really had on the radar in the last few years.

Cool that I could indirectly give you a hint. ๐Ÿ˜‡ I also waited for a long time for this movie. What I do from time to time to check the blu-ray release calendar @Schlumpfhausen (hope you know which forum I mean...) an check the releases of the last month. Sometimes I found something as "Over the hedge".

And yes, its also underrated imo. Cool, funny and full of action. Would also be worth a Premium, especially as a squirrel is part of the story. @extantsrevenge Nils, I'm sure we get your vote. ;)


Edited by raylight
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35 minutes ago, ethnosax said:

3. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003; instead of The Return of the King). I know no one here will agree with me, but really: Return of the King is fine as a genre film, but it's not even the best film of that trilogy. And Master and Commander...it's just an amazing film in every way, and as much a technical achievement as ROTK.


I jumped out of my seat with joy when I read this. ย A masterpiece that deserves far more attention than it gets. ย Peter Weir's best film? ย (since we were discussing him in the Hanging Rock thread). ย I agree 100%. ย 


A poetic adventure film that took cinematic advantage of the "chase" movie format, but used the slow speed lyricism of seafaring stalking to develop conflict, character, camaraderie, cunning. ย 


Arthouse meets adventure meets period meets battle cry meets patriotism meets leadership meets loss meets naval superstition meets natural history . . . a nearly perfectly crafted "small" epic film. ย (Although Russ needed a better violin coach imho)

Edited by BreakBeatDJ
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37 minutes ago, ethnosax said:

3. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003; instead of The Return of the King). I know no one here will agree with me, but really: Return of the King is fine as a genre film, but it's not even the best film of that trilogy. And Master and Commander...it's just an amazing film in every way, and as much a technical achievement as ROTK.








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Thank you @Gary Kย for this great challenge!


"And The OSCAR Goes To...."


Schindler's List (1993)

Titanic (1997)

American Beauty (1999)

Gladiator (2000)

A Beautiful Mind (2001)




The Social Network (2010)ย should've won Best Picture of the 2011 Oscars, which was lost to The King's Speech.






Catching up with Challenge 1 fromย @extantsrevenge

My favourite lenticular edition goes to Kimchidvd's Memento. This superb design creates an endlessly alternating loop. Such a genius stroke!



I prefer transition lenticulars, cuz they give me the "moving pictures" vibes!ย ๐Ÿ˜ย 

Another two of my favourite transition lenticulars (Kimchidvd's Her and Loving Vincent). A Kimchidvd hat trick!


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5 minutes ago, extantsrevenge said:








I havenโ€™t even seen Master and Commander but I take his word that itโ€™s a much more deserving Best Picture winner than any of the LotR films.

@ethnosaxย I used to watch the Oscars religiously every year up until the beginning of the 2000s, at which point I began to realize it has become a complete farce and it only got worse as the years went by.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb R1s1ngs0n:

I havenโ€™t even seen Master and Commander but I take his word that itโ€™s a much more deserving Best Picture winner than any of the LotR films.

@ethnosaxย I used to watch the Oscars religiously every year up until the beginning of the 2000s, at which point I began to realize it has become a complete farce and it only got worse as the years went by.

I wholeheartedly agree.

The Oscars used to be an event that could be taken seriously.

But the decay is blatantly obvious when you look at the last 20 years.

Only Parasite was a movie worthy of Best Picture.

Edited by hal56
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