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Plain Archive Few Releases


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Apologies if this shouldn't be posted here, had a look and really wasn't sure where to post.

I consider Plain Archive to be the best of all the premium steelbook retailers, they always have the nicest packaging and use of artwork/photography with great additional type/graphic design, they just feel the most prestigious, not to mention the Korean films they make also.

So I'm just wondering if anyone has any insider information why they rarely produce anything? I'm wondering how they can be a company making money with very little releases, I'd love for them to make more, I'd ideally love for them to get into producing A24 horrors, the steels would be beautiful.

Happy for this to be moved to an appropriate section if it's not meant to be here, but even more happy if anyone has any info.

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I’m not 100% sure but I believe they now concentrate on books and illustrated art and Blu rays have taken a back  seat … perhaps @ksosk can provide more info …  They don’t have a great deal on their website and haven’t had for some time … the last edition I had from them was Sicario …. 

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It definitely seems like they’re quickly steering away from Blu-ray.


but I did email them back in October and they let me know they are aiming to release A Florida Project on Blu-ray early 2022. I’d assume some of the other long awaited titles should be doing the same, but didn’t receive comment on those.

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Hi Folks;

I've been in contact with them a couple of times over the past few months.

Sadly, they got really hammered by the virus crisis (no details given) and have posted a flag that raises when you currently visit, stating they are also working from home.

I believe they are on skeleton staff at the moment.

Not sure how long the issue will continue for them.

I received "Drug War" and "Alive" from them quite quickly after the releases and anticipating "The Cursed" will ship to me shortly after release on 06 Dec '21.


As for new new product forthcoming for announcement, I know they have plans for a Blu of "Portrait of a Lady on Fire" in the future, when is a guess.

I sincerely hope they manage to get back fully up to steam in the coming New Year as I too adore their releases and in fact, own a copy of almost all of them.

Thoughts and Prayers, forwarded... 🙂

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Plain Archive is one of my favorite companies so I've been wondering similarly. I keep wondering what happened to The Little Drummer Girl release that was supposed to happen ages ago. They said they had the exclusive, and yet no type of release from them yet (I know they were drafting a steelbook release, but not even a blu-ray or DVD release of it from them either in the meantime if that was a delay). I see they're doing a couple of releases here and there between Portrait of a Lady on Fire and then a film starring Gong Yoo that I'm interested in picking up. A bunch of DVD releases in between that I would've entertained if they were at least blu-rays.


I hope they come back in full force next year sometime... really miss them. I would like to see more releases from them.

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Nice to see the love for them, I rarely see anything about them but I'm always checking their site in the hopes of something new.


I'd love if they did more steelbooks, as I don't really collect amaray cases, their Macbeth slipcase is stunning so I combined a studiocanal steelbook with that release. If they could make more.im sure they'd quickly rise up to be a flagship in premiums. Their title selection is incredible, can't wait for a Florida project or portrait of a lady on fire.


Definitely so send them best wishes. Hope they have a speedy journey to being fully back on track, definitely wish for this in the new year along with more steel book output.

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In fact, I think it's a shame that Plain Archive was hit so hard by this situation and hardly had any new releases as a result. I think they have released very nice editions with great artwork. But above all, that they always had a focus on "special" films and not always the same films (like other labels). One can only hope that they will recover and have great new releases in 2022.

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  • 2 months later...

Tea Time GIF


Tea time!

Hi Gary,

Hope you're safe and well.
Thanks for your interest in us. :)
We'll release some big titles in the year below.
- The Little Drummer Girl (Steelbook)
- A Monster Calls (Steelbook)
- World War Z (Steelbook)
- DRIVE (4K UHD Steelbook)  😱😍🤩
- Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Steelbook)
And about A24 films.
We're releasing KILLING DEER and Florida Project in the year. (but they're not Steelbook)

DRIVE 4K STEELBOOK FROM PLAIN ARCHIVE!!!!! Will this be the best Drive Steelbook created? My crystal ball says yes.

Also Killing of a Sacred Deer and Florida Project as amaray slips. Great news considering Portrait of a Lady on Fire was a slip before becoming a steelbook, so fingers crossed if they sell they'll be able to get more A24 including their horror catalogue and create the most finessed beautiful steels for them!
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16 minutes ago, Garypool said:

Tea Time GIF


Tea time!

Hi Gary,

Hope you're safe and well.
Thanks for your interest in us. :)
We'll release some big titles in the year below.
- The Little Drummer Girl (Steelbook)
- A Monster Calls (Steelbook)
- World War Z (Steelbook)
- DRIVE (4K UHD Steelbook)  😱😍🤩
- Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Steelbook)
And about A24 films.
We're releasing KILLING DEER and Florida Project in the year. (but they're not Steelbook)

DRIVE 4K STEELBOOK FROM PLAIN ARCHIVE!!!!! Will this be the best Drive Steelbook created? My crystal ball says yes.

Also Killing of a Sacred Deer and Florida Project as amaray slips. Great news considering Portrait of a Lady on Fire was a slip before becoming a steelbook, so fingers crossed if they sell they'll be able to get more A24 including their horror catalogue and create the most finessed beautiful steels for them!

Excited Lets Go GIF by Team USA

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17 minutes ago, Garypool said:
- The Little Drummer Girl (Steelbook)
- A Monster Calls (Steelbook)
- World War Z (Steelbook)
- DRIVE (4K UHD Steelbook)  😱😍🤩
- Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Steelbook)

Woah! Great to see steelbooks back on their schedule!  Really excited for the Portrait of a Lady on Fire steel, the art available for that film will make an amazing release

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29 minutes ago, Garypool said:

Tea Time GIF


Tea time!

Hi Gary,

Hope you're safe and well.
Thanks for your interest in us. :)
We'll release some big titles in the year below.
- The Little Drummer Girl (Steelbook)
- A Monster Calls (Steelbook)
- World War Z (Steelbook)
- DRIVE (4K UHD Steelbook)  😱😍🤩
- Portrait of a Lady on Fire (Steelbook)
And about A24 films.
We're releasing KILLING DEER and Florida Project in the year. (but they're not Steelbook)

DRIVE 4K STEELBOOK FROM PLAIN ARCHIVE!!!!! Will this be the best Drive Steelbook created? My crystal ball says yes.

Also Killing of a Sacred Deer and Florida Project as amaray slips. Great news considering Portrait of a Lady on Fire was a slip before becoming a steelbook, so fingers crossed if they sell they'll be able to get more A24 including their horror catalogue and create the most finessed beautiful steels for them!

This is amazing news 

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I was holding off on getting the PoaLoF in the hopes of a steelbook. I will buy their A24 regardless of being steelbook or not, as I want to show support for those films.

But Drive I'm over the moon with. I missed out on Mantalab, and to be honest wasn't really a fan of the artwork used for any of that release. But I just know they're going to use some extremely gorgeous still for their slips and steelbook, I'm quite sure it'll be the definitive steel book of the film.

Its Happening Ron Paul GIF

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