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  1. Stunning release - I really hope we start to get more International Premium releases like these and Plain Archive.
  2. I actually had my individual HDZeta Batman set on Ebay, for good prices also, and no one bought them. Not sure if anyone is after them anymore to be honest.
  3. How bizarre, Plain Archive had the exact same artworks in that case? https://plainarchive.com/collections/steelbook/products/the-handmaiden-steelbook-with-full-slip-type-a
  4. Have to jump on this - I own the wailing, the one with the spelling mistake saying Ditrector or something like that instead of director. Anyway, brilliant release, shame about the glue on the card. But I'm sure the Parasite one someone else mentioned was Plain Archive. Anyway, jumping on this, need more solid Korean films as premiums. Hoping for: Thirst Tale of Two Sisters Vengeance Trilogy Mother The Gangster the Cop the Devil Burning JSA (missed Nova's release) Another version of I Saw the Devil (got Plain Archives) Another version of the Handmaiden (got Plain Archives) And of course, all the Vengeance Trilogy
  5. Just want to double check as I don't have a group for this, have the invites for the group gone out yet along with the payment timeframe?
  6. EDIT: People really are confusing what's happening here. This lenticular is to align with the ORIGINAL John Wick Lenticular releases, back when O-Rings were done quite a lot for a premium release (glad that died off and the current HDZeta and Manta is the norm now). In regards to no 4K... So? Just buy a seperate cheaper 4K disc, it's not like we watch these anyway. Besides, just like the other films, they will release the more typical premium 4K's, just wait for those.
  7. Lenticular 100%, altohugh I don't like the slipcase that just slides over the steelbook and prefer the full slip cases, got to complete my quadrilogy of the superior Lenticular slips!
  8. Ooft. So happy I double dipped with NovaMedia. This is by far, and purely because Manta doesn't really have any bad releases, if some just lacking in comparison, the worst release from Manta. From the steelbook to art choice on each slip, this is bad. The NovaMedia lenti is incredible, this whole bundle is, unbelievably, such a hard pass. A rare deep stumble from Manta.
  9. I am honoured to be etched into the annals of history in procuring everyone their loss of money in this instance.
  10. Just double checking; we shouldn't have paid for this yet right? I have no saved receipts for it in my emails so I'm assuming the payment hasn't been requested yet?
  11. Ooft, can't wait! Need this in lenticular to complete the quadrilogy. Their original lenti's for these films are the best they've released in my opinion. Just watched this last night and it was incredible (although I did zone out a bit from all the action and how long it was, in some aspects I think the first two are better, they're more restrained), but some of the new actions sequences are insane, what a way to go out!
  12. Just requested two. I like this idea, seems like it will be their artistic side coming out. Always good to have more of a selection I think!
  13. Worth a shot, will see, my fault for missing it if not. I don't know why, though, but the nice support from you guys was genuinely nice so silver linings in that if not. What are the chances my upset for last year came to fruition on the day the new submission closed. 😂

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