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Anime Collection


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Hello again my friends!

Well done on the recent pick-ups @DarthEd! I've been eying "The Boy and the Beast" myself and may grab a copy in the near future. Of course "Samurai Champloo" is a certified classic and after I watch the dvd collection of it I purchased dirt cheap from a friend, I may send the dvds to my Daughter and grab the Blu.

As for older titles recently purchased;

VERY happy to mention I received the Complete Collection of "Log Horizon" today ($33usd from Amazon.com, now back up to $86).
I was a bit concerned when I first unwrapped it that they would be stacked discs, as the amaray case is actually quite thin.
Thankfully, each disc (x6) was on a flipper leaf and the hubs actually are quite good at securing the Blus (no dvds in case). icon_smile.gif
No slip but I don't mind, it's the discs that matter and all are blemish free.
As an aside;
Just wanted to quickly mention, I received my "The Exorcist" 15" Regan Doll today in perfect condition via Import_CDs (pics previously posted in the "New Anime" thread).
It's big, really big and has 6 voiced statements on the press of a button at the back. The voice sounds exactly like Mercedes McCambridge (the actress who did the Demon's voice) from the film, quite an accomplishment in a doll!
A tad pricey ($100Cdn) but I am a collector so had to have it...😉
It sits downstairs in my theatre with my other collectibles, I don't want that thing anywhere near my bedroom!


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Hey @DarthEd, are you still on the Blu-ray.com Forum?

In the "Anime" section a guy named Dailyan is selling the Gatchaman complete collection for $70usd. I personally don't know if that's a good price or not.

- go to Anime,

- Anime Trading/Buy/Sell

- page 85

- Dailyan (post #1686).


I hope he has what you are looking for! 🙂



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6 hours ago, Grendel said:

Hey @DarthEd, are you still on the Blu-ray.com Forum?

In the "Anime" section a guy named Dailyan is selling the Gatchaman complete collection for $70usd. I personally don't know if that's a good price or not.


Yep, still a regular there. $70 seems too high for me. It was like $56 on Amazon less than a month ago. If it’s OOP forever, that might be a good price, but I’ll take my chances and hope it restocks. Thanks for keeping a look out for me though!

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Hello again my Anime loving friends!

Happy to report that I received today my copy of "Dance In The Vampire Bund" and in addition, my copy of "Sword Of The Stranger", both from Amz.ca.

They were packed in a sturdy cardboard mailer, not a bubble mailer and arrived minty!

Both have gorgeous slip covers on them and fortunately, Vampire Bund did NOT have that ridiculous 'blu-ray+dvd'  combo sticker on the cover! (see pic above).

Of course, what do I see advertised today at Amz.com ? A SAVE edition of the complete series for $17usd ! (figures) 🤨

So if you have sat on the fence wrt this title, now would be the time to jump! (vampire Lolis! what's not to love!) heh heh.

Ah, well, I really like the slipcover I did get and still got a pretty good deal ($35 Cdn), if I take the Yankee exchange rate and shipping and duty into account.

I'm sorry I missed the spec ed of "Sword of the Stranger" for a decent price but the slip on the copy I got is really beautiful, so still happy. 🙂


I finally bought a "Got Anime" membership with Right Stuf (I think it was $16usd).

It's good for a year and running through their current sales pages, I'll make that back in about 3 purchases.

Looking at;

- Elfen Lied set ($13)

- Devilman (OVA set) ($20)

- Capt Harlock Arcadia ($20)

- and a few others.

Of course, the 3 I picked are currently OOS but they say they are getting more in, so will probably pull the trigger to lock in the sale prices.

I may have an issue with RS regarding the collection of "Black Butler" titles I ordered.

I failed to realize they hold all items in an order until it's complete and the new 1st series box set isn't out until Jan '19.

Well, the 2nd series (which is part of my order, as is #3) is now not just OOS but also OOP!

I've written to them and asked if they pulled a copy for me and set it aside before that happened, still awaiting a response....😟

I'll let ya know what they eventually say. That dang #2 series is over $100 everywhere right now, hope I luck in as it only cost me $25 when ordered!

Now, they MAY be doing a new release for it in 2019 (like they are S-1) so if worse comes to worse, I may luck in that way...

That's about it for news for now folks!



p.s. I should have a new camera in a week! (if Santa is good to me). Be prepared for a LOT of photos!!! 🤩


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Hi folks;

Just wanted to quickly mention that RightStuf responded to my query wrt S-2 of Black Butler and said that yes, they have set aside a copy for me! Nice!

I suggested that it may be in both our interests to send me all portions of my order that are in stock, now, and to send me the new S-1 when it is released.

Here's hoping they do. 🙂


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Some new additions for my Anime Collection. Very happy to get more Ghibli Steelbooks. Never seen Aura Battler Dunbine before but it is from the Mobile Suit GUndam Creator and looks interesting so I'm looking forward to check it out. Was also very surprised to see a release for the new LotGH Series already in Germany, I'm sure it will not be as good as the Original (that is simply not possible), but I hope it will still be a nice adaptation.




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  • 1 month later...

In other news my friends;

Received my "Black Butler" collection from RS yesterday so GASP!!! thought I'd share some pics of what I received:

- Black Butler NEW S-1 CE (Aniplex)

- Black Butler S-2 (Aniplex)

- Black Butler LE S-3 Book of Circus (Aniplex)

- Black Butler film, Book of Murder (Aniplex)

- Black butler film, Book of Atlantic (Aniplex)






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3 hours ago, Grendel said:

Hi @extantsrevenge and friends!

I too have been eyeing the new "Galactic Heroes" and though as you say, it will never replicate the original, it will at least be interesting to see how it performs. 1f642.png


I have watched the first 2 episodes already and I'm positively surprised 😊. The animations are simply beathtaking and it is an exact adaptation of the novel, so you get this awesome story ones more and it looks stunning. The weakpoint at the moment I would say it the music, they do not use all the great classic pieces as they did in the original.


It's good to know that this did not turn out like Sailor Moon Crystal (which is horrible).


Great Black Butler Collection, looks nice 👍

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Hello again my anime loving Friends!

I received a couple new editions today that I thought I'd post a pic of.

- FLCL (classics ed.)

- Ancient Magus Bride Pt-1 (LE)

(yes, that 'digital' sticker was yanked off post haste after I took the pic!)


Very nice chipboard box on the AMB LE. I've ordered Pt-2 already and I believe it is being released 16 April.

How about you folk? Any new goodies?




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  • 4 weeks later...

So it's been a slow week or so on the new anime purchases for me but did grab one nice addition;


Mondo Steelbook:


I certainly couldn't pass up a deal like $15usd on Amz.com.

Cheapest I've ever seen it.

Received it today and it's gorgeous!

I think I now have about 6 editions of this show. 😉




GitS Steel.jpg

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In another vein;

I have a bit of a problem. I have a 20% off coupon and a FREE shipping coupon from TOM (Tokyo Otaku Mode).

Problem is I have to use it before the 7th Mar and I cannot find a dang thing on their web-site that screams "Buy ME!"

Little help here guys!

Are there any Blus or even Figs on their site that you would recommend?




Their Blu-ray selection is quite sad tbh, with most good titles sold out.

Those are the only two categories that interest me at present.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi  @extantsrevenge, @DarthEd @hunter72 and my other Anime loving friends and Folks!

So, as a few of you have heard, I was laid up in hospital for a bit (pneumonia)  but MUCH better now that back home and getting back in stride.

I did not end up using that TOM coupon (heh, bad timing on my part to pull up sick) but not a worry.

I saved money I guess...🙂

I did want to let you folk know that the mail kept coming though and I received a few nice treasures I had on order, as follows;

- Record of Lodoss War - complete box set (Blu + dvd)

- Jormungand S -1 + 2 set (orig)

- Star Blazers (SBY) 2202 Pt 1 LE, and

- my fave animation film of ALL time; Mondo Steelbook for  Alice In Wonderland! (gorgeous!)


SAM_0691 75.JPG

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As for new orders, well, I went a bit crazy today (celebrating better health! hee hee!)

- I've had a nagging curiosity with the whole JoJo's Bizarre Adventure wave that seems to be popping up everywhere.

I've been waiting for price drops on the sets though since they were certainly not cheap.

Well today, Amazon.com had all 3 Seasons Limited Editions on for approx $55usd ea.

That was my cue, ordered the bunch!


I think this series is going to be absolutely hilarious and apparently great action as well!

Soon as they arrive, I'll of course put up some pics.

Curious if you folk have seen any of JoJo's Adventures and if so, what did you think?

I haven't really come across a 'bad' review by anyone yet but preferences are of course selective.

Cheers! 🤗

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Looking good, @Grendel! I picked up the same Mondo Alice. I have the original Record of Lodoss War on DVD somewhere. Good stuff. I should probably watch the sequels someday. I’m envious of your Star Blazers LE! That looks niiiice.


Going back a few posts, I also got that Mondo Ghost in the Shell steelbook, even though it was a double-dip. That price was just too good to pass up, and it is pretty gorgeous.


I must admit I’m not familiar with either Jormungand or JoJo’s Adventures. I’d be interested in your thoughts after you watch them. Cheers!

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Thanks for the kudos (aka: praise) folks!

So today was once more a bit of a pricey day but I had an 'offer I couldn't refuse' heh, so made a leap.

As mentioned before, I'm a TOM Premium Member and today received an email from them with a code good for 25% off ANYTHING and it can be used multiple times up until 31 March.

Well, saying TOM does not  Blu-rays well is an understatement but figs, yeah, figs are their bread and butter.


So I've been trying to hold off on fig purchases since they are so darn expensive and there are so many gorgeous ones I could easily go broke on them.

However, I've come across a little gal from a, I guess a game? with a forthcoming show (or two) in the pipe.

The game is called "Date A Live" and I know absolutely nothing about it. No worries.

The gal from it I became enamored with is Kurumi Tokisaki and there are some drop-dead gorgeous figs of this sweetie available (ALL the gals in the show are beauties!).

So, grabbed two figures of her off TOM.

- used my 25% off coupon on both

- used $100usd TOM points (accumulated) on total bill to lessen the shock

- kept bill above $150usd to get free shipping.

- unfortunately, was STILL charged $42usd import fee, which I hope drops some after delivery.

So final bill = $205usd, (vice $368usd without deals).


Here's my new Gal!




KT 2.jpg

KT 1.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good evening @extantsrevenge, @DarthEd and all the rest of my Anime loving friends.

Well today was a very productive day as I received 2 lovely shipments of some eagerly awaited editions and ordered a few more, because I'm just a bit insane.


So first up, we have my eagerly awaited sets of JoJos Bizarre Adventure. 🤩

I purchased the 3 LEs off Amz.com. In hindsight, with the dollar exchange betwixt the Cdn buck and the Yankee buck, I probably could have still got it cheaper off Amz.ca but, spilled milk.

I think this show is gonna be an absolute riot to watch, as it looks funny and action packed, what more do I need from a Shonen?


I also received a show that I have been hunting for a best deal for almost half a year. Finally bit the bullet and ordered Elfen Lied from Amz.ca.

Of course, today it is cheaper, but not by much and it's finally in my grubby paws! So stoked to finally watch this!

Okay, pic time. I'll mention my other arrivals in a new thread below. 🙂



JoJo 1.JPG

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