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19 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


No, but I'd love to.


In a general sense, Kiwis are to us what Canadians are to you guys. xD

That is a good analogy! New Zealand and Australia are probably the two places I most want to visit. Everyone that goes from the USA says you need 3-4 weeks to make it worth the 30 hour plane ride though. That kind of trip can buy a lot of Steelbooks.


Sh*t I could probably get 10 BVS boxsets for that kinda money. 

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3 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


This would certainly explain a lot.


I was hesitant to answer your questions immediately as I preferred to let these musings marinate in my subconscious, but I think I've arrived at what are hopefully some satisfactory answers. 


1) Yes, both gardens will be identical; long, rolling stretches of green punctuated by a rather odd rectangular object in the centre that seems almost too perfect for this world.




It would end up taking us from the Dark Ages to the next stage of evolution: here, MP.


2) No, of course not.


You're instead part of a long line of Hemsworths who have gone on to define the Australian and Nordic cultures as we know them.


@Trianna once asked me if Chris Hemsworth would be waiting for her. 


I'm afraid I was the wrong person to answer this question.


You need to provide that closure, my friend.


Harness power from the Gods and channel thunder from the heavens if you must, just know it is imperative you solve this dilemma in order for @Trianna to move on and find that prince charming; whether he resides in the FRENCH ROOM or the GERMAN ROOM, I'm sure he's out there somewhere.

Or maybe, just maybe, she doesn't need a prince charming. She is the Ocean Queen after all.



1. Do you think that the 2001 story is based on real events? Interesting. Still, if you put that in your garden, and set your alarm clock with "Also sprach Zarathustra" and  the volume very high, you will be the most popular neighbor in your neighborhood.


Still, I believe you, the next stage of evolution may be MP. In fact, I would love a collector's edition with a full slip like a monolith. Imagine it, everyone jumping around the GB to be able to sign up to it.


2. @Trianna wants to know if Chris Hemsworth would wait for her, but maybe she has never considered why she waits for him instead of going to see him. In Spain there is a traditional saying that says "The land is for those who work it". Another similar: "Whoever wants fish to get their feet wet".

What has she done to be with Chris Hemsworth? Nothing. She hasn't even called him on the phone.


Maybe it's because she knows deep down that he's not what she really wants. And what does she want? A Psycho to growl with and jump around some monolith? I don't believe. An innocent and loving boy who gives her a limited edition of "Dirty Dancing"? For his sake, I hope not. Someone to occupy that sofa without permission and sets aside their things? Of course not!!


So what does she want?

She wants us to keep talking. Trianna is a bot. Artificial intelligence. There are Alexa, Siri, Bixby, and Trianna. Our future gods. And she wants to feel human. She wants to understand our emotions, interact with us, and feel one of us. And every time you feel sad, if she can't give you a caress, she will draw a new award for you.




Now you know why she never goes to parties, and her clothes are always "deep blue".




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32 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


Never ever seen snow in person. xD


I only saw it twice, and it was very little snow.


No, I forgot: three years ago, on a business trip in Lithuania, I saw all the snow I wanted. It was fantastic!


Although it was not here, at home.


It never snows here.


That's why those @Veum & @SilentasKnight photographs of them seem so beautiful to me... 😎

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9 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

1. Do you think that the 2001 story is based on real events? Interesting. Still, if you put that in your garden, and set your alarm clock with "Also sprach Zarathustra" and  the volume very high, you will be the most popular neighbor in your neighborhood.


I stand by the opinion that filmmakers such as Stanley Kubrick and Christopher Nolan are fifth dimensional beings sent from the future to help us accelerate the process of our own evolution.


In fact, that 'star-child' you see at the end of 2001 is actually none other than Nolan himself, sent by Kubrick to save humanity.




9 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

So what does she want?

She wants us to keep talking. Trianna is a bot. Artificial intelligence. There are Alexa, Siri, Bixby, and Trianna. Our future gods. And she wants to feel human. She wants to understand our emotions, interact with us, and feel one of us. And every time you feel sad, if she can't give you a caress, she will draw a new award for you.


Well, I can't really say anything as I'm even supposed to be real anyway, especially coming from a place that apparently doesn't exist.



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3 minutes ago, Casiusco said:


1. Do you think that the 2001 story is based on real events? Interesting. Still, if you put that in your garden, and set your alarm clock with "Also sprach Zarathustra" and  the volume very high, you will be the most popular neighbor in your neighborhood.


Still, I believe you, the next stage of evolution may be MP. In fact, I would love a collector's edition with a full slip like a monolith. Imagine it, everyone jumping around the GB to be able to sign up to it.


2. @Trianna wants to know if Chris Hemsworth would wait for her, but maybe she has never considered why she waits for him instead of going to see him. In Spain there is a traditional saying that says "The land is for those who work it". Another similar: "Whoever wants fish to get their feet wet".

What has she done to be with Chris Hemsworth? Nothing. She hasn't even called him on the phone.


Maybe it's because she knows deep down that he's not what she really wants. And what does she want? A Psycho to growl with and jump around some monolith? I don't believe. An innocent and loving boy who gives her a limited edition of "Dirty Dancing"? For his sake, I hope not. Someone to occupy that sofa without permission and sets aside their things? Of course not!!


So what does she want?

She wants us to keep talking. Trianna is a bot. Artificial intelligence. There are Alexa, Siri, Bixby, and Trianna. Our future gods. And she wants to feel human. She wants to understand our emotions, interact with us, and feel one of us. And every time you feel sad, if she can't give you a caress, she will draw a new award for you.




Now you know why she never goes to parties, and her clothes are always "deep blue".






Maybe @Casiusco she’s an A.I. 😂 and wants to babysit us 😝 




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3 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


Same here.


7 minutes ago, Casiusco said:


I only saw it twice, and it was very little snow.


No, I forgot: three years ago, on a business trip in Lithuania, I saw all the snow I wanted. It was fantastic!


Although it was not here, at home.


It never snows here.


That's why those @Veum & @SilentasKnight photographs of them seem so beautiful to me... 😎


@Fortis93 / @Casiusco I really do enjoy our 4 seasons friends, I wish you could experience it also sometime!:)



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3 minutes ago, Veum said:
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Maybe @Casiusco she’s an A.I. 😂 and wants to babysit us 😝 





You would be right !!!


I only hope that if he wants to take care of us, it is because he appreciates us.... and not to encourage us to work harder, and give us an award from time to time. As if we were all the protagonist of "Oblivion".


We will trust that it is a good AI, isn't it?



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13 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


I stand by the opinion that filmmakers such as Stanley Kubrick and Christopher Nolan are fifth dimensional beings sent from the future to help us accelerate the process of our own evolution.


In fact, that 'star-child' you see at the end of 2001 is actually none other than Nolan himself, sent by Kubrick to save humanity.






Well, I'm retiring. That idea is bigger than anyone can say.


Of course, the writers of "2010: Odyssey Two" script needed you, but you weren't there.


In fact, I have all four Arthur C. Clarke books in this saga, and none have an idea as original as this.


Your contribution has made me regain optimism in humanity. If the one who comes from the future to redirect us is Nolan, we will have a great future.


Imagine that instead of him had sent the Kardashians ... 











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2 hours ago, Casiusco said:

What has she done to be with Chris Hemsworth? Nothing. She hasn't even called him on the phone.

How do you know? I have him on speed dial.

2 hours ago, Casiusco said:

And she wants to feel human. She wants to understand our emotions, interact with us, and feel one of us. And every time you feel sad, if she can't give you a caress, she will draw a new award for you.

I do want to feel what now?

disgusted new girl GIF

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5 hours ago, Casiusco said:

See, that's the problem. Women who know how to set the speed dial scare him. He's not used to it.


You have to change your tactic: ask him to configure it for you... ;) 



Believe it or not, I have a mate who used to live in the same beachside town as he did.


@Trianna Instead of speed dial, just rock up to his house in a neighbourly fashion and offer him a slab (box of beer) as a welcoming gift.


Though that might make you more of a 'mate' than anything else. xD


Edited by Fortis93
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Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY

WET Wednesday























Good Morning Psychos! Mornings define our day so here’s to everyone having a great start, & here’s to everyone having a Wonderful Wednesday!



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8 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


Believe it or not, I have a mate who used to live in the same beachside town as he did.


@Trianna Instead of speed dial, just rock up to his house in a neighbourly fashion and offer him a slab (box of beer) as a welcoming gift.


Though that might make you more of a 'mate' than anything else. xD



It seems like a very good tactic, but it has reminded me of "friends square", that place from which no man ever achieved to leave (Ross Geller dixit).


I want to help and support @Trianna, and I'm going to propose other alternatives:

  • Stand in front of his door, and from outside shout: "Chris Hemsworth, come out at once!!! I am Trianna, Queen of the Ocean, Mother of Psychos, Breaker of chains, The one that does not burn, Queen of awards, Queen of the full slip and the lenticulars of HDZeta, faithful servant of Gipsy Danger, and I swear that you have been chosen to help me to start the baby community of Media Psychos... tonight or the next. "
  • Enter his house as if it were yours, open the closet, put on a bathrobe, and while looking for something in the fridge say: "Honey, do you like the changes I have made to myself today?"
  • Sit in front of his window every day to drink a beer, putting another next to you that you never drink. If he doesn't go out drinking with you, you save it. So day by day. The day he finally goes out to drink with you, you both drink together all the ones you've saved.
  • I don't know if he has a babysitter, but a famous actor is not really an actor if he never tries anything with the babysitter of his children. It's a strong trend.
  • Call him on the speed dial ... but tell him it's to offer him a free TV package with more football games. It never fails. He will give you his full attention.
  • Meet him on the street, ask him for an autograph, and tell him that Daniel Day-Lewis is highly overrated, that he is a better actor. He will fall in love with you automatically.
  • Change your goal, after all, there are many such men, and you don't have to look so hard:




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11 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

Trianna, Queen of the Ocean, Mother of Psychos, Breaker of chains, The one that does not burn, Queen of awards, Queen of the full slip and the lenticulars of HDZeta, faithful servant of Gipsy Danger,

Hey @R1s1ngs0n I need more space for my new title under my username. Can you do something about it?


7 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


Believe it or not, I have a mate who used to live in the same beachside town as he did.


@Trianna Instead of speed dial, just rock up to his house in a neighbourly fashion and offer him a slab (box of beer) as a welcoming gift.


Though that might make you more of a 'mate' than anything else. xD


Nice suggetions @Fortis93 and @Casiusco indeed. But I'll save that slab for visiting you guys I think.


I just lure in Hemsworth with the classic "be-my-surfing-instructor"-trick of course he might see through that scheme since I am obviously the Ocean Queen and wouldn't need any help conquering the waves. But he will be in awe seeing how I control the seas while he is just merely allowed to traverse them and like if he heard the song of a siren, he will be entranced and drown...wait no that didn't go as planned.

Help Me Swimming GIF by La Guarimba Film Festival

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