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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. Merry Christmas everyone! What you see here is a historic moment: I got the garage cleaned out well enough to put my car in it! Now people are free to fill the driveway tomorrow. Way past time to put the kiddo to bed, guess I better do that. I hope all of you Psychos had a wonderful Christmas Eve!
  2. Come on! All the good music is today (my 90 year old grandmother somehow fails to appreciate the Beasties), but all the good food is tomorrow. Lots of gloriously unhealthy southern stuff.
  3. Merry Christmas, folks! Everyone is coming to my house tomorrow so I’m finishing some things up at the house. Put on an old DVD (yes, DVD!) of the Beastie Boys’ Awesome! I F**kin’ Shot That to blast while I finish getting ready. RIP, MCA.
  4. Going to be almost 70 degrees here. I like a White Christmas as much as the next person, but if there’s not going to be snow then I’m happy to have the warmth.
  5. I finally watched Possession last night. I had seen the American version many years ago, never this one. Really is a rough ride of a horror movie, especially if you’ve been through a divorce. I would compare it to Cronenberg but more abstract. More pure symbolism where Cronenberg would have what stands in for traditional plotting, by his standards. Not for everyone, but I defy you not to be thinking about it the next day. Looks outstanding in 4K, great remaster. There’s a shot of Neill with the sky behind him that I should take a photo of. Another note (sorry to ramble on): Sam Neill is now thought of in the US as the guy from Jurassic Park, but he took huge risks early in his career. I’ve recently watched him in The Piano as well. Doesn’t get as much credit for sheer acting chops as he should, or enough credit for taking chances. His bigger roles are so broad and one-or-two-note that I don’t think he’s appreciated for his full range.
  6. I’m going to play my usual role here and ask a dumb question: what does wea stand for? I’m very happy to see someone doing something other than special effects blockbusters. And don’t get me wrong, I buy plenty of those and I love them. But I love movies, period, and variety is the spice of life, as they say.
  7. I am, as I type this, connecting the new television in the media room to my wifi. Our long national nightmare may soon be over, and the room completed.
  8. Went to Best Buy, unsuccessful attempt to find Spider Man 2 for my son. Being an addict, I couldn’t go home empty handed. Wolverines!!
  9. Agree with all of this. Watched it a week or so ago, was riveted the entire time. Made me want to read the book.
  10. Same! The people who like this movie, like us, tend to love it, so I was afraid one or the other would sell out before I got my copy. Got both! Now I get to keep one sealed, which is rare for me.
  11. So this one is going in the player immediately: This one as soon as I get in the right frame of mind: For some reason I love the warning on the case itself: “Medium level violence, horror theme” makes it sound so innocent. This one I might actually keep sealed because I have the other version and opened it to get access to the content. I’m already able to play with the toys that come with it.
  12. I love how that one guy on The Warriors carries a bottle around his neck on a rope in case he needs to make a Molotov cocktail. I feel like this was probably stolen from an old western but I don’t know which one.
  13. I was afraid of that. I have 2 local Walmarts and they barely carry any movies. Every Walmart steelbook I have except for one came from their website.
  14. Random note. Just heard a piece of the song I Get Around and yet another movie occurred to me as needing the 4K treatment: Three Kings. Great movie, great *looking* movie. Would love to see it in 4K.
  15. I haven’t. Had it on my list *after* Too Old just because of release order. I keep watching the new 4K movies that come in that I haven’t seen in years, not taking in enough other content.
  16. I didn’t think to ask: have you watched Copenhagen Cowboy?
  17. Rewatching The Prophecy for the first time in decades and it’s such a 90s movie (I mostly love 90s movies, for the record). Also, I had completely forgotten that Elias Koteas ever had hair.
  18. I know some of this has been posted already but I’m going through the whole thing. I think VS oversold the EXistenZ slip having a skin-like texture. It’s a cool texture, but don’t know that it’s skin-like. The first essay in the acccompanying book is excellent, referencing Neal Stephenson always wins me over. Which brings me to The Prophecy. No book, just the admittedly cool packaging. Call me old fashioned but I appreciate reading material with my discs. I haven’t seen Prophecy or EXistenZ since the early 2000s, haven’t seen Prophecy 2 & 3 at all, looking forward to checking those out.
  19. Glad you mentioned Too Old, I keep forgetting to check it out. I have kind of a love/hate relationship with Winding Refn but when I like him, I love him. This one looks like it might even have a Lynchian flavor? Looks very appealing to me. Bet it would go well with a cough syrup high.
  20. Paramount+: I put on Sunset Boulevard last week, which I had seen before. Some people have less love for the older movies than I do, but this is one of the classic movies that truly deserves its classic status and still works. It’s about a woman out of her time, so she’s just as out of her time today as she was then, and a cynical hack writer (also timeless!) who thinks he can live with being her rent boy. Great stuff. They’ve also got Witness remastered in 4K. Solid mystery and fish-out-of-water romance, one of the best Harrison Ford performances. I haven’t watched Tulsa King, but everyone I know who did has loved it, several people whose taste tends to line up with mine. I’m a huge Sopranos and Breaking Bad fan, love gangster stuff with some comedy. I hate to hear that you’re sick, but I hope you’re at least able to enjoy a good cough syrup haze. (Wish you had Netflix: I loved The Killer.)
  21. I hope. Have to get everything in the new house finished because the family is coming to me for Christmas. Replacement TV is supposed to arrive on Thursday and that’s the final piece of the puzzle. So I hope to finish the house, but also to watch a lot of movies. Also have plans to kick ass and chew bubble gum.

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