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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. I didn’t realize there were 3 sizes of this book, thought it was only 2. I may have confused prices between the one I got and the XL. I was aware of the enormous one; it’s beautiful, wish I could afford it.
  2. I assume that this particular group, looking at how often it has come up, knows that Event Horizon is available for preorder on 4K?
  3. This . . . may actually be a good thing. I first saw it as a kid, had less context for it obviously, it became foundational. Getting to see it and analyze it for the first time as an adult who has seen a lot of movies, I actually envy you. Seeing it now, you will probably have already seen a ton of movies that it influenced and I wonder how that will affect your interaction with it. I do envy you, getting to see that for the first time.
  4. Oh man, that last one is a great choice that I probably wouldn’t have thought of on my own but definitely is one of the movies that stuck with me the most. The film that they make Beatty, and us, watch is more haunting to me every time I see it. Still thinking about my list a bit. “Stuck with you” is different than the movies you enjoyed the most, to me, but there’s obviously some crossover.
  5. I think this is a great idea, I would definitely travel to see that. Need to see if we can find any contacts for people who work with the traveling exhibit. See what they’ve got in mind to do next, if anything.
  6. Yeah, I’d hate to take anyone other than a couple of close friends who are also Kubrick fans. Sadly, most people seem bored and/or puzzled by our movie dork-dom.
  7. Oh, and the last time I watched this was 8 or 9 years ago, and I’ve never had any idea that was Deakins (who is, in fact, a god among men). That dude has been working nonstop forever.
  8. Looks like no one knows where it’s showing up next. Currently can’t be booked (assuming this is it): https://www.tripadvisor.ie/AttractionProductReview-g186338-d15597317-Skip_the_Line_Stanley_Kubrick_The_Exhibition_Ticket-London_England.html I see lots of people asking on Reddit when I do a Google search now, but no one seems to know where it’s going next.
  9. Hurt is always great. Every time I see him now, though, I hear his version of Danny Boy in my head: Recently rewatched his Tinker, Tailor performance too. He’s one of those guys, like Tom Waits or Harry Dean Stanton, that seemed 55 years old when he was 30. Like he’d already been around the block a thousand times when he was born. Maybe the common denominator is lots of cigarettes
  10. Damn, that’s amazing! Is that a war room miniature? I didn’t even know this place existed (not that I get to London all that often). You took the perfect picture, imitating Heywood Floyd as he familiarizes himself with interstellar pooping.
  11. Aaaaaand purchased. Thank you. Although, I just want you to know, this forced me to buy the other stuff that was sitting idly in my Walmart cart. Your fault, I’m not owning that behavior
  12. Watched the first two seasons a long time ago, just watched first 2 episodes of season 3. So far so good. Hope I can stick with it, have a giant stack of movies that I also need to watch.
  13. So I found this on Amazon for $25. I’ve read really good things about it, it’s usually $40 or $50, so I snapped it up. To be honest, the way it was described (and given the usual cost), I was expecting something the size of a coffee table book. But for comparison: Nevertheless, it appears to be as cool as advertised. Lots of great photos, anecdotes, early script edits, etc. So, in lieu of a coffee table, our coffee table books go on my ottoman. I like to pick up these books, read a chapter about a particular movie, then set them aside for a while. Welcome to our ottoman, Mr. Kubrick.
  14. I did get my hands on some things that weren’t ruined. I bought this in a panic when I thought the Second Sight version might either ship in a month or not at all. Hello, my name is Heywood, and I am an addict. I ordered this one this afternoon, for pickup from Walmart, and they alerted me that it was ready just a couple of hours later. In the past, the only movies on the shelf at this Walmart were DVD collections of Happy Days and MASH, along with a couple of blu ray copies of whatever came out last week. Looks like I may have to go in there and look around. Would be nice to have a replacement for the experience of walking around Best Buy just to see what’s on the shelves, a thing I’m going to miss. (I realize this is way more information than anyone wanted).
  15. Screw you, Amazon: Hopefully more pics coming when I get a replacement copy. Was really looking forward to watching this one.
  16. Congratulations, that’s pretty cool. I think most movies that would feature a bus load of cheerleaders involve scenarios that you wouldn’t want your daughter anywhere near.
  17. How far did you have to travel to get to Houston? Probably a good time to be there, when most of the country is a frozen tundra. Hope the competition went well.
  18. How much was the Lord of the Rings box? My level of regret for not getting in on it kind of depends on the price.
  19. Well I hate to see the Bills lose, but a Mahomes-Jackson showdown should be fun.
  20. I actually envy you, wish I could see it again for the first time. Not at all the kind of story I was expecting from PTA, was pleasantly caught off guard.
  21. Lamar Jackson looks like a man with something to prove.
  22. I hope we get a Lions-Bills Super Bowl. Some poor fan base could finally see an end to its misery. Was going to put on a movie when I got home but this looks like a great game.

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