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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. I *like* Inherent Vice but don’t love it; having said that, I could watch Josh Brolin’s scenes on a loop. He’s amazing in that movie.
  2. I don’t know how much PTA was involved, if at all, but Punch Drunk Love is one of the 4K movies in the next Columbia Classics set (volume 4 maybe?) that drops in a month or two. I posted this here a few days ago, but Boogie Nights is also on a list of supposedly upcoming WB releases that I found at Digital Bits. I hope it’s true. TWBB is the one that I really want. I was really surprised when they didn’t put out Licorice Pizza in 4K.
  3. I made it to the processing scene and fell asleep. But I never really planned to make it all the way through, I knew I was too sleepy for that. I’ve seen it severely times, big PTA fan.
  4. Was 3 degrees when I left for work, supposed to get down to 2 overnight tonight. Currently: Coming up: We’ll probably be having tornadoes by Thursday.
  5. That picture looks beautiful! You talked me into it, kind of. Going to put this on to fall asleep to.
  6. 500 posts, it looks like. You’ve got to have many more than that, Grand Master Veum.
  7. Looks like I just earned the Posting Machine badge and I don’t know how to feel about it. Hope I’m not annoying the hell out of everyone!
  8. Evidently this rare Italian horror title is dropping in 4K in May, anyone familiar with it?
  9. Snow chains are for places where this happens all the time. If you’re in the south and it gets bad enough for snow chains, just stay home
  10. I was in Boston for the big one in 2002 or 2003 that they said was the worst since 1978. They were showing documentaries about 78. People walking through snow tunnels taller than they were.
  11. They just don’t clear the roads as well here. It happens so rarely that they don’t invest in the salting/scraping infrastructure. Better than it used to be. You can drive on the main roads here if you can get to them. People who live in the country are just staying home, too many hills and curves and no one clearing them.
  12. Yeah, so tired of this stuff. We got a thin coating of ice early last night, then a thin coating of snow on top of that, thankfully, overnight. I’m at work of course, and again tomorrow. Calling for negative degree wind chills tonight and in the morning. This stuff’s getting old. I live in the south!
  13. No crisis, kudos to Diabolik! They already emailed me back and told me they’ve set aside a copy of Mean Streets for me. Still shouldn’t order together; if I hadn’t done that then I’d have Second Sight Mean Streets in my grubby little mitts already
  14. The new order is Diabolik, I’ve ordered from them before but first time I’ve been in this situation with them. I emailed yesterday to ask if they’ll hold Mean Streets. I hate to name the other company because they’ve over all been good to me, it’s a US movie retailer. I emailed them both times Blackhat got pushed back, because I ended up waiting 6 months on 4 other movies, to see if they could send the others and they basically said “nope, says right there in the rules they all ship together”. Like I said, I should’ve known better than to order these two together.
  15. I hope so(. I’ve emailed to ask. Last spring, Blackhat was originally set to come out in a few weeks, pre-ordered it with the Second Sight The Witch set which was in stock at that point. Blackhat kept moving its release date, didn’t come out until November by which time they were out of that set of The Witch (almost impossible to find now). So I didn’t get it. I’ve emailed this retailer to see if they’re holding my copy of Mean Streets. We’ll see what they say.
  16. Made a mistake I promised I wouldn’t make again, pre-ordering 2 movies as part of the same order. I pre-ordered Second Sight Mean Streets axons Conan Chronicles together, well in advance. They were originally coming out same date. Now both are waiting for the delayed/back ordered Conan and I might not get the Mean Streets set either, because they’ll be out of it by the time the order ships. Sucks. Ordering the Mean Streets Criterion as a backup plan.
  17. Didn’t really establish the strong connection between Crockett and Tubbs, and the last half of the movie needs you to feel that. If that connection had been there, I think the movie overall would’ve worked. But yeah, it feels kind of empty.
  18. If it helps, each season tells a totally different story and you wouldn’t need to remember the 1st season to enjoy the 2nd season. Each season kind of has Easter eggs referencing the other seasons, and Easter eggs referencing Coen brothers movies, but they’re totally different stories with totally different characters.
  19. First two seasons are gold. On the weather, I have to keep reminding myself why I love the mid-south. Sure there’s a low of 5 degrees today, but next week? Of course, it helps if you find tornado warnings exciting.
  20. This is one I’ve been kind of waiting to hear feedback on. The first couple of seasons were some of my favorite TV ever, 3rd was solid, really had to force myself to finish the 4th (though it had a few great performances). I hope this one is good, I like most of what Hawley does, even read a couple of his novels after enjoying Fargo and Legion. Another cold weather show just started up, the new season of True Detective. Will probably go ahead and start it, just because it’s hard to believe Jodie Foster would’ve signed on to do it if the script weren’t fantastic.
  21. Thank you! Such a huge site, with so many books and crannies.
  22. There’s probably a more natural thread for mentioning this, that I’m not thinking of, but Shout is having a pretty good sale on his movies for John Carpenter’s birthday.

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