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Posts posted by javi

  1. vor einer Stunde schrieb Fortis93:


    It's not my favourite release of last year (that would probably be CM's Jaws or EverythingBlu's First Blood release), but I think it sits in my Top 5.


    I really respect the effort put forth to make it the best release possible.

    Totally agreed with your last sentence!!!

    I also think, that's a nice release and hope they do better with the quality next time, so that the next will be flawless and perfect, how a premium should be. 😁😁😁


    For me the best of the last year was The Goonies of CM, with an AMAZING EMBOSSED WEA Steelbook!

    Jaws was also very nice, but no WEA Steel...but they all are very close in my top 5.


    • Like 4
  2. vor 3 Stunden schrieb extantsrevenge:

     Our first annual Media Psychos Awards are over.


    to everyone who took the time to participate.


    A very special thank you goes to @ShadowWarrior @Gary K for leading the troops in this event and for setting everything up on this.


    Also to @Pbsw23 for making the icons for the event and our special surprise 🙏



    Talking about our



    Since the initial participation in our nomination process was not that strong, we thought that the members who took part in that and would later also vote deserved a little extra. Thankfully that hint made more Psychos hand in their nomination lists 😁


    So it is time to unvail our Special I Voted Award (designed by @Pbsw23 )



    And as you might have guessed, only the members that participated in both the nomination and the voting will receive this Award as a sign of our appreciation that you embraced and supported the event completely.



    The lucky Psychos are

    @Reagh @ShadowWarrior @Gary K @Veum @GuyIncognit0 @MoneySniper @nathan_s82 @bossjon @Pbsw23 @R1s1ngs0n @extantsrevenge @CAYENNE-FAHRER @Hecko @ethnosax @Stefbo86 @cypheria078 @Cornbuster @Boilersteel @Casiusco @swish @Catgirl @Freeformfreakout @InfiniteDoors @GANTZ @deckard99 @BreakBeatDJ @raylight @Noir21 @hal56 @DParadigm @Rambo @CryoSteel @Toapel @JiumJium @umryleg @ajames212 @bilbon @Adrip @nerdist @UltradeepBase @Sidewinder @javi @Hollywood E Rock





    A big...


    Thank You So Much GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


    ...to everyone ( @ShadowWarrior @Gary K @Pbsw23and ALL the others!), who brought us this fun show!!!!


    Congratulations to everyone!!! :)



    Share Discover GIF


    It was fun!!! :):):)


    Fun Spongebob GIF by MOODMAN

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1
  3. Am 28.1.2023 um 03:54 schrieb Fortis93:


    Broad Nation's Edge of Tomorrow release dominated...as it should. 


    A shining example of what a premium release should be. 


    A very nice release though, but after seeing it live, I must disagree a bit! ;)

    Therer are a few quality issues and flaws wich could have been avoided (at least I think so!).

    But that's just my personal opinion of course!

    But it still looks nice. :)


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  4. vor 55 Minuten schrieb Blu Magic Ray:


    ... das war Goumont auch 😜🤣


    Wir haben soooooooooooooo viel Batman-Filme, Superman-Filme und Wonder Woman Filme .... ich freue mich über die ganzen Helden und Schurken aus der zweiten und dritten Reihe.



    Dritte Reihe? War da nicht der Üdi?


    Show Off Super Hero GIF by CBeebies HQ

    • Haha 9
  5. vor einer Stunde schrieb Gladiator_MV:


    ...Dann setz Dich doch wieder in die 1.Reihe?! Ich glaub Du fühlst Dich dann besser! Ehrlich is meine Meinung!

    Bist ja schon ewig... ★Platinum Psycho★

    Wenn der Lehrer aber eine feuchte Aussprache hat, dann ist die erste Reihe nicht zu empfehlen! ;)


    Miss Piggy Frown GIF by Muppet Wiki

    • Haha 12
  6. vor 1 Stunde schrieb CAYENNE-FAHRER:

    es ist endlich da

    nach der 1.Sichtung gefällt mir der FullSlip am besten,

    Detailbilder reiche ich nach & nach im Thread - CayenneDriver`s Movie Room nach









    Danke für die Bilder, freue mich auf mehr!


    Deine Kritikpunkte, hatte ich schon befürchtet, das hatte jmd. anderes auch schon gesagt.


    Sehr schade und für mich ehrlich gesagt unverständlich und nicht wirklich Premium!


    Ich frage mich, woran das liegt:


    - Druckauftrag falsch eingestellt, wobei das spätestens nach einem Probedruck sichtbar sein sollte.


    - War das Ausgangsmatrial entsprechend gut aufgelöst?


    - Vielleicht war aber auch schon das gewählte Bild, an sich nicht scharf - weil ein Schwenk, Zoom, oder sonstige Bewegungen aus dem Film genommen wurden?



    Und auch die Beklebungen der Limitierunsnummern - Danke @swish

    Da hast Du natürlich Recht! :)


    Das alles sollte bei einer Premium Edition natürlich nicht sein.


    Dennoch hab ich mich über die Edition gefreut, trotz gestauchter Ecken bei meiner Edition! :):):)



    • Like 10
  7. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Blu Magic Ray:


    Mein Paypal Konto zeigt die Zahlung an ... aber wenn ich auf den renew now button gehe, werde ich wieder auf Paypal geführt .... das irritiert mich 

    Das ist, weil Du die falsche PayPal Adresse angegeben hast. Die richtige lautet: Benni.bekommt.dein.geld.de!



    Dr Evil GIF by Product Hunt



    • Like 1
    • Haha 12
  8. vor 3 Minuten schrieb Basil:


    udi this post upsets me that a normal member cant simply hit a like or a thankyou.


    @extantsrevenge nils could you not have a word with john that we could get this turned on for normal members by now?

    they should be able to hit a like or a thankyou by now, this generates conversations and communications on the site i would like to point out and good feelings. we are told the site should be positive no?

    and if john feels it takes something away from premium e.g. tiered, how about he finds extra way instead such as extended version of the likes and thankyous and then that becomes tiered extra.

    either way the likes and thankyous should be on for all imho, if the german room agree with this please all quote this post maybe that get nils attention as you can't all hit like.

    i would have asked in the improvement section but it carrys more weight if you where to ask nils please or suggest it, many thanks 🙏🙏🙏




    basil 🙏


    Jack Black Yes GIF



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