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Media Psychos 80s Movie Award

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Wow this was a mammoth task … sorting through hundreds of Steelbooks and other media packages of all my 80’s Flicks…. After many hours of searching and sorting I finally came up with a huuuge pile of movies … The 80’s spawned probably the best in movie entertainment out of any decade .. there was certainly a lot made that still stand the test of time today decades later … anyway enough of the blah blah blah… here goes my presentation for the we love the 80’s award … I actually saw the majority if not all of these in the cinema on release… 😜….so @extantsrevenge.. I present to you my 80’s selection… slightly more than 30 …🥱


in no particular order but we’ll start with the Daddy of 80’s flicks…







Edited by ukade2327
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@ukade2327 wow, that must have taken a lot of effort to show this many 80 movies, but


you forgot Back to the Future 😵, I know you got some edition 😅


Anyway most impressive



Thanks for going "Back to the 80s" for us



I hope more members will support the 80s soon. I think when we reached 25 participants we can also explore another decade ☺️

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another one with Jaws included 😂. You're not alone @raylight 😜


and Total Recall



You're lucky you have so many more included @Sotaboy 😆


Anyway that is a very diverse selection 👍 and I'm happy to give you your first award. Really appreciate that you took the time to participate 🙏



I alos see you got above 100 posts that is also an Award. Congratulations.

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I really like this idea of "eras" award. And I love the choice of starting with the 80s, my teenage years.

Here's my humble selection, for your consideration @extantsrevenge.

I realize while downloading the pictures that I forgot movies like Blade Runner or Aliens. Shame on me ! Too many remarquable movies in the 80's...




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6 hours ago, ShadowWarrior said:

I'm actually disappointed in my 80's comedy collection, I have many more to get. I finally bought all those John Hughes' movies on Blu-ray but I know they will eventually be on 4k. 

Yes I have all the Hughs classics - just as the 4Ks begin to come out.  Wish more of them had nice steels, but I may go the custom route for a few select titles.  

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