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3 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


Gracias, Señor.


And in return...


https://nomadsworld.com/aussie-slang/  xD


Thank you, @Fortis93!!!


It's really interesting. 


From now when somebody talk to me about the 110 at last I'll know what do they want to talk about...


It will be very useful. I was lost. Until now I only was able to answer: "Thank you but I'm not from the staff, not from the staff..."





Edited by Casiusco
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7 hours ago, Hollywood E Rock said:


OCEAN QUEEN! So happy to see you around the neighborhood! You been doing good?


Mel B Bow GIF by America's Got Talent


mr rogers GIF by Won't You Be My Neighbor


7 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


Glad to hear, my friend.




I just got home a couple of hours ago, had dinner and am now indulging in a slice of a second birthday cake that was sent to me as a gift.


  Hide contents



I'm getting a head start in putting on those Christmas kilos. xD 





Did someone mention...


nicolas cage cake GIF


3 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


Gracias, Señor.


And in return...


https://nomadsworld.com/aussie-slang/  xD


Nuddy naked fireplace GIF by South Park

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1 hour ago, Fortis93 said:


Let's see if we can keep this up for a week. xD


I'm looking forward to see people's reactions.




well hate to break it to you and @Casiusco i believe the new flag system also ties into the gbs now and as some people had the wrong flags it was screwing up there gbs, so people had to set the flag to the correct country if they wanted there goods, just a warning guys.


anyway i have solution to both your problems and the answer is the same for both of you xD 


basil :D

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3 hours ago, Basil said:


well hate to break it to you and @Casiusco i believe the new flag system also ties into the gbs now and as some people had the wrong flags it was screwing up there gbs, so people had to set the flag to the correct country if they wanted there goods, just a warning guys.





Thanks for the warning.


Also, being Australian was very exhausting. I started to think that my neighbors weren't all like Margot Robbie, and I didn't like it much anymore. ;) 

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7 hours ago, Casiusco said:



Thanks for the warning.


Also, being Australian was very exhausting. I started to think that my neighbors weren't all like Margot Robbie, and I didn't like it much anymore. ;) 


I concur.


I appreciate Mr. F̶u̶n̶ ̶P̶o̶l̶i̶c̶e̶'̶s̶ @Basil's warning. xD


I learned a lot on my travels as a Spaniard, but I arrived at the same place you did. I started to think everyone was like Penelope Cruz and I didn't think I could handle such disappointment day in day out. 


Edited by Fortis93
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Another morning, another day, another opportunity to be stronger than before! Psychos HAPpY 

















@Trianna @Scary Hair















Good Morning Psychos! Today is the day to wash away all the stresses of the week! Here’s to everyone having  a Fantastic Friday!



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4 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


I concur.


I appreciate Mr. F̶u̶n̶ ̶P̶o̶l̶i̶c̶e̶'̶s̶ @Basil's warning. xD


I learned a lot on my travels as a Spaniard, but I arrived at the same place you did. I started to think everyone was like Penelope Cruz and I didn't think I could handle such disappointment day in day out. 





Which of the two Penelope Cruz are you referring to?




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8 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


This Penelope...




Between the plastic surgeon and the Photoshop... in the end you could be disappointed. Take a good look at his two photos that I posted few minutes ago.


But if what you love is that aesthetic option, you can always fall in love with the surgeon or the designer. Or both. 


My parents taught me to respect the ideas of others. To believe that they are not better or worse, just different. "Everyone in their house....". And I absolutely believe that everyone has the right to like what they want. To dress or operate as you like. And that also may seem beautiful or ugly to another, appropriate or terrible, what each one truly believes. 


The key to all of this is that you don't care what other people think. That gives you the freedom to do whatever you want.


The contradictory thing is that many people do what they do ... thinking about the opinion of others.

Claiming freedom to do what you want, but depending on what others like ... is not very consistent.


Still, kidding aside, we would probably be disappointed in many famous actresses and singers if we saw them without makeup getting up in the morning. We live in a world of appearances and image worship, where things are no longer valid for what they are, but for what they seem.


In a way, perhaps we are already entering a semi-virtual world.


But it's something that almost everyone does, not just famous people. Notice that even ¿normal people? try to offer a specific image through social networks. Beauty, success, intelligence, good taste. The difference is the reference canon they use, and the measure; but almost everyone tries. Funny, original, trendy.


Every time you change the photograph on your social networks, you are exercising an option about what you want to sell.


And even the photos of the models are usually retouched with Photoshop, when they are -supposedly- the most beautiful girls in the world.


Did you think that @Hollywood E Rock neighbors are all like that? No! It's his talent for taking pictures early in the morning. ;) 


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@Casiusco A lot of people may partly or wholly attribute this to the current age of social media we're living in.


This may be valid to some extent, considering current innovations and uses of existing technologies (social media, holographic technology, etc.) are becoming increasingly geared towards creating illusions or projections that function as substitutes for reality, but I believe these compulsions and desires have been present throughout history. 


Just look at a lot of the history books, recounts, journalistic articles/pieces and even our own memories/recollections of events and people with elements or details that may have been omitted and/or sensationalised to create a certain narrative that will endure.


Social media has just played a hand in amplifying and perpetuating this rather than solely cause.


I mentioned "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" earlier and how it's one of my favourite films, but I can't help but feel it's closing line perfectly encapsulates the point you're trying to make:


'When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.'




I see my temporary trip to Spain was worth it. I'm starting to sound like you now. xD


It's either that or the WeET joints I'm on. @Hollywood E Rock What do they put in those things? xD



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46 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


'When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.'



Great true. We began to live in fake times, with fake news, fake social net friends, fake trends ...


It's becoming increasingly difficult to know the truth.


This makes me think of Fellini, when instead of filming the sea he would reconstruct it in a studio with cardboard, gauze, and cranks. Something much more interesting.


Who is interested in the truth? Does that interest anyone?


Maybe in a few years the most popular concept of "truth" will be something different from what we thought.

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20 hours ago, Casiusco said:

This makes me think of Fellini, when instead of filming the sea he would reconstruct it in a studio with cardboard, gauze, and cranks. Something much more interesting.


And on the other end of that spectrum, you have Nolan, who instead of creating a plane crashing into a building with CGI, actually bought a real plane and crashed it into a real building. xD


Would the effect have been more interesting had it been created digitally? Who knows?


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Hi Psychos.


Today is a special day for me. 




One year ago, exactly one year ago, I discovered Media Psychos and created my account.


I remember the usual welcome messages, with jokes telling that I was going to empty my wallet. How right they were!


Many GBs and several hundred posts later, I want to thank @Masterblaster and all the MP staff for their enormous and magnificent work, for their time and for their efforts, making possible for those of us who are/was arriving to feel so comfortable, to have such a good time around our great hobby, and can have so many special editions.

This site and this community are even better than I expected. For those who just want to buy, it's the best place; and for those who want to have fun, there is a group of really funny and friendly "usual suspects".


Thank you all so much for making me feel so good, and for all these good times talking about Collector Editions or joking around together.





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6 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


And on the other end of that spectrum, you have Nolan, who instead of creating a plane crashing into a building with CGI, he actually bought a real plane and crashed it into a real building. xD


Would the effect have been more interesting had it been creating digitally? Who knows?


Nolan makes the opposite journey. But only in form, they both  speak of the same thing: reality.

  • Fellini spoke of an alternate reality, fantastic, and much more interesting; but doing it like that in the end served to expose real things. Real concerns, feelings, fears. Hang-ups and hopes. 
  • Nolan takes unreal -or downright impossible- things, and brings them down to reality. Look at his Batman, he changed the way of making superhero movies giving a true and real background, but not only to the sets, or the story; but also to the character; to the whole. Suddenly, everything had a reason or a realistic motive. Deep down, he picks up something magical and the first thing he does is give up magic.

Nolan cannot do what Fellini did, and give up doing some real things, because Nolan -to expose his truth- goes to reality, he does not escape from it.



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16 minutes ago, Casiusco said:

Nolan cannot do what Fellini did, and give up doing some real things, because Nolan -to expose his truth- goes to reality, he does not escape from it.


I think you've touched upon something here. He leans into reality as means of telling the story the same way Fellini leans into fantasy or the surreal to tell his stories.


You look at something like "Inception", for example, where one of the main ideas is that dreams feel real while we're in them.


He could've taken the route someone like Fellini or Lynch may have taken and incorporate some rather bizarre or surreal elements into the dream sequences, but he instead he eschews this in favour of presenting a grounded realty, so that the audience isn't questioning the reality of these dreams.


As a result, they feel real and we start to forget that we're in the dream world. There's nothing to really pull us out of that moment or tip us off that we're in a dream world. Very similar to how we dream and how we perceive dreams.


With something like "Tenet", Nolan does something similar, but ends up achieving a different outcome.


He grounds the inverted world in as tangible reality as possible, so that not only does it feel real, but quite magical as well.


All those over-the-shoulder shots where we're following characters running through environments where everything else around them is going backwards, most of which has been achieved through practical means, really gives you the sense of magic or a fantasy world being made real. 

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9 hours ago, Fortis93 said:


I concur.


I appreciate Mr. F̶u̶n̶ ̶P̶o̶l̶i̶c̶e̶'̶s̶ @Basil's warning. xD


I learned a lot on my travels as a Spaniard, but I arrived at the same place you did. I started to think everyone was like Penelope Cruz and I didn't think I could handle such disappointment day in day out. 



3 hours ago, Casiusco said:


Between the plastic surgeon and the Photoshop... in the end you could be disappointed. Take a good look at his two photos that I posted few minutes ago.


But if what you love is that aesthetic option, you can always fall in love with the surgeon or the designer. Or both. 


My parents taught me to respect the ideas of others. To believe that they are not better or worse, just different. "Everyone in their house....". And I absolutely believe that everyone has the right to like what they want. To dress or operate as you like. And that also may seem beautiful or ugly to another, appropriate or terrible, what each one truly believes. 


The key to all of this is that you don't care what other people think. That gives you the freedom to do whatever you want.


The contradictory thing is that many people do what they do ... thinking about the opinion of others.

Claiming freedom to do what you want, but depending on what others like ... is not very consistent.


Still, kidding aside, we would probably be disappointed in many famous actresses and singers if we saw them without makeup getting up in the morning. We live in a world of appearances and image worship, where things are no longer valid for what they are, but for what they seem.


In a way, perhaps we are already entering a semi-virtual world.


But it's something that almost everyone does, not just famous people. Notice that even ¿normal people? try to offer a specific image through social networks. Beauty, success, intelligence, good taste. The difference is the reference canon they use, and the measure; but almost everyone tries. Funny, original, trendy.


Every time you change the photograph on your social networks, you are exercising an option about what you want to sell.


And even the photos of the models are usually retouched with Photoshop, when they are -supposedly- the most beautiful girls in the world.


Did you think that @Hollywood E Rock neighbors are all like that? No! It's his talent for taking pictures early in the morning. ;) 



2 hours ago, Casiusco said:


Great true. We began to live in fake times, with fake news, fake social net friends, fake trends ...


It's becoming increasingly difficult to know the truth.


This makes me think of Fellini, when instead of filming the sea he would reconstruct it in a studio with cardboard, gauze, and cranks. Something much more interesting.


Who is interested in the truth? Does that interest anyone?


Maybe in a few years the most popular concept of "truth" will be something different from what we thought.


Fellows does that mean I am not who I think I am...


Vintage Z GIF

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16 minutes ago, Veum said:




Fellows does that mean I am not who I think I am...


Vintage Z GIF


i'll give you the @Casiusco answer xD 


but are you? do you look in the mirror and dream of what existential plain you live on or do you dream in the dreamscape of reality?

these are depths of the imagination of the quintessential existent we wish to possess.


Captain America Laughing GIF by mtv


basil :D

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