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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. There are going to be so many cool sets with both movies that I should go ahead and start saving up 4 or 5 grand.
  2. I was definitely part of that conversation, but I think at least one other person recommended it. This is one of those movies that I like that I don’t expect other people to like. Strange rhythm, strange trajectory, probably seems “slow”. I also had a soft spot for it because, although they don’t name the city it was filmed in New Orleans and it’s really obvious to anyone who’s familiar. I like Dominik a lot, though I’ll join the chorus that was disappointed by Blonde. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is one of my favorite movies of this century.
  3. Hope it’s ok to drop this here, not technically a trailer. If you want your first experience of watching Usil call the big one to be on the big screen, don’t watch. Man this is going to be fun.
  4. Men used to know how to dress in this country. Look at that ensemble!
  5. Is it a series? I’m so skeptical of Lynch rumors; there was a big rumor before Cannes last year that he was dropping a surprise release at the festival but of course it didn’t happen. I really hope we get some more Lynch; there’s been so much time between projects that I’ve worried he might not produce anything, given his age. Hoping for a movie, a series would be even better. i love how we’re still getting work from the old maestros these days. Ridley Scott, Scorsese, Michael Mann. It looks like we’re finally going to get this one from Francis Ford Coppola in 2024:
  6. Ed Harris as the Cryptkeeper! There are few things scarier than scary Ed Harris (History of Violence, etc).
  7. My habit hasn’t cost me as much money as marriage did, but it’s becoming a close competition.
  8. I wonder how many they’re making. I was able to pre-order the what’s in the box edition for just over $100 (you probably still can), already seeing it for $150 on eBay.
  9. Do we think there’s a version coming *before* the collector’s version?
  10. That’s exciting. Such a great movie; never seen it in 4K and ag this point I’m just going to wait and treat myself to that experience when this edition shows up.
  11. I never realized there was a limit on reactions, can’t believe I never hit the wall. Maybe I did, and didn’t notice.
  12. Oh, one other note, feel like I should put this somewhere more prominent: looks like Second Sight has made some more copies of It Follows available. At least according to my Shop app.
  13. Goodnight! Rough work day here too, haven’t had a day off in a couple of weeks, worked late enough today that I didn’t get to take care of some things that I need to take care of. Coming home to a movie in the mail helped a bit. Going to bed too soon after getting my son to bed to settle in and watch a movie and they’re piling up. Have popped in a few just to check out the transfer. Solid transfer on Trainspotting, looks good. Actually don’t have the blu to compare it to, curious how much of an upgrade it is. Mean Streets is a huge upgrade and one of the more impressive Scorsese transfers (there’s still no topping what they did with Casino). Southern Comfort has a bit of a rough look that it seems was largely intentional on the part of the cinematographer, but a huge upgrade. Good work. Conan the Barbarian also a huge upgrade. Looks almost as good as it’s possible to imagine an early 80s movie looking; First Blood is still the king (same cinematographer as Southern Comfort, I learned tonight). I haven’t had a chance to put in Destroyer yet. Didn’t start off with intent to ramble. Goodnight!
  14. Several weeks ahead of the given release date, always a nice surprise. Been a pretty great few months for Walter Hill fans. Off to check out the transfer!
  15. I have an embarrassing one, will get the embarrassing part out of the way first: when I was in high school I had a waterbed. Anyway, I was in the waterbed with a girl, not expecting my parents to be home for quite some time. It would be fine with them that she was there, would probably not be ok that we were naked. As soon as I hear them, I go to roll out of the waterbed. My foot got caught between the mattress and the sideboard, I went to catch myself on the floor and somehow caught myself on my pinky finger first. Broke my pinky finger. We somehow managed to be dressed by the time my parents got all the way in the house but I was having to hide the fact that I was in intense pain. I have two very crooked pinky fingers, and that’s how one of them happened.
  16. Was wondering when they’d get around to changing it. When I pre-ordered the date was either 1/10 or 1/14, went back a week or so ago and they still had the same date, even though that date had passed.
  17. Come on! It’s a fun town. That’s a great shot of the most famous part of Broadway.
  18. Enjoyed this one, think it’s the kind of movie I’ll enjoy even more the 2nd time. Driver & Cruz are both great in it.

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