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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. Same here. The remaster of this movie is so beautiful that it makes you want to visit the Pacific Northwest. Maybe not small towns, or on foot, but still.
  2. I don’t know if you’re planning on opening them, but not only was that First Blood set cool, the movie looked fantastic. Can’t remember who was behind remastering it, but they did some great work.
  3. I think it looks great! Even where there was CGI or matte work (the shot of early NYC, for instance), it blends well and doesn’t stand out. It’s a beautiful movie. Can’t believe that steelbook disappeared so quickly.
  4. 78 and gorgeous in Nashville, sunny, headed to 87. No humidity and the breeze, believe it or not, is what we think of as “feels like fall coming on” in these parts. Finally got to watch the new Sleepy Hollow arrival with the kiddo last night, looks excellent. (SPOILER) I hadn’t seen it in so long I forgot about all the heads in the tree. Kind of made me laugh, the audacity and the way it was shot; my son was appropriately taken aback.
  5. Follow up question: does the “WeET” signify anything about a set where you see it? Any extra bells and whistles, does it serve as a descriptor of a certain kind of product? Regardless, I’m over here recording a song called. “WeET, There It Is”. May not get huge now but would’ve owned radio in the 90s.
  6. Thanks, guys. I’ve got a tough decision to make. Buying a house, so I need to buy less loot, but I also need a disc player that will show me some of the cool discs I picked up from other regions. I absolutely knew I was going to feel like an idiot when I got an answer to the scrolling question
  7. Nothing too fancy, but these showed up today from Kino Lorber. Three sets of cover are between the cover and the reversible artwork inside, which is pretty fancy for KL. I have to say that Ronin impressed the hell out of me earlier this year, and both of these movies look amazing (though only watched a few minutes of each to get a sense). The Train looks like someone shot it in B&W this year.
  8. Ok, I’m going to go ahead and be the new guy who asks dumb questions. 1) What does WeET stand for? 2) When using these forums, how do I jump to the last page? Currently I only see a ‘Next’ key and there are 1120 pages to scroll through! Ouch. Actual topic: I need a decent all-region bluray/4K player that has a great picture but isn’t going to cost an arm and a leg, wondering if anyone has recommendations.
  9. Also today, after someone here turned me on to its availability via Amazon France. Opened because it’s gorgeous and I almost always play with my toys
  10. Nice to follow that with this, showed up today (sorry haven’t figured out how to rotate pics here from my phone). Curious to see if my 12 year old is as taken with Shonuff and Bruce Leroy as I was at his age.
  11. Hustle & Flow looks amazing in 4K. Hadn’t seen it since the original release, didn’t remember noticing how well it was shot. This post makes me really regret not getting the Film Vault Jaws set, looks amazing.
  12. New Carlito’s Way set arrived yesterday (apologies for subpar photography/display): This is in addition to an earlier Carlito’s steelbook that I found earlier this year on eBay: (not quite sure how to rotate it on my phone, folks, sorry) There’s a great Making-Of piece in the accommodation book, lots of perspective on DePalma’s career. I haven’t seen this movie in over a decade, excited to watch it, but still have Princess Bride in the queue (with my kiddo) ahead of it.
  13. I like the Shawshank set. I have their Goodfellas and Scarface Film Vault releases, and have pre-ordered 2001 and Apollo 13, both coming in October. I pick up any and every 2001 set that I can get my hands on, so I’m really excited for that one. How’s the picture on the Shawshank 4K, is it a solid upgrade?
  14. I have the Arrow Last Emperor box and was pretty happy with it until just now; now I’m just jealous That set is beautiful. Just looked up shipping on my Second Sight Crimes of the Future box, looks like it’s showing up tomorrow. Very excited, very excited to have new Cronenberg family members making great movies. i love that Drive steelbook. Had never heard of FNAC before so thanks for that. Are people happy with them? No pics at the moment, but both the Walmart and Best But Across the Spider Verse steelbooks showed up this week, as well as the new Sleepy Hollow. Love that the Irving story is in there. Also the Princess Bride Criterion, including the original Goldman story. Great week for reading source material.
  15. Ye gods this is gorgeous, can’t wait. This is the part where I’m supposed to say Fidelio, right? Fidelio??
  16. Thank you all! I’ve had my eye on you guys for a bit, that BR 2049 set finally made me realize that I just needed to join up. Thanks for the welcome.

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