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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. Zavvi US has the new Columbia Classics 4K (Starman, Punch Drunk Love being the best titles to me, but there are 4 more) for $169, a little over $40 cheaper than anywhere else I’ve seen it.
  2. Seconding the thanks for mentioning this, I didn’t even know there was an extended cut becoming available. Complete agreement @hansreinhardt about where the movie falls apart. The ending is far too rushed and it causes the story to fall apart. Can’t wait to see what Villaneuve does with it. Jealous of your opportunity to see it on the big screen, it’s such a beautiful movie. The production design is so odd, distinctive and detailed.
  3. This one’s fun. I saw it when I was a kid, picked up a used DVD last year (couldn’t even find a blu ray though there may be one obviously), never got around to watching it. Need to pick up their Scarlet Street release. Never even seen it, but I’ve also never seen a bad Fritz Lang movie.
  4. Thanks for the heads up! By the way, today I learned that the writer of Rolling Thunder also wrote Cocktail. Flanagan’s Law: never mess with the family of a guy who has a hook for a hand.
  5. I like to tell people that someday the mountain might get but the law never will. Of course, these days I’m a mild mannered, law abiding citizen so the law is unlikely to take an interest in me. 28 degrees when I left for work this morning, and now . . . I just switched from what I grew up calling a toboggan (wool hat) to a baseball cap, it’s now warm enough to expose my ears!
  6. Picked up the steelbook last year, one of the most gorgeous I own, but haven’t watched the movie since some time in the early 2000s. I didn’t remember enjoying it this much. Really beautiful but what I really love are the performances. Good stuff.
  7. According to Digital Bits, The Conversation is coming out in 4K in the first half of the year. Exciting! Was looking at the May Criterion lineup and wondering: have any of you seen Anatomy of a Fall?
  8. Just gorgeous. If I had these I’d just sit at home and stare at them
  9. “A One Click is a Set with multiple editions that most of the time comes with a Box.” Dumb question (I got lots); this is always multiple editions of the *same* movie, right? Single box with a trilogy doesn’t count? Does it have to be 3 editions or will 2 get you there?
  10. Picard is available in 4K, right? Weird if SNW is and Picard isn't. Confession: I've really enjoyed SNW but somehow haven't watched Picard yet.
  11. Ok, I never posted my list. It's long, but there are a lot of movies that pop into my head over and over. Some of these are really obvious choices; sometimes movies are overwhelmingly acknowledged as great because they have an undeniable power, an ability to connect with something universal, or nearly so. In that spirit: Lawrence of Arabia: saw it the first time when I was maybe 9 or 10, still thought old movies must be boring movies. Man, this movie. I love that it doesn't end with the triumph. It ends with heady revolution turning into difficult/impossible governance. And established, powerful people who know how the game is played, and don't mind taking advantage. The movie The Candidate ends famously with "So, what do we do now?". LoA shows the most likely outcome. To win, pull off the impossible, and still lose. The scene at the well, Sharif on the horizon, showing you the entire approach. I gotta stop, love this one too much. Inside Llewyn Davis: there are a lot of Coen Brothers movies I could put here, depending on my mood. So beautiful to look at and listen to, so warm and cold at the same time. A man's character is a loop, and will visit him over and over. Watching Llewyn become fully adult, find his limitations (as important as finding your potential, they're inseparable). Makes me think of Gere in Days of Heaven, realizing he isn't smart enough to get over on the world. And when it makes me laugh, it makes me laugh really hard. Night of the Hunter: my parents let me watch anything as a kid, so I saw the edited for TV version of The Shining even earlier than I saw Lawrence of Arabia. A couple of years later, Mitchum riding through the night singing "leaning . . . leaning" creeped me out more than anything at the Overlook. Now I think of the fairy tale touches, the shot of Shelley Winters underwater, Lillian Gish's moral center serving as an infallible bullsh*t detector. Touch of Evil: Every time I watch it, I feel like I've been up all night and the next day, just like Janet Leigh. "He was some kind of a man. What does it matter what you say about people?" I don't think it would be possible to make this movie today and have Quinlan be right about anything; great art is as complicated, paradoxical and sometimes amoral as real life. Marathon Man: Crazy how long this movie keeps you in the dark and it either frustrates you enough to walk away from it, or makes you wish more movies were this good with genuine suspense. Does the second thing for me obviously. Moonstruck: Why don't more movies have real people in them, in all of their flawed glory? Most romantic comedies fail for me because the leads are too unobjectionable. They don't have real flaws, they're like people in a job interview saying that their greatest weakness is perfectionism. These people feel real, really flawed, and you can fall in love with them anyway. All The President's Men: Every great triumph is driven almost entirely by unglamorous grunt work that no one in their right mind wants to do. And occasionally makes you very afraid. Also, Bernstein chain smoking in the elevator. "You don't have it; come back when you've got it" is something that people on the way up should be hearing constantly, until they learn how to say it to themselves. 2001, Goodfellas, Lebowski, I'm a pretty stereotypical Gen X guy when it comes to these. I love them, think of them often, have quoted them endlessly. Probably have nothing new to say about them but they belong on this list. Miller's Crossing and The Big Sleep: more hard boiled dialogue and double-crossing, please. "She tried to sit on my lap while I was standing up." There Will Be Blood Network (the dialogue, and successful prediction of how the next 50 years would go down!) Children of Men (a nightmarish movie about hope) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford The Hustler 25th Hour Kiss Me Deadly In The Mood for Love Andrei Rublev (would've given Stalker the Tarkovsky slot up until the last 10 years; a man ages) The Lighthouse The Proposition Reds Tar (feels soon to include, but I'm confident of it) Mulholland Drive Lost Highway Sunset Boulevard Zodiac Slap Shot Sexy Beast Atonement Amadeus Blade Runner & 2049 (the 2nd movie is even richer, made me appreciate the first one more, though) Sorceror I'll think of a hundred more tomorrow
  12. Random note: I visit MP pretty much exclusively on my phone. Tonight I'm using the tablet and it's a whole new world. I haven't been seeing the tags and quotes under people's names. This is a long-winded way of getting to: love the Walker Percy quote, got me where I lived as soon as I read it back in the day. Great book. One of those books that made me feel like I'd finally remembered something in the back of my mind, always there, that I could never quite bring forward. I love Percy's voice, love having his words in my head. I probably need to revisit, haven't read any of his stuff in around 20 years (makes me feel old to say that). Can also see that big ol' Platinum tag under my own posts now, which is nice.
  13. Man I’m sorry, feel bad for letting you down. I’m watching His Girl Friday now. Zavvi has the upcoming Columbia Classics significantly cheaper than everyone else. Has His Girl Friday, Punch Drunk Love, Starman, Kramer vs Kramer and a couple of others. The price now has me tempted but mostly I got inspired to watch His Girl Friday again for what must be the 5th or 6th time in my life.
  14. Anti-mullet prejudice. I really do think part of it was that people thought he looked ridiculous.
  15. We’re in the Twilight Zone of the Gulf Stream. I lived in Boston for a while and couldn’t believe how accurate the weather predictions were. If they told you it was going to start snowing at 3:15pm tomorrow, you would almost certainly see some snow flakes at that exact time. Nothing like that here.
  16. I had never seen this one until picking up the Kino 4K. I love almost anything set in New Orleans and they use the location well. Surprised this wasn’t one of the more popular Van Damme movies back in the day, it’s a lot of fun. Chance Boudreaux is a freaking classic name.
  17. Ok, you seem to be one of the people on this site who appreciate the older flicks like I often do. Warning: picture quality is less than ideal on a couple of these, the first in particular. The Big Combo: Detective is obsessed with gangster, in love with the gangster’s girl. The gangster is played by Richard Conte, Barzini from The Godfather. Lots of great hard boiled dialogue (“you’ve broken the laws of god and man; I’m taking you in for the second one.”). Cast is great all around, Lee Van Cleef and Brian Donlevy in small roles. Free on Prime, probably others. Detour: early, pre-Hayes Code noir. Meanest, nastiest woman I’ve ever seen in this kind of movie. Lots of fun, free on multiple services. Gun Crazy: pic looks pretty good on this one. Has been remastered, probably because Scorsese got it a lot of attention. Kid loves guns but doesn’t want to harm anyone; just loves guns. As an adult, falls in with folks who admire his skills and don’t mind harming people. Poor guy. Anyway, had older movies on my mind for some reason.
  18. Also 28 degrees here but our snow was so light (and the ground so warm) that there was only dust on cars. The wind is terrible though! No more winter, please, I’d like the 60+ degrees from Thursday back.
  19. So, Baz Luhrmann. I don’t know why after all these movies, but I almost always go into his movies thinking I won’t like them (thought modern songs in Moulin Rouge were a bad idea, disliked The Great Gatsby book and the previous movie, thought his musical tastes would run counter to using the music around Elvis well), always end up liking them. Enjoyed this one. As beautifully shot and edited as the rest of his work, great use of music that I’m not even a huge fan of.
  20. Now that you’ve said that, I would go back and rewatch the first one if I get to the new one. I watched and really liked the first one but it’s been a long, long time ago. Mid 90s I think.
  21. I hope you’re the kind of person who enjoys it. Sometimes I do, depends on how busy I am, if I need to be places or if I can take time to just enjoy it. Was 63 and sunny here yesterday, 42 and rainy today. Looked out my front door after I saw your post and now it’s snowing here. Sleet as well, looks like. Don’t think we’re expecting much in the way of accumulation, though it’s supposed to snow some more in the middle of the night and the temperature is dropping to 28.
  22. Working 7 days again, though I ended up only doing a few hours last Sunday and hope to do something similar this Sunday. I usually take my son with me on Sundays and I have to slip out so I can take him to play Pokemon at a local hobby store.
  23. Apologies for lighting and crookedness, kept having to jump out and do dad stuff. A few extra in case of genre issues. Gets its own pic, because it’s the precious:
  24. Hate to admit it, but I’ve mostly only got 2 copies of a lot of movies, not enough 3 of a kind to qualify. I have some blu rays to family members after I picked up 4K copies (which usually come with blu rays) and cheated myself out of that award

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