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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Posts posted by Parzival

  1. @Fortis93

    What/who is your favourite Bond:


    1. Film? 

    For your eyes only


    2. Actor? 

    Roger Moore , loved the humour 


    3. Opening theme/song?

    View to a Kill, Duran Duran


    4. Book?

    Not read the books, so will substitute the question for best Bond girl

    Jane Seymour


    5. Villain?

    Dr Kananga  / Mr Big


    6. Henchman?

    Jaws and Nick Nack



    As you can see, my answers are heavily weighted to the Roger Moore films 

    • Like 4
  2. 20 minutes ago, LeGonze said:

    OMG!!... Maaaan!!! What are you talking about??!!... Hahaa... :D:D


    Do you realize that Blufans Spider-Man Homecoming release was announced on Sep 12th 2019, the GB was opened next day and we just got it!! And even now some people haven't received it yet!!... 9_9


    Now... SM FFH was announced on Sep 18th 2019 and again GB was opened next day... More than a year and four months later we only have BS of the SB... Hahaaa... xDxD


    Now, don't let me start with HDZetas Gold Labels... xDxD

    Mate you don't get my point 

    I'm not talking about release dates / announcements

    It can take years from "potential" release news  to something arriving on your door 


    I'm talking about when we actually pay, when our hard earned cash leaves the door 

    When our invoices are paid! 


    I paid in Nov '19 for Casino CM and only got it recently 


    Similarly paid for  Shining CM in a previous life. Still not arrived 


    I'm not a lending company 


    When a retailer indicates a potential release, they should have ringfenced funds to start the production process, not rely on funds from the proposed release 

    It's not as if they are start ups. They've been milking our money for years 


    My gripe with FAC is that they put a gun to your head. All or nothing. Buy our crap stuff, just to be considered for our good stuff. Are we mugs or what? 

    Money doesn't grow on trees. 



    Weet have had too many quality control issues in actual production, which is fine as I'll get a good product from them, love their work, but the frequency of these quality issues, is getting concerning and frustrating. 


    Yes, BF and Hdz have huge gaps between their release announcements and physical product, but that gap is diminished if looked at time from payment to actual production process, and they seldom have such problems as quality control or imposing stupid conditions on us to buy every single relesse of theirs 

    Once the production process starts and invoices paid, it's normally a smooth process 



    • Like 5
    • Haha 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    @Parzival's sh*t list seems to be growing each day 😅

    WeET 💩

    CM 💩💩

    FA 💩💩💩


    Which retailer will be the next to enter the dreaded Parzibook?


    I know mate just had enough of this shi* show and being taken for a ride. 


    CM with their 1 year plus delays 


    FAC with "buy my shi* stuff, only then you get my decent stuff". 


    Weet with umpteen steelbook scratches and excuses 


    Time to talk with our wallets and hit them where it hurts hard. Enough incompetence 

  4. Weet is CM in disguise ... with all these delays

    Uhhh . a bit annoying these quality control issues


    Yes, I get it. Great, fantastic , brilliant  these are being picked up before they send them out. I agree with you. I bow to you

    Downside is , these issues are being picked up far too frequently, so somewhere along the production line, people are not doing their job - and need to be sacked

    • Haha 1
  5. 29 minutes ago, SilentasKnight said:

    It’s your release. Modify it the way you want 😁. You just need to be okay with the fact that if you sell it someday you may not get as much for it as a non modified edition. 

    But in cases where  the modified version is way better, that argument should not hold 


    In my opinion, a steelbook will always be better than an amaray, unless the amaray is exceptional, I mean the sleeve artwork inside the plastic amaray (all plastic amaray are typically the same) 

    • Like 1
  6. Nice @Hardcore


    I have a question for MP members 

    I have quite a few WCL and Mlife editions myself, my question is this 


    Would you swap the original amarays with a steelbook. Some of the amarays have nice artwork, but some are ordinary 


    Re: the Duel WCL release, which is a beauty, I swapped the original amaray with the HMV Japanese artwork steelbook (I did the same with Jaws WCL too) 


    Good idea or bad? Should I keep the original amarays (before it's too late) or sell them lol 


    All thoughts welcome 

    • Like 3
  7. On 1/10/2021 at 12:47 AM, RAK said:

    Huge Sale Box #1 of 2 arrived. Thanks @Masterblaster


    Avengers Nova Media One-Click (I don’t have to open it, if you want to see pics then you can look @claptraw Pictures)


    Batman V Superman HDZ 


    And the Media Psycho’s Coasters.


    2nd pic is my Sideshow Collectable John Wick order (I blame @Bones for this order)


    John Wick: Chapter 2 Blood Oath Marker W/Coins

    John Wick: Chapter 3 Adjudacator Medallion 

    John Wick: Chapter 3 Sophia’s Blood Oath Marker 





    Awesome Avengers one click by Novamedia 

    I too have the open pics on my thread below (page 6)  if anyone wants to see 







    • Like 4
    • Thanks 4
  8. I have to agree with @Basil

    Shite excuse by Weet to cover delays 


    3rd time quality issue not acceptable, something is obviously not working which they need to address. 


    Personal 2 pence worth, doubt it's a quality issue. They are just falling behind schedule, and this is the best excuse for a delay - because they know this excuse will be the most readily accepted by collectors

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1

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