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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Posts posted by Parzival

  1. @Masterblaster

    Thanks for the update

    Whilst it is a bit of a blow emotionally, I have written off the amount. I know financially this might be difficult for some, and I fully understand that. 

    I guess my thinking is that MP has helped me save so much money over the years with the GBs, so it compensates. 


    Whilst this was not ideal, I've said before we collectors are easy targets. It does bring into question what I raised before. I believe we have to be honest, and realise our mistake here. We let a new person come in and run a business venture on the site, without the proper controls in place. This was a mistake on MPs part, but not deliberate or intentional. Everyone gets hustled at least once in their lives, this was our turn. Hopefully this is a harsh learning curve for us all. 


    I think no one is singularly to blame here. No one foresaw this to happen.

    Those who were clever enough to realise early, got their refunds. Those who had hope have obviously lost out here. I guess those who were slated for giving this fraud a hard time, we owe those people an apology.  And those who blindly defended him - well get smarter next time. 


    Personally, I will live by writing this amount off, it will not make me bankrupt. First World problems, I did not get my Indy box. Life goes on. 

    This is not being insensitive to those who feel strongly about the financial loss here, just trying to make the point that perhaps it's time to move on if this loss hasn't made you completely broke. 

    It sucks I know, but let's not waste any more negative energy on this forum. Let's stay positive, far worse things happening right now. Onwards and upwards. A lot of cool editions to loook forward to. MP is still the place to be, and where you are most likely to secure your treasured collections, so let's show some unity and make this forum stronger. We will be better for the experience we've had. We are all that little bit more street wise now, so that's a good thing. 



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