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vor 5 Minuten schrieb swish:

Weiss jemand wenn man bei plaion vorbestellt der betrag schon abgebucht wird??


Bei den meisten Zahlarten wird direkt abgebucht. Ich nutze z. B. immer PayPal. Da gibt es aber auch so was wie "Jetzt kaufen und später bezahlen - unterstützt von PayPal". Das habe ich aber noch nie ausprobiert. 🤷‍♂️


Du kannst sonst höchstens über PayPal gehen und dann bei PayPal "erst in 30 Tagen zahlen" auswählen...

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Gentleman:


Bei den meisten Zahlarten wird direkt abgebucht. Ich nutze z. B. immer PayPal. Da gibt es aber auch so was wie "Jetzt kaufen und später bezahlen - unterstützt von PayPal". Das habe ich aber noch nie ausprobiert. 🤷‍♂️


Du kannst sonst höchstens über PayPal gehen und dann bei PayPal "erst in 30 Tagen zahlen" auswählen...

Wie verpacken sie denn?? Besser als Amazon wohl schon 😁😂

Möchte am liebsten beide bestellen aber warte noch auf die Artworks von Plaion

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Gerade eben schrieb swish:

Wie verpacken sie denn?? Besser als Amazon wohl schon 😁😂

Möchte am liebsten beide bestellen aber warte noch auf die Artworks von Plaion


Also sie gehören bei den nicht-exklusiven Sachen leider selten zu den günstigen Anbietern. Da zahlst du meistens ein paar Euro mehr. Dafür verpacken sie gut, jedenfalls kam bei mir bisher immer alles im Karton + Luftpolsterfolie.

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vor 11 Minuten schrieb swish:

Wie verpacken sie denn?? Besser als Amazon wohl schon 😁😂

Möchte am liebsten beide bestellen aber warte noch auf die Artworks von Plaion

Ja besser und nicht Shop exclusive Titel kannste bei Media Dealer bestellen, sind auch stellenweise günstiger , The Raid zb, 7€ .


mir ist vorhin aufgefallen das auf der Verpackung von Avatar, nichts von Dolby Vision zu lesen ist, Mogelpackung🤔


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4 hours ago, Cornbuster said:

Falls jemand bei Shang-Chi mit an Board is - ich habe durch Zufall (weil ich gerade im Store war) gesehen, dass die Shang-Chi-Rechnung fällig ist.

Hatte dem Info-thread im Club nicht gefolgt, weil bisher - zumindest bei mir - immer PMs kamen, daher war ich "leichtsinnig".

Diesmal kam keine. Hätte ich keine Info zur UHDClub Zahlung gesehen, wäre ich gar nicht in den Store und hätte es glatt verpennt.


Thanks Holger @Cornbuster if I didn’t see your post I would not have known about it! 😅 


2 hours ago, Basil said:


You don't mean John had a system with pms everyone was used to then he moved the goalposts AGAIN 

Wish he do 1 thing stick with it and stop changing his mind it's not helpful that's why he gets half the problems he does.

people cannot keep up with what he's doing next 👍

I have always followed the gb info threads but the pms where a great safety net, really do not understand why he stopped them????

Consistency is users friend 👍👍👍👍

And him getting paid on time 🤣🤣🤣

Also anyone noticed @Hollywood E Rock is having to put posts in the update thread on a regular basis now 

Which is a help but I noticed its lost 25 people since that one change the other week or two


The clever person would set the clubs up with automatic setting notification and email from the particular thread that no one can change!

might mean a slight recode of the board but imagine the grief of chasing people all the time, would save him lots of hours

And no excuses either if all got emails there's alot members here lucky if visit once a week

When your wanting money in a hurry the current way needs better improving


If @Cornbuster can slightly cock up a seasoned collector anyone can


Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Basil 👍


2 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

The PMs were an extra service to help the members (which was extra work for him). Sadly even with these we had to many members that need reminding and when they get that they claim that they never got anything (yeah right). It is very simple to follow the topic in the Club or to follow John directly, this way you get the info you need.


So hopefully everyone will learn to follow the important topics, it is not that hard and I think it can be expected from everyone.


 Paul @Basil, Nils @extantsrevenge, well since this was brought up I needed to go through my most recent GBs to find out if I was following (I thought I had all these marked-out to follow but some I did not… HOW DID THAT HAPPEN! 🫣🤫🤔🤣) and there were several that I had not checked-marked to follow, WHAT! 🤨


What Is It Reaction GIF by Nebraska Humane Society

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1 hour ago, Zinco97 said:

Ja besser und nicht Shop exclusive Titel kannste bei Media Dealer bestellen, sind auch stellenweise günstiger , The Raid zb, 7€ .


mir ist vorhin aufgefallen das auf der Verpackung von Avatar, nichts von Dolby Vision zu lesen ist, Mogelpackung🤔


Gute Frage, sollte ja Dolby Vision haben, so wie in den USA. Wenn es das nicht hätte, bringt einem die Veröffentlichung nichts. Ich habe gerade meine CE & das Steelbook bekommen (noch nicht die CE von 2). Merkwürdigerweise steht aud der J-Card vom Steelbook Dolby Vision, dass sollte ja eigentlich die gleiche Disc wie die vorherige 4K Veröffentlichung haben (also ohne Dolby Vision), so wie in den USA. Hat da jetzt einer beim basteln der J-Cards einer einen Fehler gemacht? Will ich jetzt definitiv wissen, bevor ich es aufmache.


Desweiteren ist leider der bescheuerte Untertitel Aufbruch nach Pandora auf der Packung 😭, dass ist doch Scheiße. Wäre die US Version nicht immer so teuer gewesen hätte ich sie jetzt lieber.


Wenn jemand das Rätsel um Dolby Vision lüften kann, bitte posten!


Avatar Dolby.JPG

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Good afternoon everybody!


Yes, it happened again.




You thought it was not possible but....






It's finally Friday!!!!!


I have just finished work at my official time, for the first time in a long, long time.


I officially declare that Friday starts here!




Well, you can enjoy and be happy now.




If you're good, in a week's time, another Friday.


Don't come back without something funny or nice to tell us!! 



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4 hours ago, Basil said:


I do

Alot barely visit site hence issues

They live on 2 other sites and gb tourists here really even the platinum ones 😁


And you know what I'm saying in this post is true 👍 


Vanessa Lachey Hawaii GIF by CBS

Im sure you are right in that fact.  That is something though we cannot change although we have tried in the past.  


People will go where they want to go for conversation , information, and gossip.


However true that may be , it cannot be our problem anymore .  We can only give simple instructions as to what and how but if they dont do it , then they dont.


It IS alot of work , just look at other  hosts who are "breaking" under the workload , especially if they have a day job as well to go after, so i dont find it too much to ask that those who do participate do everything they can to stay informed, without me or other Staff having to do 10 extra things .


Take care



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4 hours ago, Basil said:


You don't mean John had a system with pms everyone was used to then he moved the goalposts AGAIN 

Wish he do 1 thing stick with it and stop changing his mind it's not helpful that's why he gets half the problems he does.

people cannot keep up with what he's doing next 👍

I have always followed the gb info threads but the pms where a great safety net, really do not understand why he stopped them????

Consistency is users friend 👍👍👍👍

And him getting paid on time 🤣🤣🤣

Also anyone noticed @Hollywood E Rock is having to put posts in the update thread on a regular basis now 

Which is a help but I noticed its lost 25 people since that one change the other week or two


The clever person would set the clubs up with automatic setting notification and email from the particular thread that no one can change!

might mean a slight recode of the board but imagine the grief of chasing people all the time, would save him lots of hours

And no excuses either if all got emails there's alot members here lucky if visit once a week

When your wanting money in a hurry the current way needs better improving


If @Cornbuster can slightly cock up a seasoned collector anyone can


Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Basil 👍

Again i think it is your responsibility to ensure you follow the right thing for information. 


True i want the money but YOU (member) found the GB to participate in without too much problem , why not do your obligation and follow .


Its all in the Email/ Notification everyone gets when joining the GB (it is now for sure) so not really any excuses for not doing what you are instructed to do in that message. 


I will do just one thing and stick to it , its going to be without the extra work. How do you know what works or not ? You dont see nor know what i do so i think the Staff is the only one who can say what works or not.   If you relied on an extra cushion from us to get informed then so be it , but no where did i say that was part of the process.  Everytime you joined a GB it tells you what to do ...people not wanting to read nowadays is the REAL problem.  the reason i stopped sending out PMs is because why should i continue to do something over a longer timeframe when not really too many took notice ?


ITs simple really , just do as described in the email/message confirmation when you join a GB.


Surely people are that "clever" ?


Take care







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