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9/18🥤💀The Night Stalker (1972) 4CAEA49E-62EC-4FD1-A3D9-F396759725CC.gif.0133698b2821eda2e5265554afa0f2eb.gif4CAEA49E-62EC-4FD1-A3D9-F396759725CC.gif.0133698b2821eda2e5265554afa0f2eb.gif4CAEA49E-62EC-4FD1-A3D9-F396759725CC.gif.0133698b2821eda2e5265554afa0f2eb.gif4CAEA49E-62EC-4FD1-A3D9-F396759725CC.gif.0133698b2821eda2e5265554afa0f2eb.gif4CAEA49E-62EC-4FD1-A3D9-F396759725CC.gif.0133698b2821eda2e5265554afa0f2eb.gif Wisecracking reporter Carl Kolchak investigates a string of gruesome murders in Las Vegas. It seems that each victim has been bitten in the neck and drained of all their blood. Kolchak is sure that it is a vampire. He’s hot on the trail, but nobody believes him. His editor thinks he’s nuts and the police think he’s a hindrance in the investigation, so Kolchak takes matters into his own hand.


The Night Stalker


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Hollywood’s Hall of Horrifying Hell

Chapter 6




Insidious is a supernatural horror film that walks familiar grounds of other ghost stories that you’ve seen. What sets this film apart is director James Wan ability to build tension and have you the audience member anxiously engaged in what’s going to happen to the characters.


Director James Wan



Also to be noted is strong performances from the cast giving special spotlight on Rose Byrne, & Patrick Wilson. They’re a likable couple & the kids played by Ty Simpkins & Andrew Astor are also pleasant. The situation is emotionally and physically exhausting & both leads do a well job conveying there point of view.



The biggest takeaway & the most pleasant thing about the film is it really does deliver on the frights. It can be formulaic at times, Insidious at it’s core is just a haunted house story but I always have the chills after every viewing.








Letter Rating - B

Number Rating - 8.6


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Hollywood’s Hall of Horrifying Hell

Chapter 7




I had no idea this movie existed until my girlfriend told me about it earlier this year. She explain that it was one of the few horrors that she liked as a kid. So I went on a hunt & found not only this one but two other sequels on blu Ray! Come to find out this isn’t the movie at all! She was talking about another film which turns out isn’t even a horror!




Not sure how she got them mixed up or I misunderstood her, either way I’m glad it happened because Sleepaway Camp is a damn Classic!




It’s a B movie slasher so set your expectations accordingly, it’s campy, there’s good acting, bad acting, hilarious dialogue, it’s suspenseful, the kills in the movie feel like some thought was put behind them, it’s predictable & shockingly unpredictable!





The movie has some ingredients of social commentary which elevates it past most other films in this genre. Sleepaway Camp turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Given the premise this movie could have easily been just another run of the mil slasher, but Director Robert Hiltzik actually provides a disturbing mystery that is interesting because the real horror comes from it’s perverted exploration of adolescence.



Letter Rating - A

Number Rating - 9.5


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Hollywood’s Hall of Horrifying Hell

Chapter 8 & 9







I lumped both Sleepaway Camp 2 & 3 together because they’re not worth separate reviews. The ball was dropped with both sequels. 






Sleepaway Camp is no masterpiece of cinema. Like I said it is a B movie slasher, but the director who was also co-writer didn’t insult the audience. The characters felt like real people even in their over the top portrayals. These two sequels have almost nothing to offer the viewer!


Unhappy Campers Cast



The first movie had mystery you didn’t know who the killer was, but these movies throw that all away & give you the killer before the opening credits. Which would be fine if the killer was interesting, but there is nothing to this character. The character murders only because the writer says so. The surrounding characters are even worse! They don’t behave like normal people, hell they don’t behave like normal people in a C movie. There is no sense of urgency or concern. The characters continue to go missing & every other character continues on as if nothing is happening!


Teenage Wasteland Cast



Sleepaway Camp 2 & 3 offer no mystery, tension, or suspense. The dialogue is terrible, acting is bad, the deaths sequences feel like they where created in the moment & nothing in either plot is leading to anything. It feels like the creative team lost a bet for something & the losers of said bet had to make a sequel to Sleepaway Camp. Sleepaway Camp 2 did well because the 1st movie was good & so the team was forced to make another sequel. It’s the joke that keeps giving.




It’s really a shame because these sequels could have offered more considering the first Sleepaway Camp started a foundation that just wasn’t about death & nudity. Real commentary could be had after viewing Sleepaway Camp. The only thing I got from these viewings is a series of exercise sessions of my patience! 


Number Rating - 4 out of 10

Letter Rating - F


PS there is one positive I got from Sleepaway Camp 2! I really like this song that was playing during the title menu & end credits!



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9/19  🥤💀 Vampire Circus (1972) 7352F1A2-BD85-4068-8090-3899D9425780.gif.e102cd6b8d0d224eabe0e03506c5f427.gif7352F1A2-BD85-4068-8090-3899D9425780.gif.e102cd6b8d0d224eabe0e03506c5f427.gif7352F1A2-BD85-4068-8090-3899D9425780.gif.e102cd6b8d0d224eabe0e03506c5f427.gif7352F1A2-BD85-4068-8090-3899D9425780.gif.e102cd6b8d0d224eabe0e03506c5f427.gif 


After a spate of murders, the villagers of Schtettel kill the depraved perpetrator, Count Mitterhouse. Fifteen years later the Circus of Nights appeared in the plague-ridden village and its performers include Mitterhouse’s mistress, children and cousins. They have come to Schtettel to fulfil the Count’s last words, an evil, vicious curse of death and destruction on those who participated in his impaling. The children of Schtettel become the targets for a brutal and devastating revenge as the Vampire Circus rehearses for its most deadly performance.

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The corrupt Lord Ambrose D’Arcy steals the life’s work of the poor musical Professor Petry. In an attempt to stop the printing of music with D’Arcy’s name on it, Petry breaks into the printing office and accidentally starts a fire, leaving him severely disfigured. Years later, Petry returns to terrorize a London opera house that is about to perform one of his stolen operas.

*The Evil of Frankenstein (1964) dead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gif HE’S NEVER BEEN MORE SHOCKING! SHOCKING! SHOCKING!
Once hounded from his castle by outraged villagers for creating a monstrous living being, Baron Frankenstein returns to Karlstaad. High in the mountains they stumble on the body of the creature, perfectly preserved in the ice. He is brought back to life with the help of the hypnotist Zoltan who now controls the creature. Can Frankenstein break Zoltan’s hypnotic spell that incites the monster to commit these horrific murders or will Zoltan induce the creature to destroy its creator?

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57C634B5-E4BC-419B-892C-550EB2F7BE55.jpeg.5a7a7ca110d3cd8c3604234e0104f82e.jpeg 7BFCCC92-AB42-41B0-8933-4CED729DF4EB.jpeg.05349336ed1f787a2ec41749b0a53dbb.jpeg


Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971) dead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gif In foggy London Dr Jekyll experiments on newly deceased women determined to discover an elixir for immortal life. Success enables his spectacular transformation into the beautiful but psychotic Sister Hyde who stalks the dark alleys of Whitechapel for young, innocent, female victims, ensuring continuation of the bloodstained research. With each transformation Sister Hyde becomes the more dominant personality, determined to eventually suppress the frail, ineffectual Dr Jekyll forever.

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F57BB2DC-98F7-4AA7-848C-67C0A12CC7F2.jpeg.cfdb079269f7cffea75696617a4d8a68.jpeg 0AD53E30-4325-4AFA-A6C4-57FBCC98E134.jpeg.0cdb7a05fff7745f93e5abcfea870a78.jpeg


Blood From The Mummy’s Tomb   (1971)  06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif A SEVERED HAND BECKONS FROM AN OPEN GRAVE!
Two Egyptologists, Professor Fuchs and Corbeck, are instrumental in unleashing unmitigated horror by bringing back to England the mummified body of Tara, the Egyptian Queen of Darkness. Fuchs’s daughter becomes involved in a series of macabre and terrifying incidents, powerless against the forces of darkness, directed by Corbeck, that are taking possession of her body and soul to fulfill the ancient prophesy that Queen Tara will be resurrected to continue her reign of unspeakable evil.





*The Invisible Ray (1936) 06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif  DELVING INTO NEW, STRANGE FIELDS OF MYSTERY!
Dr. Janos Rukh discovers a certain type of radium that has almost magical healing properties. But the element has a dangerous side, too, and it has already started affecting Rukh. Consumed by paranoia, he begins to suspect that his wife is having an affair. Wild for revenge, Rukh hatches a deadly plot…using his own poisoned body as a weapon to kill.

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9/23 🍵 💀




*Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966) 06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif LADIES’ MAN – AND LADY KILLER!
Rasputin, a crazed and debauched monk wreaks havoc at the local inn one night, chopping off the hand of one of the drinkers. As the bitter locals plan their revenge, the evil Rasputin works his satanic power over the beautiful women who serve at the Tsar’s palace. Even the Tsarina herself is seduced by his evil ways and, as his influence begins to dominate government policy, there is only one course of action left… to destroy him before he destroys them all.

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9/24 🍵 💀



The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) 06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif  A FASCINATING ADVENTURE INTO THE UNKNOWN!
While on a boating trip, Scott Carey is exposed to a radioactive cloud. Nothing seems amiss at first, but several months later Scott realizes that he’s shrunk in height by several inches. He sees a doctor, who admits that he’s baffled. As Scott continues to shrink, decreasing to three feet tall, he becomes bitter, and lashes out at his wife, Louise. He begins to fear a cure will never be found – since even as he becomes a national sensation, he’s still shrinking.

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9/25 🍵 💀




*Hands of the Ripper (1971) 06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif5D1F2CF4-F8E7-47E0-8207-6B503316F997.png.090b59a3d89bad07d0a8447fae57b3f5.png  THE HANDS OF JACK THE RIPPER LIVE AGAIN…
A series of murders occur that mirror those committed by the Whitechapel Ripper. Through his experiments with psychoanalysis Dr Pritchard discovers a deadly violence in one of his young female patients. As he delves into the recesses of her mind he uncovers that Anna is possessed by her dead father’s spirit, willing her to commit acts of gruesome savagery over which she has no control. But the most chilling revelation of all is the identity of her father: Jack the Ripper himself.


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9/27 🍵💀




Twins Of Evil (1971) 06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif06643FD8-9C87-4B72-A68E-FE86A1CFA68C.gif.125b04e111868e496f0257f4a2e36ed8.gif WHICH IS THE VIRGIN? WHICH IS THE VAMPIRE?
While dabbling in Satanism, Count Karstein resurrects Mircalla Karnstein who initiates him into vampirism. As a rash of deaths afflicts the village, Gustav the head of Puritan group leads his men to seek out and destroy the pestilence. One of his twin nieces has become inflicted with the witchcraft but Gustav’s zeal and venom has trapped the innocent Maria, threatening her with a tortuous execution, whilst Frieda remains free to continue her orgy of evil.

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9/28 🍵💀




The Vampire Lovers (1970)  d0Dbj.gifd0Dbj.gifd0Dbj.gifor1dP.png  AN EROTIC NIGHTMARE OF TORMENTED LUSTS THAT THROB IN HEADLESS, UNDEAD BODIES!
In the heart of Styria the Karnstein Family, even after their mortal deaths, rise from their tombs spreading evil in the countryside in their lust for fresh blood. Baron Hartog whose family are all victims of Karnstein vampirism, opens their graves and drives a stake through their diabolical hearts. One grave he cannot locate is that of the legendary beautiful Mircalla Karnstein. Years of peace follow that grisly night until Mircalla reappears to avenge her family’s decimation and satisfy her desire for blood.

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 9/29 🍵💀




*Invasion of the Body Snatchers  (1978) dead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gif FROM DEEP SPACE… THE SEED IS PLANTED… TERROR GROWS
The first remake of the paranoid infiltration classic moves the setting for the invasion, from a small town to the city of San Francisco and starts as Matthew Bennell notices that several of his friends are complaining that their close relatives are in some way different. When questioned later they themselves seem changed, as they deny everything or make lame excuses. As the invaders increase in number they become more open and Bennell, who has by now witnessed an attempted “replacement”, realises that he and his friends must escape or suffer the same fate. But who can he trust to help him and who has already been snatched?

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9/30 🍵💀




*Black Friday (1940) dead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gif A REIGN OF HORROR… A MAN-MADE MONSTER ON THE LOOSE!
When his friend Professor Kingsely (Ridges) is at deaths door, brain surgeon Dr. Sovac (Karloff) saves his life by means of an illegal operation that transplants part of injured gangster Red Cannon’s brain. Unfortunately, the operation has a disasterous Jeckll and Hyde side effect and under certain conditions the persona of Cannon emerges. Sovac soon learns of the duel personality and of half a million dollars the gangster has hidden away. He attempts to find the money through the manipulation of his friend, an attempt that brings Kingsley closer to madness as he alternates between a meek professor of english and a brutal gangster out for murderous revenge on those who tried to kill him.

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10/1 🍵💀 


The Mummy (1932) dead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gif IT COMES TO LIFE!
An ancient Egyptian priest named Imhotep is revived when an archaeological expedition finds his mummy and one of the archaeologists accidentally reads an ancient life-giving spell. Imhotep escapes from the field site and searches for the reincarnation of the soul of his lover.

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Hollywood’s Hall of Horrifying Hell

Chapter 10




I hadn’t seen The Exorcist before, but because of it’s influence on the genre of horror I was very familiar with the story. I’ve seen countless clips & parody pieces from the movie to the point where it sometimes felt as if I had seen the movie.








It has a reputation for being one of the scariest movies of all time, & I needed to know for myself whether if it truly lives up to hype.



The Exorcist was a mixed bag for me, by the time the movie ended I was like 






The movie feels dull in a lot of scenes, & there was a lot left unsaid about the title characters. There is some mystery around them & it seems like the movie didn’t care to dig deeper into who they are & their purpose.






I’m watching patiently




And Then All Hell Breaks Loose






Then the movie is over! 




The movie’s conclusion happens so fast I wasn’t completely convinced that the situation had been resolved. The ending really feels rushed. The Good: All the actors did a wonderful job in their respective roles. I bought into everything that was going on & that is much to do w/their performances. The special effects in the film are top notch & they still hold up very well. I’ll easily take the techniques used in this film over the lazy jump scares & cgi approach of today. I do understand why this movie is so highly regarded, for its time it is in a lot of ways remarkable filmmaking in horror. The  images of a child deteriorating & a parent helpless to help is pretty disturbing. Also the reasons the film gives for why the child becomes a victim is horrifying all on it’s own. The movie is good but it has flaws that I think are overlooked because viewers are so shocked by the horrors of the situation. For me this movie is like a roller coaster at Six Flags, I stand in line, & I stand in line, & I stand in line then I finally get to my turn & the ride is over before I know it! Was the ride enjoyable? Yes! I’m I left wanting more? Yes! I guess I’m just going to have to stand in line again so to speak w/this movie.


Number Rating ?

Letter Rating ?


Edited by Hollywood E Rock
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Hollywood’s Hall of Horrifying Hell

Chapter 11




When you’ve been on a Horrifying Hell of a roll & need something more lighthearted than look no further than Monster House! This is the perfect piece to place in your marathon when you need to take your mind off the images of other movies that truly terrified you. 


My sister & I caught this movie a year after it’s release during Halloween of that year. The movie reminds me of the days of my adolescence when the most important thing on my mind was kissing girls & saving the neighborhood from the evils of the underworld lol. We have our heroes 




DJ, the fearless, fearful, reluctant leader of the team. DJ is the kinda character that was easy to root for, he is brave & he believes in helping others even at his own expense. He also try’s not to make dumb decisions which adds to his  likability.




What is a leader without his trusted partner? Chowder is the robin to DJ’s Batman. He isn’t as brave, or as smart, but he is loyal & despite being annoying at times to watch you do find yourself rooting for him also because he does have some charm.




Then there is who I consider the MVP of the team Jenny! This young lady has direction & goals in life, & the drive to get them accomplished. She is a by the books no nonsense kinda person that has the ability to be quick on her feet in crazy situations.




Together they make for a enjoyable team to watch. There back & forth is hilarious at times & just what you expect from children their age. They feel very Harry Potter like, so if you’re a fan of that series then you will also be pleased here.




Can’t speak about the heroes without giving a mention to the antagonist of the story Nebbercracker Voiced by Steve Buscemi! Nebbercracker is old, angry, & creepy as hell. He seems at first glance like your typical grumpy old man but there is a couple layers to this character that make him a memorable player in this movie.


The film isn’t completely fresh it does travel over some familiar ground in certain areas but there is definitely enough wild surprises & enjoyable characters to keep you entertained. This movie is fun & unforgettable which is why it makes my horror list every year ever since my sister & I first saw it. Monster House is a visually appealing, original monster mystery that will thrill children, & delight adults all the way through to a big Hollywood style conclusion! 



Letter Rating - B

Number Rating - 8.5


Edited by Hollywood E Rock
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Hollywood’s Hall of Horrifying Hell

Chapter 12




I’ve been a fan of vampires since before my adolescence. The lore, & the way they carry themselves has always had them a favorite of mine among all the cinematic creatures. Vampires have horrified me as well as pleased me, I’ve done battle w/them & I’ve been them (in my imagination of course) & all these years has brought me here. To Dracula! The original! It has taken me years to sit down with this movie & the reasons why isn’t important. What is important is whether or not the reputation of this classic can hold up to eyes that have been molded by years of horror that have learned from & forgotten how this movie became a classic in the first place.




As soon as Dracula first appears on screen it’s automatically clear to me this is a person (or creature) you don’t want to run into down any alley dark or light. Bela Lugosi (actor who plays the title character) is theatrical & somehow subtle in his opening scene. I interpret his behavior as cold, calculating, & powerful. With the help of cinematographer Karl Freund you are immediately drawn into the character of Dracula. 




Just from the opening scenes I’m hooked, & the reputation of this movie makes total sense. In the scenes to follow we are introduced to Renfield (played by Dwight Frye) a realtor who is on a mission to sell The Count some property in London 


Béla Lugosi                                                                                          Dwight Frye


Renfield is a gentleman, reliable, & non-judgmental a very likable character & once you find out he is on a mission to see the Count you hope he makes it out of the situation alive. The scenes with these two are some of my favorite in the whole movie The Counts Castle is shown as this horrifying collapsing death trap. The Castle is an extension of Dracula himself dead, but strong, interesting but creepy. 




Dracula then travels to London & this is where the movie drags just a little & I believe it could be from the fact some of these scenes are lifted from the stage play & they don’t completely translate. With that said the director Tod Browning does still keep everything together with haunting quietness & unsettling scenes of Dracula causing terror. From my understanding Browning at the time was most famous for silent pictures & this movie shows as there is eerie silence all throughout the film. So much silence that it’s uncomfortable at times which I’m sure added to the audiences horror back at the films release.




The movie picks back up when Professor Van Helsing (played by Edward Von Sloan) shows up. Lugosi vs Sloan light scenes up as they go back & forth. The two of them are really enjoyable to watch & I wish there was more of them together in this movie.  As the movie reaches its end I was saddened by how short it is. I would have loved to see Dracula cause even more havoc, more Van Helsing & that is the wonder of this movie. By its end you are satisfied but at the same time wanting more. Is Dracula deserving of its classic status in the horror genre? I would answer yes it’s very much deserving! Captained by Tod Browning with his silent picture style of direction, expressionism cinematography from Karl  Freund & Béla Lugosi’s performance with his stylized behavior, strange charm, & intentional theatrics makes Dracula easily one for the horror record books!


Letter Rating - A

Number Rating- 9.5


Edited by Hollywood E Rock
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10/4 🍵 💀




Plague of the Zombies (1966) dead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gifdead2.gif ONLY THE LORD OF THE DEAD COULD UNLEASH THEM!
Sir James Forbes arrives in a remote Cornish village to identify a mysterious plague afflicting the population. Local squire Charles, a disciple of Haitian witchcraft, is using the voodoo magic to resurrect the dead to work in his decrepit and unsafe tin mines that are shunned by the local population. But his magic relies on human sacrifice and he unleashes his army of the undead on the unsuspecting village with horrific consequences.

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Hollywood’s Hall of Horrifying Hell

Chapter 13




Now w/Dracula under my viewing belt it seems only fitting to continue down the Horrifying history of The Universal Classic Monsters with Frankenstein! Frankenstein following the major success of Dracula is the one two punch that jump started the whole American horror genre. Given that this movie is a huge part of the foundation for one of my favorite genres & Dracula was very entertaining, I was very excited to view it finally.




The movie kicks off w/a warning to the viewer & the first thing I noticed is the warning is coming from Professor Van Helsing (Edward Van Sloan)!!! This gets me 




As I just assume he is taking on the Monster as Van Helsing! I realized later into the film Sloan is actually playing another character by the name of Dr. Waldman. Dwight Frye is also apart of this film playing Henry Frankenstein’s assistant Fritz. It’s nice seeing actors I’m familiar with from Dracula. Especially since they played two characters I really enjoyed in Dracula. As I’m watching the movie it doesn’t take long for me to learn that Henry Frankenstein is literally mad with ambition. The guy is really willing to risk everything important to him to accomplish his desire of bringing a body (he made from other dead people) to life. Colin Clive is the actor playing Frankenstein & he is truly brilliant as the character. His character goes through a roller coaster of emotions & I felt it all through his performance. It’s a shame really that he isn’t mentioned as much when people speak of this film. 




Production design really stands out in this movie speaking especially of the abandoned watch tower turned crazy science laboratory; It feels spooky, & dangerous even for Frankenstein himself. He built the place but it feels like if something goes wrong he can easily be a victim of his on doing. Once the moment of truth begins it’s truly literally electrifying. The scene actually doesn’t last all that long to my surprise but it’s still exciting & dramatic!




When Boris Karloff is revealed as the monster it’s chilling, the makeup effects used to bring the monster to life still hold up (a big credit goes to makeup artist Jack Pierce). Karloff portrayal of the monster conveys creepiness & innocence. Despite his appearance The Monster isn’t really a monster at all more like a hulking baby going through life for the first time. Much isn’t understood because nothing has been taught to the creature. 




As I’m watching this story unfold I realize that it’s not completely about what I thought. See growing up hearing about this movie I always assumed it was a cautionary tale about why man shouldn’t try & play God. Which in a lot of ways it can be interpreted that way, but I also saw a story about betrayal & abandonment. Frankenstein made his creation & failed to protect it, then abandoned the creation after said failure. All the mayhem was due to how Frankenstein handle the situation. Had he acted as a parent & the creature his child things could have definitely went smoother then what they did.




My other observation is this film shows the ugly horrors of judgement without understanding. In a lot of ways it isn’t Karloff’s character that is The Monster but all the characters surrounding him. They are just as flawed if not more then a creation not made by natural means. Lastly I noticed a warning of the disasters that can come from innocence not being probably protected. James Whale directed one hell of a picture with strong themes, imaginative imagery, & memorable performances. Most of the DNA for Horror films today (Our ideas of what horror is suppose to be) can be traced back to Frankenstein & it is no wonder!


Number Rating - 9.5

Letter Rating - A


Edited by Hollywood E Rock
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