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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. Been raining since last night but it looks like the really impressive storms are going to land on us in the next couple of hours. Wish us luck! Speaking of luck: my sister works at a Walmart in a small town in Kentucky, so I asked her to keep her eyes peeled for those Mondo titles. I can’t stress to you enough that this Walmart sucks (sorry sis!), when I’ve been there in the past they had a handful of DVDs and that was it for movies. She just texted me with “are these the ones you’re looking for?” More props to my sister: she gave me a heads up on the imminent arrival of 5 PS5s that first Christmas when they were really hard to find. Took a day off work, stood in line all day (they planned to put them on the floor at 3pm for whatever reason, and word leaked out) and eventually Santa was really good to Heywood Jr that year. I was the 3rd person in a line of at least 50 people, who obviously didn’t have an inside source as reliable as mine.
  2. I hope you’re right. I’m in the anyone-but-UConn camp, hoping to see someone new get a title.
  3. Out and about this morning running errands. Gorgeous day, dogwoods in bloom, feels like winter may actually be over. Not to mention all the women in their lovely Easter dresses. Enjoy your day, everyone.
  4. Yeah, it looks plain in photos, but that red is gorgeous seen in person. Very nice.
  5. Ok, so I binged and am totally caught up on . . . Not quite as good as the first season, but very few things are. Still really enjoyable and close enough to the first season’s quality that the final episode, next week, could potentially create a tie. Followed by: Not as well executed as Infinity Pool, Cronenberg’s next one, but worth seeing. Warning: quite bloody/gory. This one’s a rewatch but I’m realizing I’d only ever seen it on a much smaller screen: 4K just looks amazing and seeing it on a bigger screen, there are just so many amazing shots. I guess I’ve always underestimated this one visually among Coen films. Great stuff; great tribute to M. Emmet Walsh who had the best performance in the movie. One more old one: Brando really was something before he got lazy and/or pretentious. Hadn’t seen this one since I was a kid. The location and a great lineup of character actors really do a lot of great work here.
  6. In honor of Lou Gossett, a line worthy of Clint Eastwood: Enjoy your Saturday night, everyone:
  7. So this is one of our coffee table books (actually on an ottoman): Probably saying things most people here already know, but Tippett is responsible for some of the most famous effects work of the last 40 years. Empire Strikes Back, Jurassic Park, etc. Anyway, he made a film and I keep waiting for it to show up on my streaming services, never does, but the bullet and bought the disc: And just arriving from beautiful Italia because they aren’t selling it in the states yet: Saw this at the theater closest to my house, which I don’t go to often because they don’t seem to know how to project a movie properly. Standard performance when I saw this one; though I still enjoyed the movie I think this may end up looking better at home in 4K than it did in the theater.
  8. I’m with you, I have to imagine this becoming a kind of classic over time. Howerton is so watchable, great performance.
  9. No work today, *and* no kid. Hope to catch a couple of movies, now the lawn, catch a couple more movies.
  10. Maaaaaan, this sucks. This is the one, so far, that I was looking forward to more than any other this year. I’d love to know the real source of the delay, and how they thought they were a month away from release and decided they were a year away. Thanks for the update though, I really appreciate it.
  11. I can’t find anything anywhere else about a cancellation, I think Amazon UK is just bad about overselling pre-order items. I hope that’s all this is, and that we still get the movie in early May.
  12. Thanks! I didn’t know until last year that she actually wrote this song explicitly for this film’s opening credits. Great stuff.
  13. Wtf? Glad I hedged my bets and ordered another one from someone else. Amazon UK also wasn’t able to fill my Oppenheimer order, I never want to be totally reliant on them. Making commitments they can’t fulfill.
  14. There’s been a literal million dollar screwup where I work and everyone is scrambling around trying to gather the evidence to demonstrate that it isn’t their fault (I’m not in the running on this one, just a spectator who wishes no one ill). They’re probably all sending out resumes too, just in case, at least if they’re smart.
  15. “Are you alone, Mr. Gittes?” ”Isn’t everyone?” Looked great on the big screen. Just an almost perfect movie and it’s hard to nail down why, exactly, it’s almost like a magic trick. Yeah, every performance being perfect is part of it, but it’s deeper than that. The first time Faye Dunaway’s face fills the screen you think “oh yeah, that’s what a freaking movie star looks like.”
  16. The making-of documentary is actually worthwhile. It’s called I Thought You’d Be Bigger, used to be available on YouTube. The amount of effort that went into the big fight with Jimmy, and the amount of real pain involved (though I know it don’t hurt) was nuts. Vinegar Syndrome has an excellent Road House set, btw.
  17. Probably not going to have time to watch anything tonight, feel like I’m letting down the team, but: tomorrow night I get to see Chinatown in the theater! If anyone else is interested, all the Regal theaters near me are showing it tomorrow night for $5. Looks like for at least the next few months, Regal theaters are showing older movies every Wednesday night for $5. Next week they’re showing The Matrix, looks like after that they’re showing Nolan movies for 6 weeks or so (Interstellar, Dunkirk, Insomnia, I forget the others). Might just be my local here, but on May 22nd, there’s an IMAX showing of Uncut Gems and a 65th anniversary showing of North by Northwest, which is where I’ll be. Never seen it in a theater, one of my favorites. Surely we’ll get the 4K disc this year, right?
  18. Literally. Windy and rainy all day, now it’s sunny and 60, baby.
  19. There’s obviously some racing in it, but I don’t think of it as a racing movie. A Michael Mann movie about a driven guy who’s under a lot of pressure is a better description, I think. I actually think that someone looking for a racing movie would be disappointed.
  20. Ordered last night and Amazon Italy tells me I’m getting it by Thursday. Awesome!
  21. Really glad it looks like this is a market that Walmart is actively courting, like Best Buy used to.
  22. Both the Walmarts near me started stocking them, though it looked like one was picked clean almost immediately. Going to run to Walmart as soon as I get off on Tuesday and hope for the best I guess.

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