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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. All the 4K steels I got there last night were $29.99; this is awful, but I can’t remember if the blu steel I got (Cronenberg’s Shivers) was a bit cheaper or not. Good deals, stuff I haven’t seen available in a while (stuff I mostly already had). The first Walmart I went to had been so picked over that there were barely any left, the 2nd appeared to have restocked recently. I hope they’re selling enough of them to encourage them to keep going.
  2. My local Walmarts have steelbooks! None of the fabled $5 steelbooks but still a very positive step. Thought I’d encourage them, was surprised to see these first two. Cool choice for Walmart I think: This is the only one that isn’t 4K, but what a cool find: Then two more for good measure:
  3. I’m pretty good, thanks for asking! Only a little swelling left. I can now blow my nose without pain for the first time since Saturday or Sunday and should be able to shave this mustache tomorrow (my upper lip has been too painful to touch). You feeling ok as the numbness wears off? Clearly we have to figure out what shipment we all have in common that caused this outbreak. Feels like psycho bunny may have a hand in this.
  4. This is on my list, along with season 2 of Tokyo Vice, of “waiting until all the episodes are out so I can binge if necessary”. Of course, I had the latest season of Fargo on the same list and I still haven’t gotten to it.
  5. Stolen from Reddit. My Walmarts suck, but it may be time to check in again.
  6. Thanks! I got out a couple of ice packs, the kind I normally put in my son’s lunchbox, took them to work and have held them on my upper lip. Swelling is way down!
  7. It’s the Cameron discs!! Or . . . you don’t suppose it has anything to do with these Silver Shamrock masks?
  8. Ugh! What did they end up doing to you? I had at least 4 shots in the mouth yesterday. Things seem to be getting better. Still have a little swelling from the infection in my gums. I’m sitting here at work with one of the ice packs that I usually send in my son’s lunchbox, pressed against my upper lip to get the swelling down.
  9. For my part, I think it’s hard to get at anything real and meaningful when even the art films split everyone up into Good Guys and Bad Guys. It’s not possible to see tragedy in HAL, for instance, if he has to be 100% Good or 100% Bad.
  10. Warner Archives sale: https://www.moviezyng.com/sale-items
  11. Thanks. Mission to Mars is one of those things I look for on streaming from time to time, I mean, it’s De Palma in space. That’s intriguing. I don’t think I even knew that Morricone scored it until today. Not for nothing, I’m aware of people’s issues with it, but I think the Aliens transfer looks great so far. Granted I haven’t even made it to the point of seeing aliens yet.
  12. Decent. We’re going to get into TMI territory. I knew I had a cavity in one tooth, they found a small crack in another. An infection had set up in my gums and was actually coming from the one with the small crack. So they did root canals on both. But the thing that hurts: where my gums were swollen from the infection, they opened them up and pushed out all the pus. Previous root canals, I felt better after, but this time my gums are really sore from where they pressed all that stuff out. It’s starting to settle down a bit, they said it will probably be a bit rough tonight. So I’m about to camp out on the couch with an ice pack and some saltwater rinse, put in this Aliens 4K.
  13. That’s awesome, even if it makes me feel old. I missed seeing this in the theater because I was a workaholic in my mid 20s, still haven’t seen it. Looks like they’ve got a great lineup. I’ve never seen any of the Dollars trilogy on the big screen, same with Once Upon A Time In America. They’ve got a couple that I’ve never seen at all, The Mercenary and Machine Gun McCain. That last one sounds like a Rick Dalton movie
  14. I know this isn’t a movie *or* a trailer, but the link has 2 trailers for House of the Dragon, one for Team Black and one for Team Green. As well as a release date: 6/16. https://www.gamesradar.com/house-of-the-dragon-season-2-trailer-matt-smith-hbo-sky/?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_content=total-film&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com
  15. Thanks guys. One hour to go! If I’d known it was going to take so long for antibiotics to kick in, I won’t lie, I would’ve asked for pain medication. On the bright side, at least I’ll get out of work for a few hours. Also on the bright side: it’s only 46 degrees here at the moment but it’s sunny, beautiful and getting up to 62 later!
  16. Root canal this afternoon; can’t wait! People talk about the pain of a root canal, but every time I’ve had one the pain afterwards is better than what I was experiencing before. My upper lip is so swollen and sore that I can’t stand to touch it, not even to shave it. Looks like I’m growing a mustache until tomorrow, at least.
  17. Great little stylish, beautiful movie.
  18. Man that sucks, I’m sorry. She’s beautiful. I never thought about that kind of state law at all, it seems so archaic. There have been times when my cats and dogs (we’re down to just a cat these days) have gotten better health care than me. Who thinks of them as property? Love her up and spoil her rotten, glad she’s not suffering.
  19. Awesome. Morris Day is going to be very pleased with how good he looks in 4K.
  20. Based on Gale Ann Hurd’s recent comments I suspect we’ll see this released in other countries soon as well.
  21. How’s the pup doing? Hope things are looking up. I went in for tooth pain yesterday, turns out I have a crack in my tooth and got an infection. So painful I couldn’t sleep last night, but I think the antibiotics they gave me yesterday are starting to help (though everyone at work says I still look like a chipmunk from the swelling), and I foresee sleep in my near future. Between now and then, I’m making a choice between 2 movies: Hellraiser 2 and Used Cars. I know, random. Anyway, good seeing you guys, hope everyone has a decent Tuesday.
  22. This looks really intriguing. I’ve already got Funhouse on my watchlist. I read Tarantino’s book, Cinema Speculation, and it’s one of the movies from that era that he’s very fond of. I’d never even heard of this one, but Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing on the Trans-Siberian Express sounds like a great foundation for a movie.
  23. Agreed with every word of this, though the pool didn’t bother me so much. It’s a very good transfer; looks like it was filmed (and still looks *filmed*) yesterday.

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