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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Chalking it up to a rumor for now. If Fast X comes out in May, and it's only just now being announced that Gal is returning, I'm thinking it must be a cameo to pave the way for F11's grand finale. Great news, if true!
  2. No, you're not. I haven't gotten anything at all yet about my Human Motherbox order. Keep in mind, these are pretty big and heavy, and Manta Lab can only ship out so many per day. It's going to be a wait, so patience is required.
  3. I had seen an unboxing video on these editions are few days ago and was shocked at just how oversized these are. I'm still tempted to grab a few though, especially Goodfellas since I missed out on that disc before it went OOP here in the States. I'm going to have to wait until my holiday spending dies down a bit, though... If there are any copies left at the end of the month, I'll try and grab Goodfellas, but then I'll probably have to get YET ANOTHER copy of Blade Runner since that's Vault 001 and Goodfellas is Vault 002. It'll help calm down my OCD a bit...🤣🤣🤣
  4. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Fingers crossed it’s true! And if so, well, it’s about damn time!
  5. Meant to include this link from EW in my earlier post but got too busy geeking out… 🤣 Link
  6. It was filmed and Amazon passed. Sounds like it would have been basically a prequel series, like the Marvel comics from a few years back (which were great, btw, and plotted by King’s research assistant, Robin Furth, who authored two volumes of The Dark Tower concordance). Mazzara talked about his pilot on an episode of The Kingcast podcast a few years back, too. Well worth a listen! I think Flanagan is going to go the more straightforward route and adapt the 7 books, which I’m all for. Man, I am so freaking excited for this! I’m also trying not to get my hopes up too, too high in case this project falls through and all the worst-case scenario stuff happens. 😂😅
  7. I just hope this one makes it farther than Amazon’s previous effort… (I’d still really like to see Glen Mazzara’s pilot they filmed and shelved.)
  8. Honestly think I might faint! Oh my god, this is amazing. I've been dreaming about a Flanagan-led Dark Tower series for years now!
  9. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    hmmm… sounds like I’ll be putting the bulk of this current iteration of the DCU out in a future garage sale… 🤣🤣🤣
  10. This looks phenomenal, IMHO!
  11. Man, I am out of it today. Saw the Dec. 6 date and thought, "wow, that's so far away!" And it's today... 😬🤣🤣🤣 I guess this means my copy of Pulp Fiction should be here soon then!
  12. Great challenge, @Catgirl! Week 13 Challenge — TV shows 😁 Naturally this challenge comes up literally just a few days after I’ve boxed up a ton of TV content and stuck ‘em in storage to clear up some shelf space for movies… 🤣 Of course, I kept a few select series on-hand, such as… The X-Files, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, my small collection of new Star Trek shows, and Battlestar Galactica! For series that need a physical release, we definitely need Deep Space 9 remastered Blu-ray. I know TNG is out there and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Santa to bring it to me in a few weeks. It’d be nice to Voyager get similar treatment, too. As far as any others… I think I have the ones I’d have wanted already or are in my cart already, like Better Call Saul. I haven’t really watched many TV shows and don’t have a list of any I’d like to see again that aren’t already out there. I certainly wouldn’t mind it if Netflix gets its act together and delivers on a Stranger Things Complete Series boxset once that show wraps. So, I guess that’s my three — DS9, VOY, and the complete Stranger Things!
  13. I honestly wouldn’t have thought to look in that forum for a site sale announcement. To me, a discount code is something you’d enter at checkout, whereas this board indicates 4K Deals. Oh well, live and learn! 🍻
  14. Kino Lorber's Winter Wonderland 2022 Sale is on now until Monday, Dec. 19th. Some good deals on their small selection of 4K titles for $14.99 (lots of Blu-rays for $4.99+). I just picked up their recent 4K releases of The Usual Suspects, Dressed to Kill, and Eastern Promises. https://kinolorber.com/collection/winter-wonderland-2022?list_type=grid&sort_type=4k-low-high
  15. Some damn good trailers there, @ShadowWarrior! @Gary Kthe new Indy does look good and it's great to see Harrison suit up again. But yeah, that subtitle does not impress me... I can almost see the marketing crossover with Dial Soap already! 🤣

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